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native Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions.. Whenever I have ups and do[r]

SƠ GD&ĐT VINH PHUC TRƯƠNG THPT LIÊN SƠN (Đề thi gồm: 05 trang) ĐỀ KTCL ÔN THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 20172018 Môn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 204 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Ho va tên thi sinh:…………………………………………………………………… SBD:………………………… Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the sound of the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 01: A women B men C led D referee Question 02: A century B country C society D civilization Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions Question 03: A technology B situation C population D understanding Question 04: A solidarity B energetic C excellently D combination Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions Question 05 I'm not at all interested in photography I still take it up to kill the time A Taking up photography is my interest because I want to kill the time B I take up photography to kill the time although it's not my interest C I take up photography as my interest so that I can kill the time D Because I want to kill the time as my interest, I take up photography Question 06 I had got to the officice Then Mr Smith arrived A Mr Smith arrived at the office and then I got there B Mr Smith didn't arrive at the office until I had got there C When Mr Smith arrived at the office, I got there D Mr Smith had arrived at the office before I got there Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 07 People should eat and to reduce the risk of heart disease A less fat/ more exercise B less and less fat/ the more exercise C the less fat/ the more exercise D fatter/ more exercise Question 08 The passengers had to wait because the plane off one hour late A took B turned C cut D made Question 09 Descendants of the Sun is 2016 South Korean Television series Yoo Si-jin (Song Joog-Ki) is captain of South Korean Special Forces unit A the/ the/ the B a/ the/ a C Ø/ the/ a D the/ the/ a Question 10 Do you believe in between men and women? A equal B equality C equally D equalize Question 11 The preparation by the time the guest _ A had been finished/arrived B have finished/arrived C had finished/were arriving D have been finished/were arrived Question 12 Parents tend to impose their choice of career their children regardless of their children's preference A under B on C at D with Question 13 Mary decided to split up with her boyfriend when he found out that he someone else A was dating B have dated C have been dating D is dating Question 14 I felt so ashamed of myself for such a fuss A producing B taking C making D creating Question 15 Most children find it uncomfortable like little kids A being treated B treating C to be treated D to treat Question 16 Born in a poor and large family, she had to school at the age of 15 © Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 1/5 A take part in B break up C reconcile with D drop out of Question 17 You so many cakes There weren't a lot of guests last night A needn't have made B needn't made C need have made D didn't need making Question 18 I don't expect her again until next Tuesday A to be seen B seeing C to see D see Question 19 John admitted some money from his mother's bag without permission A to take B take C to have taken D having taken Question 20 _ tomorrow, I will give him the report A When he will return B No sooner he returns C Until he will return D When he returns Question 21 The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on _, race, religion, class or political opinions A national B nationally C nationality D native Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 22 Whenever I have ups and downs in my life, my mother always lends an ear and encourage me A shows the indifference B listens sympathetically C expresses the admiration D gives an ear Question 23 Her parents make her keep her own room tidy as a rule in the family A unorganized B untidy C messy D neat Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 24 My daughter is a sociable girl She can make friends with everyone A unfriendly B pleasant C easy-going D friendly Question 25 Making a speech in public was one of my unforgettable experiences A forgetful B forgetting C remarkable D unmemorable Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 26: Up until the middle of the 19th century, there were no organizations and well established army nursing systems for casualties A the B Up until C for D organizations Question 27: Mary said that when she ran into of money for her drugs, she asked the Swedish Red Cross for help A into of B for C when D the Question 28: Whenever it will rain, Joe often stays in bed and reads magazines A Whenever B reads magazines C will rain D stays in Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks It's normal for a couple to quarrel from time to time-just part of what it means to be together Conflicts and arguments won't necessarily jeopardize a relationship In fact, there are (29) _ when disagreements can actually bring a couple closer together The key is in how you and your partner decide (30) _ the conflict Couples with poor conflict resolution skills typically engage in Fight, Flight, or Freeze behaviors They fight and stay mad, sometimes holding grudges for years They flee and avoid important issues by sweeping them under the rug Or, after (31) _ arguments with no resolution in sight, they freeze emotionally and shut down Someone who freezes in a relationship typically goes through the motions on the outside, but has stopped caring on the inside Successful couples have the ability to solve problems and let it go They focus on (32) _ of the issue rather than attacking the person Even when angry, they find ways to be upset and stay close at the same time Once the matter is resolved, they forgive and forget Most (33) _, successful couples have the ability to learn and grow through their © Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 2/5 interpersonal difficulties Like fine wine, their relationship improves with age and gets better over time (Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/) Question 29 A ways B times C reasons D places Question 30 A handling B being handled C to handle D to be handled Question 31 A ended B end C endless D endable Question 32 A taking care B caring C concerning D worrying Question 33 A unimportant B importance C importantly D important Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions that follow Our eyes and ears might be called transformers because they sense the light and sound around us and turn them into electrical impulses that the brain can interpret These electrical impulses that have been transformed by the eyes and ears reach the brain and are turned into messages that we can interpret For the eye, the process begins as the eye admits light waves, bends them at the corner and lens and then focuses them on the retina At the back of each eye, nerve fibers bundle together to form optic nerves, which join and then split into two optic tracts Some of the fibers cross so that part of the input from the right visual field goes into the left side of the brain, and vice versa The process in the ear is carried out through sensory cells that are carried in fluid-filled canals and that are extremely to vibration Sound that is transformed into electricity travels al nerve fibers in the auditory nerve These fibers form a synapse with neurons that carry the messages to the auditory cortex on each side the brain Question 34 According to the author, we might call our eyes and ears "transformers" because _ A The brain can interpret the input B They sense light and sound C The messages travel in the brain.D They create electrical impulses Question 35 In line 4, what does the word "them" refer to? A Eyes B Light waves C Messages D Processes Question 36 According to the passage, when input from the right visual field goes into the left side of the brain, what happens? A The retina receives light waves B The nerve fibers bundle together C The optic nerves split D Input from the left field goes to the right side Question 37 According to the passage, optic nerves eventually _ A Split B Bend C Admit light waves D Become messages Question 38 The phrase "carried out" in line could best be replaced by which ol the following? A Brought over B Maintained C Taken away D Accomplished Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 39 I split up with Dave because we had nothing in common A I split up with Dave because we didn't have the same interests B I split up with Dave because we had lots of the same things C I split up with Dave because we didn't trust each other D I split up with Dave because we had no different interests Question 40 It was wrong of you to make your parents so disappointed A You should make your parents disappointed B You couldn't make your parents disappointed C You shouldn't have made your parents disappointed D You made your parents disappointed Question 41 Nam said: "Why don't you hold an official discussion on this problem?" A Nam advised me holding an official discussion on this problem B Nam suggested hold an official discussion on this problem C Nam recommened to holding an official discussion on this problem D Nam suggested that we should hold an official discussion on that problem Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions that follow © Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 3/5 The word 'desertification' was first used in 1949 by the French geographer Andre Aubreville to describe the change in North and equatorial Africa from productive savanna forest, grasslands, and shrublands into unproductive desert Desertification does not refer to the expansion of existing deserts, but rather to the degradation of productive drylands (rangeland or cropland) into less productive desert Drylands occur on every continent, and are estimated to cover around 40 percent of the earth's surface In the past, drylands recovered after long droughts and dry periods through shifting agricultural practices, nomadic herding, and so forth Today, however, pressure on drylands is heightened due to intensive agricultural practices and increasing populations Desertification became well known in the 1930's, when parts of the Great Plains in the United States turned into the "Dust Bowl" as a result of drought and poor practices in farming (although the term itself was not used until 1949) The massive erosion during those years has been blamed on inappropriate use of technology (ploughing the prairies), overpopulation in the affected region, and lack of rainfall Many people believe that the problems related to the Dust Bowl have been solved by resettlement of some of the remaining population, the establishment of National Grasslands and the Soil Conservation Service, government spending and regulation, and the return in most years of "normal rainfall." However, the United Nations reports that Texas and New Mexico are some of the fastest, most severely desertifying areas of the wrorld We have lots of names for this problem: droughts and floods, weeds, overgrazing, wildfire, endangered species, and the chronic downtrodden state of the agricultural economy (in spite of massive subsidies, enormous technical improvements, and overseas markets) These are problems for that tiny sector of the economy known as agriculture Although we have separate government agencies in charge of each of the symptoms, these "rural problems" can and turn into urban problems According to the U.N.'s Kofi Annan, "drought and desertification threaten the livelihood of over billion people in more than 110 countries around the world." According to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, "70 percent of the world's drylands (excluding hyper-arid deserts), or some 3.600 million hectares, are degraded." In 1992, Rhodesian wildlife biologist Allan Savory came to a startling conclusion Most experts on desertification blame overpopulation, over-stocking with livestock, overcutting of trees, poverty, warfare, inadequate technology or education, or shifting cultivation In West Texas, where Savory was working at the time, none of these causes were present Rural population was declining, livestock numbers were down from earlier decades, mesquite trees were encroaching, there was peace Money, technology, and education were abundant, all land was privately owned, and there was no shifting cultivation West Texas was desertifying as rapidly as the worst areas of Africa or Asia Savory felt that the decision framework that most people use, and which they are unconsciously trained, is well adapted to treat symtoms, but leaves the causes unaddressed Savon' was forced to conclude that the lack of a holistic decision framework was the fundamental cause of human-induced desertification, in both ancient and modem times By 1992, the United Nations Environment Programme had spent $6 billion treating the symptoms of desertification, with another billion called for Though some people are skeptical of the U.N's figures for the rate at which productive land is turning into unproductive sert, the reality worldwide is that land deterioration continues to have serious impact on the quality of people's lives We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to understand the causes of desertification and loss of biodiversity, and to support the numerous practitioned cost-effective, successful approaches More efficient use of existing waiter resources and control of salinization have proven to be effective tools for improving arid lands New ways are being sought to use surface-water resources such as rainwater harvesting or irrigating seasonal runoff from adjacent highlands Further, new methods of fiiding and tapping groundwater resources are also being pursued, as as developing more effective ways of irrigating arid and semi-arid land Research on the reclamation of deserts is focusing on discover proper crop rotation to protect the fragile soil, on understanding sand-fixing plants can be adapted to local environments, and on grazing lands and water resources can be developed effectively without being overused Question 42 What does the passage mainly discuss? A Research on desert reclamation B Inappropriate use of technology C Factors limiting crop production D Desertification © Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 4/5 Question 43 The word "encroaching" in the passage could best be replaced by A declining B retreating C advancing D dispersing Question 44 According to the passage, what did Savory conclude was the primary cause of humaninduced desertification? A Shifting cultivation trends B The effects of global warming C Politicians have not taken the problem seriously enough D A lack of a holistic decision framework Question 45 The word "degradation" in paragraph is closest in meaning to A betterment B enhancement C deterioration D improvement Question 46 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way of controlling de-sertification? A Rainwater harvesting B More efficient use of water resources C Increased government funding D Irrigating with seasonal runoff Question 47 The word "downtrodden" in the passage closest in meaning to A commendable B miserable C urban D esteemed Question 48 The word "arid" in the passage could best be replaced by A fertile B wetland C poor D rich Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges Question 49 Dad: "How could you act like a thoughtless child? What a shame." Son: " _" A I'm very happy to hear that B I'm sorry about that I didn't it on purpose C It's a nice compliment D It's up to you Question 50 Lan: "We should pay much attention to the gap between parents and children since it has been a hot problem." Long: " _" A Don't metion it B It's kind of you to say that C You can say that again D It sounds interesting Let's go THE END © Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Trang 5/5 ... "normal rainfall." However, the United Nations reports that Texas and New Mexico are some of the fastest, most severely desertifying areas of the wrorld We have lots of names for this problem: droughts

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2021, 04:03
