Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the 2 – gcapital city of California It snowed in Lang Son, which is on the Ky Cung River, in the 3 – f winter of 2002 Pompeii, which is an ancien[r]
Good morning Everybody WELCOME TO MY CLASS Unit NATURAL DISASTERS Relative pronoun: * who: person as subject * which: thing as subject or object * that: for both who or which * whom: * whose: person as object possession Relative adverb: * where: place * when: time Use your knowledge to answer the questions Use “who”, “which” or “that” in your answers and start your answers with the words given Example: a)Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995? The City … which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe b) Which country won the 1998 Tiger which won the Cup? 1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore The country… which has one or horns c) Which animal has one or two two horns on its snout is on its snout? rhinoceros The animal … who discovered is Christopher d)America Which explorer discovered Columbus America? which…is closest to the The explorer earth is Venus e) Which planet is closest to the f) Which animal in Viet Nam was chosen to be the logo of SEA Games which was chosen to 2003? be the logo … of SEA Games 2003 is The animal buffalo g) Which ASEAN country is divided which into two regions by the sea?is divided intocountry… two regions by the The ASEAN sea is Malaysia h) Which food you can chew but you cannot swallow and which one you which chew but can swallow but you you can cannot chew? you food cannot The … swallow is the chewing gum and the thing you can swallow Match each of the sentences in column A with a related sentence in column B Then use a suitable relative pronoun to join the two sentences Example: Andrew is flying to Sacramento e Sacramento is the capital city of California Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the capital city of California A Andrew is flying to Sacramento B a) Hurricane Andrew swept through southern Florida in It snowed in Lang August 1992 Son in the winter of b) The Loma Prieta 2002 earthquake measured 7.1 on the Richter Pompeii was scale completely c) The cyclone killed destroyed in A.D 79 about 500.000 by an eruption of people Mount Vesuvius Hurricane Andrew d) The most dangerous killed 41 people and earthquake in Japan made more than occurred in 1923 200.000 homeless e) Sacramento is the A B The most disastrous f) Pompeii is an ancient earthquake in city of Italy Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about g) Lang Son is on the 150,000 people Kycung River The October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake caused extensive damage to older buildings in KEY: San Francisco Bay Area – e, – g, – f, – a, – c, – d, – b, 1–e Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the – gcapital city of California It snowed in Lang Son, which is on the Ky Cung River, in the – f winter of 2002 Pompeii, which is an ancient city of Italia, was completely destroyed in A.D 79 by an – aeruption of Mount Vesuvius Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Floridain August 1992, killed 41 people and made more than 200,000 homeless 5–c The cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which killed about 500,000 people, was one of the worst natural disasters of the – d 29th century The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about – b150,000 people The October 1989 Loma Pieta earthquake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, cause extensive damage to older Defining and non-defining relative clauses: a) Defining relative clauses: Defining relative clauses identify nouns, These clauses tell us which person or thing the speaker means The novel which you gave me on my birthday has been lost b) Non-defining relative clause: Non-defining relative clauses give more information about a person or thing already identified When we write these clauses, we put commas at the beginning of the clause (and Viet Nam, which theclause) Southeast often at the endisofinthe Asia, Not exports rice e: * we cannot use “that” in a nondefining relative clause * In a non-defining relative clause we cannot leave out who or which 3.Underline the relative clause in the sentence Then add commas to separate the non- defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence Example: a) Vietnam which is in south-east Asia exports rice a) Vietnam which is inis southin south-east , , which Asia exports east Asia rice b) Kangaroos , which come from , Australia have long tails , , c) Ba who lives on Trang Tien Street likes playing the guitar d) The novel, that you gave me on, my birthday has been lost e) Neil Armstrong who first walked on , , the moon lived in the USA Rewrite the sentences in Exercise Replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written You may use facts or facts or your imagination Example: Kangaroos, which come from Australia, have long tails Kangaroos, which can be seen everywhere in Australia, have long tails Kangaroos, which are called Chuot tui in Vietnamese, have long tails HOMEWORK: Do exercises in language focus again Revise unit and unit for 45-minute test Goodbye ! ... struck by a huge earthquake in 199 5? The City … which was struck by a huge earthquake in 199 5 in Japan is Kobe b) Which country won the 199 8 Tiger which won the Cup? 199 8 Tiger Cup is Singapore The... 197 0 in Bangladesh, which killed about 500,000 people, was one of the worst natural disasters of the – d 29th century The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 192 3,... of Italia, was completely destroyed in A.D 79 by an – aeruption of Mount Vesuvius Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Floridain August 199 2, killed 41 people and made more than 200,000