Tài liệu Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason Chapter 12: Custom Mason Subclasses- P2 ppt

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Tài liệu Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason Chapter 12: Custom Mason Subclasses- P2 ppt

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Chapter 12: Custom Mason Subclasses- P2 Output: Compiling to a Different Output So you've decided that you really hate Mason and you want to use Embperl instead. But you have a number of Mason components you've already written that you'd like to save. Well, you can create your own compiler to generate Embperl code from Mason. In this case, we'll use the lexer as is and rewrite the compiler from scratch. There isn't really a one-to-one match between Mason and Embperl's features so this example will, like the lexer example, be limited in scope. Finding an intelligent way to convert Mason's methods and subcomponents to Embperl is beyond the scope of this book. In case you are unfamiliar with Embperl, it uses the following syntax: [+ +] tags contain code whose results should be sent to the browser, like Mason's substitution tag (<% %>). The [* *] tags contain Perl code that is not intended to generate output. This is equivalent to Mason's % -lines and <%perl> blocks. Finally, Embperl also has a [! !] tag similar to Mason's <%once> block. There are other Embperl tags but, once again, this is a simplified example. Embperl does have a feature similar to Mason's inheritance system called EmbperlObject, but translating between the two is nontrivial. So let's make our new compiler: package HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToEmbperl; $VERSION = '0.01'; use strict; use HTML::Mason::Lexer; use HTML::Mason::Exceptions ( abbr => [qw(syntax_error)] ); use HTML::Mason::Compiler; use base qw(HTML::Mason::Compiler); This pulls in the basic packages we'll need. Even though we really aren't inheriting much from HTML::Mason::Compiler , we still subclass it as anything expecting a compiler will check that what it is given is a subclass of HTML::Mason::Compiler. Of course, in our case, we won't be using this compiler with the HTML::Mason::Interp class, so the point is moot but important to mention. sub compile { my ($self, %p) = @_; $self->lexer->lex( comp_source => $p{comp_source}, name => 'Embperl', compiler => $self ); return $self->component_as_embperl; } The only parameter we expect is comp_source. We tell the lexer the name of the component is 'Embperl' since we don't really care what the name is in this context. Presumably we are being called by some sort of script that is simply going to take the Embperl-ized component and write it to disk somewhere. The name is used for reporting syntax errors when a component is run, but that won't be an issue in this case. sub start_component { my $self = shift; $self->{once_header} = ''; $self->{header} = ''; $self->{body} = ''; $self->{footer} = ''; $self->{current_block} = ''; } This method is called to give the compiler a chance to reset its state, so that's what we do. We will be storing blocks of code in each of the first four attributes. When we encounter a <%once> block, it will go in the once_header attribute. For <%init> blocks, we can put then in the header attribute. % -lines, <%perl> blocks, <%text> blocks, substitution tags, and text will be placed immediately into the body attribute. Finally, any <%cleanup> blocks will go into the footer attribute. The current_block() attribute will be used to keep track of what type of block we are in after a call to our start_block() method. This example will ignore other Mason syntax such as component calls, subcomponents, methods, and <%shared>. Again, this will be left as an exercise for the reader. sub start_block { my ($self, %p) = @_; syntax_error "Cannot nest a $p{block_type} inside a $self->{in_block} block" if $self->{in_block}; This is to make sure that the component is following the syntax rules we expect. $self->{in_block} = $p{block_type}; } Then we record what kind of block we are starting, which will be something like init or perl . The next method, raw_block() , is called for all of the blocks that we handle except the <%text> block: sub raw_block { my ($self, %p) = @_; for ($self->{in_block}) { /^once$/ and $self->{once_header} .= $p{block}; /^init$/ and $self->{header} .= $p{block}; /^perl$/ and $self->{body} .= "[* $p{block} *]"; /^cleanup$/ and $self->{footer} .= $p{block}; } } This switchlike statement stores the code given to us in the appropriate attribute. If it is a <%perl%> block, we wrap it in the relevant Embperl tag; otherwise, we simply store it as is in the appropriate slot. sub text_block { my ($self, %p) = @_; $self->{body} .= $p{block}; } sub text { my ($self, %p) = @_; $self->{body} .= $p{text}; } The first method is called when the lexer finds a<%text> block. The second is called for regular text. Both of these get placed into the body attribute for later use. sub substitution { my ($self, %p) = @_; $self->{body} .= "[+ $p{substitution} +]"; } This method handles substitution tags (<% %>) though it ignores the fact that this method can also be given an escape parameter. This could be handled via Embperl's $escmode variable (again, left as an exercise for the reader). sub perl_line { my ($self, %p) = @_; $self->{body} .= "[* $p{line} *]"; } This method is called for % -lines. Then we need to implement the end_block() method: sub end_block { my ($self, %p) = @_; syntax_error "end of $p{block_type} encountered while in $self->{in_block} block" unless $self->{in_block} eq $p{block_type}; Another sanity check is in the start_block() method. It's always a good thing to make sure that the lexer is giving us the kind of input that we would expect. $self->{in_block} = undef; } And we reset our in_block attribute so that the next call to start_block() succeeds. The last method to implement is the component_as_embperl() method, which simply will return a big block of text, our new Embperl page: sub component_as_embperl { my $self = shift; my $page = ''; if ( length $self->{once_header} ) { $page .= "[! $self->{once_header} !]\n"; } if ( length $self->{header} ) { $page .= "[* $self->{header} *]\n"; } if ( length $self->{body} ) { $page .= "$self->{body}\n"; } if ( length $self->{footer} ) { $page .= "[* $self->{footer} *]\n"; } return $page; } And there you have it a perfectly good Mason component brutally butchered and turned into an Embperl page. I hope you're happy with yourself! Storage: Replacing the Resolver Occasionally, people on the Mason users list wonder if they can store their component source in an RDBMS. The way to achieve this is to create your own HTML::Mason::Resolver subclass. The resolver's job is take a component path and figure out where the corresponding component is. We will show an example that connects to a MySQL server containing the following table: MasonComponent path VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY component TEXT NOT NULL last_modified DATETIME NOT NULL Our code starts as follows: package HTML::Mason::Resolver::MySQL; $VERSION = '0.01'; use strict; use DBI; use Params::Validate qw(:all); use HTML::Mason::ComponentSource; use HTML::Mason::Resolver; use base qw(HTML::Mason::Resolver); __PACKAGE__->valid_params ( db_name => { parse => 'string', type => SCALAR }, user => { parse => 'string', type => SCALAR, optional => 1 }, password => { parse => 'string', type => SCALAR, optional => 1 }, ); These parameters will be used to connect to the MySQL server containing our components. Readers familiar with the Perl DBI will realize that there are a number of other parameters that we could take. Our constructor method, new(), needs to do a bit of initialization to set up the database connection, so we override our base class's method: sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); We invoke the new() method provided by our superclass, which validates the parameters in @_ and makes sure they get sent to the right contained objects. The latter concern doesn't seem so important in this case since we [...]... package HTML: :Mason: :Request::WithSession; $VERSION = '0.01'; use strict; # Import a subroutine error( ) which throws an HTML: :Mason: :Exception # object use HTML: :Mason: :Exceptions ( abbr => [ 'error' ] ); use HTML: :Mason: :ApacheHandler; use base qw (HTML: :Mason: :Request); One problem unique to subclassing to the Request object is that Mason already comes with two of its own Request subclasses These are HTML: :Mason: :Request::ApacheHandler... provided by the HTML: :Mason: :Request base class, and does the right thing even given multiple inheritance It also cooperates with Class:Container to make sure that it sees any changes made to the inheritance hierarchy: sub new { my $class = shift; $class->alter_superclass( $HTML: :Mason: :ApacheHandler::VERSION ? 'HTML: :Mason: :Request::ApacheHandler' : $HTML: :Mason: :CGIHandler::VERSION ? 'HTML: :Mason: :Request::CGI'... argument user containing a MyApp::User object passed to components Using this class is a little different from what we've seen previously In our httpd.conf file, we'd have something like this: SetHandler perl- script PerlHandler HTML: :Mason: :ApacheHandler::AddObjects Similarly, in our handler.pl file, we'd simply create this object instead of an HTML: :Mason: :ApacheHandler... simple Of course, this would need to be customized for your environment, or you can use the previously mentioned HTML: :Mason: :Request::WithApacheSession module available from CPAN Once again, you have two options to use this new subclass If you are configuring Mason via your httpd.conf file, do this: PerlSetVar MasonRequestClass HTML: :Mason: :Request::WithSession or in your handler.pl you can load the module... We'll take care of this in our new() method, which will be discussed momentarily Our session will be implemented using cookies and Cache::FileCache for storage, just as we saw in Chapter 11: use Apache::Cookie; use Cache::FileCache; use Digest::SHA1; We solve our subclassing problem with the following code There is nothing wrong with changing a class's inheritance dynamically in Perl, so that's what we... HTML: :Mason: :Resolver::MySQL or by passing the resolver_class parameter to the new() method for HTML: :Mason: :Interp Request: A Request Object with a Built -in Session Wouldn't it be cool to have a request object with a built -in session? "Yes, it would," you answer "Child's play," we say When a request is made using this object, it should either find an old session or create a new one Then in our components we will... which lets Mason know that no matching component was found: return HTML: :Mason: :ComponentSource->new ( comp_path => $path, friendly_name => $path, last_modified => $last_mod, comp_id => $path, source_callback => sub { $self>_get_source($path) }, ); } The get_info() method returns its information in the form of a HTML: :Mason: :ComponentSource object This is a very simple class that holds information...don't have any contained objects, but the point is that if somebody subclasses our HTML: :Mason: :Resolver::MySQL class and adds contained objects, our new() method will still do the right thing with its parameters Now we connect to the database in preparation for retrieving components later: $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect ( "dbi:mysql:$self->{db_name}",... needed since an HTML: :Mason: :Resolver subclass and an HTML: :Mason: :Component subclass can be rather tightly coupled, but they must communicate with each other through the interpreter (this may change in the future) Next is our glob_path() method: sub glob_path { my $self = shift; my $pattern = shift; $pattern =~~ s/*/%/g; The pattern given will be something that could be passed to Perl' s glob() function... 'SELECT 1 FROM MasonComponent WHERE path = ?', {}, $path ); return undef unless $r->path_info; $path = $r->path_info; return $path if $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array ( 'SELECT 1 FROM MasonComponent WHERE path = ?', {}, $path ); return undef; } We generate a component path by taking the requested URI and looking for that in the database If it doesn't exist, we will try appending the path info if possible . Chapter 12: Custom Mason Subclasses- P2 Output: Compiling to a Different Output So you've decided that you really hate Mason and you. between Mason and Embperl's features so this example will, like the lexer example, be limited in scope. Finding an intelligent way to convert Mason& apos;s

Ngày đăng: 21/01/2014, 06:20

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