2.1. Background 2.1.1. Integrated circuits An integrated circuit or monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or chip) of semiconductor material, usually silicon. Large numbers of tiny MOSFETs integrate into a small chip. This results in circuits that are orders of magnitude smaller, faster, and less expensive than those constructed of discrete electronic components. The ICs mass production capability, reliability, and buildingblock approach to integrated circuit design has ensured the rapid adoption of standardized ICs in place of designs using discrete transistors. ICs are now used in virtually all electronic equipment and have revolutionized the world of electronics. Computers, mobile phones, and other digital home appliances are now inextricable parts of the structure of modern societies, made possible by the small size and low cost of ICs. IC is also known as integrated circuit, the use of IC is extremely great because: Integrated circuit will help reduce the size of electrical circuits a lot, besides the accuracy is increased. IC can be said to be a very important part of logic circuits. There are quite a few types of ICs, programmable and fixedfunction, and there are nonprogrammable ones. Each IC has its own environmental properties such as temperature, voltage limit, working capacity, all recorded in the datasheet of the manufacturer that created it. 2.1.2. 555 timer IC The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, delay, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. Derivatives provide two (556) or four (558) timing circuits in one package. It was commercialized in 1972 by Signetics. Numerous companies have made the original bipolar timers and similar lowpower CMOS timers too. In 2017, it was said over a billion 555 timers are produced annually by some estimates, and probably the most popular integrated circuit ever made. 2.1.3. Power Management IC The power iC is designed to regulate, convert, and stabilize the current and voltage passing through it. An iC power supply can multiply a given voltage, divide from a desired voltage source and generate the desired power at the output voltage. 2.1.4 Inverting circuit is a type D flipflops which is internally composed of 2 type D flipflops with two steady states. Inputs are used to change the 0 and 1 states. Each flipflop has independent data, set, reset, and clock inputs. Setup or reset is clock independent and is performed by a high level on the corresponding set or set line. 2.2. Research and review of an existing system (device) Automatic control of WC lights using 1 PIR sensor and 1 door sensor This plan uses Hass to control. Communication with zigbee sensor via USB zigbeemqtt2. Equipment: 1 PIR sensor (I use Tuyas zigbee sensor Square type, 3 AAA batteries), 1 Xiaomi Aqara zigbee door sensor The cost of 2 sensors is about 550k First, a little about the device: + Aqaras door sensor is ok, no need to pay attention + PIR sensor motion sensor detects by infrared waves. When there is an object with body temperature moving, the PIR will detect the movement and report the status of people (on state). Conversely, if the moving part is obscured (most often when brushing teeth, washing face), the sensor still says no one (off state). Delay Delay: on > off 1ph, off > on 5s Automatic Light On Off Bathroom Toilet | Smart House The application can alarm antitheft when someone enters the room without the permission of the owner. When the homeowner returns to the room, there will be a remote control to turn off the antitheft protection mode. Its really useful when stealing PhoneLaptop in the room happens often in many places such as Hostels, apartment rooms,... eChipKool electronics meets all of the above needs, bringing products that satisfy customers, bringing peace of mind to your home. PIR 501 motion sensor 3 meters away, 110 degrees wide angle, with 2 rheostats to adjust Sensitivity and Delay light on
HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY OF HIGH QUALITY TRAINING REPORT AUTOMATIC BATHROOM LIGHTS Name of Students Student ID Nguyễn Phúc Tiến 19161030 Phạm Huỳnh Minh Khanh 19161069 Ho Chi Minh City, 6th, January, 2021 HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY OF HIGH QUALITY TRAINING REPORT AUTOMATIC BATHROOM LIGHTS Name of Students Student ID Nguyễn Phúc Tiến 19161030 Phạm Huỳnh Minh Khanh 19161069 Ho Chi Minh City, 6th, January, 2021 Ho Chi Minh City, January 6th, 2021 RESEARCH PROJECT ASSIGNMENT Student name: Student ID: Student name: Student ID: Student name: Student ID: Student name: Student ID: Major: Electrical and Electronic Class: Telecommunication Engineering Advisor: Nguyen Thanh Hai Phone number: Date of assignment: Date of submission: Project title: Initial materials provided by the advisor: Content of the project: Final product: CHAIR OF THE PROGRAM (Sign with full name) ADVISOR (Sign with full name) Ho Chi Minh City, January 6th, 2021 PROJECT EVALUATION SHEET Student name: Student ID: Student name: Student ID: Student name: Student ID: Student name: Student ID: Major: Project title: Advisor: EVALUATION Content of the project: Strengths: Weaknesses: Approval for Tech Show? (Approved or denied) Overall evaluation: (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) Mark: (in words ) Ho Chi Minh City, January 6th, 2021 ADVISOR (Sign with full name) ` DISCLAIMER The information of this project is the opinion or opinion in the article that is of individual group, not influenced or controlled by any company, organization or sponsor The author always tries to provide accurate and truthful information to the best of his knowledge Over time, technology may change so the content of the article may no longer be accurate One very important thing that people often ignore, is that the product is only maximized when in enclosed spaces So if the above condition is not met, the user should accept certain risks if any When reading the content , it means that you have accepted the terms of the author mentioned above COPY RIGHT These articles and content are the copyrights of my team (except articles with reference) The author does not agree to arbitrarily take the content of the article to publish or republish on another website If you really want to republish any posts, please quote The author used images found on the internet If any images are copyrighted, the author will always respect ` ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A completed study would not be done without any assistance Therefore, the author who conducted this research gratefully gives acknowledgement to their support and motivation during the time of doing this research as a requirement of completing my project First of all, I would like to express my endless thanks and gratefulness to my supervisor Dr Nguyễn Thanh Hải His kindly support and continuous advices went through the process of completion of my thesis His encouragement and comments had significantly enriched and improved my work Without his motivation and instructions, the thesis would have been impossible to be done effectively As a part of project: EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND ANALYSIS, my thesis has been done by contribution of all relevant students So far, I would like to thanks to peoples who took charge in the process of data collection and data entry for doing this research as a part of the project I also acknowledge my thankfulness to all respondents and managements’ branches of AIM program where data would be collected for their valuable time, kind assistances and support in participating in the surveys I would like to state my thanks to Ho Chi Minh University Of Technology And Education where supported for the project and provided me lab to pursuing and completing my degree My special thanks approve to my parents for their endless love, care and have most assistances and motivation me for the whole of my life I also would like to explain my thanks to my siblings, brothers and sisters for their support and care me all the time As last, my deeply thanks come to all my friends during time I study in Việt Nam Their kindly help, care, motivation gave me strength and lift me up all the trouble for the rest of my life ` TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Content Page Fig 1.1 The current principle creates sound waves 22 Fig 1.2 Describes how sound waves separate water 23 Fig 1.3 Overview diagram of the steam generator 23 ` LIST OF TABLES Content Page Time progress table 11,12,13 14 Cost Management table ` LIST OF ABBREVIATION No Full word Abbreviation Integrated Circuit IC Polyamide PA Control Humidity In The Air C.H.I.T.A 10 ` Firgure 3.15 Circuit of system in real 3.4 Control Design 3.4.1 Flow Chart Start Const ,int and string 31Setup pin mode ,bandwith for displaying in screen Loop() ` Humidity > 80 Stop fan, valve and mist generator Fan run Valve run Mist generator run End Flow Chart Explanation: We can see that it is the process of operating the system in order from top to bottom First, after the system is powered the sensor will operate and measure the temperature and humidity in the room If the humidity in the room drops below 80%, the system will operate and increase the humidity in the room Unless, the system will automatically shut off until the humidity falls below 80% 3.4.2 Code for product 32 Code for ESP-WROOM-32: #include ` #include ; #include ; LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // Specify data and clock connections and instantiate SHT1x object #define dataPin 17 #define clockPin 16 #define VCC 12 #define valve 27 byte doC[8]={ B00111, B00101, B00101, B00111, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000 }; SHT1x sht1x(dataPin, clockPin); void setup() { lcd.begin(); //Khởi động hình Bắt đầu cho phép Arduino sử dụng hình lcd.backlight(); lcd.createChar(1,doC); Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(VCC, OUTPUT); pinMode(valve, OUTPUT); } void loop() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); 33 float temp_c; float temp_f; float humidity; ` digitalWrite(VCC, HIGH); // Read values from the sensor temp_c = sht1x.readTemperatureC(); temp_f = sht1x.readTemperatureF(); humidity = sht1x.readHumidity(); // Print the values to the serial port Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(temp_c, DEC); Serial.print("C / "); Serial.print(temp_f, DEC); print("F Humidity: "); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println("%"); lcd.print("Temp: "); lcd.print(temp_c); lcd.write(1); lcd.print("C"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Humi: " ); lcd.print(humidity); lcd.print("%"); if (humidity>80) digitalWrite(valve, HIGH); else digitalWrite(valve, LOW); } 34 ` CHAPTER EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Design Experiments 4.1.1 Needs In order to identify the general needs of the product, we conducted a small survey with students, university students and workers to get the most general view After a few days of surveying, we had the most general overview of the product and we will take that data to be able to develop more for the product After collecting the data, the following table will be the essential needs of the product and the important product ratios for that customer Table 4: Needs table Numbe r Needs The product should have a variety of colours The products should be reasonably priced The product should have interesting shapes The product should easy to use The product can be used for a long time The products should be reasonably sized Products can be effective in open spaces Important (vote) % 4.1.2 Metrics From the general requirements of the customers as the above table, we will summarize and make a table of metrics to have a better view of their needs and measurement units and lists 35 Table 5: Metrics table ` Metrics Unit M1 Colors List M2 Automatic List M3 Materials of parts List M4 Price VND M5 Duration of life Month/Year M6 Shape of the product List M7 Use Fan to improve the effective List Table 6: List of indirect metrics table List of Indirect Metric M1 Yellow, red, blue, white, etc M2 Auto mode M3 Wood, hard plastic, stainless steel, etc M6 Cylindrical, square, spherical, special form, etc 4.1.3 Needs – Metrics Correlation The following will be the units or factors that directly or indirectly affect the need 36 Table 7: Direct dimension and Indirect dimension Need Metric ` M1 M2 M3 M4 I I M6 M7 M8 I M5 I D D D D I D D Direct dimension I Indirect dimension The reasons why we mark the factors that direct dimension and indirect dimension affect needs 2, 3, because these needs have many Metric Consider the box of need 2, because in order for a product to have an affordable price, not only the designer calculates the components inside that product, the material to make will also partially affect the that product, if the product is made of wood, the price of that product will be completely different from the product made of metal because the price of the two materials is different, if the product uses materials more expensive that make the price of the product will also be expensive For need 3, a product with a unique shape to the customer does not necessarily mean a product with a unique design, but sometimes the products have simple features along with the harmony with the space the customer will order the product will also make the product impressive, the color is also an important part in this regard, whether the color suitable with the space that the customer put or not it will make the product in that space stand out or not About need 4, to be able to 37 effective in open space we use fans to improve steam growth rates and create a feeling of faster, more efficient cooling in open spaces The system is still effective when it is near the user ` 4.1.3 Product Specification Table 8: General specifications for the product No Specification name Important Unit Ideal value Marginal value Colors 2% List Dimensions 19 % list mm mm Weight 10 % Gram (g) 2000 g 1500-2000g Material 12 % List Sensor 8% List Microcontroller % List Fan 16 % List Lifetime 5% Years Display screen 3% List 10 Mode 20 % List Type Basic years years Addition 4.1.4 Experiment Method Table 9: Experiment method Specification Unit Sampling time Method Description Total weight Gram Use scale to measure the weight of the machine Dimension Centimete r Use ruler to measure the dimension of the machine Accuracy % 10 Take the product to a dusty environment such as a factory workshop Use a multimeter to measure 38 Power supply Volt ` Material List Make a list and buy materials from the market Fan List Make a list and buy materials from the market Display screen List Make a list and buy materials from the market Sensor List Make a list and buy materials from the market Electronic components List Make a list and buy materials from the market Go to the shop for counselors and print Make a list and buy materials from the market 10 Shake and simulate light collision with product Printed circuit Microcontroller List Reliability of product With figures or values we need accuracy, not necessarily absolute accuracy, just relative and it has a slight degree of intersection in that range, we will suspect that value, degree The efficiency of the machine we have tested has a total of 10 times, for us the number of times make test this is enough and can ensure accuracy 4.2 Operation Experiments In order to test whether the product is stable or not before being presented to our customers, we have had the actual tests: Static test, estimating static parameters such as size, weight, hard (physical tests of the product) and a dynamic test to estimate the performance of the device, such as whether the power supply is stable or not, whether the code is stable or not (testing of components electronic inside products) Making both above 39 test methods to ensure the product is absolutely safe, no fire or explosion and increase reliability to customers 4.2.1 Static Test ` Static analysis is important for systems that require high safety criteria, the benefits of when we Static analysis are the ability to identify defect early before performing dynamic testing The cost of repairing is much cheaper than finding it late in software development and putting it into use Prevent design and code defect by uncovering deficiencies and incorrect system operations Increased development performance: for example, design can be improved, easy to maintain code To perform this test, we will completely refrain from using the code to operate, test our calculations and design steps for the product circuitry to detect potential errors can happen as we connect the power cord to the pins for ESP WROOM 32 and print circuit design During the test we discovered a small error that the code not working properly as required so we fixed it by changed the code In order to ensure our design is safe for users for many different collision conditions, we have conducted mechanical design tests of the product, 4.2.2 Mechanical Design In terms of the mechanical design of the product, we have relied on the idea of simplifying design of product as much as possible so that it can suitable with a lot of spaces Here we have chosen the product as plastic because it has a quite durable outer layer and is protected by a plastic layer of plastic PA which is high strength, abrasion resistant as well as lubricating In addition, PA plastic also has chemical resistance, electrical insulation properties as well as shock reduction and reduced progress We have designed the product to have many right angles and bolted edges to ensure durability of the case when there are collisions We performed a few small tests, such as shaking the product, being lightly bumped with other objects such as balls, the results we received were very positive, the product was not cracked or damaged on surfaces, but if bumped in strong situations, the product will also ensure there is not much damage, only minor cuts caused by sharp points 4.2.3 Electrical Design40 When we completed all the mechanical design tests for the product, we switched to testing the internal circuitry of the product, first we tested ` the all-new electrical wire, No wiring tearing or melting (this may cause electric leakage and fire) Then we check the line on the circuit board to match the simulation design (this is very important because just a faulty path will cause a circuit fire), the next step is we check the power supply for electronic components is stable so that the product can operate at full capacity, the final step is that we will run the simulation ARDUINO code to ensure the product works well Table 10: Table of static test criteria No Specifications Unit Ideal value Marginal value Real value Matched percentage Total weight Gram 2000 g 90 % Material List Plastic 100 % Fan List Fan AC 100 % Sensor List GT18No.3805 100 % Microcontroller List ESP WROOM 32 100 % Display screen List LCD 100 % Mode List Auto 100 % Dimensions List Medium size 100% 4.2.3 Dynamic Test After all static tests have been completed, the next step is to perform dynamic tests, which will run the code and then execute the test on the same environment and devices as the actual environment in which the software / system will be used We will perform a check of the operation of the system to make sure the operation of all system Table 11: Power consumption test data 41 Power supply Consumption (v) Name of component Ideal Marginal Test no Measure value Result ` value value (%) ESP WROOM 32 80 80 80 100 % Module Relay 2 100 % Sensor 63% 63% 63% 100 % To be able to perform the humidity test, we had to check in a very tight, windless room to get an accurate reading Not only that, we have to use the hygrometer to accurately measure the ambient humidity 4.2.4 Product Quality The following table will show the synthesize result of the product and through that team can determine the quality of the product: Table 12: Synthesize Result No Specification Total Weight Gam Dimension Centimetr e Material List Plastic Plastic, Steel, Aluminum 100% Sensor List GT18No.3805 GT18No.3805 100% Fan List Fan 12v AC 50mm Fan 12v AC 50mm 100% MicroController List ESP WROOM 32 ESP WROOM 32 100% Display Screen List LCD LCD 100% Noise dB – 10 dB 5dB 90% Colours List Brown Brown, Yellow, Red 100% 10 Mode List Auto Auto 100% Result Unit Ideal Value Marginal Value Real Value 2000 15002000 2000 98% Medium Size (25 – 30.5 – 33.5) Medium Size (25 – 30.5 – 33.5) 100% dB 42 Percent of static test: 98.18% List Match Percentage Percent of dynamic test: 99.42% Overall: 98.8% ` From the table above we can see that the percentage of dynamic and static testing is very high, from which the overall test of the machine is greatly appreciated Thereby we can see that the machine works really dark with the functions that it brings The data we have measured from the actual value compared to the estimated value is not much difference, which proves that the machine can guarantee the benefits that it brings 4.3 Conclusion From all the test above, we can see that the result is the great success But due to the in experience and lack of testing equipment, the test may not conduct all the important characteristic and not exactly correct However, the air purifier is working and actually accomplish the objective of the project CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion The machine has high durability and did not detect any errors during our testing The system works well in closed environments like bedrooms and living rooms 43 The system creates a better living environment for users, safe cooling and a pleasant feeling 100% Test participants found steam ` cooling much more comfortable than air-conditioning Save twice as much energy as air-conditioner (verified) Do not pollute the environment The system is completely automatic, controlled by AI Easy to use, safe for children and make no noise when operating 5.2 Recommendations Use additional fans to increase efficiency Secure an enclosed space and incorporate a ventilation fan system to reduce humidity when needed Choose the right electrical equipment and paint the wall Keep metal utensils in the right place REFERENCES Wikipedia (n.d) Humidity Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidity What is Humidity (n.d).How temperature affects indoor and humidity levels Retrieved from https://www.airthings.com/what-is-humidity Benjamin Elisha Sawe 44(2017, April 25) What Is Humidity And How Does It Affect Life On Earth? Retrieved from ` https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-is-humidity-and-how-does-itaffect-life-on-earth.html Tịnh Nguyễn (2020, June 29).Rate the top best humidifiers to buy 2020 Retrieved from https://chanhtuoi.com/may-phun-suong-tao-amp2025.html 45 ... The Air C.H.I.T.A 10 ` ABSTRACT Automatic bathroom lights is a complete system whose main function is to turn on and off the light when someone enters or exits the bathroom, it includes digital... which wastes electricity, so the automatic bathroom light system will help you solve the above problems III DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 12 is to focus on automatic lights on and off The purpose of... time we need to use the toilet or bathroom, especially in the dark With a laser sensor, every time someone enters or exits the bathroom or toilet, the light will automatically turn on and off to