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using properties of the SQLServer object. For example, once you’ve instantiated a
SQLServer object and connected it to a particular server, you can use the Databases
property of the SQLServer object to retrieve a Database object referring to a particular
Set objDatabase = objSQLServer.Databases(“Northwind”)
In this example, objSQLServer is a SQLServer object. When this line of code is exe-
cuted, the objDatabase object will be set to point to the Northwind database owned
by the specified SQL Server.
You can also use the SQLServer object to perform operations that affect an entire
server. For example, you could use properties and methods of this object to drop a
database, set serverwide options, or manipulate the default timeout for SQL Server
NOTE All of the sample code in this chapter was written with Visual Basic. Of course,
because SQL-DMO is a COM server, you can use the objects, methods, and properties it
exposes from any COM client language. You need to set a reference to the Microsoft
SQLDMO Object Library in your client code to use these objects.
In the following pages, we’ll list the properties, methods, and events of the
SQLServer object. These lists will give you an overview of the tasks that you can per-
form directly with this object. But first, we need to explain why there are two differ-
ent SQLServer objects in SQLServer 2000. Later in this chapter (in the section
“Creating and Connecting a SQLServer Object”), we’ll show you an example of work-
ing with these objects.
SQLServer and SQLServer2
SQL Server 2000 has two different objects to represent the entire SQL Server. The SQL-
Server object can be used with both SQLServer 2000 and earlier versions of SQL Server.
The SQLServer2 object can be used only with SQLServer 2000. The SQLServer2 object
includes all of the methods, properties, and events of the SQLServer object. In addition,
it exposes some new methods and properties that pertain only to SQLServer 2000.
The SQLServer2 object is an example of an extended SQL-DMO object. If you’re sure
that your code will be working with the latest version of SQL Server, you should use
the extended objects. Otherwise, you should use the earlier versions of the objects for
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You can’t create the extended objects directly. Rather, you create the original
object and then retrieve the extended object from the interface of the original
object. In Visual Basic or VBA, this is as simple as assigning one object to another,
as this example shows:
Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer2
Dim objOldSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Set objOldSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer
objOldSQLServer.LoginSecure = True
objOldSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE”
On Error Resume Next
Set objSQLServer = objOldSQLServer
If Err = 0 Then
Debug.Print objSQLServer.StartupAccount
Debug.Print “This function is not supported.”
End If
Here, the purpose is to retrieve the Windows NT account used by the SQLServer-
Agent by querying the StartupAccount property of the SQLServer object. This prop-
erty is available from only the extended version of the object. The code first connects
to a particular SQLServer (in this case, one named HENHOUSE) using the original
SQLServer object. This will work for any version of SQLServer from 6.5 forward. The
code then assigns this object to the new extended object. If the assignment succeeds,
the code can retrieve the value of the StartupAccount property; if the assignment
fails, you know that this is an older server and that the requested information isn’t
Table 20.2 lists the properties of the SQLServer and SQLServer2 objects. Although in
general we’re not going to list all the properties of objects in this chapter, we wanted
to give you a feel for the richness of the SQL-DMO object model. Properties with a
check mark in the Extended column are available on only the SQLServer2 object.
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Property Extended Description
AnsiNulls True if ANSI null compatibility is enabled
Application The SQL-DMO Application object
AutoReConnect True if the SQLServer object automatically tries
to reconnect in case of any problem
AutoStart ✔ True if the SQLServerAgent starts automatically
when the operating system starts
BlockingTimeout Timeout interval in milliseconds when waiting
for a blocked resource
CodePage Code page of the server
Collation ✔ Collation name for this server
CommandTerminator T-SQL batch delimiter (defaults to GO)
ConnectionID Unique identifier for a connected SQLServer
EnableBcp True if bulkcopy operations are enabled
Hostname Network name of the client where this object
is running
InstanceName ✔ Name of the current instance of SQL Server
IsClustered ✔ True if this server is part of a cluster
Isdbcreator True if the login for this object is a member of
the dbcreator role
Isdiskadmin True if the login for this object is a member of
the diskadmin role
Isprocessadmin True if the login for this object is a member of
the processadmin role
Issecurityadmin True if the login for this object is a member of
the securityadmin role
Isserveradmin True if the login for this object is a member of
the serveradmin role
Issetupadmin True if the login for this object is a member of
the setupadmin role
Issysadmin True if the login for this object is a member of
the sysadmin role
Language Language ID for this server
Login Username used for this connection
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Property Extended Description
LoginSecure True if using integrated security
LoginTimeout Milliseconds to wait for a connection
MaxNumericPrecision Maximum precision of floating-point numbers
on this server
Name Name of the SQL Server
NetName Network name of the server
NetPacketSize Packet size used on the network by this server
NextDeviceNumber Next device ID (this property is obsolete)
ODBCPrefix True if error sources are returned with error
Password Password used for this connection
PID ✔ Process ID for this instance of SQL Server
ProcessID Process ID for this connection
ProcessInputBuffer Contents of the current input buffer
ProcessOutputBuffer Contents of the current output buffer
ProductLevel ✔ Product level (Beta or RTM)
QueryTimeout Milliseconds to wait for query results
QuotedIdentifier True if quoted identifiers are enabled on this
RegionalSetting True if SQLServer uses the client locale for dis-
playing data
SaLogin True if the login for this object is a member of
the sysadmin role
ServiceName ✔ Name of the computer where this server is
StartupAccount ✔ Name of the login account used by the
SQLServerAgent service
Status Status (running, paused, stopped) of the server
StatusInfoRefetchInterval Sets the interval used to automatically refetch
status information
TranslateChar True if high-order characters are translated to
the client locale
TrueLogin SQLServer login used for the current connec-
tion (even if integrated security was specified)
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Property Extended Description
TrueName The value of @@SERVERNAME from this server
UserProfile Returns a series of bitflags indicating user privi-
leges on the server
VersionMajor Major version number
VersionMinor Minor version number
VersionString Complete version information
Table 20.3 lists the methods of the SQLServer and SQLServer2 objects.
Method Extended Description
AddStartParameter Appends a startup option for this server
AttachDB Attaches a database file to the current
AttachDBWithSingleFile Attaches a database stored in a single
file to the current server
AttachDBWithSingleFile2 ✔ Attaches a database stored in a single
file to the current server
BeginTransaction Starts a T-SQL transaction
Close Closes the connection with the server
CommandShellImmediate Executes an operating system command
Executes an operating system command
and returns the results
CommitTransaction Commits a T-SQL transaction
Connect Connects to a particular SQL Server
Continue Restarts a paused server
DetachDB Detaches a database from the server
DetachedDBInfo ✔ Returns a result set containing informa-
tion about a detached database
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Method Extended Description
DisConnect Breaks the connection with a server
EnumAccountInfo Enumerates the Windows NT accounts
with access to the server
EnumAvailableMedia Enumerates the drives visible to the
EnumCollations ✔ Enumerates the valid collations for this
EnumDirectories Enumerates the child directories of a
directory on the server
EnumErrorLogs Enumerates the error logs on the current
EnumLocks Enumerates the locks currently held on
the server
EnumLoginMappings Enumerates the security mappings on
the current server
EnumNTDomainGroups Enumerates the groups in the server’s
EnumProcesses Enumerates the SQLServer processes on
the current server
EnumServerAttributes Returns a list of the properties of the
current server
EnumVersionInfo Returns the complete VERSIONINFO
resource from the current server
ExecuteImmediate Submits a T-SQL batch for immediate
ExecuteWithResults Submits a T-SQL batch and returns the
IsDetachedPrimaryFile ✔ Returns True if a specified disk file is a
primary database file
IsLogin Returns True if a specified name is a
valid login
IsNTGroupMember Returns True if a specified user is in a
specified NT group
Submits a T-SQL batch and returns the
results along with any messages from
the server
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Method Extended Description
IsOS Returns True if this server is running on
a specific operating system
IsPackage Returns an integer indicating the version
of SQLServer that this object refers to
KillDatabase Drops a database
KillProcess Terminates a process
ListCollations ✔ Returns a list of all valid collation names
ListCompatibilityLevels ✔ Returns a list of all valid compatibility
ListDetachedDBFiles ✔ Returns a list of all database files refer-
enced by a specified primary database file
ListDetachedLogFiles ✔ Returns a list of all log files referenced
by a specified primary database file
ListInstalledInstances ✔ Returns a list of all named instances of
SQL Server on a specified computer
ListMembers Returns a list of the database roles that
a particular login belongs to
ListStartupProcedures Returns a list of the stored procedures
that execute when the server is started
Pause Pauses the server
PingSQLServerVersion Returns an integer corresponding to the
version of a specified server
ReadBackupHeader Lists the contents of a backup device
or file
ReadErrorLog Returns the contents of an error log
ReConnect Reconnects a disconnected server
RollbackTransaction Rolls back a T-SQL batch
SaveTransaction Sets a checkpoint within a T-SQL batch
ServerLoginMode ✔ Returns the default login mode for the
specified server
Shutdown Stops the server
Start Starts the server
Stop Stops the server
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Method Extended Description
UnloadODSDLL Unloads a DLL containing extended
stored procedures
VerifyConnection Checks whether the current server is still
Note that although methods and properties can both return information to the
user, there are differences between them. SQL-DMO uses methods for three distinct
• When the SQLServer object is being told to perform an action (such as dropping
a database)
• When retrieving information requires supplying other information (such as
checking whether a user ID belongs to a particular Windows NT group)
• When the return value consists of multiple pieces of information (such as the
list of all available drives on a system)
These rules for distinguishing methods from properties are consistent across all the
SQL-DMO objects.
Table 20.4 lists the events that the SQLServer object makes available. All of these
events are available on the original SQLServer object. There are no additional events
on the extended SQLServer2 object.
Event Occurs when…
CommandSent SQL-DMO submits a T-SQL batch to be executed
ConnectionBroken SQL-DMO loses its connection to the server
QueryTimeout A T-SQL batch times out
RemoteLoginFailed An attempt to connect to a remote server fails
ServerMessage A success-with-information message is returned by the server
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The Configuration Object
The Configuration object and its child collection of ConfigValue objects are another
important part of the SQL-DMO object model. With these objects, you can retrieve or
set the same configuration options for a server that you can set with the sp_configure
stored procedure or the configuration options of SQLServer Enterprise Manager.
The Configuration object itself has only one property, the ShowAdvancedOptions
property. Setting this property to True includes the advanced configuration options in
the ConfigValues collection. The Configuration object has two methods: Reconfigure-
CurrentValues and ReconfigureWithOverride. Either method applies changes made to
ConfigValue objects back to the server. The difference is that the ReconfigureWith-
Override method bypasses SQL Server’s validity checking.
The Configuration object has a child collection of ConfigValue objects. Each of
these objects represents a single configuration option for SQL Server. The properties of
the ConfigValue object include:
Name: The name of the option
Description: A lengthier description of the option
CurrentValue: The current value of the option
MinimumValue: The minimum allowed value of the option
MaximumValue: The maximum allowed value of the option
RunningValue: The value currently used by the server (this can differ from
the CurrentValue property if the CurrentValue property has been changed and
the change has not yet been committed to the server)
You’ll see an example of using the Configuration and ConfigValue objects later in
this chapter in the section “Changing a Configuration Option.”
The Database Object
One of the principle objects in the SQL-DMO object model is the Database object.
This object represents an entire database, and it provides a way to both manipulate
databasewide properties and get to other objects stored in a database.
Like the SQLServer object, the Database object has been extended for SQLServer 2000,
so there are both Database and Database2 object types.
Table 20.5 shows some of the principle properties (P) and methods (M) of the Data-
base object. This is not an exhaustive listing. For the full details of these objects, refer
to the SQL-DMO reference in SQLServer Books Online.
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Name Type Extended Description
Checkpoint M Forces a write of dirty pages back to the disk
CheckTables M Checks the integrity of tables in this database
CheckTablesWithResult M ✔ Checks the integrity of tables in this database
and returns the results as a table
CurrentCompatibility P ✔ Specifies the compatibility level of this database
DboLogin P True if the current login has DBO privileges on
this database
ExecuteImmediate M Executes a T-SQL batch within this database
IsFullTextEnabled P True if full-text searching is available for this
Name P Name of the database
Permissions P A set of bitflags that indicate the privileges of
the current SQL-DMO session in this database
PrimaryFilePath P Path to the primary data file for this database
Script M Creates a T-SQL script that re-creates this
Shrink M Reduces the space of the files holding this
SpaceAvailable P Amount of free space in the database
Status P Current state of the database (suspect, recovery,
loading, and so on)
You’ll see one use for the Database object in the section “Creating a Database” later
in this chapter.
The DBOption Object
The DBOption object is SQL-DMO’s way of allowing you to set the overall options
that control a database. Each Database object has one DBOption object as a child. As
you change the properties of this object, SQLServer changes the options of the refer-
enced database to match. The properties of this object include:
AssignmentDiag: True to enable SQL-92 null behavior
AutoClose: True to close the database when the last user exits
AutoCreateStat: True to automatically create statistics as required
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[...]... try the code on your own network You can also log in to a server by supplying a SQL Server username and password, as in this example: Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = False objSQLServer.Login = “sa” objSQLServer.Password = “” objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” Debug.Print objSQLServer.TrueLogin In this case, the code attempts to log... connecting to a SQL Server, just like any other SQL- DMO procedure: Dim objDatabase As SQLDMO.Database Dim objDBFile As SQLDMO.DBFile Dim objLogFile As SQLDMO.LogFile Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer ‘ Connect to the server using integrated security Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” The next task is to instantiate the SQL- DMO database... 787 The simplest way to connect to a SQL Server is to use Windows NT integrated security You can do this by setting the LoginSecure property of the SQLServer object to True, as in the following code fragment: Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” Debug.Print objSQLServer.TrueLogin This code first creates... objects and connecting to a server It also retrieves the particular database in which this table will be stored: Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer Dim objDatabase As SQLDMO.Database Dim objTable As SQLDMO.Table Dim objColumn As SQLDMO.Column ‘ Connect to the server using integrated security Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” ‘... Tables collection of the appropriate database: Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer Dim objDatabase As SQLDMO.Database Dim objTable As SQLDMO.Table ‘ Connect to the server using integrated security Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” ‘ Fetch the database of interest Set objDatabase = objSQLServer.Databases(“NewDb”) ‘ And drop the table objDatabase.Tables.Remove... property if you’re using SQL Server security Note that this won’t work if you’re using integrated security: Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE”, “sa”, “” Debug.Print objSQLServer.TrueLogin Creating a Database One task that SQL- DMO is well suited for is the creation of new objects For example, you can use SQL- DMO to create a database... follows the same pattern as the other examples we’ve examined: Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer Dim objAlert As SQLDMO.Alert ‘ Connect to the server using integrated security Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” ‘ Create the alert and give it a name Set objAlert = New SQLDMO.Alert objAlert.Name = “Full NewDB” ‘ Associate the alert with... string) SQLNSRootType_ServerGroup SrvGrp=groupname SQLNSRootType _Server Server=servername;Trusted_Connection=Yes or Server= servername;UID=username;PWD=password SQLNSRootType_Database Server= servername;Database=databasename; Trusted_Connection=Yes or Server= servername;Database=databasename;UID=user name;PWD=password Because they use information from the user’s Registry, the SQLNSRootType_DefaultRoot and SQLNSRootType_ServerGroup... SQLDMO.Database Dim objStoredProc As SQLDMO.StoredProcedure ‘ Connect to the server using integrated security Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” ‘ Fetch the database of interest Set objDatabase = objSQLServer.Databases(“NewDb”) PA R T V ‘ Create and name the stored procedure Set objStoredProc = New SQLDMO.StoredProcedure objStoredProc.Name... objDatabase As SQLDMO.Database Dim objDBOption As SQLDMO.DBOption ‘ Connect to the server using integrated security Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer objSQLServer.LoginSecure = True objSQLServer.Connect “HENHOUSE” ‘ Fetch the database of interest Set objDatabase = objSQLServer.Databases(“Northwind”) ‘ Get the DBOption object and set it Set objDBOption = objDatabase.DBOption objDBOption.SelectIntoBulkCopy . shows:
Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer2
Dim objOldSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Set objOldSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer
objOldSQLServer.LoginSecure. the SQLServer object to
True, as in the following code fragment:
Dim objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Set objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer