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Bài tập tiếng anh Câu bị động và Câu tường thuật Dùng cho học sinh lớp 6, 7 Có công thức hướng dẫn làm bài, và lời giải chi tiết. Trang in được tiết kiệm tối đa để in đỡ tốn giấy, Khi in phát cho học sinh làm có thể cắt bỏ tờ đáp án ra dễ dàng

PASSIVE VOICE – BỊ ĐỘNG EXERCISE 1: CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG 1.My father waters this flower every morning 14.The students have discussed the pollution problems since last 2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night week 3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen 15.Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the 4.We should clean our teeth twice a day national museum? 5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar 16.Some people will interview the new president on TV 6.Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city 17.How many languages they speak in Canada? 7.Tom will visit his parents next month 18.Are you going to repair those shoes? 8.The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning 19.He has broken his nose in a football match 9.Did Mary this beautiful dress? 20.Have you finished the above sentences? 10.I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room 21 When will you the work? 11.The German didn’tbuild this factory during the Second World 22 How are you going to deal with this problem? War 23 How you spend this amount of money? 12.The Greens are going to paint this houseand these cars for 24 I wonder whether the board of directors will choose Susan or Christmas Day Jane for the position 13.Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema 25 How did the police find the lost man? Chia dạng thể bị động 26 A bottle was (throw) outsides last night by him 27 This fan has already (fix) by my father 28 Now, a test (do) by him to prepare for his exam 29 Finally, the key (find) 30 They were very worried that the work would not (finish) EXERCISE 2:CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG 1.The waiter brings me this dish 16.We gave Ann some bananas and some flowers 2.Our friends send these postcards to us 17.They moved the fridge into the living room 3.Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last 18.She bought some cups of tea to the visitors in the next room week 19.They find the new project worthless 4.Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother 20.The secretary didn’t take the note to the manager 5.You didn’t show me the special camaras 21 When will the work be done? 6.She showed her ticket to the airline agent 22 How is this problem going to be dealt with? 7.He lends his friend his new shoes 23 How is this amount of money spent? 8.She left her relatives five million pounds 24 I wonder whether Susan or Jane will be chosen for the position 9.The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer by the board of directors 10.The board awarded the first prize to the reporter 25 How was the lost man found by the police? 11.Have you sent the Christmas cards to your family? 26 A bottle was _thrown _ (throw) outsides last night by him 12.The committee appointed Alice secretary for the meeting 27 This fan has already _been fixed _ (fix) by my father 13.He hides the broken cup in the drawer 28 Now, a test is done _ (do) by him to prepare for his exam 14.They keep this room tidy all the time 29 Finally, the key has been found (find) 15.They all voted the partya great success 30 They were very worried that the work would not _be finished _(finish) Các động từ tường thuật bao gồm: add argue confirm explain o b s e r ve repeat admit boast consider fear persuade repl y agree claim deny feel propose report announce comment doubt insist remark r e ve a l answer complain estimate mention remember say Cách chuyển câu chủ động có động từ tường thuật sang câu bị động: Câu chủ động có dạng: P e o p l e ( t h e y) + s a y ( s a i d ) + t h a t + S + V + O Câu bị động có dạng Cách 1: It + is / was + said + that + S2 + V2 + O2 C c h : S + a m / i s / a r e / w a s / w e r e ( k h ô n g c ò n t h a t ) + s a i d + t o - i n f / t o h a ve + EXERCISE 3:CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG state suggest suppose tell think understand warn V3 + O2 1.Theytold me that you were the best architect in this city 9.The director notifies all the workers that they willhave to work 2.She reported that the flowers were killed by frost extra hardthis month 3.Some people inform me thatthe director is going to take a 10.They have persuaded me that they will go with me to the business trip to England stadium 4.That officer announced that the meeting was delayed until next 11.They have decided that the company will go to the beach week together at the weekend 5.He discovered thatthis cotton was grown in Egypt 12.People think that Maradona is the best football playerin the 20th 6.They promise that the performance will start on time century 7.He recommends thatwe should stay at the city center 13.They find that the job is not suitable for a girl like her 8.We believed that Alice would pass the driving test 14.The teacher explained that this powerful engine pulled the train 15.He told me that his football team had played well last season BỊ ĐỘNG VỚI NHỮNG ĐỘNG TỪ SAI BẢO Cấu trúc với động từ sai bảo bao gồm: h a ve + s b + d o + s t h get + sb + to + sth EXERCISE 4: CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG Khi chuyển sang câu bị động có dạng: h a ve + s t h + d o n e + ( b y s b ) get + sth + done + (by sb) 1.I had my nephew paint the gate last week 9.She often gets the technician to maintain the heater 2.She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow 10.They had the police arrest the shoplifter 3.They have her tell the story again 11.Are you going to have the shoemaker repair your shoes? 4.John gets his sister to clean his shirt 12.I must have the dentist check my teeth 5.Anne had had a friend type her composition 13.She will have a veterinary surgeon examine her dog 6.Rick will have a barber cut his hair 14.We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday 7.I will get the dressmaker to make a new dress last summer 8.He had a mechanic repair his car 15.The Greens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet EXERCISE 5: CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG Tam learns English everyday They have to repair the engine of the car Mr.Pike bought a new car yesterday The boys broke the window and took away some pictures Tam is reading a book now 10 People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday They can't make tea with cold water 11 They may use this room for the classroom 5.The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant 12 The teacher is going to tell the story Somebody has taken some of my book away 13 Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife They will hold the meeting before the may day 14 They have provided the victims with food and clothing 15 You mustn't use this machine after 5.30pm 31 People speak English all over the world 16 They told the new students where to sit 32 They will build a new school next year 17 John used to visit Mr.Cole at weekends 33 John will deliver the letter 18 She ought to all the housework 34 He must it right now 19 My mother had written the letter before 1985 35 You should finish the report now 20 I'm cleaning my room 36 We shall discuss the matter in the afternoon 21 They should phone her before the meeting 37 People must not leave bicycle in the hall 22 My mother was making a cake when I came home 38 Parents should give children a lot of love 23 Someone has stolen his car 39 Mr.Brown will fly a plane easily 24 Police were questioning Tom 40 They made him work all day 25 He opens the mails every morning 41 You needn't all the homework 26 They are building a new school in this town 42 He had to finish his work on time 27 The fire has destroyed many houses 43 He used to borrow my pen 28 We finished the job by 10 o' clock 44 Somebody has taken my briefcase 29 They close the museum on Monday 45 Mr.Brian saw the accident 30 The police stopped us on our way to school 46 The mad dog bit the little boy EXERCISE Find the mistake in these sentences and fix the mistake Five suspects have be arrested by the police A car is going to been bought tomorrow He was ordered by the doctor to take an long rest These drugs are be destroyed by police A dancing class was start last week I'm from Russia and my family born there He were found in the forest by the police EXERCISE 7.Circle the best answer My room _ in the house by her now A is being cleaned / B are being cleaned / C will be cleaned / D would be cleaned Tom _ by Mary since 10 o'clock A has operated / B have been operated / C has been operated / D All are wrong Someone to take his place A must be find / B might be find / C should be finds / D must be found 20 demonstrators by the police A was arrested / B were arrested / C was arresting / D A & B That book by Tom yesterday A were bought / B bought / C A & B / D was bought Much of the city by fire in the 17th century A was destroyed / B is destroyed / C are destroyed / D were destroyed Work _ by the teacher A are being watched / B was being watched / C is being watched / D B & C My house red and blue A are painted / B is painted / C was painted / D All are wrong The grain _ to the factory, where it _ and A are taken / cleaned / is checkedB is taken / is cleaned / is checked C was taken / was cleaned / was checked 10 Jag Niwas _ by Prince Maharana Jagat Singh II 11 The wall _ before you paint it D is taken / is cleaned / checked A were built / B are built / C was built / D is built A must be cleaned / B should cleaned / C might been cleaned / D No answer is right 12 The Garden of Clear Ripples _ by The Qing Emperor Quinlong in the middle of the 16 th century A designed / B was designed / C were designed / D B & C 13 This computer _ to use A will be continued / B would continued / C should continue / D must continues 14 A lot of food _ these days A are thrown / B were thrown / C is thrown / D was thrown I C h u yể n c c c â u s a u s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g Mary types letters in the office 14 Somebody has taken some of my books away His father will help you tomorrow 15 They will hold the meeting before May Day Science and technology have completely changed human life 16 They have to repair the engine of the car Peter broke this bottle 17 The boys broke the window and took away some pictures They are learning English in the room 18 People spend a lot of money on advertising every day Nothing can change my mind 19 Teacher is going to tell a story No one had told me about it 20 Mary is cutting a cake with a sharp knife I don't know her telephone number 21 The children looked at the woman with a red hat My students will bring the children home 22 They have provided the victims with food and clothing 10 They sent me a present last week 23 People speak English in almost every corner of the world 11 She gave us more information 24 You mustn't use this machine after 5:30 p.m 12 The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plan 25 After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board 13 They can't make tea with cold water I I C h u yể n c c c â u h ỏ i d n g đ ả o C ó / K h ô n g s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g 26 Do they teach English here? 32 Is she making big cakes for the party? 27 Will you invite her to your wedding party? 33 Are the police making inquires about the thief? 28 Has Tom finished the work? 34 Must we finish the test before ten? 29 Did the teacher give some exercises? 35 Will buses bring the children home? 30 Have they changed the window of the laboratory? 36 Have you finished your homework? 31 Is she going to write a poem? I I I C h u yể n c c c â u h ỏ i b ắ t đ ầ u b ằ n g t h ỏ i " H / W H " s a u s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g 37 Why didn't they help him? 43 How did the police find the lost man? 38 How many games has the team played? 44 Who look after the children for you? 39 Where people speak English? 45 How long have they waited for the doctor? 40 Who are they keeping in the kitchen? 46 What time can the boys hand in their papers? 41 How can they open this safe? 47 Who lend you this book? 42 What books are people reading this year? 48 How many marks does the teacher give you? I V C h u yể n c c c â u c ó t â n n g ữ s a u s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g 49 They paid me a lot of money to the job 52 They have sent enough money to those poor boys 50 The teacher gave each of us two exercise books 53 They have given the women in most countries in the world the 51 Someone will tell him that news right to vote V C h u yể n c c c â u v i đ ộ n g t t n g t h u ậ t s a u s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g 54 They think that he has died a natural death 59 They declared that she won the competition 55 Some people believe that 13 is an unlucky number 60 They rumored the man was still living 56 They say that John is the brightest student in class 61 People think that Jack London's life and writing's represent the 57 They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack American love of adventure 58 I knew that they had told him of the meeting 62 They reported that the troops were coming 63 People believed that the earth stood still V I C h u yể n c c c â u v i đ ộ n g t c h ỉ n h ậ n t h ứ c s a u s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g 64 I have heard her sing this song several times 69 They made him work all day 65 People saw him steal your car 70 The detective saw the woman putting the jewelry in her bag 66 The teacher is watching the work 71 The terrorists made the hostages lie down 67 He won't let you that silly thing again 72 Police advise drivers to use an alternative route 68 People don't make the children work hard 73 She helps me to all these difficult exercises VII Cho dạng động từ ngoặc 74 Toshico had her car (repair) by a mechanic 78 Mark got his transcripts (send) to the university 75 Ellen got Marvin (type) her paper 79 Maria is having her hair (cut) tomorrow 76 We got our house (paint) last week 80 Will Mr Brown have the porter (carry) his luggage to his car? 77 Dr Byrd is having the students (write ) a composition V I I I C h u yể n c c c â u s a u đ â y s a n g c â u b ị đ ộ n g 81 He writes a report daily 85 We have washed all the dirty glasses just a few minutes before 82 They are preparing a gift for their mother he comes 83 My aunt was cooking a vegetarian dish 86 My family will buy a special present for our grandfather on the 84 He is going to repair his son’s bicycle this afternoon occasion of his birthday IX Viết lại câu chủ động từ câu bị động cho 87 Many letters have been written 90 Flowers are going to be bought to decorate his house by him 88 A refrigerator was bought by my father yesterday 91 A shirt will have been made until my birthday by my mother 89 English has been taught at this school by him for year .X C h u yể n c c c â u h ỏ i s a u s a n g t h ể b ị đ ộ n g 92 Where will he the work? 95 I wonder whether the manager will choose Peter or Sam for the 93 How were you going to deal with this problem? position 94 How you spend this amount of stamps? 96 When did the police find the lost dog? XI Cho dạng từ 97 A guitar was (throw) outsides last night by his father 100 Finally, the old ship (find) 98 This bicycle has already (fix) by mybrother 101 We were very unhappy that the project would not (finish) 99 Now, a mini test (do) by me to prepare for my writing contest PASSIVE VOICE - KEY 18.Some cups of tea were brought to the visitors in the next room 1.English is learned by Tam everyday EXERCISE (by her) A new car was bought by Mr Pike yesterday 1.This flower is watered (by my father) every morning 19.The new project is found worthless A book is being read by Tam now 2.Fiona was invented to John’s birthday party last night 20.The note wasn’t taken to the manager(by the secretary) Tea can't be made with cold water EXERCISE 3.The dinner is being prepared (by her mother) in the kitchen All the workers of the plant were instructed by the chef engineer 4.Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day 1.I was told that you were thearchitect in thiscity Some of my books have been taken away 5.The English grammar has been explained (by our teacher) 2.It was reported that the flowers were killed by frost./ The flowers The meeting will be held before the may day 6.The accident was caused in this city (by some drunk drivers) were reported to be killed by frost The engine of the car has to be repaired 7.Tom’s parents will be visited (by him) next month 3.I am informed that the director is going to take a business trip to The window was broken and some pictures were took away by 8.The secretary wasn’t phoned (by the manager) this morning England the boys 9.Was this beautiful dress bought by Mary? 4.It was announced that the meeting was delayed until next week 10 A lot of money is spent everyday 10.These old pictures won’t be in the living room(by me) 5.It was discovered that this cotton was grown in Egypt 11 This room may be used for the classroom 11.This factory wasn’t built (by the Greens) during the Second 6.It is promised that the performance will start on time 12 The story is going to be told by the teacher World War 7.It is recommended that we should stay at the city center 13 The cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary 12.This house and these cars are going to be painted for Christmas 8.It was believed that Alice would pass the driving test./ Alice was 14 The victims have been provided with food and clothing day by the Greens believed to pass the driving test 15 The machine mustn't be used after 5.30pm 13.The cats had been fed (by Ann) before she went to the cinema 9.All the workers are notified that they will have to work extra hard 16 The new student were told where to sit 14.The pollution problems have been discussed (by the students) this month 17 Mr Cole used to be visited by John at weekends since last week 10.I have been persuaded that they will go with me to the stadium 18 All the housework ought to be done 15.Has the most valuable painting in the national museum been 11.It has been decided that the company will go to the beach 19.The letter had been written by my mother before 1985 stolen (by the thieves) together at the weekend 20 My room is being cleaned th 16.The new president will be interviewed on TV (by some people) 12.It is thought that Maradona is the best football player in the 20 21 She should be phoned before the meeting 17.How many languages are spoken in Canada(by them)? century 22 A cake was being made by my mother when I cam home 18.Are those shoes going to be repaired ? / Maradona is thought to be the best football player in the 20 th 23 His car has been stolen 19.His nose has been broken in a football match(by him) century 24 Tom was being questioned by police 20.Have above sentences been finished ? 13.It is found that the job is not suitable for a girl like her./ The job is 25 The mails are opened every morning EXERCISE found to be not suitable for a girl like her 26 A new school is being built in this town 1.This dish is brought to me (by the waiter) 14.It was explained that this powerful engine pulled the train 27 Many houses have been destroyed by the fire 2.These postcards are sent to us(by our friend) 15.I was told that his football team had played well last season 28 The job was finished by 10 o' clock EXERCISE 3.This story was told to them(by their grandmother) when they 29 The museum is closed on Monday visited her last week 1.I had the gate painted last week 30.We were stopped by the police on our way to school 4.This train ticket was ordered for Tim’s mother 2.She will have her car washed tomorrow 31 English is spoken all over the world 5.The special cameras weren’t showed to me 3.They have the story told again 32 A new school will be built next year 6.Her ticket was showed to the airline agent(by her) 4.John gets his shirt cleaned 33 The letter will be delivered by John 7.His new shoes are lent to his friends(by him) 5.Anne has had her composition typed 34 It must be done right now 8.Five million pounds was left to her relatives (by her) 6.Rick will have his hair cut 35 The report should be finished right now 9.These boxes were handed to the customer (by the shop 7.I will get a new dress made 36 The matter will be discussed in the afternoon assistant) 8.He had his car repaired 37 Bicycle mustn't be left in the hall 10.The first prize was awarded to the reporter (by the board) 9.She often gets the heater maintained 38 Children should be given a lot of love 11.Have the Christmas cards been sent to your family? 10.They had the shoplifter arrested 39 A plane will be flown by Mr.Brown easily 12.Alice was appointed secretary for the meeting(by the 11.Are you going to have your shoes repaired? 40 He was made work all day committee) 12.I must have my teeth checked 41 The homework needn't be done 13.The broken cup is hidden in the drawer (by him) 13.She will have her dog examined 42.His work had to be finished on time 14.This room is kept tidy (by them) all the time 14.We had this photograph taken when we were on holiday last 43 My pen used to borrowed 15.The party was voted a great success(by them) summer 44 My briefcase has been taken 16.Ann was given some bananas and some flowers(by us) 15.The Greens had their carpet cleaned 45 The accident was seen by Mr.Brian EXERCISE 17.The fridge was moved into the living room(by them) 46 The little boy was bitten by the mad dog EXERCISE6 - B (be  been) ; - D (an  a) ; - C (start  started) ; - A (were found  was found) ; - C (been  be) ; - A (are  will) ; - C (born  was born) EXERCISE - A ; - C ; - D ; - B ; - D ; - D ; - C ; - C ; - D ; 10 - C ; 11 - A ; 12 - B ; 13 - A ; 14 - C Đáp án I Letters are typed in the office by Mary 34 Must the test be finished before ten? 69 He was made to work all day You'll be helped by his father tomorrow 35 Will the children be brought home with buses? 70 The woman was seen putting the jewelry in her bag by the The human life has completely been changed with science and 36 Has your homework been finished? detective technology III 37 Why wasn't he helped? 71 The hostages were made to lie down by the terrorists This bottle was broken by Peter 38 How many games have been played by the team? 72 Drivers are advised to use an alternative route by police English is being learnt in the room 39 Where is English spoken? 73 I am helped to all these difficult exercises My mind can't be changed 40 Who are being kept in the kitchen? VII 74 repaired I hadn't been told about it 41 How can this be opened safe? 75 to type Her telephone number isn't known 42 What books are being read this year? 76 painted The children will be brought home by my students 43 How was the lost man found by the police? 77 write 10 I was sent a present last week 44 By whom are the children looked after for you? 78 sent 11 We were given more information 45 How long has the doctor been waited for? 79 cut 12 All the workers of the plan were being instructed by the chief 46 What time can their papers be handed in by the boys? 80 carry V I I I 81 A reports is written by him daily engineer 47 By whom is this book lent? 13 Tea can't be made with cold water 48 How many marks are given to you by the teacher? 82 A gift is being prepared for their mother 14 Some of my books have been taken away IV 49 I was paid a lot of money to the job 83 A vegetarian dish was being cooked for her family by her aunt 15 The meeting will be held before May Day 50 Each of us was given two exercise books by the teacher 84 his son’s bicycle is going to be repaired this afternoon 16 The engine of the car has to be repaired 51 He will be told that news 85 All the dirty glasses have been washed just a few minutes 17 The window was broken and some pictures were taken away by 52 Those poor boys have been sent enough money before he comes the boys 53 The women in most countries in the world have been given the 86 A special present will be bought for our grandfather on the 18 A lot of money is spent on advertising every day right to vote occasion of his birthday I X 87 I have written many letters 19 A story is going to be told by teacher V 54 He is thought to have died a natural death 20 A cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary 55 13 is believed to be an unlucky number 88 My father bought a refrigerator yesterday 21 The woman with a red hat was looked at by the children 56 John is said to be the brightest student in class 89 He has taught English at this school for year 22 The victims have been provided with food and clothing 57 The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack 90 He is going to buy flowers to decorate his house 23 English is spoken in almost every corner of the world 58 They were known to have told him of the meeting 91 My mother will have made a shirt until my birthday X 92 Where will the work be done? 24 This machine mustn't be used after 5:30 p.m 59 She was declared to win the competition 25 After class, the chalk board is always erased by one of the 60 The man was rumored to be still living 93 How was this problem going to be dealt with? students 61 Jack London's life and writing is thought to represent the 94 How is this amount of stamps spent? II 26 Is English taught here? American love of adventure 95 I wonder whether Peter or Sam will be chosen for the position 27 Will she be invited to your wedding party? 62 The troops were reported to be coming by the managers 28 Has the work been finished by Tom? 63 The earth was believed to stand still 96 When was the lost dog found by the police? X I 97 thrown 29 Were some exercises given by the teacher? VI 64 She has been heard to sing this song several times 30 Has the window of the laboratory been changed? 65 He was seen to steal your car 98 been fixed 31 Is a poem going to be written? 66 The work is being watched by the teacher 99 is done 32 Are big cakes being made for the party? 67 You won't be let to that silly thing again 100 has been found 33 Are inquires about the thief being made by the police? 68 The children are made to work hard 101 be finished CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT Bài Viết lại câu cho nghĩa không thay đổi 1.“Open the door.” he said to them - He told us - He told them 20 “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him “Where are you going?” he asked her - I asked him how long - He asked her where 21 “Are you going by train?” she asked me “Which way did they go?” he asked - She wanted to know - He asked 22 “Don’t use too much hot water.” she said to us “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit.”, I said to her - She asked us - I told 23 “Will you come to my party?” she said to me “Don’t try to open it now.” she said to us - She invited me - She told 24 “Don’t it again.” she said to them “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her She told them - I asked her 25 “ Did Mr Brown send the potatoes to you?” she asked “He’s not at home.”, she said - She asked - She said that 26 “Don’t get your shoes dirty, boys.” she said “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked - She told - The girl wanted to know 27 “What you want for lunch today, Peter?” Mary asked “Don’t stay out late, Ann.” Tom said - Mary asked - Tom told Ann 28 “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter 10 “Please let me borrow your car.” he said to her - Peter asked if - He asked 29 “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office 11 “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked manager - Thomas asked Jean - The office manager wondered 12 Don’t leave the window open, Mary.”, I said 30 “You had better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth.’’ said - I told Mary John 13 “I’ll have a cup of tea with you.” she said - John advised Elizabeth - She said that 31 “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said John 14 “I’ll pay him if I can.” she said - John accused - She said that 32 “ You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Mary 15 “What are you going to next summer?” she asked - Mary accused - She asked us 33 “When was your little boy born?” said the nurse to Mrs Bingley 16 “I’ll phone you tomorrow.” he told Jack - The nurse asked Mrs Bingley - He told Jack that 34 “You should take more exercise, Mr Robert.” the doctor said 17 “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked - The doctor advised - Tom asked Jean 35 “Will I find a job?”, Tim said to himself 18 “I want a camera for my birthday.” he said - Tim wondered - He said that 36 “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number.” said Paul to Susan 19 “Don’t keep the door locked.” he said to us - Paul apologized 37 “When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?” Martha asked 44 “ John, please don’t tell anyone my new address.” said Mary - Martha asked Peter when - Mary asked 38 “Can I have a new bicycle?” said Anna to her mother 45 “Breakfast will not be served after 30.” said the notice - Anna asked - The notice said that 39 “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William.”, his mother 46 “Where is the best place to buy souvenirs?” said - I asked - William’s mother told 47 “Don’t forget to bring your passport with you tomorrow.” 40 “Don’t bite your nails.” said Mrs Rogers to her son - She reminded me - Mrs Rogers told 48 “Do not write on the wall.” said the teacher to the boys 41 “I’ve seen the film three times, Mary.” said George - The teacher told the boys……………………………………… - George said 49 “How many jobs have you had since 2000?” the interviewer 42 “I’m sorry, Angela.” said Martin, “I’m afraid I’ve damaged your asked Mr Simpson car." - The interviewer asked - Martin apologized 50 “Why didn’t you report the incident to the police?” the officer 43 “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked us asked the frightened witness - The landlady asked - The officer wanted to know Bài 2: Viết lại câu 1."Where is my umbrella?" she asked 6."What are they doing?" she asked She asked She wanted to know 2."How are you?" Martin asked us 7."Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me Martin asked us He wanted to know 3.He asked, "Do I have to it?" 8.The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" He asked The teacher wanted to know 4."Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter 9."How you know that?" she asked me The mother asked her daughter She asked me 5."Which dress you like best?" she asked her boyfriend 10."Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me She asked her boyfriend My friend asked me Bài 1."What's the time?" he asked 6."Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me → He wanted to know → She asked me 2."When will we meet again?" she asked me 7."Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked → She asked me → The teacher wanted to know 3."Are you crazy?" she asked him 8."Why don't you help me?" she asked him → She asked him → She wanted to know 4."Where did they live?" he asked 9."Did you see that car?" he asked me → He wanted to know → He asked me 5."Will you be at the party?" he asked her 10."Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins → He asked her → The mother asked the twins Bài "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said "Play it again, Sam," she said → The teacher told Joe → She asked Sam "Be patient," she said to him "Sit down, Caron" he said → She told him → He asked Caron "Go to your room," her father said to her "Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said → Her father told her → The receptionist asked the guest "Hurry up," she said to us "Take off your shoes," she told us → She told us → She told us "Give me the key," he told her 10 "Mind your own business," she told him → He asked her → She told him ……………………… Đáp án He told them to open the door He asked her where she was going He asked me which way they had gone I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit She told us not to try to open it then I asked her whether/ if it was going to be a fine day that day She said that he was not at home The girl wanted to know whether/ if the bus station was far away Tom told Ann not to stay out late 10 He asked her to let him borrow her car 11 Thomas asked Jean whether/if she had seen his gloves 12 I told Mary not to leave the window open 13 She said that she would have a cup of tea with me 14 She said that she would pay him if she could 15 She asked us what we were going to the following summer 16 He told Jack that he would phone him the following day 17 Tom asked Jean whether/if he could sit beside her 18 He said that he wanted a camera for his birthday 19 He told us not to keep the door locked 20 I asked him how long he was going to stay 21 She wanted to know whether I was going by train 22 She asked us not to use too much hot water 23 She invited me to come to her party 24 She told them not to it again 25 She asked whether/ if Mr Brown sent the potatoes to me 26 She told the boys not to get their shoes dirty 27 Mary asked what Peter wanted for lunch that day 28 Peter asked Janet whether/ if he could borrow her typewriter 29 The office manager wondered why he hadn’t got a computer before 30 John advised Elizabeth not to lend him any more money 31 John accused Amanda of stealing his best cassette 32 Mary accused John of damaging her bicycle 33 The nurse asked Mrs Bingley where her little boy had been born 34 The doctor advised Mr Robert to take more exercise 35 Tim wondered whether/ if he would find a job 36 Paul apologized to Susan for giving her the wrong number 37 Martha asked Peter when the first day of his holiday was 38 Anna asked her mother whether/ if she could have a new bicycle 39 William’s mother told him not to leave the house until she got back 40 Mrs Rogers told her son not to bite his nails 41 George said to Mary that he had seen the film three times 42 Martin apologized to Angela for having damaged her car 43 The landlady asked us whether/if we had had enough for lunch 44 Mary asked John not to tell anyone her new address 45 The notice said that breakfast would not be served after 9.30 46 I asked where the best place to buy souvenirs was 47 She reminded me to bring my passport with me the following day 48 The teacher told the boys not to write on the wall 49 The interviewer asked Mr Simpson how many jobs he had had since 2000 50 The officer wanted to know why the frightened witness hadn’t reported the incident to the police Đáp án She asked where her umbrella was Martin asked us how we were He asked if he had to it The mother asked her daughter where she had been She asked her boyfriend which dress he liked best She wanted to know what they were doing He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema The teacher wanted to know who spoke English She asked me how I knew that My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin Bài 3: He wanted to know what the time was She asked me when we would meet again She asked him if he was crazy He wanted to know where they had lived He asked her if she would be at the party She asked me if I could meet her at the station The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer She wanted to know why he didn't help her He asked me if I had seen that car The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room Đáp án The teacher told Joe to stop talking She told him to be patient Her father told her to go to her room She told us to hurry up He asked her to give him the key She asked Sam to play it again He asked Caron to sit down The receptionist asked the guest to fill in the form She told us to take off our shoes She told him to mind his own business ... remember say Cách chuyển câu chủ động có động từ tường thuật sang câu bị động: Câu chủ động có dạng: P e o p l e ( t h e y) + s a y ( s a i d ) + t h a t + S + V + O Câu bị động có dạng Cách 1: It... season BỊ ĐỘNG VỚI NHỮNG ĐỘNG TỪ SAI BẢO Cấu trúc với động từ sai bảo bao gồm: h a ve + s b + d o + s t h get + sb + to + sth EXERCISE 4: CHUYỂN CÁC CÂU SAU SANG BỊ ĐỘNG Khi chuyển sang câu bị động. .. going to repair his son’s bicycle this afternoon occasion of his birthday IX Viết lại câu chủ động từ câu bị động cho 87 Many letters have been written 90 Flowers are going to be bought to decorate

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2021, 11:00

