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Unit 13 Festivals

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make 2.Complete the notes : Things to do Go to the flower market to buy Mr Peach blossoms and a bunch of Robinson marigolds Mrs Go to Mrs Nga's to learn how to Robinson make spring rolls[r]

Preparing date: / / 2018 Teaching date: / / 2018 P81: Unit 13: festivals Lesson : getting started + listen and read A The aims and objectives Knowledge : - Vocabulary: fetch, yell, urge, participate, award, teamate, competition , judge - Gram : Compound words Skills: focus on listening and reading skills Teaching aids: plan, radio B Procedures I Organazation : ( 1’) : Greeting II Checking up (5’) : T asks Ss to retell the way to use past progress III New lesson (35’) Teacher’s activities T Ss’ activitives Warm up: getting started : Chatting 5’ 1.Tom likes swimming and sunbathing Group work of 4/5 Where should he go ? Why ? Ss David is interested in ancient cities ? -Some groups to 3.Huckleberry likes mountain-climbing ? give their answers Oliver is keen on pottery ? and correct Robinson is fond of crowed places ? I Pre-reading 8’ Pre-teach: Vocabulary - Copy down new - fetch (v) : mang lesson - yell (v) : cổ vũ, hò hét - Repeat in chorus - urge (v) : thúc giục - participate (v) tham gia - award (v): tặng thưởng T – Ss - teamate (n) đồng đội - competition (n) tranh tài Whole class - judge (n) giám khảo Check: What and where Team work - Ss to go to the Pre-reading: T/F statements prediction board and write - T sets scene and asks Ss to guess the statements their words are T of F: a.Two team members… Individual work b.One person has to… c.The fire is made… T – Ss d.Pieces of wood are… e.In the final contest… f.The grand prize is given… - T gets feedback II While-reading - T plays the tape, asks Ss to read along to check their guessing a.F b.F c.T d.F e.F f.T - Answer the Qs: a.How many competions are there in festival? b.What they in water-fetching? c.What they in fire-making? d.What they in rice-cooking? II Post-reading : Compound words Eg: rice-cooking, fire – making N + V-ing = compound noun Rice-cooking festival Water fetching To fetch water Fire making To make fire Rice-cooking To cook rice Students listen to the dialoge then answer the questions 10 Groupwork of 4/5 Ss 11 T – Ss Pair work - Ss to write a story using the information from the dialogue Individual work Ss guess the meaning of the words of phrases by matching *Matching: A B Ss work in pairs or 1.car a.washing in groups to talk 2.flower b.exporting about the rice 3.clothes c.arranging cooking festival * Talk about the rice cooking festival: - Three competions - The way to fetch the water to cook rice - The way to make fire - The rice cooking contest - The way to decide the winner of the contest IV Consolidation 3’: - Retell the main point of the lesson V Homework 1’: - Find more compound words - Prepare for the next lesson: Speak Preparing date: / / 2018 Teaching date: / / 2018 P82: Unit 13: festivals Lesson : Spesk A The aims and objectives Knowledge : - Vocabulary: - Gram : Skills: focus on speaking skills Teaching aids: plan, B Procedures I Organazation : ( 1’) : Greeting II Checking up (5’) : T asks Ss to retell the way to make compound noun Give egs III New lesson (35’) Teacher’s activities T Ss’ activitives * Warm up: Brainstorm : 5’ Whole class What you usually prepare for Tet? T asks Ss work in groups, find out the things we Team work to prepare for Tet decorate/ clean/ paint the house/ the room- buy Teacher – Ss cakes, candies, drink, food, fruits - Cook special meals/ make cakes/ get/ buy new dress Individual - Write/ send postcard to friends, relatives - T checks and find out the win group I Pre-speaking 8’ * Ordering : (Speak P.123) Copy down new - T sets the scene and asks Ss to Ex1, then lesson checks Keys: A F C H D J B G E I Individual II While-speaking 12’ - Ss work in pairs T helps Ss to make their own D to show their preparation for some events Some suggestions A school festival - mini football matches - tidy the schoolyard - flower arrangement contest - send some invitation cards - buy some candies, cakes, fruit A spring festival - decorate the house - buy some new clothes - buy some candies, cakes, fruit - buy some beautiful flowers T goes around and give help Sample: Hoa: Is your school festival tomorrow Lan? Lan: Yes, that's right! There will be a lot of contests for school boys and girls, such as a flower arrangement contest, mini football matches, fashion shows and some others And there is a lot of work to right now Hoa: Really? It’s interesting! Lan: Would you like to take part in the festival with us? Hoa: Yes I'd love to But is there anything I can for you? Lan: Could you help me to send some letters of invitation to our old friends? Hoa: Yes, of course Anything else? Lan: Not really Thanks, Hoa And now I have to go to the market and buy some cakes, candies and fruit for our class party Bye, Hoa See you tomorrow Hoa: Bye III Post-speaking - Some pairs practice in front of the class - T corrects their mistakes - T asks Ss rewrite their D into their notebook Pair work Ss to work in pairs Make a dialogue 10’ Some pairs practice in front of the class Rewrite IV Consolidation 3’: - Retell the main point of the lesson V Homework 1’: - Prepare for the next lesson: Listen + L.F Preparing date: / / 2018 Teaching date: / / 2018 P83: Unit 13: festivals Lesson : Listen+Language Focus A The aims and objectives Knowledge : - Vocabulary: Peach blossoms, Dried waterlemon seeds, Marigolds, Sticky rice balls - Gram : reported speech Skills: focus on listening skills Teaching aids: plan, radio B Procedures I Organazation : ( 1’) : Greeting II Checking up (5’) : T asks Ss to retell the way to make compound noun Give egs III New lesson (35’) I Pre-listening 5’ - Listen and repeat Pre-teach: vocabulary in chorus - Peach blossoms (n) Hoa đào - Dried waterlemon seeds (n) hạt dưa -Marigolds (n) : cúc vạn thọ - Sticky rice balls : bánh trôi Individual * Checking up: Rubout and remember 2.pre-listening : We are going to listen a comversation about the 3’ Ss to work in Robinson family’s preparations for Tet - Ask ss to predict the missing words II While –listening: 1.Gap fill : (Listen 1) Answer key a Mr Robinson/ flower market b traditional c dried watermelon seeds d make 2.Complete the notes : Things to Go to the flower market to buy Mr Peach blossoms and a bunch of Robinson marigolds Mrs Go to Mrs Nga's to learn how to Robinson make spring rolls Go to the market to buy candies and Liz a packet of dried watermelon seeds III Post-listening: - T sets the scene, elicits model, guide Ss how to report a speech “ I am a plumber”  He said he was a plumber Câu nói trực tiếp Câu nói gián tiếp Simple present Will Shall Can must Câu nói trực tiếp This These Now Here Today Tomorrow Yesterday Next week/… Simple past would Should could had to Câu nói gián tiếp That Those Then There That day The next day The day before The following week/… pairs , replacing the information with the words in the dictation list - Listen and Gap fill Pair work 10 Ss to open their books and complete the notes Pay attention 10 Do and check Last week/…… The week/…before To come To go - T asks Ss to L.f and check b He said he could fix the faucets c He said the pipes were broken d He said new pipes were expensive e He said Mrs Thu had to pay him then IV Consolidation 3’: - Retell the main point of the lesson V Homework 1’: - Learn by heart vocab, the way to report a speech - Prepare for the next lesson: Read ... - Prepare for the next lesson: Speak Preparing date: / / 2018 Teaching date: / / 2018 P82: Unit 13: festivals Lesson : Spesk A The aims and objectives Knowledge : - Vocabulary: - Gram : Skills:... Prepare for the next lesson: Listen + L.F Preparing date: / / 2018 Teaching date: / / 2018 P83: Unit 13: festivals Lesson : Listen+Language Focus A The aims and objectives Knowledge : - Vocabulary:

Ngày đăng: 23/11/2021, 02:55
