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By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 2... Once 1________ regarded as reflecting the level of crime in CONFIDENCE society, criminal statistics[r]

SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯƠNG THPT LIÊN SƠN ĐỀ LUYÊN 27 KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 12 - THPT NĂM HỌC 2017 - 2018 ĐỀ THI MÔN: TIẾNG ANH (Thơi gian lam bai 150 phut, không kê thơi gian giao đê) A LISTENING (The recording will be played TWICE) Part You will hear a lecture on volcanic activity and its effect on atmostphere Questions - Answer the questions below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer When did Mt.Pinatubo erupt for the first time? When was the earthquake measuring 7.8 recorded? When did the experts begin to study Mt.Pinatubo? What fell on the local villages on 2nd April? What does a ‘Level 5’ alert mean? Questions - 10 Complete the summary below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each gap Several large earthquakes were triggered by the eruption of Pinatubo on 15 th June 1991 because of the (6) _ of the summit The ‘caldera’ thus created considerably reduced the height of the mountain At the same time a (7) was passing by and the rain associated with it mixed with the cinders in the air to form a substance called ‘tephra’ which fell on the (8 ) _ of homes causing them to collapse, crushing hundreds of people During the eruption, large amounts of sulphur dioxide gas were emitted, which combined with (9) _ to make sulphuric acid which was responsible for a great deal of ozone depletion above Antarctica The overall effect of the cloud from this great eruption was the lowering of (10) Part You will hear a radio talk given by a photographer For questions 11-15, complete the sentences General information Ian says that people prefer to take photographs of (11) _ things Ian suggests that photograph albums have replaced people’s (12) _ He says that you should use many films in order to take good pictures Ian recommends that you should (13) poor photographs Landscapes Ian suggests taking pictures from different (14) He suggests including a varying amount of sky in the picture Portraits Ian recommends checking all the settings first He recommends photographing children at their own (15) _ Part You will hear two people who used to be famous television presenters in Britain, Frank and Wendy, talking about their careers and why they decided to give them up For questions 16-20, decide whether the opinions are expressed by only one of the speakers, or whether the speakers agree Write F for Frank W for Wendy or B for Both, where they agree 16. _ A story in the press showed me the danger of taking your career too seriously By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 17. _ It’s a shame when famous people are obsessed with their image 18. _ I had limited ambition in my career on television 19. _ People who become famous on television attract critism 20. _ When you are no longer famous, people you used to know ignore you B LEXICO-GRAMMAR I Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) that completes each of the following sentences Misuse of the world’s resources is one of the issues of our times A burning B heating C firing D boiling Hopes of finding the missing climbers are now beginning to _ A reduce B faint C dim D fade At length, it _ him that his life wouldn’t take a turn for the better unless he left his present employment A dawned on B assumed that C happened to D realized that Don’t read in such dim light; it will _ your eyesight A impair B dwindle C decrease D contract The gift was a _ of his gratitude A segment B specimen C receipt D token I admit breaking the window, but it wasn’t A purposeful B instrumental C deliberate D desirable Michael: “Look! He is as drunk as a lord” Sarah: “I don’t think so Actually, he is as sober as a _” A Sunday B a judge C a Muslim D a priest To be honest, I am my brother is A nothing near as ambitious as B nothing as ambitious than C nowhere like so ambitious D nowhere near as ambitious as I can accept criticism in general, but Martin it too far, so I had no other option but to show my disapproval A pushed B carried C made D put 10 I feel to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the decision A it my duty B that my duty C my duty D this my duty 11 I’m not at all put out by their decision _, I welcome it A All the same B On the contrary C In contrast D On the other hand 12 Jack: “It seems to me that it’s great to hold a party after the exam.” Jim: “ ” A I can’t help thinking the same B Don’t mention it C So far so good D The more the merrier 13 Don’t _ a word of this to anyone else, it’s highly confidential A speak B pass C mutter D breathe 14 Hassan is down with influenza and he is feeling _ right now A critically B barely C poorly D weakly 15 She seems to be angry with the whole world She has got a chip _ A in her bonnet B between the ears C on her shoulder D under her hat 16 , they slept soundly A Hot though was the night air B Hot though the night air was C Hot as was the night air D Hot although the night air was 17 May: “I’m about to sit for a talent exam” Tom: “Really? !” A Let’s take a break B Make a break for it C Break a leg D Break out of it 18 Thankfully, she only suffered _ injuries in the accicent A minor B meagre C minute D tiny 19 I didn’t know my guess was going to be right, it was just A odds B draw C pot luck D gamble 20 It was getting dark so we decided to head for home A utterly B totally C absolutely D fairly II Supply the correct form of the words in brackets DO STATISTICS TELL THE WHOLE STORY? By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang Once (1) regarded as reflecting the level of crime in CONFIDENCE society, criminal statistics are now interpreted with caution Such statistics are based only on (2) offences which have been NOTIFY reported and recorded But not all of these are reported by the public, so there are (3) in what is actually recorded It has been ACCURATE suggested that routinely compiled statistics seriously under-record some types of crime such as (4) , petty theft and domestic VANDAL violence COME The (5) of a court case, and whether a conviction is actually recorded or not, also depends on a complex mix of PROCEED ingredients ERR And changes in police (6) or even simple human (7) can sometimes mean no record is made of a crime INCIDENT Some would argue, therefore, that the criminal statistics we MANAGE have are less a picture of the (8) of crime than an indication of what the authorities actually find it (9) to police, and also a CERTAIN reflection of the kinds of offences that tend to end up in court and result in convictions Nevertheless, after a period of criticism and (10) , the use of criminal statistics has been regaining broad acceptance III In most lines of the following text there is an incorrect item Read the numbered lines 010 and then write the correct form of the word in the spaces provided for your answers Some lines are correct Indicate these lines with a tick (√) The first one has been done for you The latest, most comfortable credit card is the Europersonal Loan Card, convenient with who you can increase your spending power by up to $20,000 This can be lent at low interest rates and with a minimum of complicated red-tape Major purchases can be done with the freedom this card provides In addition, the card can be used to act with unexpected emergencies The bank requires some form of proof that the customer will be able to repay some money borrowed A previous bank or building society statement will serve this reason Provided the loan is repaid within three months, the interest rate will be only 2% Moreover, in the event of this time limit expiring, the rate will increase at 3,5% The Europersonal Loan Card is a secure, easy way to stretch your budget 10 IV Insert a suitable preposition/particle in each of the following sentences Don’t worry, the documents are safely lock and key at my place My cousin has a flair language and can speak more than six John fell _ Susan at first sight They got married a month later Winter is coming The days are really starting to draw Does the shed go _ the house or should I pay extra? _ her boss’s request, she has worked overtime nearly every day this month On seeing the burglar the woman made him with a kitchen knife I went to see the boss about a pay rise and he brushed me _ with a weak excuse about a business dinner and left me standing there! The investigation after the accident found that someone had tampered _ the rocket's fuel systems causing the launch pad explosion 10 The woman turned her son to the police because he was selling drugs C READING By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang I Read the text below and choose the correct word (A, B, C, or D) to fit the gaps Many separate fires (1) in the humus of the forest floor Smoke sometimes (2) the sun, which was often visible only at midday On September 30, flames came within three miles of the town of Green Bay, (3) 1,200 cords of wood stored at a charcoal kiln The settlements in the area were becoming increasingly (4) from both the outside world and one another as railroad and telegraph lines burned The fires seemed to wax and wane, on the wind and chance On September 30 the Marinette and Peshtigo Eagle reported hopefully that “the fires have nearly (5) now in this vincinity” But the paper was wrong, and the fires were growing By October 4, the smoke was so thick on Green Bay that ships had to use their foghorns and (6) by compass On October 7, the paper, reduced to looking for any scrap of good news, noted that at least the smoke had greatly reduced the mosquito population and that “a certain establishment down on the bay shore that has been (7) to the respectable citizens” had burned The paper’s editor, (8) by the burning of the telegraph line, could not know it, but a large, deep low-pressure area was moving in from the west The winds circling it would turn the smoldering forest of northestern Winconsin into hell on earth A extinguished B engulfed C spread D smoldered A obscured B burnt C illuminated D exposed A damaging B consuming C avoiding D licking A frightened B lonely C isolated D inundated A increased B died out C flared D diminished A steer B drive C guess D navigate A frequented B obnoxious C open D ignorant A cut-off B burnt C dismissed D chased II Read the text below and fill each space with ONE suitable word THE TROUBLE WITH SCHOOL In the first few years at school all appears to (1) _ very well There is much concern, (2) _ the part of the teachers, with high educational standards, and the children, even those who are far from being privileged in other ways, seem eager and happy However, by the time the children (3) _ adolescence, the promise of the early years frequently remains unfulfilled Many leave school without having mastered those basic skills which society demands, let (4) _ having developed the ability to exercise any sort of creative intelligence There is no denying that, in spite of the enlightened concern of our primary schools with happiness, schooling (5) _ or other turns into a distinctly unhappy experience for many of our children Large numbers of them emerge from it well aware that they are ill-equipped for life in our society So then they either regard (6) _ as stupid for failing or else, quite understandably, they regard the activities at which they have failed as stupid In any event they want no (7) _ of them How can we justify a long period of compulsory education which ends like that? III Read the following text and answer the questions 1-8 A A social problem can be defined as a condition that is considered undesirable by sufficient number of members of a specific community to constitute a group There are, however, degrees of social problem, ranging from the relatively trivial to those that are so serious as to call into question the most important values of the society in question On some there is likely to be consensus, while others may provoke extreme debate Nobody could claim that social problems such as murder and traffic deaths resulting from driving are to be accepted as minor issues However, it is not hard to find examples of other social problems that divide opinion By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang B C D E F G Teenagers playing loud music in a public park on finishing their school day obviously not consider their behavior unreasonable, but it may well be considered an extremely undesirable social condition by other groups who feel they have an equal right to enjoy the park and its facilities Similarly, a number of non-smokers hold the view that smoking is an undesirable social condition that should be banned or restricted in all outdoor public areas Nevertheless, research indicate there are factors that determine the degree to which a phenomenon comes to be perceived and accepted as a social problem For example, the likelihood of a condition being considered a social problem is much greater if the group it affects are themselves powerful; that is, if they are figures of influence For this reason, the problems that made life difficult for the poor tended to escape notice until they had some impact on the rich and middle-class citizens, for example when they became victims of crime In the United States, the problem of drug abuse attracted substantially more attention once it spread from the lower-class, predominantly non-white population and began to affect the sons and daughters of the educated middle class By much the same logic, if a condition has an impact on a small subsection of the population, it will more easily escape attention than when its adverse effects impact on a larger social group Again, in the United States, the poverty of African American has featured much more prominently than the poverty of Native Americans This can partly be explained by the fact that African Americans constitute a much larger group and are more visible The third factor relates to the dynamics of the condition If the number of people directly affected is seen to be increasing rapidly, public awareness will rise For example, we become used to prevailing levels of crime, traffic congestion, atmospheric pollution and even political corruption But should there be a sharp rise in intensity in one of these, public concern will also increase One case of political corruption a year may be a source of concern for our institutions, but five such cases in one month will forcefully grab the public the public’s attention Also worth a mention is the role played by the mass media, which according to many commentators, have largely and unfortunately failed in any attempt they might have made to address social problems In fact, some would go further and state that if anything, television, radio and newspapers have actually contributed to the problems that exists and made them worse This is to a great extent because they have reinforced the stereotypes that relate to race, class and gender rather than tackle them Until the advent of the Internet, television was without doubt the primary vehicle through which society received its information and also the mirror of society in the way in which it reflected its values and expectations Television has a vital role to play in the presentation of news and information Consequently, what a particular station chooses to present as newsworthy will inevitably influence the way viewers interpret both their society and the world around them All too often, television news programmes tend to focus on stories that present negative images of minority groups We are bombarded on an almost daily basis with stories of minorities engaging in crimes such as robbery, murder and rape These crimes by implication become characteristic of minorities The success stories that could counterbalance this negativity are remarkably absent The single mother who, despite the odds, finishes college with a good degree; the young man from the inner city who works his way up from the factory floor to hold a position of responsibility in the company – these stories rarely feature Questions 1-4 The passage has seven paragraphs labelled A-G By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-G (You may use any letter more than once) The significance of the size of the group of those affected Deciding to ignore the positive Disappointments about lack of influence on the problems Disagreements of interpretation of social problems Questions 5-8 Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer What’s a social problem? Definition: A condition that a group views as undesirable Can be trivial or extremely serious Consensus on drink driving and (5) Factors influencing acceptance of social problems - If people affected have power and influence Example: (6) not considered a problem when it was limited to lower class - Size of the population it affects Example: poverty of Native Americans was overlooked Habit We get used to problems like pollution, etc However, (7) will attract attention (8) _ Addressing social problems unsuccessful or not attempted May have made problems worse Example: race, class, gender stereotypes not tackled IV Read the text below then choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each question from 1-7 Architecture has social purposes and meets practical needs by means of combining art and technological innovations In building construction, however, an emergence of new materials does not make its precursors obsolete, and architectural knowledge is cumulative The fact that today much is constructed from prefabricated concrete does not away with brick Furthermore, despite dramatic changes and increased technological sophistication of architectural design and construction, the essential apparatus of erecting a building has remained rooted in preindustrial traditional practices passed down during the millennia The social and utilitarian expectations of structures are largely based on elemental demands of keeping out elements and enemies, avoiding the extremes of heat, and avoiding the intrusion of wind, precipitation, and pests Gravity, air pressure, and earthquakes can induce tensions that have to be accounted for when constructing functional enclosed space Vertical stacking of masonry materials causes compression that can lead to important problems when a structure is spanned to build a roof and connect walls Arches, vaults, and domes were specifically developed to alleviate the compression by directing the spanning element along a curve rather than a straight line Building suspension structures, dams, and tunnels became possible in the nineteenth century with the increased availability of steel that could reinforce structural frames and enable them to withstand natural forces previously believed to be insurmountable Functional evolutions of modern buildings create new demands on the analysis of structural behavior and engineering Few occupants of skyscrapers view elevators as elaborate By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang systems of vertical transportation Humidity and temperature control, forced ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, sanitation and disposal of waste, electrical wiring and fire prevention make very tall constructions engineering marvels that also must be aesthetically pleasing and physically convenient Erecting a structure involves a great deal more than merely attending to the aesthetics and psychological experience of architectural space The shape, size, and incombustibility of locally available construction materials fostered developments of specific technologies, ang brick and stones masonry have evolved in response to the need for structural durability Advances in engineering and knowledge associated with properties of building materials combine to lead innovations in architectural design Tools and skills required to exploit easily obtainable material have continued to inform the development of modem industrialized technologies What is the main topic of the passage? A The modem art of architecture and social pressure B The profound importance of tradition in architecture C The mutual impact of architecture and technology D The great technological advances in building material The author mentions the word "brick" as an example of which of the following? A How new design can improve traditional construction B How old buildings can co-exist modern architecture C How new knowledge can supplant traditional technology D How old techniques can continue to remain practical It can be inferred from the passage that pragmatic requirements of buildings A retain essential sophistication B stay rooted in the elements C stagnate over millennia D hold constant over time What can be inferred from the passage about reducing the effects of material compacting? A Masonry is stacked vertically by increasing compression B Downward pressure is dispersed by semicircular roofs C Buildings are spanned to account for the force of gravity D Vertical roofs are bent to counteract air pressure The word "withstand" is closest in meaning to _ A withdraw B enlarge C endure D withhold The purpose of the third paragraph is to suggest that _ A tall buildings require large amounts of wiring to make them functional B architectural innovations pose new challenges for technological development C skyscrapers need to be appealing and convenient for their occupants D architects of modem buildings create a demand for engineering talent It can be inferred from the passage that architecture and engineering _ A are at the opposite ends of the technological spectrum B compete for technological advancements C go hand in hand to promote art and science D supersede aesthetic and experiential values D WRITING I For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar in meaning as possible to the original sentence, using the word given The word must not be altered in any way There is no way you are going to persuade me not to go on holiday with her (TALK) ……………………………………………………………………………………… By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang Thomas was not given details of the company’s new project (DARK) ……………………………………………………………………………………… They accused Jimmy of stealing the money (PUT) ……………………………………………………………………………………… She can’t remember meeting you before (RECOLLECTION) ……………………………………………………………………………………… A notorious mass-murder is on the run from prison (LARGE) ……………………………………………………………………………………… II Write an essay of around 300 words on the following topic It is a fact in Vietnam these days that a remarkable number of people with a bachelor’s degree have trouble finding a job Therefore, it is advisory for school-leavers to make an intelligent choice between vocational training and higher education Discuss the advantages of both course types and state your preference -END OF THE TEST – A LISTENING I 0.1 point/1 item C B A B A II 0.1 point/1item olive (simple) pins 11 (local) co-operative/ (local ) coop harden 10 (silver) tears 13 ice-cream 14 (clay) pots III 0.1 point/1 item 16 C 17 C 18 D 19 C C 12 (a) chewing gum 15 stomach 20 B B LEXICO-GRAMMAR I 0.1 point/1 item A D A B II 0.1 point/1 item compulsive/compelling A A D B hightlighted deprivation D 10 C headway backdrop C READING I 0.1 point/1 item C E E B II C D III D A ability A D G form of language B A 4.A C 10.D F B F E in old age YES intrusions from 10 NO By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 11 NOT GIVEN IV being would 12 YES 13 NOT GIVEN no it lies took D WRITING I 0.5 point The summary: - must capture the important details of (each paragraph of) the original; - must retain the style and message of the original; - must show a thorough understanding of the original (by means of paraphrasing, interpreting, etc…); and - must NOT copy whole sentences of the original II 1.0 point III 1.5 points Notes: The mark given to part and is based on the following criteria: Content (35 % of total mark) a Providing all main ideas and details as required b Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively Organization and presentation (30% of total mark) a Ideas are well-organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and clarity b The essay is well-structured Language (30% of total mark) a Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to level of English language of gifted upper secondary school students b Good use and control of grammatical structures Punctuation, spelling and handwriting (5 % of total mark) a Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes b Legible handwriting Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before marking the papers By Đô Binh – THPT Liên Sơn, Lâp Thach, Vinh Phuc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang ... vocabulary and structures appropriate to level of English language of gifted upper secondary school students b Good use and control of grammatical structures Punctuation, spelling and handwriting

Ngày đăng: 26/11/2021, 02:45

