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, MOD E L' E S'S A Y S 267 Part of unconditional love is trust. My parents trust us to do what is right. They know we would never do anything to harm them. They trust us so we trust them. We know they won't hurt or mistreat us. Because our parents love us, they also respect us. They treat us as individuals. They accept our differences. They do not expect us to be like them. They want us to make our own way in the world, not follow in their footsteps. Without my parents' love, I would not feel confident. Without their trust, 'Iwould' not feel free to do what I want. Without their respect, I would notfeel comfortable on my own. All children should have such wonderful parents. In my country we need to use land for building. Our country is develOPing and. our industrial sector isgrowing. People are moving to the cities. We need to build more factories, houses, and stores. Our industrial sector has grown a lot over the past decade. We have built many factories and we will continue to build more. The growth of industry has helped our economy. There are more jobs now. If we build more factories, there will be even more jobs. Movies are popular because people are great watchers., We like to watch other pe9- pIe's lives. By going to the movies we can bring excitement into our lives, express our emotions, and imagine ourselves as someone else. Our lives are not adventurous or glamorous like the movies. We don't fight the bad guys all day and then go home to a luxury apartment. Wejust go to school, do our , homework, eat, talk to our friends, and sleep. We need a little excitement iniour lives and we find excitement at the movies. Humans are very emotional. We all like to cry and laugh. Sad movies give us a chance to cry about our sadness. Funny ones give us a chance to laugh about our joy. Sometimes it is easier to express our emotions in a dark movie theater. Now I am a student, but I know some day I want to be a scientist or a politician or a famous model. When I go to the movies, I can see my role models. I can see what they wear and how they talk. I can imagine myself as they are, and maybe some day I will really be like them. Even though my life is quiet, I can go to the movies and watch someone else's life. I can share their emotions and their everyday life. I wonder if they would like to share , mine. 180lEX 1811MA Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. In your country, isthere more need for land to be left in its natural con- dition or isthere more need for land to be developed for housing and industry? Use specific reasons and'examples to support your answer. 268 HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE TOEFL ESSAY Building more factories means that we need more houses. Many people are mov- ing to the cities to getjobs in the new factories. They need places to live. Right now, we don't have enough houses in the cities. It is a bigproblem. We need to build more houses near the new factories. We also need to build more stores. When people move to live in a city, they need to go shopping somewhere. They need to buy food and clothes. Right now, our cities have a lot of stores in their downtowns. We need to build more stores, however, in the neighbor- hoods around thefactories. Then it will be easierfor people to do their shopping. They won't have to travel to a crowded downtown. Our economy isgrowing so we need to build many things. We need to build new factories, houses, and stores. This is the most important usefor land in my country today. 182 MA Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your ansWer. Pets are important because theyprovide us with companionship and eveJ1with love. It is not good, however, to have too close a relationship with a pet, or to treat it like a human being. Devoting too much attention topets can prevent you from focusing on other activities and on relationships with people. It can also be a waste of money. Sometimes people who love their pets don't want to become involved in other activi- ties. Jf you invite such afriend out for coffee, for example, thefriend mig~t say, "Idon't have time. I have to walk the dog. !! Sometimes people don't want to take a weekend trip because they don't want to leave their pets alone. Theyput their pets' interests before .their own. Then they live lifefor their pets and notfor thelnselves. Loving a pet too much can interfere with good relationships with people. Sometimes people neglect their spouses and children in favor of their pets. A person who lives alone might devote all his atteJ1tion to his pet. He might lose interest in making friends and , being with people. A relationship with a pet is less complicated than a relationship with a person. Sometimes it seems easier to choose pets overpeople. People spend thousands of dollars on theirpets, but this money could have other uses. It seeJns strange to buy special food for apet or take it to the doctor, when some people don't have these things. Children all around the world grow up without enough food, or never get medical care. It would be better to give a pet simple things and send· the extra money to charity. Pets give us a lot and they deserve our care and attention. It is never a good idea to go to extremes, however. It is important to balance your pet's needs, with your oWn MOD E L E S SAY S 269 can tell us a lot about the country where they were made. have you learned about a country from watching its movies? specific examples and details to support your response. When I watch movies from other countries, I realize that people everywhere really are similar. We may have different languages and cultures, but we all want to get an education, need to make a living, and like to have fun. Once I saw a movie made in China. It showed parents helping their children with their homework. My parents helped me the same way. Another time I saw a movie from Argentina. It showed schoolchildren playing a game during recess.My friends and I used toplay the same game at school. Seeing thesefilms showed me that education is a common goal in every country. Children go to school and their parents help them with their work and want them to do the best they can. Education is something we all haLJe in common. By watching foreign movies, I see the different ways people earn a living Insome countries, people choose their careers according to their interests and talents. In other countries, their parents choose their careers for them. But in every country, finding a way to earn a living is a major concern, and working hard is respected. Earning a liv- ing is another common goal. Movies often show how people have fun. People everywhere want to be entertained and want to spend time with family and friends. Different cultures may enjoy different types of activities, but all cultures enjoy some form of sports, music, and dancing. Everybody likes to have fun. The movies I've seen make it clear to me that no matter what the cultural differ- ences are between countries, people everywhere have the same basic needs and goals. 184 PR Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. I don't like to study alone. I almost always prefer to study with a group of students. This helps me learn the material better, it keeps mefocused, and it'sfun. too. .1 learn more when I study with a group. In a group, we can help each other out. If I missed something in class, another student in the group can give me the missing irifor- mation. If I don't understand something, the other students can explain it to me. When . .we discuss topics together, we develop our ideas and understand the topic better. . Studying in a group helps keep me focused. I am with friends who are studying, so I study, too. If I study alone at home, I might get qistracted. I might put my books down and go watch TV or call afriend. In a group, we decide a time and aplace to study, and then we do it. We keep each otherfocused on the task. It's more fun to study in a group than alone. Ifeel happy when I am with my friends, even when we are working hard. After wefinish studying, we usually go out for 270 HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE TOEFL ESSAY coffee or to the movies. This is something to lookforward to. It is always nice to spend time with my friends. I lookforward to being with my friends, so I lookforward to studying when I study with them. The group helps me study better and learn more. Studying with a group is the best way for me. 1851MAl You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice. If I had enough money, I would purchase a business, not a house. A house is only a place to live, but a business is much more. With a business, I could earn enough money to buy a house and do other things as well. I could travel,for example, and I could help my family, too. 1 have always wanted to buy a house, and a business would make this possible. With a business I would earn enough money to buy a house. It might not happen right away, but after a few years in the business, I am sure I would have enough money. Then I would have both a business and a house. After I buy my house, I could use my money to travel. I would like to visit other countries. With a business, I could earn enough money to do this. I might also travelfor business. I might have to go to other countries to attend conferences or meet clients. One way or another, a business would give me the chance to travel. One of my goals is to help my family. My parents don't own a house. With a busi- nf!ss, I could help them buy one. I could also take care of them when they get older. I would also like to be able to send them on a trip. If I had a good business, I could help my parents in all these ways. A house isjust one thing, but a business is so much more. A good business would give me the opportunity to buy a house, travel, and help my parents. Buying a business is an investment for thefuture. o ANSWER IffiY CHAPTER 2 Practice 3 CHAPTER 3 3.4. Recently there have PIANNING 5.1 weeds WRITING been more handi- THE ESSAY 5.2 tables THE ESSAY capped people in films, and this also Practice 1 5.3 safe Practice 1 helps prevent 1. A It asksfor your Practice 4 1.1. Playing games also prejudice. opinion to be stated teaches us how to 4.1. Our planet gives us and explained. 5.1 travel deal with other peo- everything we need, 2. B It asksfor your 5.2 have lots of newpie. but natural choice of two sides. experiences -1.2. We learn about resources are not 3. A It asks Do you 5.3 read stories teamwork, if the endless. agree or disagree? 5.4 stability of house- game involves 4.2. Strip mining 4. B It asksfor your hold routine being on a team. destroys whole opinion to be stated 1.3. We learn how to regions, leaving bare and explained. Practice 5 divide and assign and uselessground. 5. B It asks Do you 5.1 convenient tasks according to 4.3. Deforestation agree or disagree? 5.2 walk each person's skills. removes old trees 6. B It asksfor your 5.3 quiet 1.4. We learn how to get that can't be . opinion to be stated 5.4 park people to do what _ replaced. and explained. we want, and 4.4. Too much fishing 5.5 affordable 1.5. we learn that some-may harm fish 7. A It asks Which do times we have to do populations to the you prefer? Practice 6 what other people point where they 8. A It asks for a 5.1 to prepare for a want. can't recover. choice to be made career 2.1. Cooking takes a lot 5.1. The most important and explained. 5.2 meet new of time. lessons can't be 9. A It asks Do you people 2.2. Shopping for the taught; they have to agree or disagree? 5.3 of other subjects food takes time. be experienced. ( 10. A It asksDo you 2.3. Cleaning and chop- 5.2. No one can teach us prefer ? Practice 7 ping the food takes how to get along Practice 2 5.1 waste of money time. with others or how 5.2 time 2!4. Cleaning up the to have self-respect. 1. Band C They both 5.3. As we passfrom mention a specific 5.3 people change kitchen after the decision. food is cooked childhood into Practice 8 takes time. adolescence, no 2. A It answers the 5.1 Scrabble one can teach us question Do you 3.1. Watching movies the judgement we agree or disagree? 5.2 talk before the and television can need to decide on 3. Band C They both game help us understand how to deal with mention reasons 5.3 teamwork the world more peer pressure. why people visit 5.4 learn new words 3.2. For example, seeing 5.4. As we leave adoles- museums. from opponents movies can expose cence behind and 4. A and C They \ us to people of dif- enter adult life,no both state a ferent races and . one can teach us preference. cultures. how to fall in love 5. B It states an 3.3. We can then over- and get married or opinion. come some preju- how to raise our dices more easily. children. 271 272 HOW TO.PREPARE FOR THE TOEFL ESSAY Practice 2 Practice 5 Ftractice 8 Paragraph focus: 1. In my opinion, 1. No doubt a zoo has ; 1. Opinion: I think the have new people's lives are (or does not have) more friends we experiences (or are not) easier a useful purpose. have the better. Paragraph focus: today. 2. Perhaps growing Paragraph focus: learn more about 2. It seems to me that up in the country- learn how to trust yourself most people prefer side is (or is not) others Practice 9 (or do not prefer) better than grow- Paragraph focus: 1.1 big portions to spend their ing up in the city. learn what to leisure time out- 3. Certainly, our gen- expect from others 1.2 control ingredients doors. eration is (or is not) Paragraph focus: 1.3 control size 3. To my mind,an different from that helps us profit 2.1 print apartment build- ofour parents. from experiences 2.2 audio ing is (or is not) 4. Conceivably, a2. Opinion: I believe 2.3 past better than a sense of humor that playing games house. can sometimes beis both fun and 3.1 present opposite 4. From my point of helpful (or detri- useful. views view it is (or is not) mental) in a diffi- Paragraph focus: 3.2 give additional good that English cult situation. teaches cause- information is becoming the Practice 6 effect relationship 3.3 show documentary world language. films 1. All things consid- Paragraph focus: Practice 3 ered, the family is teaches us about Practice 10 1. I believe that high (or is not) the most teamwork· 1. options schools should (or important influ- Paragraph focus: 2. choiceshould not) allow ence on young teaches us to s~udentsto study adults. follow rules 3. count on what they want. 2. In general, parents 3. Opinion: Nothing is 4. transit 2. I guess that it is are (or are not) the as important to me5. driving better to be a best teachers. as my family. 6. quickly leader (or member) 3. By and large, peo- Paragraph focus: 7. purpose of a group. pie are never (or learned about 3. I agree that people are sometimes) too trust 8. admit .should (or should old to attend col- Paragraph focus: 9. favor not) do things they lege. learned about Practice 11 do not enjoy ambition doing. Practice 7 1. a number of 4. I suppose that I 1. In a way,it is better Paragraph focus: 2. benefits learned about love would rather have to make a wrong 4. Opinion: I'drather 3. introduce to the university decision than to assign (or not make no decision.be alone. 4. are apt assign) me a room- or Paragraph focus: 5. impulsive mate. In a way, it is better need time to pur- 6. relax sue solitary activi- Practice 4 to make no deci- ties 7. restless sion than to make 8. shy 1. I am sure that chil- a wrong decision. Paragraph focus: dren should (or need time to get 9. confident should not) spend 2. Tosome extent, " to know myself 10. trade off a great amount of watching movies is better (or is not) more 11. responses time practicing enjoyable than Paragraph focus: sports. reading. need time to reen- Practice 12 2. I am positive that a 3. More or less,you ergize mind and 1.1 first-It introduces shopping center in can (or cannot) spirit a sequence in my neighborhood .learn as much by 5. Opinion: Traveling time. will (or will not) be. losing aswinning. alone,is the only 1.2 next-It continues a benefit to our way to travel. . the sequence in~ community. Paragraph focus: time. meet new people 1.3 we-It refers to our and we ANSWER KEY 273 previously men" 3.6 if-makes a cause 5. improve-matches 9. 5 tioned in the and effect relation- the present tense 10. Cx sentence. ship between the . improves 11. Cx1.4 such as-It intro- two parts ofthe 6. interesting- 12. Cx duces a list of sentence. matches the adjec- examples. 4.1 for example-tive interesting Paragraph 3 1.5 in addition-It introduces a list of 7. You~matches the 13. 5 adds information examples. pronoun you 14. Cx to the information 4.2 in order to-shows 8. engineers- 15. 5 in the preceding the reason for the matches the 16. Cx sentence. children's help. nouns teachers 1.6 as a result of- 4.3 later-explains and doctors Paragraph 4 The last sentence when attitudes 9. where my cousins 17. 5 describes the changed. still live-matches 18. 5 result of allthe 4.4 hardly-explains the phrase where 19. C actions described the degree that my grandmother 20. Cx in the rest of the the children are grew up paragraph. expected to work.10. to-matches the Paragraph 5 2.1 in addition to-It 4.5 even-introduces infinitive of pur- 21. 5 adds information additional informa- pose to travel 22. 5 to the information tion. abroad 23. C-Cx in the main clause 4.6 they-is the pro- of the sentences. noun that refers to Practice 14 Practice 17 2.2 before-explains modern children. 1.1 A-matches its 1.1 A when there is 5.1 on the contrary- product 1.2 C traffic. contrasts this para- 1.2 C-follows the 2.1 C 2.3 whenever-means graph with the pattern If it's every time. preceding one. selling it uses 2.2 A 2.4 such as-intro- 5.2 even though- 2.1 C-follows the3.1 A duces a list of makes a contrast pattern They3.2 C examples. between the two studied 2.5 consequently- clauses of the 2.2 A-matches They Practice 18 introduces the sentence. didn't have to learn Paragraph 1 result of the situa- 5.3 as well as-adds 3.1 B-follows the 1.1like active tion explained in another example. pattern The __ 1.2 bring active the paragraph. 5.4 if-makes a cause we 2.1 are outweighed 2.6 our-is a posses- and effect relation- 3.2 A-matches the passive sive adjective ship between the word contributions 3.1 cause active that identifies two clauses ofthe neighborhood. sentence. Practice 15 3.2 bring active 3.1 a major part- 5.5 much as- 1.1 B 4.1 destroy active explains the compares the 1.2 Aand B 5.1 is active degree. situation of farm- 2.1 C 5.2 oppose active 3.2 while-tells when ers with that of 3.1 Aand B children use the businessmen. Paragraph 2 language. Practice 16 6.1 cause active 3.3 on the other Practice 13 7.1 build active hand-contrasts 1. maintain-match-Paragraph 1 7.2 breathe active the adults' situa- es the base form 1. 5 7.3 will become active tion with the chil- learn 2. Cx dren's situation. 2. think-matches 8.1 willbe covered 3. 5 passive 3.4 first-shows the base form analyze 4. Cx 9.1 pollute active the degree of 5. 5 importance. 3. advancing- 10.1 willbe active 3.5 usually-explains matches the Paragraph 2 11.1 willbe hurt the frequency of gerund educating 6. Cx passive the situation. 4. in-matches in a 7. Cx small city 8. 5 274 HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE TOEFL ESSAY 11.2 will be affected 4. D-ends with Paragraph 4 These are, . 4. certainly , passive questions (Isn't it the years when we 5. I believe. Paragraph 3 important 1Don't develop our moral sense 6. In my opinion you want 1) of what's right and 12.1 will say active 5. D-ends with wrong. 7. I think 12.2 will be created questions ( would Conclusion The founda- 8. In my opinion passive 11,Could you call tion is laid, by and large, 9. overall 13.1 can have active me ?) in those first few years ; 14.1 will grow active of life. CHAPTER 4 15.1 will be built Practice 21 Introduction focus: REVISING., passive Topic Sentences learn.about relatiQn- THE ESSAY 16.1 will be active . Introduction Ithink that ships, begin our formal Practice 1 17.1 can cause passive people, weather, and, education, and develop 1; Iagree that all politics determine what our moral sense of right Paragraph 4 happens, not the past. and wrong students should 18.1 will change active Paragraph 2 People can Opinion words study art and music in high 19.1 is active change. 1. Ithinkschool. 20. 1 is active Paragraph 3The weather 2. to agree 2. Complete sentence 21.1 knows active can change. ' 3. No doubt 3 Iam assuf\1ingthat 22.1 brings active Paragraph 4 Politics can 4. Perhaps this is true of 22.2 will change active' change. 5. Presumably teenagers; Conclusion The direction 23.1 will be active of this change, in my 6. from my point of 4. All high school Paragraph 5 opinion, cannot be view students must take physical education 24.1 would be helpful predicted by studying7. Ibelieve because it ligood active the past. 8. by and large for their physical 24.2 outweigh active Introduction focus: health. 25.1 would be changed people, weather, politics Practice 23 s. Complete sentence passive Opinion words TopicSentences 6. Both art and music 26.1 cannot support 1. Itotally 9isagree Introduction I believe are inte'resting and passive 2. To me that successis more help students 3. Ithink that than how much money to express Practice 19 you make. themselves. 1. A 4. I don't believe Paragraph 2 Most 7. Students who have 2. C 5. No doubt people assume that' never drawn a 3. A 6. On the whole famous people are rich picture will be 7. As a rule people, but that isn't surprised when4. B always true. they start to,draw. S. C 8. in my opinion Paragraph 3 I also 8. It is always satisfy- Practice 20 Practice 22 believe that being ing to try some- Topic Sentences respected by coworkers thing new, even if 1. E-gives advice indicates success. you find you don't (look for another Introduction Ithink I'd Paragraph 4 I think like it. opportunity; don't have to agree that a per- that one of the most 9. Complete sentencegive up) son'schildhood years important indicators of 2. E-gives advice are the most important. successis knowledge. 10. Complete sentence (maybe you Paragraph 2 No doubt, Conclusion If history is 11. 11 gives us an shouldn't make it the early years are the the judge of success, avenue for our at al/) time when we learn then money surely isn't, emotions and 3. C-explains what about relationships. everything. fears. could happen (it , Paragraph 3 These are Introduction focus:' fame, 12. The teacher who would bring more the years when we respect, knowledge taught me how to variety , give us begin our formal play the piano was the opportunity to education. Opinion words very inspiring. amuse ourselves , 1. people believe 13. Complete sentence bring more jobs ) 2. I believe 3. definitely ANSWER KEY 275 Practice 2 Practice 4 Children are the \\ 11. B Does the child 1. Sentence OK. 1. There would be ones who study prefer fantasy 2. This taught more money for art. stories, adventure me important schools, libraries, 3. Reading such as stories, or non- professional skills and other commu- novels and short fiction? this assured me a nity needs.stories fiction is 12. C successful career. And combines a more enjoyable 13. B what happens 3. I was in college, list of things. than watching a to them is their computer science 2. Once the buildings movie. own fault. was relatively new. were completed, Novels and short 14. B.lt teaches them 4. Sentence OK. the jobs would .stories are exam- that there are 5. They were learning be those on the pies of fiction. other ways to view how to be teach- campus itself and 4. English,which is situations. ers.iournalists, and would include very idiomatic, is teachers, office the language of Practice 8 economists I was workers, custodi- diplomacy. learninq how to ans,and librarians. English is the thing 1. A write computer And combines two that is idiomatic. 2. A proqrams. sentences with the 5. Computer science 3. B 6. I graduated I had same subject. Theeiqht'very qood attracts many 4. C,The entrance is iob offers. subject can be young people difficult to see. 7. My choice of col- dropped in the looking for a 5. C,A landscaper lege maior gave second clause. rewarding career. could plant trees me a lucrative 3. Our community is Young people aresuitable to the career it helped in a place where looking for aarea. my married life. everyone knows career. 6. B,beautiful everyone else. 8. I married a Naval Place can be Practice 6 7. C,more attractive officer throuqh the replaced with the Check EssayModel 21 for 8. A years we've moved subordina~ing con- the correctpunctuation. 9. A six times. junction where. 9. Sentence OK. Practice 7 10. B 10. Sentence OK. 4. Although playing 11. C sports is a wonder- Note: The asterisked cor- Practice 3 ful way to learn rections are examples. 12. A, Right now, we discipline, it should There are other possible don't have a com- . 1. Students wonder not be the focus correct revisions. munity recreation why teachers of a university 1. B area,but we have are critical. education. empty land that 2. A birdbath is a Although combines 2. C isn't used. source of water for two contrasting 3. C 13. Band C birds when the ideas. 4. C*,There are many 14. C,for weather is hot. 5. Immigrant children ways to make a 15. B,a lot 3. I'd like to have a learn their new difference in a garden where I language while community. Practice 9 could grow playing with other 5. C,I believe that the 1. D vegetables. children and while activity learning to 2. C 4. We have all we going to school. read brings hope 3. C need, even though And combines two to the future. we want more. similar ideas. 6. C,It teaches them 4. A*,Our school 5. As our population that there arealready has books Practice 5 [other] ways ~o in its library, and ages,we will need 1. A child growing up it already has more services for view situations. computers. the elderly. has exciting places 7. C,Reading feeds a to visit in the city. child's creativity. 5. B,Right now the A child is the one reference books in who is growing up. 8. C,and other our library are very 2. Children who cultures. old. study art do better 9. A in all subjects. 10. B 276 HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE TOEFL ESSAY 6. C,You have to wait 5. Parallel structure; 4. Misplaced culture and other for somebody to Paragraph 5, sen- modifier; cultures. What return it or you tence 3; Our par- Paragraph 5,could have more have to order it ents teach us, oursentence 1; All value than that? from another , teachers teach us, sports teach Grammar library. and our peersimportant skills. 2. Fragment; 7. BtThey will be able teach us. 5. Parallel structure; Paragraph 2, sen- to do their work Punctuation Paragraph 2, sen- tence 2; Both are more quickly and 6. Question mark; tence 4;· natural forms of they will learn Paragraph 3, sen- Cooperation is self-expression. important skillst tence 3; But what if important when 3. Misplaced modifi- too. the child prefers throwing and er; Paragraph 2, 8. C art? catching the ball. sentence 3; Just 9. A 7. Period; Paragraph Punctuation as our ancestors 10. A 5, sentence 5; All of 6. Indent; Paragraph drew on the 11. C them are valuable. 1, sentence 1. walls in caves and 8. Capital letter; 7. Indent; Paragraph made music with 12. A Paragraph 3, 1, sentence 2. drumst 13. C,too sentence 2; If they 8. Indent; Paragraph 4. Parallel structure; 14. C, Look l;Ip. love science 1, sentence 3. Paragraph 3, sen- Spelling 9. Indent; Paragraph tence 1; Studying Practice 10 art and music Content 9. Spelling; Paragraph 1, sentence 4. means more than 4, sentence 1; on 10. Indent; Paragraphdrawing a picture 1. Thesis statement*; their values 1t sentence 5. or playing an Paragraph 1,sen- tence 5; Parents Practice 11 11. Period; Paragraph instrument. can be very impor- Content 2, sentence 1; Both 5. Parallel structure; tant teachers in our individual and Paragraph 3, sen- lives; however, they 1. Thesis statement*; team sports tence 3; By study- are not always the Paragraph 1, sen- emphasize compe- ing pictures in best teachers. tence 3; Overallt I tition, but team museumst by believe that team sports have an listening to the Grammar sports have more added benefit. selections in 2. Sentence frag- to offer in this area. 12. Capital letter; a musical ment; Paragraph 2, 2. Supporting Paragraph 3t sen- programt sentence 2; For details*; Paragraph tence 4; In individ- 6. Cohesion; example, they may 4t sentence 2-4:ual sports, on the Paragraph 3, sen- limit a child's free- Team players have other hand, there tence 4;They learn dom in the name of safety. to show up for are no teammates about what their practices and to interact with. society values. 3. Sentence frag- games on time. Spelling Punctuation ment; Paragraph They have to give 3t sentence 1; their best to every 13. Spelling; Paragraph 7. Indent; Paragraph 4 Another problem is game. If every 4, sentence 1; 8. Capital letter; that parents may player doesn't do Finally, team sports Paragraph 4, sen- expect their chil- the best that he orhelp tence 2; They learn dren's interest to she can do, the Practice 12 about what is be similar to their entire team suffers. important in other own. Grammar Content societies. 4. Misplaced modifi- 3. Run-on; Paragraph 1. Conclusion*; er; Paragraph 4t 3,sentence 2 + 3; Paragraph 5t sentence 4; Players must learn sentences .1-2;By Sometimes par- to communicate studying art and ents, especially with other players music in high older ones, can't to succeed. That is school, students keep up with rapid not true for indi- begin to under- social or techno- vidual sports stand themselves logical changes. as well as their own [...]... CASSETTESTO HELP YOU SUCCEED IN ESLAND TOEFL EXAMS Where the Action Is: An Easy ESLApproach to Pure Regular Verbs • A clear, easy -to- follow guide complete with charts that instruct ESL students to use and understand pure regular verbs in speaking, reading and writing Six practice test and answer keys are included $8.95, Canada $11.95 Barron's ESLGuide to American Business English • Focused to fit the needs... 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Ngày đăng: 21/01/2014, 12:20