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  • VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR (4.0 points)

    • The battle of Bannockburn.

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PRACTICE TEST VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR (4.0 points) Part 1: (1,5 points) Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the right answer ( 0.1p each) Before he got married, Danny always went out on Saturday nights He never stay in A would B use to C used to D is used to I remember Alison as a spotty young girl but she's turned a beautiful woman A to B in C into D on If you like skiing, there's a ski under an hour's drive from Madrid A station B resort C place D port Deirdre and Paul have just bought a small house of the town A in the district B in the edge C in the suburb D on the outskirts When I told the doctor that I'd had earache for nearly a month, he gave me a for ear-drop A ticket B recipe C receipt D prescription Harrods, in London, is probably one of the best-known in the world A departmental stores B department stores C department shops D departmental shops Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he up A grew B brought C settled D came to take you fishing when you were younger? A Use your father B Did your father use C Would your father D Did your father used The north-west of Scotland is and there are a lot of lakes A country B woody C hills D mountainous 10 They've a horrible new tower block where that lovely old building used to be A put up B put down C pushed up D pulled down 11 The Jacksons live in a four-bed roomed bungalow in a very nice area A residents' B residence C residential D resident's 12 I've got to see the dentist for a check-up tomorrow; I just hope I don't need to A have anything done B be done something to C let anything be done D make something done 13 It's high time Bill got a steady job and He's almost thirty A turned down B settled down C turned in D settled in 14 Jennifer lives in a small apartment the ground floor A under B by C in D on 15 Stirling is a town not far from Edinburgh A medium B middle-sized C medium-sized D medium-large Part 2: (1.0 point) Use the correct tense of the verb in brackets Write your answer in the numbered space provided (0.1 p each) Julia: Hello, Kevin (1) (I/not/see) you for ages How are you? Kevin: I’m fine How about you? (2) _ (you/look) well Julia: Yes, I’m very well, thanks So, (3) (you/go) somewhere or (4) _ (you/meet) somebody off a train? Kevin: (5) _ (I/go) to London for a business meeting Julia: Oh (6) _ (you/often/go) away on business? Kevin: Quite often, yes And you? Where (7) (you/go)? Julia: Nowhere (8) _ (I/meet) a friend Unfortunately, her train (9) (delay)– (10) _ (I/wait) here for nearly an hour 10 Part 3: (1.5 points) Use the correct form of the word in the right column for each of the gaps Write your answer in the numbered space provided (0.15 each) He has been constant in his to scientific studies Devote to the school is by examination only Admit He was turned down for the job because he is Qualify It was of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie Justice I understand what you are saying Perfect Jane’s as director came as no surprise Appoint A holiday in America can be .cheap Surprise The of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night Die My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little Friend 10 These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly comfort III READING: (8.0 points) 10 Part 1: (1.6 points) Read the following passage and answer the questions Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the right answer (0.2 p each) The wrestler who became an author Pete Watson looks like the biggest, sweetest teddy bear you’ve ever seen It’s only when he opens his mouth that you notice the missing front teeth Watson is a three-time world champion wrestler turned author He was adored by fans because he was different: while other wrestlers were supreme athletes, he was just a hulk who knew how to take a hit You could throw as many chairs as you like at Pete Watson, you could smack him repeatedly, but he wouldn’t go down After two autobiographies and a series of children’s stories, he has just written a brilliant first novel: a work of immense power and subtlety, likely t gain a wide readership At its simplest, it is about a boy and his dad getting together after a lifetime apart, though there is far more to it than that Was he inspired by anyone he knew? The father, he says, is based on guys he met on the road, wrestlers, friends of him, who appeared t be leading exciting lives, but deep down were pretty miserable Watson does not come from traditional wrestling stock He grew up in Lon Island, New York His father was an athletics director with a PhD, his mother a physical education teacher with two master’s degrees- one in literature, the other in Russian history He was a big boy bullied for his size One day his neighbour had a go at him, and for the first time Watson realized he could use his weight and size instead of feeling awkward about it It was a turning point At college, he did a degree in communication studies Meanwhile, he was learning professional wrestling Did his parents try to dissuade him? ‘No They were just really insistent that I finished college I am pretty sure they thought I’d get hurt and quit wrestling.’ But he didn’t He looks in remarkably good condition for someone who spent 20 years in the ring His skim is smooth and firm, there are a few visible scars ‘It’s amazing what retirement can for you I looked really rough five years ago, and now I think I look a good deal younger,’ he says People are surprised by the softness of his handshake ‘Yeah, that’s the wrestler’s handshake,’ he says Do you have to be a good actor to be a good wrestler? ‘I used to really resent the acting label but it is acting When it’s really good, when you’re feeling it and letting that real emotion fly, it comes closer to being real.’ What did his children think when they saw him getting hurt? ‘Well, they used to think I never got hurt because that’s what I told them When they got old enough to realize I did, they stopped enjoying it That was in part what led to my decision to get out.’ Nowadays, his time is dedicated to family and books- his next novel is about boy wrestlers living on the same block, and he is also writing more children’s stories He does not think this life is different from wrestling ‘Wrestling is all about characters,’ he says ‘So when my fans hear I’ve written a novel, I don’t get the sense that they feel I’ve abandoned them.’ What impression we get of Pete Watson’s skills as a wrestler? A He frequently lost because he was not very aggressive B He was too gentle and friendly to be a good wrestler C He was injured a lot because he didn’t fight back D His speciality was letting his opponent hit him It is suggested that Pete Watson’s first novel A is based on his own autobiography B will be popular with those who liked his autobiographies C will not only appeal to his fans D is not much more than a simple story What does ‘traditional wrestling stock’ in the text article mean? A Watson’s childhood B Watson’s family background C Watson’s educational background D Watson’s background in athletics What did Watson’s parents feel about his interest in wrestling? A They were afraid he would get hurt B They insisted that he should have proper training at college C They wanted him to give up wrestling D They thought he would abandon the sport quite soon Pete Watson seems to be in good condition now A although he is now retired B in spite of being a wrestler for so long C because he stopped wrestling five years ago D and he finds this fact amazing How does Pete Watson regard the idea that wrestling is like acting? A He resents the suggestion B He thinks wrestlers aren’t good actors C He has come to accept it D He doesn’t think wrestling can compare to acting What does “that” in the article refer to? A the fact that Pete Watson’s children got older B the fact that Pete Watson often got hurt C the fact that Pete Watson’s children no longer enjoyed watching him perform D the fact that Pete Watson could not tell his children the truth Pete Watson’s present life is not so different from his past occupation because A his work is still connected with characters B he is writing about wrestling, his previous profession C his family are still more important than anything else D his fans still follow his career with interest Part 2: (1.0 points) Read the text and then circle the best answer for each gap (0.1 p each) Nowadays people are more aware that wild life all over the world is in (1) ……… Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (2) ………… if we not make an effort to (3) ………… them There are many reasons for this In some cases, animals are (4) ……… for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds such as parrots, are caught (5) ………… , and sold as pets For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat- the place where they live- is (6) ……… More (7) ………… is used for farms, houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better (8) ………… , but these chemicals pollute the environment and (9) ………… wildlife The most successful animals on earth- human beings- will soon be the only ones (10) …………, unless we can solve this problem A danger B threat C problem D vanishing A disappeared B vanished C empty D extinct A harm B defend C protect D serve A hunted B chased C games D extinct A lively B alive C for life D for living A exhausting B departing C escaping D disappearing A earth B soil C land D area A products B fields C herbs D crops A spoil B harm C wound D wrong 10 A left B over C staying D survive Part (1.4 points).Choose from the list A- I the most suitable heading for each part (1-7) of the article There is one extra heading which you not need to use There is an example at the beginning (0) (0.2 p each) A They don’t live up to their expectations F A growing market B Simply not the same G Not a passive viewer C Heroes and villains H The power of effects D Hidden information I Using the same setting E How to attract video gamers Films and Videogames 0—E In just a few decades the videogame industry has become a lot bigger than the film business In terms of turnover, what is rather grandly ‘interactive entertainment’ makes twice as much money as Hollywood cinema Which of course leaves people in the film business wondering if they can harvest any of this new income Is there any way of making films more appealing to people who play videogames? Making a film out of a best selling videogame can certainly guarantee a large audience The success lies in the use of special effects New videogames have stunning action sequences that rely on fantasy effects, and now films are being released with similar scenes Gravity is discarded as heroes leap across huge gaps, while slow motion techniques show bullets moving through the rippling air - A major segment of the videogame market comprises science fiction games and film makers have started t realize that they could set films in similar sci-fi future worlds But the difficulty for the procedures of Hollywood appears to be knowing where and when to stop Any attempt to borrow more than the setting from a videogame is probably doomed - There are many examples of successful film videogame combinations Rather than making a film using characters and stories from a videogame, the trick seems to be to make a film that has a fast moving action sequence and then bring out a videogame bases on that sequence People who enjoyed the film will probably want to buy the videogame This clearly creates a new market opportunity for the videogame industry - Why game players fell disappointed by films based on their favourite games? One reason is technical Videogames can show the action from a number of perspectives easily, because everything is computer generated But filming a sequence from twenty different cameras would cost a fortune, so it simply isn’t feeling that the film didn’t look as real as the videogame - Cameras matter in another sense, too In a film the director shows you the action from certain perspectives but makes sure he doesn’t show you some things to keep you in suspense Think of your favourite thriller You wouldn’t be interested in watching the film if you knew the identity of the murderer, for instance In films you are not supposed to have access to all the information Suspense and mystery are essential elements of film making 6 - This is not true for videogames When you play a game, you have to certain tasks to proceed to the next level Therefore, you must be able to see everything in order to make your choices, to decide what to next : which door to open, and son on You must have access to all the information You, as the player, are always in control In the cinema you never control the action You just sit and watch - There can be some interaction between films and videogames on a number of different levels, but in the end they fulfill different needs We go to the cinema to let someone else tell us a story, knowing we can’t influence what happens at all For all the similarities between technologies and special effects, we shouldn’t forget that a story and a game are fundamentally different Part 4: (2 points) Fill in each space with one suitable word to complete the passage below Write your answer in the numbered space provided (0.1 p each) According to biologists in the south of France, hundreds of tiny turtles bought as children’s pets are turning into monsters Flushed down toilets or thrown (1) lakes, the little green terrapins only a few centimetres (2) , are growing into creatures weighing up (3) five kilos and over 30 cm in length They are appearing in waters all (4) the South of France, (5) fish and threatening swimmers One holidaymaker has already (6) bitten while bathing in a lake near Cannes The situation is (7) bad that the lake (8) supplies the Riviera with its drinking water may (9) to be emptied and cleared of the turtles Biologists say the hot climate and lack (10) natural enemies are the main reasons the turtles (11) mutating A biologist at Marine land, a tourist attraction at Antibes, said, “They are ferocious, very aggressive and dangerous An adult turtle (12) chop off a child’s foot (13) one bite Now the real problem is (14) they are beginning to breed.” Sales of turtles in France are estimated to be (15) 200.000 and 300.000 (16) year Most are miniature green terrapins imported (17) Florida, but some shops have (18) selling a Canadian version known (19) the Serpentine turtle In addition, it can (20) as much as 73lbs 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 10 15 20 Part (2.0 points) Read the text and then decide if the statements below it are best described by True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG) (0.2 p each) The battle of Bannockburn Robert the Bruce is one of the great heroes of Scottish history When Robert the Bruce was king of Scotland, the English king Edward II wanted to rule the whole country However, Robert the Bruce helped the Scots to resist and to form a large army which attacked Stirling castle King Edward’s army came to help the soldiers in the castle, and the two armies met at the small town of Bannockburn on June 24, 1314 At that time the strongest part of the English army was bowmen These bowmen, with their long bows had won many victories for the English in France The Scots did not have many bowmen, as most of their army were armed with long spears So when the English archers attacked they could not defend themselves or fight back Most of the 4,000 Scots who died at Bannockburn died in this part of the battle However, Robert the Bruce was ready for this, and he called for his cavalry, (his soldiers on horseback) The horses were too quick for the bowmen, and the Scots knights chased them from the battlefield The English knights now advanced But Robert the Bruce had ordered the Scots to put sharp sticks in front of their soldiers, and to dig holes in the ground for the English cavalry to fall into The first line of English knights was defeated, and the second line of English knights came into the battle They were discouraged by what happened to the first line and they did not fight very well At this time many people in the area knew that a great battle was being fought, and when they heard that the Scots army was winning, they came to watch the battle The English soldiers saw them appear on the top of a nearby hill, and they thought that they were another Scottish army arriving The English were terrified that they would be caught between two Scots armies and they ran away Now the Scots cavalry returned to the battle and the horsemen killed many English soldiers as they ran away After this defeat, the English army tried many more times to conquer Scotland, but they never really succeeded Each time they were defeated by the high Scottish mountains, the bravery of the Scots soldiers, and because they had also to fight wars in other countries, such as France and Holland Finally in 1707 Scotland joined with England as an equal partner to form the United Kingdom The battle of Bannockburn was in the 14th century At the time of the battle the English were in Stirling Castle Many Scots at Bannockburn were killed by arrows The Scots horsemen killed most of the English bowmen The English horsemen chased the Scots horsemen away It was very difficult for the English to attack the Scots army The Scottish army had time to prepare for the English attack The English were frightened when another Scottish army appeared The English soldiers ran to an nearby hill 10 At the time of the battle England was also fighting with the French WRITING: (5.0 points) Part 1: (2.0 points) Rewrite each sentence beginning with the words given so that it has the same meaning as the first one (0.2 each) Philippa asked Olive if she could remember where she had put the camera Philippa said, “Olive, It is a six-hour drive from London to Edinburgh It takes Turn off all switches before leaving the workshop All the switches It is ages since Alan visited his parents Alan Mrs Taylor does not like living in such a small house Mrs Taylor wishes Mr Mills lost his job because he was late every day If Mr Mills James spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract James didn’t They travelled across India, and then flew on to Japan After “You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna” Henry said Henry suggested 10 The police made the youth empty his pockets The youth Part 3: (3.0 points) Write a paragraph of not more than 200 words about “the benefits of taking part in the after-class activities” PRACTICE TEST 5- ANSWER KEYS I Listening (3 points) Part (0.2 p each) £95 stations (sound quality) year/ one year battery life Part (0.2 p each) 3/ three 22.5 1/ one 20/ twenty 10 12 Part (0.2 p each) 11 full- time 12 part- time 13 distance 14 make an 15 (your) ID card students students learners appointment II Vocabulary and grammar (4.0 points) Part (0.1 p each) C C B D D B A B D 10 A 11 C 12 A 13 B 14 D 15 C Part (0.1 p each) I haven’t seen I am going I am meeting You look Do you often go has been delayed Are you going are you going 10 have been waiting are you meeting Part (0.15 p each) devotion Admission unqualified unjust perfectly appointment surprisingly death unfriendly 10 uncomfortable III Reading (8.0 points) Part (0.2 p each) D C B D B C C A Part (0.1 p each) A D C A 5.B D C D B 10 A Part (0.2 p each) 0- E 1- H 2- I 3- F 4- A 5-D 6- G 7- B Part 4.(0.1 p each) into long to over eating/ attacking/ destroying been so which/ that have/ need 10 of 11 are 12 can 13 with 14 that 15 between 16 a/ per 17 from 18 been/ begun/ started 19 as 20 weigh Part (0.2 p each) T T T NG F T T F F 10 NG IV Writing (5.0 points) Part (0.2 p each) Philippa said, “Olive, / can you remember where you (have) put the camera?” It takes six hours to drive from London to Edinburgh All the switches must be/ are to be/ have to be turned off before you leave the workshop Alan hasn’t visited his parents for ages./ last visited his parents ages ago Mrs Taylor wishes ( that) she didn’t live/ was not living in such a small house If Mr Mills had not been/ arrived late he wouldn’t have lost/ would have kept his job James didn’t sign the contract until he had spoken to his lawyer After they had travelled across India they flew on to Japan Henry suggested that Anna shuold go to the doctor if she had ( got) a pain in your back 10 The youth was made to empty his pockets by the police Part (3.0 points) ... villains H The power of effects D Hidden information I Using the same setting E How to attract video gamers Films and Videogames 0—E In just a few decades the videogame industry has become a lot... true for videogames When you play a game, you have to certain tasks to proceed to the next level Therefore, you must be able to see everything in order to make your choices, to decide what to... 13 18 14 19 10 15 20 Part (2.0 points) Read the text and then decide if the statements below it are best described by True (T), False (F) or Not Given

Ngày đăng: 02/12/2021, 16:06
