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For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org misfortune is not just for our neighbor. Maybe someday we fall in trouble and need for our friends help. If we helped them, we would count on them for help. In our materialistic world which a true friend cannot be find easily, we should respect our friendship and don`t let something invaluable harm or damage it. At last but not least, borrowing money from a friend has positive attributes such as social experience. For example we can learn how to talk with our friends and get along with them. We can learn how to select our real friends from the others. On the other hand if we borrow some money from a friend, we should back it on promised time. For example, one of my old friend needed money to register for university, she borrowed some money from me and promised to back it in a month. She didn`t show up for 3 months and I found that I should never trust her. In spite of that bad experience, I still insist on this idea that we should help our friends in difficult situations. In conclusion, however there are many banking facilities and governmental help such as loan and scholarship, we should give hands to our friends to come over the disasters. Essay 859 Topic 174 How is your generation different from your parents` generation? There is no doubt that every new generation is different in some ways from previous generations. Personally, I believe that there are few major differences, which I would try to explain below. In my opinion, a first big difference is, that people of my generation (those who are from 20 to 30 years old) use new technologies more often than older people. For example, we use Internet for every possible purpose. We prefer to look for information, write letters and even read the news on Internet; moreover, the World Wide Web has become the necessity of life for young people. However, a person of my parents` age would rather choose traditional ways for those purposes. I believe, that elderly people will definitely buy a newspaper instead of searching for the news on Internet. Another difference, which I can see, is that people of my generation are usually more relaxed and open-minded than people of my parents age. We are open to everything new and unknown. Of course, unknown not always means good, but we still want to try and experiment with many new things. The older generation often criticizes the younger one for being more relaxed and less reliable. I found, that my age people, generally, do not judge others for their differences, such as sexual preferences, as older people tend to do. To summarize, I would say that people keep the tendency to be different and so it goes for ages. I think, that we are different from our parent`s generation, but it does not mean that we do not respect and love them. Essay 860 Topic 174 How is your generation different from your parents` generation? Every time I got home after taking part in my friend`s party, my mother would For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org complain:?Why do you come back so late again??And I will say it is normal and think that my parents do not understand me. This kind of phenomenon is becoming more and more frequent in today`s families. Despite various improvements in all aspects of social life, the generation gap between the grown-up and the young remains unbridgeable. Admittedly, there lie various differences between the two generations. First of all, the two generations have got the different education. Owing to widespread education the influence of western civilization, to certain extent, gives the young people a new code of philosophy, which is completely different from that of their parents. Nowadays, the youths do not blindly follow that their elders say, for they have their own ideas. Furthermore, modern youths are trying to be more revolutionary. Their reluctance to learn old teachings and sayings becomes the constant friction between the two generations. They always introduce new technologies and new changes. However, the old people, wedded to everything of the past, are hostile to changes. We listen to rock while they listen to the folk songs. We spend a lot of time on computer while they dedicate their time to newspaper or at most TV programs. We spend most of our salary in though of enjoying our life while our parents will save most of their salary in case of emergency. All of these have caused the generation gap wider and wider. However our parents have many merits for us to learn. They own more experiences than we do, they are more modest and economical, which are useful traits for us. So what I want to point out is that, our young people and the elders should learn from each other, which is sure to produce a desirable result and a better society. Essay 861 Topic 174 How is your generation different from your parents` generation? It is true that every generation of people is different in important ways. Where I live in Japan, as more and more women are going into a work place, the relationship between men and women is changing radically. I think that our generation is different from our parents` generation because women are getting more independent and a family is getting smaller. Moreover, young people tend to learn new things easily while old people tend to avoid them. The first reason why I believe our generation is different from our parents` generation is that more and more women are becoming independent as they begin to go into a work place. For the people in our parents` generation, it is not usual for women to work outside their house. Most of old people think that men should work to support a family and women should stay at home to keep their house. At that time, women did not have a strong say because many people thought that men were superior to women. Nor women did have much opportunity to have a job outside their house due to the discrimination of a society. Therefore, it was very difficult for women to be independent. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Another reason is that a family is getting smaller and smaller as more and more women begin to work outside their house. Though a family used to have more than 5 or 6 members, it has only 3 or 4 now. Nowadays, we do not live with grandparents. Nor we do have many sisters or brothers. Currently, it is quite unusual to have more than 3 sisters or brothers. It is certain that our society in Japan is changing to the society where women can live easier compared to old age. However, people still tend to think that housekeeping is what women have to do and it leads to a hard situation for women who have to do their work both at office and at home. That results in a smaller family that is taken care of easier by women. Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, I find one more difference between our generation and our parents` generation. Old people are reluctant to accept new things. as they think it very arduous to learn something new. For example, computers are getting popular recently and using them is becoming indispensable in our life. However, most senior people seem to have more difficulty to learn the skill to use computers than young people, who are very quick at learning it. It is crucial for us to keep up with the changing society, especially in the business world. Considering all of the above factors, I think our generation is different from our parents` generation. Nowadays an increasing woman is willing to work outside to earn money and our family is changing to a small family. In the coming future, things will change more and more quickly. I am sure that we will find more drastic changes. What we have to do is to adapt to new things without difficulty and young people have the ability. Essay 862 Topic 174 How is your generation different from your parents` generation? The views of people vary from time to time. Those ideologies and beliefs which seem to be ideal today may loose all its significance tomorrow. And thereby people from different generation vary in many important ways. For instance about twenty-five years ago the society was not so liberal as we see it today. Girls and boys could not mix freely with each other. Women did not enjoy so much liberty as they get these days. And so there is a marked difference between our parent`s view and our view about friendship between opposite sex. It is sometimes almost impossible for many to explain that it is always possible to maintain a clear friendship between a boy and a girl. This is especially true in many of the orthodox families at least in my country. There is sometimes really awesome to explain many of our desires to our parents. This is because our needs and aspirations differ from them. For example suppose today we want to go to a cyber cafe to chat with someone. It is virtually impossible to explain what is the significance of chatting because they have never done that when they were at our age. For them it is a sheer wastage of money and time. It is also hard to let them know what pleasure we get from modern day music and movies as they are still more inclined to movies and music of their generation only. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org The biggest problem is that every person thinks his generation to be the best from all dimensions-talent, culture, taste, and ideologies. And that is responsible for all the clashes that we have with our parents. We try to explain them that what we feel is the best or rather best suited and they invariably try to establish the fact that we belong to the toughest time on earth when their golden days have gone and so what we feel or need is completely unnecessary and irrelevant. These are some of the ways in which our parent`s generation varies from ours. However we can bridge this gap. It is upon both us and our parents to understand each other in a much more friendly way. The initiative has to be taken from both sides. Essay 863 Topic 174 How is your generation different from your parents` generation? As the development of the society, the difference between our generation and parents` generation is more and more distinctive. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide the evidence to support my viewpoint. The most important reason in support my view is that we are brave to try lots of innovative things but not parents` generation. The young has the glorious future before him and the old has the splendid future behind him. there are a considerable number of things that we even never meet, undergo and try. However, it is the curiosity that allows us to research, fumble and try them. Generally speaking, a lot of attempts lead us to accumulating experience and they are the key to open their future`s doors. On the other hand, the parent`s generation is hardly brave to try innovative things for the old one would like to work according to experience rules. E-mail, for instance, is so popular that every youth feels like using it. Nonetheless, the old will refuse to utilize it in that it is believed that the traditional post is even safer than e-mail. Obviously, there is no better example than this to demonstrate the strength of this point. Another chief reason for my view is that we accept much more education than parents` generation. In the modern time, education does play an enormous role in the society. As a result, our parents give us great many opportunities to receive education. In contrast, not only did parents` generation gain less education, when they were young, but also they should work in the society. Thus, out thoughts are far more different from parents` generation. If you can see, you will understand it more deeply. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that parents and their children are different. Further more, following the suggestion that we should respect to our own parents may not guarantee the success, but the pay-off is worth the effort. Essay 864 Topic 174 For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org As the development of the society, the difference between our generation and parents` generation is more and more distinctive. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide the evidence to support my viewpoint. The most important reason in support my view is that we are brave to try lots of innovative things but not parents` generation. The young has the glorious future before him and the old has the splendid future behind him. There are a considerable number of things that we even never meet, undergo and try. However, it is the curiosity that allows us to research, fumble and try them. Generally speaking, a lot of attempts lead us to accumulating experience and they are the key to open their future`s doors. On the other hand, the parent`s generation is hardly brave to try innovative things for the old one would like to work according to experience rules. E-mail, for instance, is so popular that every youth feels like using it. Nonetheless, the old will refuse to utilize it in that it is believed that the traditional post is even safer than e-mail. Obviously, there is no better example than this to demonstrate the strength of this point. Another chief reason for my view is that we accept much more education than parents` generation. In the modern time, education does play an enormous role in the society. As a result, our parents give us great many opportunities to receive education. In contrast, not only did parents` generation gain less education, when they were young, but also they should work in the society. Thus, out thoughts are far more different from parents` generation. If you can see, you will understand it more deeply. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that parents and their children are different. Further more, following the suggestion that we should respect to our own parents may not guarantee the success, but the pay-off is worth the effort. Essay 865 Topic 174 It is true that every generation of people is different in important ways. Where I live in Japan, as more and more women are going into a work place, the relationship between men and women is changing radically. I think that our generation is different from our parents` generation because women is getting more independent and a family is getting smaller. Moreover, young people tend to learn new things easily while old people tend to avoid them. The first reason why I believe our generation is different from our parents` generation is that more and more women are becoming independent as they begin to go into a work place. For the people in our parents` generation, it is not usual for women to work outside their house. Most of old people think that men should work to support a family and women should stay at home to keep their house. At that time, women did not have a strong say because many people thought that men were superior to women. Nor women did have much opportunity to have a job outside their house due to the discrimination of a society. Therefore, it was very difficult for women to be independent. Another reason is that a family is getting smaller and smaller as more and more women begin to work outside their house. Though a family used to have more than 5 or 6 members, it has only 3 or 4 now. Nowadays, we do not live with grandparents. Nor we do have many sisters or brothers. Currently, it is quite unusual to have more than 3 sisters or brothers. It is certain that our society in Japan is changing to the society where women For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org can live easier compared to old age. However, people still tend to think that housekeeping is what women have to do and it leads to a hard situation for women who have to do their work both at office and at home. That results in a smaller family that is taken care of easier by women. Apart from the above mentioned reasons, I find one more difference between our generation and our parents` generation. Old people are reluctant to accept new things. as they think it very arduous to learn something new. For example, computers are getting popular recently and using them is becoming indispensable in our life. However, most senior people seem to have more difficulty to learn the skill to use computers than young people, who are very quick at learning it. It is crucial for us to keep up with the changing society, especially in the business world. Considering all of the above factors, I think our generation is different from our parents` generation. Nowadays an increasing woman is willing to work outside to earn money and our family is changing to a small family. In the coming future, things will change more and more quickly. I am sure that we will find more drastic changes. What we have to do is to adapt to new things without difficulty and young people have the ability. Essay 866 Topic 174 As the development of the society, the difference between our generation and parents` generation is more and more distinctive. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide the evidence to support my viewpoint. The most important reason in support my view is that we are brave to try lots of innovative things but not parents` generation. The young has the glorious future before him and the old has the splendid future behind him. There are a considerable number of things that we even never meet, undergo and try. However, it is the curiosity that allows us to research, fumble and try them. Generally speaking, a lot of attempts lead us to accumulating experience and they are the key to open their future`s doors. On the other hand, the parent`s generation is hardly brave to try innovative things for the old one would like to work according to experience rules. E-mail, for instance, is so popular that every youth feels like using it. Nonetheless, the old will refuse to utilize it in that it is believed that the traditional post is even safer than e-mail. Obviously, there is no better example than this to demonstrate the strength of this point. Another chief reason for my view is that we accept much more education than parents` generation. In the modern time, education does play an enormous role in the society. As a result, our parents give us great many opportunities to receive education. In contrast, not only did parents` generation gain less education, when they were young, but also they should work in the society. Thus, out thoughts are far more different from parents` generation. If you can see, you will understand it more deeply. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that parents and their children are different. Further more, following the suggestion that we should respect to our own parents may not guarantee the success, but the pay-off is worth the effort. Essay 867 Topic 174 For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org It is true that every generation of people is different in important ways. Where I live in Japan, as more and more women are going into a work place, the relationship between men and women is changing radically. I think that our generation is different from our parents` generation because women is getting more independent and a family is getting smaller. Moreover, young people tend to learn new things easily while old people tend to avoid them. The first reason why I believe our generation is different from our parents` generation is that more and more women are becoming independent as they begin to go into a work place. For the people in our parents` generation, it is not usual for women to work outside their house. Most of old people think that men should work to support a family and women should stay at home to keep their house. At that time, women did not have a strong say because many people thought that men were superior to women. Nor women did have much opportunity to have a job outside their house due to the discrimination of a society. Therefore, it was very difficult for women to be independent. Another reason is that a family is getting smaller and smaller as more and more women begin to work outside their house. Though a family used to have more than 5 or 6 members, it has only 3 or 4 now. Nowadays, we do not live with grandparents. Nor we do have many sisters or brothers. Currently, it is quite unusual to have more than 3 sisters or brothers. It is certain that our society in Japan is changing to the society where women can live easier compared to old age. However, people still tend to think that housekeeping is what women have to do and it leads to a hard situation for women who have to do their work both at office and at home. That results in a smaller family that is taken care of easier by women. Apart from the above mentioned reasons, I find one more difference between our generation and our parents` generation. Old people are reluctant to accept new things. as they think it very arduous to learn something new. For example, computers are getting popular recently and using them is becoming indispensable in our life. However, most senior people seem to have more difficulty to learn the skill to use computers than young people, who are very quick at learning it. It is crucial for us to keep up with the changing society, especially in the business world. Considering all of the above factors, I think our generation is different from our parents` generation. Nowadays an increasing woman is willing to work outside to earn money and our family is changing to a small family. In the coming future, things will change more and more quickly. I am sure that we will find more drastic changes. What we have to do is to adapt to new things without difficulty and young people have the ability. Essay 868 Topic 175 Should students do some of the talking in class? Some students hold the opinion that a class should be taught entirely by teachers, who talk all the time in class. However, other students champion a converse view that students should do some of the talking during a class. Both of the two means have their own advantages. On a personal level, though, I prefer the latter one, since there are far more superiorities than the former one. From the position of students, as an essential part of the class, students are eager to have their good thoughts and comments to be appreciated by the teacher. On the other hind, students are easy to get distracted and feel soporific if they only listened to their teacher, For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org as if they are stuffed by the teacher instead of absorbing knowledge voluntarily. In that way, students will lose their interests in class, which would inevitably induce students` descending in study. Likewise, from the position of teachers, all of the teachers would prefer an active class rather than a stiff one. The reason is so obvious that it is less arduous but more effective to teach a class in which students talk at intervals. As a matter of fact, it is a good feedback to the teacher by which she or he can be well acknowledged whether the students have grasped what she or he has lectured. In that case, the teacher will take some actions correspondingly. In conclusion, neither students nor teachers like teaching in the way of sole talking by teachers other than that of getting students involved in the talking. Stimulating the students to participate in the discussion of the class, virtually, is the communication between teachers and students which would benefit not only teachers but also students. Essay 869 Topic 175 Should students do some of the talking in class? I prefer classes where students are able to participate along with the teacher. In my opinion, it is very important to let the students do some of the talking because those way teachers will be able to determine who listens to the class and who does not. I strongly believe that allowing students to talk about a certain subject during the class will let the students to understand better, and will improve interaction in the class. It will also build a healthy relationship between teachers and students because by discussing a certain theme in the class students can always ask questions and make sure that they understand a topic correctly and fully. Teachers should also organize conferences and open dialogues in order to encourage students to speak up, and possibly to come up with some information, related to certain subject, on their own. Such practice will enable each student with a feeling of confidence and ability to push harder and go deeper. It will teach students to ask for help, treat each other with respect, and it will break barriers between students because they will have to work as a team in order to be ready for the next class. When the teacher does all the talking it makes it easier for the students not to pay any attention in the class. They can talk to each other and never go deeper in to a certain theme. The students will stay socially closed to each other. It may also lead to certain competitiveness between the students simply because someone understands particular subject better than the rest of the class. I will always value more a teacher who allows his/her students to discuss themes in the class. A teacher who shows more interest in getting to know the students beyond lectures. A teacher who wants to know what his/her students think about the class`s subjects, and whether the theme is available to everyone. A real teacher should not care only about how to end a lecture faster. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Essay 870 Topic 175 Should students do some of the talking in class? Some students like classes where teachers lecture(do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. In my opinion, I will prefer the latter instead of the former. My arguments are as follows: The main reason is the teacher`s function for students in class. I think the teacher`s function in class is teaching and answering student`s question so that the students can really master the knowledge. Actually, it is a truth that Every student want to learn more new knowledge from teachers in class when they go to school, it is very important for students that the teachers have told them in class. But, the students maybe have their opinions about the same topic or they want to ask the teachers some questions in class. So those classes where the teachers can lecture and the students can do some of the talking in class are necessary for every student. In those classes, the teachers can teach something what they think they must do to the students, on the other hand, the students can talk about something about what the teachers have taught or ask the questions they haven`t understood in class. Through those classes, I think the students can learn more and grasp them. The other reason is the nature rule. As you know, every class is equal or over 45 minutes in school. Now, you can image the follows: first, you are a teacher, what will happen when you keep on lecturing all the class? then, you are a student, what will happen again when you always keep up silence through all the class? The results will be the teachers feel thirsty and tired, the students are upset and bored. How about the classes where the teacher lecture(do all of the class)? My answer is that I do not like it. In a word, I prefer the classes where the students do some talking rather than the classes where the teachers lecture, because I think the classes where the students do some talking can provide students more knowledge and more interesting. Essay 871 Topic 175 Should students do some of the talking in class? Maybe since there has been a school or classes there is a discussion about the preferable style of teaching. The participants in this discussion argue about the perfect or adequate style of teaching, whether the front style is preferable or the interaction between teacher and students. Both the front style and the interactive style have their advantages and disadvantages. The most common style is the one when students listen as the teacher lectures. Some For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org people call it the old-fashioned style because even the Romans or Greeks used this style of teaching. The one that knows the details about a topic lectures them to the audience that in many cases does not have a clue about it. This style is often used in classes with a huge number of students. This is the case, for example in a lecture hall in a university. In many cases it is appropriate because if anybody who has question poses it, there will not be enough time to lecture the foreseen topic. However, it is also and still quite common in secondary schools. Here mostly the older part of the teachers uses this style. They learned and got used to it while they became a teacher. Even if there might be a change in the teaching style they still stick to their old-fashioned one. A common reason is that they simply do not like to change their style of teaching during their last few years as a teacher. This leads us to the other style of teaching, the one when students interact considerably with the teacher and with their fellow students. The type of teaching is also called the modern way of holding classes. While interacting during class the students get involved with the theme more likely than with the old-fashioned style. Therefore the way of understanding and remembering learned topics is easier. Of course, it is very difficult to practice the interactive style in classes with a high number of students like at big universities. But in secondary schools and especially in primary school it is a very appropriate way of teaching. Because the students have the possibility to interact with their teacher or with other students, they elaborate on the one hand their self-confidence and on the other hand they will get the chance to pose a question if they have not understood anything in class. As a result their grades improve. In conclusion we can say that the modern way of teaching, the interactive style, is the preferable one. However, there are and will be classes in which the frontal teaching is the more appropriate one. Thus we can summarize that there is no non plus ultra classroom style. Essay 872 Topic 175 type of lecture in class Some students like classes where teachers lecture in class, but other students prefre classes where the students do some of the talking. If I were faced with this issue, I would probably agree with the latter one. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint. The first and foremost reason that I have chosen to put forward is that a class in which the students do some of the talking gives the teachers a way to measure the quality of his or her lecture. To illustrate this point, there is an example more persuasive: many teachers believe that if the students are not responding in class to the lecture, then very probably the lecture has failed to be effective. If you can see that, you can understand it more deeply. In the second place, another chief reason for my view is that when the students are encoursged to speak in class, they are also more attentive to the lecture. For example, realizing that the teacher can ask anybody in the class at any point during the lecture, the students will be more alert. Furthermore, when the students are encouraged to speak up in class, they are also encouraged to display their intelligence. The only way to respond intelligently to a lecture-to ask the . your parents` generation? Every time I got home after taking part in my friend`s party, my mother would For more material and information, please. That results in a smaller family that is taken care of easier by women. Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, I find one more difference between our

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