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ASSIGNMENT project year 1

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ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1ASSIGNMENT project year 1

Hanoi, 18/07/2021 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes Hanoi, 18/07/2021 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes ABSTRACT The hobby of wearing shoes has become popular all over the world, creating interest and love for Vietnamese people in particular The purpose of this paper is to find out the shoe buying habits of first-year students at the International University of Banking Academy (ISBA) in Vietnam, about the popularity of shoe shopping, and the determinants related to shoe shopping, regarding the purchase and repurchase intentions A survey in the form of a questionnaire was conducted, including 200 first-year students who will be randomly selected to participate in the survey The pattern of choice among ISBA first-year students of both genders The paper questionnaire was distributed to participants with fourteen questions and then classified based on background into two groups: male and female ISBA freshmen The results show that both survey groups are familiar with buying shoes with the highest frequency from 6-12 months In addition, when finding the right websites, respondents mainly focused on promotions, sales and product features including quality and price Furthermore, shipping and customer service, in addition to the product aspect, can determine whether a purchase is made or not It also shows that product quality and price are two factors that influence participant is repurchase intention For the sake of the paper, these findings not only develop a refined understanding of subjects' habits when making purchases, but they also provide useful knowledge for those involved in online shopping industry where the target customers are university students International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT LIST OF FIGURES .3 Introduction: .5 Preliminary Literature Review: Methodology: Findings: .9 Discussion of findings: .13 5.1 The popular shoe brands among ISBA newcomers: .14 5.2 The frequency of buying shoes among ISBA freshmen in both genders: .14 5.3 The motivating factors that affect ISBA freshmen’s their choice of brand shoes 15 5.4 The amount of money a freshman in ISBA spent on their shoes 16 5.5 The place where ISBA freshmen bought their brand of shoes 16 Recommendation: .17 Conclusion: .18 References 19 APPENDICES .20 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Popular shoe brands that ISBA freshmen liked 12 Figure 2: The frequency of buying shoes among ISBA freshmen in both genders .13 Figure 3: The motivating factors that affect their choice of brand shoes 14 Figure 4: The amount of money a freshman in ISBA spent on their shoes 15 Figure 5: The place where ISBA freshmen bought their brand of shoes .16 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes Research Proposal International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preference for shoes Introduction: Brand or trademark - defined as “is the distinguishing symbol, icon, slogan, term, phrase, and/or sentence used by businesses to differentiate between their products and others Companies have a strong, if not synonymous association with their name Trademarks are very common in all industries, but increasingly important in fashion, as designers and brands vie for the most desirable names The trademark status is very important for companies; only by displaying a clear trademark and its legal protection can a company distinguish their product from a similar one.” The higher the value of the item, the higher the market share” (WILL KENTON, 2020) Brand names are often used to promote a new item or product by adding an association to something that is already popular This can help it to become more popular A brand name also acts as an indicator of quality when deciding if the item is worth the price or not Branded items, it has become memorable and attractive to consumers It is likely to lead to an increase in sales for the particular product being sold Brands have long been used to distinguish brands and have taken various types For example, the oldest known brand still in use today is the American shoe company Converse (Top 10 Best Shoe Brands in The World 2020, Famous & Highest Sellers | Trendrr, 2021) As a result, a good brand of shoes generates trust among consumers, and after having a good experience with a product, consumers are more likely to try another product that is related to the same brand of shoes This phenomenon is commonly known as brand loyalty Nowadays, the demand aimed at buying shoes and the ability to access the brands of consumers increase the number of purchases Among the many consumers from different age groups, a large proportion are college students who have new ideas, find new things and above all have a source of income to buy on their own According to a Nielsen report on the demand for branded products, 56% of Vietnamese young people are willing to spend money to buy branded products The number of Vietnamese people who love brand-name goods ranks third in the biosphere, only behind China (74%) and India (59%) This figure has proved that the need to buy International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes branded products among students in general and freshmen at university in detail is huge According to some research surveys, the main factors of students purchasing a product are brand and logo It is quite obvious that these things are important for many consumers, especially when it comes to choosing a pair of shoes After all, it is known that wearing shoes is an important part of life and it is very nice to have a choice in the selection of beautiful shoes Thus when choosing a pair of shoes with brand names that belong to famous companies, is a very natural and joyful thing for consumers especially under the influence of social media The statistics for this study will be gathered from students at ISBA of Banking Academy's ISBA In the study, 200 first-year students will be chosen at random to participate in the survey The pattern of future profession choice among ISBA first-year students of both genders Thus, to find a relationship between the frequency of purchase of shoe products in different brands and the acquisition intent of college students, especially those studying at ISBA like me This is study is done to answer the following five questions: “What brand of shoes ISBA university students like?”, “How often they buy shoes?”, “What are the key factors that affect their preferences in this brand?”, “How much money they spend on this brand of shoes?” and “Where they buy this brand of shoes?” Preliminary Literature Review: The type of shoes that freshmen prefer to wear are different; for example, girls prefer heels As a result, the study of freshman shoe preferences, including the type that they prefer as well as how their opinions on shoes might change over time needs to be dealt with In contrast, males mostly choose sneakers and basketball boots They usually like the trendy rather than practical style of footwear and don’t even try to match them up with their clothes Therefore, wearing sneakers should not be underestimated regardless of gender; freshmen always like them because it is young people's style that distinguishes them from adults or seniors Generally speaking, there has been little research on shoe preferences, and almost all are articles and some information on numerous websites Among them, Dane Marie Lacap (2015) examined the preference of CFAD Students on different brands of shoes The purpose of this analysis is the identification of CFAD students' favorite brands Thus, the information gathered International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes provides the benefits and drawbacks of the students' favorite brands by ranking their convenience, style, longevity, affordability, and overall efficiency In fact, pretty much all aspects of shoe preference are different in Southeast Asia compared to the US For instance, footwear producers are only a few in the US but a significant number in Southeast Asia and the difference of price between different shoes make some foreign students buy cheaper ones instead of more expensive shoes Furthermore, education level and cultural difference should both be taken into consideration to choose appropriate brands in everyday life To elaborate on these reasons, this study uses a qualitative approach to focus on the freshman's shoe preference from a personal perspective In addition, there is no significant data available for this research topic which is why we would like to encourage further studies for the sake of reference However, the participants only came from students of a university called CFAD, but the result of this research is not representative of all young people, especially university freshmen coming from an international school in developing countries in South-East Asia like VietNam On the other hand, in another research, (Mulugeta Girma, 2016) the author has explored consumers' footwear brand preference The goal of the study was to investigate the trend of brand preference for domestic and international shoe products and their history of age and gender in Dire Dawa Besides, students' economic circumstances, personal sporting specialties, personal tastes, commodity costs, consistency and attractiveness, people around them, and environmental effects are all factors influencing their use of sports clothes, boots, and bags in physical education institutes And the results show that both as branding takes an increasing period, the emotional importance of your brand and normative factors are the most relevant and the least important antecedents, while the preferences for the local brand are enhanced, while the brand's emotional value has an impact on male and female people as a whole Despite this, the subject that the author mentions here is not specified, but the author only generalizes without specifying age, boy or girl In addition, (Endalew Adamu, 2011) has reviewed Factors Affecting Consumers’ Shoe Preference: the Case of Addis Ketema Sub-city on Domestic versus Imported Leather Shoes Specifically, to demonstrate how consumers judged both domestic and imported leather shoes in terms of product quality, design, and price, to investigate the degree to which these factors affected the consumers' shoe choice, and to determine whether or not there was a disparity in International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes preference between age groups in the Addis Ketema sub-city shoe sector Furthermore, the study's findings revealed that there is a disparity in interest based on the age ranges of users Based on the studies above, it is suggested that the preferences of consumers change over time and as they grow older Similarly could be said about brands The preference of consumers also changes according to economic status Nevertheless, like the two studies above, this article also only mentions age groups but does not specify at what age, but in general, at different ages Despite the encouraging results, all prior research has not looked at the similar tendencies of individuals coming from emerging countries like Viet Nam, particularly university students This is what motivates me to my own study on these constraints Methodology: This research project aimed at investigating the trends of International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preference on shoes among university students on International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preference on shoes, as a result, the study was chosen to be carried out in order to obtain answers to the research questions On the one hand, qualitative research was the primary approach employed in this study Denzin and Lincoln (1994, p.2) define qualitative research as “multi-method in emphasis, with an interpretative, naturalistic approach to its subject matter.” Thus, it appears to be an overarching idea under which a range of situations might be seen positively A qualitative research technique is thought to create a dense (depth) account of participants' thoughts, views, and experiences, as well as evaluate the significance of their actions (Denzin, 1989) Furthermore, Chalhoub-Deville and Deville (2008) claimed that qualitative techniques are used to study the favorite brands of shoes chosen by ISBA freshmen of both genders The trends achieve deeper insight into issues However, each coin has two sides, so the quantitative method was applied in order to improve the weaknesses of qualitative research According to Payne and Payne (2004, p 180): “Quantitative methods seek regularities in human lives by separating the social world into empirical components called variables which can be represented numerically as frequencies or rate” As a result, the quantitative findings are likely to be generalizable to a complete population or a sub-population because they involve a bigger sample that was chosen at random (Carr, 1994) 10 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes The data used in this report is carried out within ISB of Banking Academy In the beginning, a questionnaire consisted of fourteen questions divided into parts: the first part was personal information, the second part was preference on shoes, and lastly factors affecting their intention of the purchase, it were designed based on my five research questions In the next step, 200 first-year students from the aforementioned university were chosen at random, and each of them was asked to answer all of the questions in it by filling in and circling the alternatives that were appropriate for them In reality, the survey approach might assist the researcher in gathering information from huge groups of individuals Furthermore, surveys are broad in terms of the sorts and amount of variables that may be investigated, require little cost to create and run, and are very simple to generalize (Bell,1996, p.68) Findings: This study project is participants were divided into two groups: 100 first-year female students and 100 male freshmen coming from ISBA of Banking Academy As predicted, the obtained results perfectly represent the variations in ISBA freshmen's shoe preferences of both groups 11 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Vans Adidas Nike MLB Female Dr.Martin Bitis Other Male Figure 1: Popular shoe brands that ISBA freshmen liked As can be seen in Figure 1, the highest percentage of male freshmen choosing the Vans brand was 39 out of 100 participants surveyed On the other hand, the number of females in the same school who liked the Nike brand was the highest at 24% 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 1-3 months 4-6 moths Female 7-12 months Male 12 2-3 years International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes Figure 2: The frequency of buying shoes among ISBA freshmen in both genders Looking at Figure 3, we can see that the highest frequency of shoe purchases by freshmen in ISBA was between and months of both genders at 32% for females and 42% for males 60 50 40 30 20 10 Prices Color Design Female Fame Male Figure 3: The motivating factors that affect their choice of brand shoes As shown in Figure 4, first-year female students often chose price and design as the important factors for their purchase of shoes, with 36% and 41% of female students choosing price and design, respectively However, for men, it was different when the majority of first-year male students chose design, accounting for 50 out of 100 freshmen participating in the survey 13 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1-2 millions 3-5 millions 5-7 millions Female 8-10 millions more than 10 millons Male Figure 4: The amount of money a freshman in ISBA spent on their shoes In Figure 5, we can see the amount of money that freshmen in both genders purchased for a pair of shoes was quite similar Going into detail, almost all in both sexes, spent from to million on a pair of shoes with nearly 70% of females and 60% of males 14 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes 60 50 40 30 20 10 Retail sore in authorized Supermarket Female Via online  Male Figure 5: The place where ISBA freshmen bought their brand of shoes Looking at Figure 6, most freshmen of both sexes choose an authorized retailer and buy online Among male freshmen, we see that they choose to buy at an authorized retail store the highest at 53%, and only 46% for women In addition, the number of first-year students choosing to buy online was also very high, 41 out of 100 among female students and 27 out of 100 among male students Discussion of findings: Because they originated from the university's single institute and had a very restricted reach, the data provided above are in no way capable of addressing all elements of ISBA freshmen's shoe preferences On the other hand, ISBA of Banking Academy - is presently hosting a pretty diverse range of students coming from various cities or provinces with varied, I firmly promise that a certain level of generalization can be drawn from the questionnaire data 5.1 The popular shoe brands among ISBA newcomers: 15 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes As a result of the findings, as depicted in Figure 1, page 7, the highest percentage of male freshmen choosing the Vans brand On the other hand, the number of females in the same school who liked the Nike brand This finding was not unexpected given that the proportion of male students who choose to buy brand shoes is significantly greater than that of female students Going into details, guys often like to wear Vans shoes because these shoes are quite cheap Not only are they cheap and affordable for everyone, but Vans shoes are also loved by first-year male students because of their distinctive features such as design, material It can be said that cheap Vans shoes are one of the favorite brands of freshmen male students With a simple design, but no less sophisticated in creativity Vans shoes bring comfort to the wearer Therefore, Vans shoes will make an indispensable item for fashionistas Thanks to this special feature, Vans shoes can easily be combined with any outfit, to bring personality and dynamism to the user As for women, they prefer to wear Nike shoes because they are made with the highest quality materials from Lunarlon technology Not only that, with Nike sneakers you can absolutely fly everywhere without worrying Going out with friends, going to school, going to work, or practicing sports, Nike women's sports shoes will accompany you With no more heel scratches or slippage, your steps will be full of confidence and comfort Like the result of the different studies, of the one hundred people who responded to Mr DANE MARIE LACAP ET AL's survey (2015), out of students are male and out of are female According to the findings, when it comes to school shoes, the majority of students (40%) prefer the Vans brand They say the brand they have chosen is Excellent in comfort (53%), Excellent in design (64%), Excellent for durability (51%), Very Good for Affordability (39%), Excellent for Brand Impact (58%), and Excellent for Overall Quality (58%) (53 percent) 5.2 The frequency of buying shoes among ISBA freshmen in both genders: The frequency of buying from to months of male and female students is very high, besides, the frequency of buying from to 12 months of female students Students' lives are constantly being improved, requiring constant movement to integrate with modern life Therefore, the practice of sports is indispensable, to meet that they need a pair of branded, suitable shoes to ensure that they always have comfortable training hours Besides, not only to meet health but it also contributes to more beauty when combined with clothes For example, according to his study findings (Endalew Adamu, June 2011), the majority of respondents (36%) 16 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes buy shoes once a year, while 16 percent achieve the maximum buy one or two times, and 13.4 percent make a minimum purchase less than once per year In addition, we can see the frequency of purchases based on student needs because the number of pairs of shoes that they need (1, or pairs) to last for the year is taken into consideration Normally, 90% of freshmen students buy one pair of shoes; 9% buy two pairs, and 1% buy three pairs Given the information above, it is clear that the pattern of sneakers' consumption is due to the differences in the way each student or group of students will use them, not necessarily the choice of style of each of them For example, some students will use them for school activities, others for sports, others for going out on the weekends, and others will not use them for anything That is why youth sneakers sales have different patterns Therefore, the shopping brand’s shoes frequency of students is quite high because each person has a unique use for themselves 5.3 The motivating factors that affect ISBA freshmen’s their choice of brand shoes In answer to the study question "What are the key factors that affect ISBA freshmen’s preferences in this brand?'' It is clear that first-year female students frequently picked price and design as key criteria in their shoe purchase, while female students picked price and design The results are completely different between female and male freshmen The reason is that female freshmen have a wider range of shoes to choose from, relatively speaking, and they are mostly attracted by price and appearance The male freshmen, on the other hand, primarily choose the quality and appearance of the shoes It is an advantage to male freshmen that almost all of them have good visual acuity In addition, that opposition is also reflected in many different areas, not through factors for shoe selection Because the two sexes are completely different, also compared to tastes in clothing, shoes there will be big differences For example, women usually wear a dark color or gray-blue shoe, while men prefer to wear a silver shining shoe, in order to attract the opposite sex However, if the opposite sex is also wearing the same color, most of the time the other person will be confused and feel very uncomfortable However, this difference is not 17 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes encountered very often If a person is wearing the color of the opposite sex, in order to avoid the confusion, he/she will have to wear a color that is opposite to the color of the other person in return, so that the other person does not feel ambiguous Therefore, through the above section, we can clearly see the difference between the two criteria for full shoes of male and female students of ISBA 5.4 The amount of money a freshman in ISBA spent on their shoes Moreover, looking at Figure 4, we can observe that the amount of money spent by freshmen of both genders on a pair of shoes was pretty similar In particular, almost everyone in both sexes paid between and million on a pair of shoes This result is not beyond my expectation because I don't think fashion is much different between sexes For guys, they can wear black shoes and they feel comfortable, but for ladies, they definitely need to wear shoes more or less fashionably That's why they pay more for their brands of shoes Finally, when choosing a pair of shoes, it is not so much the price, but what style you like People wear style as the first priority As an example, some people wear out their favorite shoes, while others wear out their favorite legio to last Consequently, let's see the results of the survey focusing on price The amount of money people spend on a pair of shoes was consistent between the two sexes And the price from million to million is a moderate amount to be able to buy the shoes they like But besides that, there are still students who buy branded shoes from to million because they like the brand's new models or have a need to collect limited shoes, which will have higher prices than normal Hence, to say that the price that students often spend money to buy a pair of shoes is from about million down but the number of male students who buy expensive shoes is more than the number of female students 5.5 The place where ISBA freshmen bought their brand of shoes In answer to the research question “Where ISBA freshmen buy this brand of shoes?”, it is noticeable that the majority of freshmen, both sexes, chose an approved shop and purchased online As expected, seeing that 34 percent of the retail shops that complete the survey were 18 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes online-only businesses, online shopping was discovered to be a preferred method of acquiring such necessities as shoes However, it was also observed that only 27 percent of all students mentioned preferred brand or preferred look when asking for the preference on shoes or sneakers This has however been found to coincide with the high value placed upon shoes and ascribed to the desire that students are inclined to buy something they know will maintain some kind of style But as a result of this research, it is to be seen as concerns have arisen over the appropriateness of buying shoes online Because online shopping is now more and more popular in domestic and foreign markets, buying brand shoes online helps us save travel time But it's also bad that I can't try on the shoe to see if it fits or fits my foot In short, shopping in stores is still preferred by freshman students, although it takes time to travel, but we will choose what we want And buying shoes online is also being welcomed by students of both sexes, but it is not really effective Recommendation: Based on the statistics described above, it is clear that both men's and women's shoe purchases are quite high, but how can you buy shoes that are both inexpensive and of excellent quality? Therefore, the following solutions can help ISBA first-year male and female students to buy shoes that are both cheap and quality First, students when choosing shoes, you need to consider the design of the product First of all, need to pay attention to whether the design is beautiful? A shoe with an extremely sophisticated, neat, and sure design will help you easily overcome many different types of terrain with ease In addition, you can refer to forums, shoe exchange groups, and resell old shoes These shoes, if carefully selected are not only good quality but also affordable To avoid risks, it is best to choose a reputable seller Consult from people who have purchased their products If buying second-hand, ask students to check the receipt It is best to choose shoes that are still under warranty Carefully check the signs to distinguish the real goods to avoid buying fake and poor quality goods At the same time, students should also try on the shoes, making sure they fit and are comfortable before trading 19 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes Conclusion: To summarize, I really hope that the findings of my study would spark similar interest in International School of Banking Academic freshmen's shoe preferences As a result of the limitations of my own research, I have discovered that these issues are very deserving of additional and deeper inquiry While researching International School of Banking Academic freshmen's shoe preferences, I recognized that there will be a range of student age groups, which will have an impact on the study's outcomes Thus, extending the scope of the survey would be likely to provide new and unusual results that would require rationale and explanation As a result, it is predicted that further research will be conducted in the future to properly investigate various viewpoints on this issue 20 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes References Investopedia.2021 Brand[online]Available.at: [Accessed June 2021] Trendrr.net 2021 Top 10 Best Shoe Brands in The World 2020, Famous & Highest Sellers | Trendrr [online] Available at: [Accessed June 2021] (Author), D., 2021 GRIN - Preference of CFAD Students on Different Brands of Shoes [online] Grin.com Available at: [Accessed June 2021] Francis-press.com 2021 Investigation on the Consumption Situation of Sports Goods of Costumes, Footwear and Bags for Students in Sports College of Jiangxi Normal University [online] Available at: [Accessed June 2021] 2011 Factors Affecting Consumers’ Shoe Preference: the Case of Addis Ketema Sub-city on Domestic versus Imported Leather Shoes [ebook] Available at: [Accessed June 2021] Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Deville, C (2008) Utilizing psychometric methods in assessment In E Shohamy, & N H Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (2nd ed., Vol 7, pp 211-224) New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media LLC Denzin, N K (1989) Interpretive interactionism Newbury Park, CA: Sage Payne, G., & Payne, J (2004) Key concepts in social research London: Sage Carr, L T (1994) The strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research: What method for nursing? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20(4), 716721.http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.1994.20040716.x Bell, S (1996) Learning with information systems: Learning cycles in information systems development New York: Routledge APPENDICES 21 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes I’m Pham Chau Anh, an ISBA student at Banking Academy This questionnaire is intended to assist me in gathering information for my research project The purpose of this questionnaire is to study the habits of buying shoes among first-year students I value your thoughts and reactions, which are critical to the completion and quality of my period Please return the completed form by Friday, June 18, 2021 Thank you for your assistance (Tôi Phạm Châu Anh, sinh viên ISBA Học viện Ngân hàng Bảng câu hỏi nhằm hỗ trợ thu thập thông tin cho dự án nghiên cứu Mục đích bảng câu hỏi nghiên cứu thói quen mua giày sinh viên năm Tôi đánh giá cao suy nghĩ phản ứng bạn, điều quan trọng việc hồn thành chất lượng q trình nghiên cứu tơi Vui lịng gửi lại biểu mẫu hồn thành trước Thứ Sáu, ngày 18 tháng năm 2021 Cảm ơn hỗ trợ bạn.) Personal information: (Thông tin cá nhân) I What is your gender? (Giới tính bạn gì?) - Male - Female Do you like to buy branded shoes? (Bạn có thích mua giày có thương hiệu khơng?) - Yes (go to question 1, part II) (Có đến câu hỏi 1, phần 2) - No (go to question 3, part I) (Không đến câu hỏi 3, phần 1) Why don't you like to buy branded shoes? (Tại bạn khơng thích mua giày có thương hiệu?) - Be expensive (Q đắt) - Don’t like (Khơng thích) - Not suitable (Không phù hợp) II Preference on shoes: What brand of shoes you usually wear? (Bạn thường giày nhãn hiệu nào?) - Vans - Adidas 22 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes - Nike - MLB - Dr Martin - Bitis - Others: Why you like that shoe brands? (Tại bạn thích nhãn hiệu giày đó?) - It’s suitable for all situations (Nó phù hợp cho trường hợp) - It's worth the money (Nó vừa tiền) - It’s very durable (Nó bền) - It's beautiful (Nó đẹp) How often you buy a new pair of shoes? (Bao lâu bạn mua đơi giày mới?) - One – three months (1-2 tháng) - Four - six months (4-6 tháng) - Seven - twelve months (7-12 tháng) - Two - three years (2-3 năm) Who you usually go shoe shopping with? (Bạn thường mua giày với ai?) - Parents (Bố mẹ) - Sister (Em gái, chị gái) - Brothers (Em trai, anh trai) - Alone (Một mình) - Friend (Bạn bè) - Your lover (girlfriend or boyfriend) (Người yêu bạn) How much can you spend on a pair of branded shoes? (Bạn chi cho đôi giày?) 23 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes - One – two million (1-2 triệu) - Three – five million (3-5 triệu) - Four – seven million (4-7 triệu) - Eight – ten million (8-10 triệu) - More than 10 million (trên 10 triệu) Where you usually buy branded shoes? (Bạn thường mua giày đâu?) - Retail sore in authorized (Cửa hàng bán lẻ thương hiệu ủy quyền) In the supermarket (Trong siêu thị) Via online (Mua trực tuyến) When you go to buy shoes, what payment method you usually choose to pay for? (Khi mua giày, bạn thường chọn phương thức toán để toán?) - III On Cash (Tiền mặt) By cards (Trả thẻ) Factors affecting their intention of purchase What are the most important criteria that you pay attention to when choosing a shoe brand? (Tiêu chí quan trọng mà bạn ý lựa chọn thương hiệu giày gì?) - Prices (Giá) - Color (Màu) - Design (Thiết kế) - Fame (Danh tiếng) Are you satisfied with the brand of shoes you are wearing? (Bạn có hài lịng với thương hiệu giày bạn không?) - Yes - No If you could change your brand, which brand would you choose? (Nếu bạn thay đổi thương hiệu mình, bạn chọn thương hiệu nào?) - Vans - Adidas 24 International School of Banking Academic freshmen's preferences on shoes - Nike - MLB - Dr Martin - Bitis - Others: Why will you choose this new brand? (Tại bạn chọn thương hiệu này?) - It's a brand that I like (Đó thương hiệu mà tơi thích) - Constantly updating new goods (Liên tục cập nhập mẫu mới) - It has a good price (Nó có mức giá tốt) - That brand is famous (Thương hiệu tiếng) THANK YOU SO MUCH! Pham Chau Anh, F14I, International school of Banking Academy 25

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2021, 23:32

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Mục lục

    Figure 1: Popular shoe brands that ISBA freshmen liked

    Figure 2: The frequency of buying shoes among ISBA freshmen in both genders

    Figure 3:  The motivating factors that affect their choice of brand shoes

    Figure 4: The amount of money a freshman in ISBA spent on their shoes

    Figure 5: The place where ISBA freshmen bought their brand of shoes


