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Review Unit 45

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It is thought that the first temple was built on the current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century during the reign of Le Thanh Tong.. Over the years some of its structures which were in[r]

Đề cương ôn tập kiểm tra tiết lần I Trắc nghiệm We can learn how banh chung at Tet A make B to make C making Men used the bread winner of the family A be B to be C to being Should we try to every custom or tradition which is in danger of dying out? A preserve B act out C entertain The children in my home village used to go , even in winter Now they all have shoes A on foot B bare-footed C playing around At night they used to entertain by telling and acting out stories A them B their C themselves There is usually a gap between the old and the young, especially when the world is changing so fast A generation B value C age It must be incredible travelling by dogsled I wish I it A can B could did C could Every nation has respect for their long-preserved A behaviours B practices C traditions Once a month I went downtown to collect the post and then walked from village to village, were far away from each other A which B where C that 10 In Viet Nam, often refers to age and social position, not to wealth A seniority B tradition C generation 11 I also passed the news I had heard from the town and the other villages A in B on C down 12 Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common in many Asian countries A behavior B practice C tradition 13 She used to live in an igloo: a domed house from blocks of ice A to build B built C building 14 I wish people in the world conflicts and lived in peace A don’t have B doesn’t have C didn’t have 15 I have told you many times the door open A not leave B not to leave C to not leave 16 I wish my friends spent less time computer games and more time outdoors A play B to play C playing 17 The farmers in my home village rice home on trucks They used buffalodriven carts A used to transport B used to be transported C didn’t use to transport 18 A is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can hear it from a distance A loudspeaker B radio C television 19 I suppose it was a special occasion, ? A was it B wasn’t it C don’t I 20 He could be f red for his rude towards the VIP guest A behaviour B practice C tradition 21 A _ is a building that has been made stronger and protected against attack A fortress B cathedral C temple 22 Don’t bother _ to the museums A go B to go C going 23 From Port Eynon, the _ cliffs extend for five or six miles to Worms Head A cement B limestone C clay 24 I’m travelling around Viet Nam next week Can you _ a good place to visit? A introduce B recommend C talk 25 A _ is a cave that is big enough for humans to go inside A cavern B bay C fortress 26 The hotel is beautifully _ in a quiet spot near the river A located B situating C lying 27 Hue’s most outstanding attractions are the emperors’ _ A tombs B graves C cemetery 28 It’s well worth _ to the Perfume Pagoda A go B to go C going 29 It _ that many of our man-made wonders have been damaged A is reported B has reported C reported 30 I suggest that we _ the number of tourists visiting them every day A limited B should limit C limiting 31 That’s a good idea I’d like to suggest _ money to restore and preserve them A raised B should raise C raising 32 There is a growing _ that protecting natural wonders has financial benefits as well as cultural importance A recognition B setting C complex 33 In the 17th century, the Viet people took _ the temple tower, calling it Thien Y Thanh Mau Tower A after B over C up 34 The players have to work out where the wonder is and _ gives the correct answer first wins A however B whoever C whatever 35 Do _ of you have the answer, Mary and Linda? A some B either C none 36 Many valuable things have _ from man-made wonders A stolen B been stolen C been stealing 37 Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as being a great _ spot in Viet Nam A sight-seeing B sight-seen C sight-seer 38 It _ that the first temple was built on the current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century during the reign of Le Thanh Tong A thinks B is thinking C is thought 39 We _ limiting the number of tourists who can visit these important sites per day A advised B suggested C encouraged 40 It’s probably best _ by boat A go B to go C going II Đọc hiểu What are these people doing? a Match the headlines (A-D) with the situations (1-4) A Keeping the past alive B Preserving family traditions C Cleaning up the festivals D Educating children about the value of the past _ When a boy in the family reaches the age of twelve, the father takes him into the forest for his first hunting season He teaches the boy how to find his way in the forest, how to discover and follow the tracks of game, how to hunt, and above all, how to become the ‘man of the family’ _ Last year, the people in our village started a project They collected items relating to life in the past, especially those of cultural or historic value Then they opened a small museum to exhibit those items, so that everyone could come and learn about our history _ Last year our school carried out a programme called ‘Listen to the Past’ The participants of this programme did some research on an aspect of life, or events, in the past They then made group presentations of their findings to the students in the school, and conducted follow-up quiz competitions _ Not every traditional activity at a festival is appreciated Recently, there have been talks about outlawing some practices which might cause negative reactions from the public b Which answer (A, B, or C) is closest in meaning to the phrases taken from the passages above? “…how to discover and follow the tracks of a game.” (passage 1) A how to find and follow an animal B how to play the game of hunting C how to discover the rules of the game “…those of cultural or historic value.” (passage 2) A things which cost a lot of money B things which show people the history and culture of a place C the price of culture and history “…some research on any aspect of life, or events in the past (passage 3) A a study of past life B search for objects relating to the past C retell past events “Not every traditional activity at a festival is appreciated.” (passage 4) A Some activities at a festival are not traditional B People not appreciate festivals C Some activities are no longer appropriate in modern times Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D ROOTED IN THE PAST Good manners are a treasure to the people who possess them, as well as to the community they live in Manners are taught, learnt and passed from generation to generation Even hundreds of years ago, children were taught to behave responsibly They learnt to respect seniority When they passed an object to another person, they had to use both hands When they entered a room, they had to bow and greet the oldest person first Boys learnt to work hard to support their families Girls learnt to housework, and to take care of others Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it That would be cowardly and mean They were taught that families were strong, and everybody should stick together in adversity Fortunately many of these values have been well preserved They have contributed to making the unique Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society Good manners are ……… A of great value B of the community C traditional D only for the old What was seen as a boy's main duty? A to respect seniority B to support his family c to housework D to share good things The sentence: ‘When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it,’ means they would ……… A deny their mistake B admit their mistake C keep it a secret D be punished The underlined word ‘they’ refers to ……… A tradition B generations C children D seniority H cowardly and mean’ is used to describe ……… behaviour A acceptable B good C proper D unacceptable This passage is about ……… A people who possess good manners B what bad manners children in the past had C the preservation of bad values D good manners and their value Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the passage As a child, Phong always dreamt of going (1) to study (2) he graduated from high school, his parents sent him over to New Zealand to attend college, Phong was very happy that his dream finally (3) true When he first arrived in the country, Phong's English was not very good and sometimes he did not (4) what other people said He also had difficulties in class because he was not familiar with the new teaching and learning method He felt (5) in this new place, and missed all his buddies in Viet Nam, The food there was so different (6) what his mum used to cook for him And for the first time in his life, Phong had to think about his finances, and to plan his spending (7) But Phong was young and enthusiastic He learnt to (8) to this new environment After two years, Phong is now very (9) in English and has achieved the top academic award at his school He has a lot of friends from different countries He is even good (10) being able to earn money for his daily needs from his part-time job at a restaurant A travelling B abroad C up D foreign A At B During C After D White A come B become C turned D came A understand B like C care D consider A happy B interested C desperate D lonely A to B for C as D about A freely B careful C carefully D carelessly A discover B explore C adapt D adjust A bad B good C smooth D fluent 10 A at B than C of D that IV Rewrite the sentences below in the impersonal form of the passive People expect that the report will suggest some major reforms - It is expected _ They say that he invented the digital camera - It is said _ Scientists have discovered that there is water on Mars - It has been _ We expect the professor to arrive this morning - It is expected _ Many employers consider computer skills to be more important than work experience - It is considered I Fill each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets Ly Son Island Although it isn't well-known to most people (0-plan) _ planning _their Viet Nam trips, Ly Son Island is a terrific beach destination in the (1-central) of the Vietnamese East Sea Beside its (2-nature) beauty, Ly Son has its own rich history (3-Research) have found a lot of (4-archaeologic) evidence there of the presence of people from the ancient Sa Huynh culture dating back thousands of years The Cham empire also once used Ly Son as a (5transship) base Being a former (6-volcano) field, Ly Son has a pristine beauty that not many other islands in Viet Nam can match II Complete the passage below Fill in each gap with ONE word My mother came (0) from Baffin Island She used to live in an igloo: a domed house built from blocks of The house had only one room all the generations: grandparents, parents, brothers, unmarried sisters, and sometimes other relatives Everyone worked together to survive the Arctic winter Men went out hunting women stayed at home making clothes and preparing food When they to travel far, they rode dogsleds At night they used to entertain by telling and acting out stories They danced to drum music too III Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as being a great sight-seeing spot in Viet Nam It is situated in Huong Son Commune, My Duc District, Ha Noi It is a vast complex of Buddhist temples and shrines, including Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine) and Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, in the limestone Huong Tich mountains The centre of this complex is the Perfume Temple, also called Chua Trong (Inner Temple), located in Huong Tich Cavern It is thought that the first temple was built on the current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century during the reign of Le Thanh Tong Over the years some of its structures which were in ruins have been restored or replaced Many Vietnamese works of literature, both old and modern, have made Perfume Pagoda their focus It has also provided backdrops for many famous paintings Its beauty has been used as a theme of many famous songs and a topic of lyric poetry Nowadays during its festival (from the middle of January to the middle of March on the lunar calendar), Perfume Pagoda attracts large numbers of pilgrims from all over Viet Nam Statements T F Perfume Pagoda is both a religious site and a great sight-seeing spot in Viet Nam Perfume Pagoda includes Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine), Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, and the Perfume Temple The Perfume Temple is located in Huong Tich Cavern The first temple is thought to have been built on the current site of Thien Tru in the 1500s The beauty of the Perfume Pagoda has been the subject of many famous songs and poems Pilgrims from all over the world visit the Perfume Pagoda during its festival IV For each question, finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals Do not use more than five words Your village does not have access to clean piped water (MY) - I wish to clean piped water “Why don’t you watch more TV in English, Lan?” (SHOULD) - The teacher suggests more TV in English I suggest recycling things such as bags, cans, and bottles (ABOUT) - What such as bags, cans, and bottles? You should visit Trang An, a natural wonder of the area (WORTH) - It is Trang An, a natural wonder of the area They claim that Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological museum (IS) - It that Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological museum This method now works more effectively than it used to be (DIDN’T) - This method effectively as it does now They believe that the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April (IS) - It that the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April I suggest putting these valuable things in high-security places (ABOUT) - How these valuable things in high-security places? You should visit the historical places of the area (WORTH) - It is the historical places of the area 10 There is no organisation for social activities for teenagers in this town (AN) - I wish for social activities for teenagers in this town ... ROOTED IN THE PAST Good manners are a treasure to the people who possess them, as well as to the community they live in Manners are taught, learnt and passed from generation to generation Even hundreds... Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society Good manners are ……… A of great value B of the community C traditional D only for the old What was seen as a boy''s main duty? A to respect seniority

Ngày đăng: 25/11/2021, 11:29
