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1 INTRODUCTION As such, it can be seen that compared to the context of Vietnam's construction industry, there is a significant gap in the research application of green supply chain management practices by enterprises and their relationship to performance This is the factor that motivates the author to choose the topic “The relationship between green supply chain management and performance of construction enterprises in Vietnam” Justifications for subject selection There are numerous researchers who agree that the construction industry is the primary cause of pollution in the environment (Jing et al., 2019) Due to the fact that it generates 39% of total carbon emissions (UNEP, 2017), 40% of global waste (UNEP-SBCI, 2016) Moreover, the construction industry consumes one-third of global resources, 40% of total energy, and 25% of total water (UNEP-SBCI, 2016; Devi and Palaniappan, 2017) With an increasing pace of urbanization, as UNDESA (2014) predicts, about 70% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050, undoubtedly resulting in a rise in construction activity as well as worse environmental consequences in the future Therefore, "greening" the construction industry has become critical to ensure the next generation's survival, and green supply chain management (GSCM) is viewed as a solution It can be understood that green supply chain management in the construction industry is a kind of coordinating decision-making between organizations and integrating business processes of key members participating in the chain to achieve the goal of increasing efficiency across multiple aspects: resources saving, pollution reduction and economic performance improvement (Xue et al., 2005; Nawangsari and Sutawijaya, 2019) However, most of the research has been conducted in the developed world, meanwhile, its attention is not that much in emerging economies Until recently, the construction industry has been considered to be quite limited in terms of green supply chain management research and practice The literature overview indicates that previous building studies have mostly focused on the impact of green supply chain management on environmental performance while ignoring economic and social implications (Tam et al 2006) ; Gangolells et al 2009; Chen, Okudan and Riley 2010; Fernández-Sánchez and Rodríguez- López, 2010) To be one of the very few research investigating economic and environmental aspects, Agapiou et al (1998), Yeo and Ning (2002), Cox and Ireland (2002) all agree that construction enterprises may leverage green supply chain management to gain a competitive edge and increase efficiency However, Ketikidis et al (2013) show a completely different report that even though green practices improve environmental performance but lead to negative economic performance The varied findings have created obstacles for enterprises when making management decisions and taking action toward the objective of sustainable development Therefore, more research for determining the relationship between green supply chain management and construction enterprises' performance across all three sustainability pillars (including economic, environmental, and social pillar) is required Although Vietnamese construction enterprises are considered a critical pillar of the national economy, there are still negative impacts on the environment and society However, there is a fact that green supply chain management exists in Vietnam's construction industry as a relatively new concept that requires further research Research objectives The research's overall objective is to assess the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of Vietnamese construction enterprises, thereby making recommendations on improving performance by choosing the appropriate management method The specific objectives are as follows: Firstly, providing an overview of the research on the relationship between green supply chain management and firm performance Secondly, assessing the actual situation of green supply chain management within construction enterprises in Vietnam Thirdly, suggesting appropriate green supply chain management methods that Vietnamese construction enterprises can implement to achieve the targeted objectives based on the model results Besides, the author makes some recommendations for the State's management policy in this regard Research questions - Which factors of green supply chain management impact each aspect of firm performance measurement? and how is impact trend? - What is the actual situation of green supply chain management of construction enterprises in Vietnam? Which management method has the most impact on firm performance, according to the dissertation's research scope? - Which management recommendations should be proposed for Vietnamese construction enterprises and which management policies should be recommended for the State to improve the efficiency of green supply chains so as to improve performance in a sustainable way for enterprises? 4.1 Research subjects The subject of the research is the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of construction enterprises in Vietnam 4.2 Research scope Time scope: Primary data was collected through two surveys including: • Trial survey: It took seven months to document research, build the questionnaire, conduct expert interviews, modify the content/calibrate the questionnaire, develop the scale, and then gather preliminary data for the trial survey stage, from January to July 2020 literature It is an assessment of the influence of construction business characteristics (including size, type, and duration of operation) on firm performance • Official survey: Official data collection and filtering took place over a fourmonth period, from August to December 2020 The application time scope associated with the questions in the enterprises survey is the period 2017-2019 Third, the dissertation calibrates and develops appropriate scales for the Vietnamese construction industry market By receiving opinions from experts through interviews, with the environmental performance factor, the author has integrated two amongst many scales into a common scale and developed a few more social performance factor scales Secondary data for analyzing the actual situation of green supply chain management in the construction sector in the world generally and in Vietnam particularly are mainly data from 2009 to 2019 Spatial scope: The research was conducted with construction enterprises in many different locations across the country Content scope: The subjects of green supply chain management in the construction industry are central enterprises directly involved in the construction of houses and other works In addition, the green supply chain management aspects are classified according to the management methodologies used Summary of research methodology The topic used a combination of desk research, qualitative research, and quantitative research New contributions of the dissertation 6.1 In terms of theoretical basis First, the dissertation clarifies the theoretical basis of the relationship between green supply chain management and firm performance It is the resource-based theory implying that green supply chain management is viewed as a strategic resource that provides a competitive advantage, creating positive performance for enterprises Second, the dissertation builds an analytical framework to evaluate the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of construction enterprises in Vietnam This analytical framework adds three new points compared to previous researches Firstly, the dissertation demonstrated how each aspect of green supply chain management has a direct or indirect impact on the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) performance Secondly, gaining from the limitations of previous research, the dissertation has identified the main components of green supply chain management based on a more comprehensive framework that takes into account both upstream, internal, and downstream aspects In addition, relating to external partners, the dissertation also makes an argument that it is necessary to take into account the difference between environmental collaboration and environmental monitoring Thirdly, the dissertation complements a research problem that is often overlooked in the relevant industry Fourth, the majority of the dissertation's conclusions are consistent with earlier reports and are pertinent to both the study area as well as the object of the investigation This proves the ability to apply research results into practice and at the same time, the dissertation can become a useful reference for training, research, and teaching activities on the topic of green supply chain management in relation to firm effectiveness 6.2 In terms of practical aspect The dissertation has pointed out the following new findings: First, the main findings unveiled that the environmental collaboration with customers is recognized as a comprehensive management approach as this factor actively and simultaneously impacts three economic, environment and social aspects of performance obtained by Vietnamese construction enterprises Moreover, the environment collaboration generally results in a better performance against environment monitoring Second, the main findings revealed that the more the scale of the enterprise is, the higher the social performance shall be The higher the enterprise’s age is, the better the socio-economics performance shall be However, no difference in performance is found among the enterprise ownership forms Apart from pointing out the aforementioned two findings, the dissertation also recommends that Vietnamese construction players are recommended to focus on investment into the communication connection network not only within the internal organization but also stakeholders (including customers and suppliers) The recommendations are put forward to the State agencies regarding the business encouragement options in terms of legislation, finance, knowledge improvement, encouragement of technology renovation and recreation as well as policies to request the enterprises to comply during construction to ensure the high environment performance in the enterprise’s supply chains CHAPTER OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF ENTERPRISES 1.1 Concept of green supply chain management and firm performance 1.1.1 Supply chain management Management In terms of functionality, Henry Fayol's management definition is the most frequently used According to Henry Fayol (T.Ramasamy,2014,p.2): management is forecasting, planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling In terms of process, Joseph L Massie (T.Ramasamy, 2014, p.3) states that management is the process by which a group cooperates to direct actions towards common goals Supply chain Christopher (1992) describes a supply chain as a network of companies engaging in various processes and activities that generate value in the form of goods or services for the final consumer via upstream and downstream links Supply chain management Oliver and Webber (1982) emphasize that supply chain management is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling supply chain activities with the aim of meeting customer requirements efficiently as much as possible 1.1.2 Green supply chain management Green supply chain Penfield (cited in the Project Management Unit “Strengthening the capacity to integrate sustainable development and climate change in planning in Vietnam”, 2015, p.20) indicates that sustaining green supply chains can be defined as the process of utilizing environmentally friendly inputs and turning the by-products of use into something that can be improved or recycled in the existing environment Green supply chain management Srivastava (2007) argues that green supply chain management is the integration of environmental thinking into supply chain management, including product design, raw material sourcing, manufacturing process, and final product delivery for consumers as well as end-of-life management of the product after use In connection with the research topic selected by the author, it can be generalized that green supply chain management is the integration of environmental management functions into inter-organizational activities, specifically including suppliers, enterprises and customers 1.1.3 Green supply chain management practices Azevedo et al (2011) define that green supply chain management practice as any action taken within the supply chain, within the business, or involving external partners, to eliminate or reduce minimize negative impacts on the environment 1.1.4 Firm performance Based on the sustainable development approach, many researchers propose three main aspect of performance including: economic, environmental and social performance 1.2 Research on the relationship between green supply chain management and firm performance Three perspectives exist on this subject: The first perspective is represented by a group of authors who assert that there is no correlation between green supply chain management and firm performance (Fogler and Nutt, 1975; Freedman and Jaggi 1982; Wiseman, 1982; Rockness et al., 1986) The second view, which includes Friedman (1962), Walley (1994), Jaffe et al (1996), Rothenberg et al (2001), Sarkis (2004), Zhu et al (2007), etc., confirms that green supply chain management has a negative impact on firm performance Finally, a third perspective proves the existence of a positive relationship between the two factors (Porter, 1991; Mitchitzky et al., 2003; Kleindorfer et al., 2005; Jun et al., 2006; Diabat et al., 2006; Diabat et al., 2013) 1.3 Overview of some research on green supply chain management of construction industry enterprises Ketikidis et al (2013) conducted a survey of 124 Kosovo construction firms and concluded that while green practices benefit the environment, they have a negative impact on the economy Woo et al (2015) conducted an investigation of 103 construction suppliers in Korea, demonstrating that the collaboration between enterprises and suppliers in environmental protection contributes to the reduction of "green costs", resulting in a competitive advantage On the contrary, Akdag and Beldek (2017) argue that green building design will assist construction enterprises in not only reducing costs but also profiting from waste Balasubramanian (2017) conducts an investigation into the application of green supply chain management in the United Arab Emirates' construction industry using a fact-finding, multi-method, sequential approach (qualitative research followed quantitative research) The author proves how environmental management systems, ISO 14001 certification, and environmental audits have a significant impact on both economic and environmental performance Noor (2018) validates that green construction and recovery investment that benefit economic and environmental performance while managing the internal environment will have no impact, based on data collected from 133 managers in the Jordanian construction sector In the context of Vietnam, the author finds that there are few documents that comprehensively analyze green supply chain management in the construction industry compared to those in other industries The most recent research, albeit in a narrower scope, is Le Thi Tam's (2020) on the effect of green supply chain management practices on sustainable performance in Vietnamese construction materials manufacturing enterprises Additionally, Nguyen Hong Trang et al (2016, 2017, 2019) conducted additional research on green buildings as a component of green supply chain management green supply chain elements should be guided by the capabilities, resources, and perspectives of business leaders related to that issue The knowledge-based view suggests that if construction firms that excel at creating, accumulating, and widely sharing knowledge about green supply chain management within their organizations will achieve higher performance The relationships view implies that enterprises committed to implementing green supply chain management principles will suggest or encourage partners to share similar viewpoints In summary, according to resourcebased theory, a green supply chain management practice system cannot be built overnight Therefore, any business that can be built will follow the propensity, resulting in positive long-term results 2.3 Supply chain diagram in the construction industry Material/product flow In conclusion, referring to the research report on the relationship between green supply chain management and firm performance across a variety of industries presented in Section 1.2 above, it is clear that the construction sector shares three similar perspectives: there is no relationship, positive relationship and negative relationship 1.4 Research gap First, the inconsistency of previous studies shows the critical need for additional research on the relationship between green supply chain management and construction firms’ performance on all three sustainability pillars (including economic, environmental and social) Second, the number of studies analyzing the relationship between stakeholders in green supply chains remains quite small (Ahi and Searcy, 2013) Third, previous research has not adequately addressed the impact of construction business characteristics (including size, type, and period of operation) on performance Fourth, there are few empirical studies on green supply chain management in the construction industry that take into account both environmental monitoring and environmental cooperation methods Finally, as the context of Vietnam differs from that of many previous research sites, the recommendations in the reports regarding management methods for enterprises as well as management policies for state agencies might be inappropriate CHAPTER THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH MODEL OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND FIRM PERFORMANCE 2.1 Organizational theories applied to the topic of green supply chain management Sarkis et al (2011) indicated that numerous organizational theories have been applied to the topic of green supply chain management, including institutional theory, resource-based theory, stakeholder theory, transaction cost economics, etc 2.2 The use of resource-based theory in the research about the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of enterprises Resource-Based Theory was developed by Acedo, Barroso and Galan (2006) The authors have identified three major propensities in this theory, which are as follows: Resource-Based View, Knowledge-Based View, and Relationship View The resource-based view suggests all business actions related to the management of Suppliers Subcontractors Maincontractor s Consultants /designers Clients Information flow 2.4 Research model of the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of enterprises 2.4.1 Model content Impact variable - Green supply chain management Internal GSCM practices Internal GSCM practices refers to environmental management activities that are directed within an organization and are understood to mean that these activities not involve direct suppliers or customers, including: internal environmental management, eco-design (Zhu et al., 2012; Bon et al., 2018), and cross-functional coordination (Rao and Holt 2005; Vachon and Klassen 2006; Zhu et al associates 2008a; Zhu et al 2008b), etc Environmental collaboration with suppliers Environmental collaboration with suppliers is a process in which enterprises and suppliers collaborate directly to produce environmental solutions In other words, it is coordinating, creating environmental duties that must be adhered to, and therefore attaining the goal of environmental effect minimization (Vachon and Klassen, 2006a) Collaboration might take the form of firms exchanging expertise, training and educating personnel, or co-designing new materials, delivery systems, or procedures with suppliers (Lee and Klassen, 2008) 9 10 Environmental collaboration with customers Collaboration between customers and enterprises is very important in the context of green supply chain management (Woo et al., 2016) Environmental collaboration with consumers include the interchange of technical information, the sharing of strategic information, and an understanding of environmental stewardship between enterprises and customers ready to learn about one another's operations (For instance: design of goods, modes of transport) for joint planning and defining environmental improvement goals (Zhu et al., 2005; Vachon and Klassen, 2006a; Eltayeb et al., 2011; Wong et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2014; Lai et al., 2015) Environmental monitoring of suppliers Environmental monitoring refers to an enterprise conducting assessment and control activities on its suppliers, such as collecting and processing supplier information via environmental records, questionnaires, and audits that are publicly available (Min and Galle, 1997; Walton et al., 1998; Delmas, 2002; Vachon, 2007; Ciliberti et al., 2008), in accordance with publicly available standards (e.g certification to ISO 14001 or EMAS) or a "voluntary" code of environmental practices (Walton et al., 1998) Environmental monitoring by customers For a business to conduct environmental monitoring of a customer, the business must adhere to customer needs, such as developing an environmental management system and alerting the customer of compliance (Vachon and Klassen, 2006a) Affected variable - Performance of construction enterprises Environmental performance Environmental performance discussed in this study refer to the organization's ability to reduce emissions, waste, decline energy consumption and hazardous material use over time (Zhu et al., 2008a; De Giovanni & Esposito Vinzi, 2012; Yang et al., 2013; Laari et al., 2016) In addition, the respondents to the questionnaire were asked to rate whether their business is a pioneer in environmental protection when compared to competitors Economic performance Economic performance mentioned in this study relate to the organization's ability to increase revenue, increase profit, increase market share and increase asset value over the past years Social performance Social performance discussed in this study are those that pertain to an organization's ability to safeguard the health and safety of its employees in particular and the community in general, as well as to create additional jobs and mitigate negative community impacts (De Giovanni, 2012; Abdullah et al., 2015; Zaid et al., 2018) Control variable In previous studies, many authors have emphasized that firm size can affect the adoption of green supply chain management practices and performance (Zhu et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2008) 2012; Chan et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2013; Abdulrahman et al., 2014) The size of an enterprise is determined by the number of employees Vijayvargy et al (2017) show that economic and environmental performance of large enterprises is significantly higher than that of small enterprises According to Testa and Irlado (2010), the business's uptime is critical in determining the relationship between green supply chain management and firm performance The duration of a firm's operation is expressed in years The older a business is, the more resources it can accumulate that can result in improved performance (Birley and Westhead, 1990) As with the size and age of the business, the nature of the business is likely to have an effect on its performance Balasubramanian (2017) demonstrates that foreign enterprises are more environmentally and economically efficient than domestic enterprises 2.4.2 Research hypothesis Green supply chain management and environmental performance Some studies (e.g.: Zhu & Sarkis, 2004; De Giovanni & Esposito Vinzi, 2012; Yang et al., 2013; Laari et al., 2016; Geng et al., 2017; Balasubramanian, 2017; Zaid et al., 2018; Ahmed et al., 2020) have shown that implementing internal GSCM practices has a positive effect on environmental performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H1a: Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on environmental performance The literature review indicates that a large number of researchers agree that strong supplier relationships lead to improved environmental performance, including Walton et al (1998), Geffen and Rothenberg (2000), Klassen and Vachon (2003); Savaskan et al (2004); Lee and Klassen (2008), Vachon and Klassen (2008), Schliephake et al (2009), Carsten et al (2010), Foerstl et al (2010), Gimenez et al (2012), Tachizawa et al (2015), Wang et al (2017) and Thongrawd et al (2019) Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H1b: Environmental collaboration with suppliers has a positive impact on environmental performance 11 12 Numerous studies demonstrate a relationship between customer cooperation and the environmental pillar of sustainable performance, such as Diabat et al (2013), Zhu et al (2013), Geng et al (2016), Jabbour et al (2017), Zhu et al (2017) and Ahmed et al (2020) Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H1c: Environmental collaboration with customers has a positive impact on environmental performance The findings of Murray (2000), Theyel (2001), Klassen and Vachon (2003), Green Jr et al (2012b), Laari et al (2016), Khan et al (2018), Thongrawd et al (2019) and Ahmed et al (2020) have all demonstrated that supplier monitoring improves environmental performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H1d: Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive impact on environmental performance Green et al (2012) and Khan et al (2018) all demonstrate that environmental monitoring by customers has a significant, beneficial effect on environmental performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H1e: Environmental monitoring by customers has a positive impact on environmental outcomes Green supply chain management and economic performance According to Dyer and Singh (1998), Leung et al (2011), and Najmi and Khan (2017), an organization's internal relationships can serve as formal or informal channels for promoting trust, mitigating risk, fostering innovation, and increasing profitability Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H2a: Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on economic performance Corsten and Felde (2005), as well as Christensen et al (2005), conclude that supplier collaboration has a favorable and significant effect on enterprises' financial performance, including sales growth and market share Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H2b: Environmental collaboration with suppliers has a positive impact on economic performance Huang (2013) and Zhu et al (2013) provide strong evidence that consumer collaboration results in economic benefits Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H2c: Environmental collaboration with customers has a positive impact on economic performance Gimenez Cristina and Sierra Vicenta (2013) have shown that supplier environmental assessment has a positive impact on economic performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H2d: Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive impact on economic performance Green supply chain management and social performance De Giovanni (2012) and Geng et al (2017) both confirmed that internal environmental management has a positive impact on social performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H3a: Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on social performance Collaboration with suppliers helps to reduce the likelihood of environmental accidents that could have a social impact (Koplin et al., 2007) Additionally, collaborating with suppliers helps reduce the flow of hazardous materials into the manufacturing process The working environment becomes safer and the health of employees is protected (Lee et al., 2012) Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H3b: Environmental collaboration with suppliers has a positive impact on social performance Many previous studies have shown that a number of downstream environmental management techniques, such as defective product recall or end-of-life product recycling, not only protect the health and safety of customers, but also reduce reduce environmental risks and improve public welfare Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H3c: Environmental collaboration with customers has a positive impact on social performance Wang et al (2017) recognized the importance of assessing and monitoring the supplier environment and incorporated it into the research model to analyze its impact on social performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H3d: Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive impact on social performance Environmental monitoring of suppliers and environmental collaboration with suppliers There are many researchers who agree that supplier monitoring promotes collaborative environmental efforts (Krause et al., 2000; Carsten et al., 2010; Foerstl et al., 2010; Gimenez & Sierra, 2013; Tachizawa et al., 2015; Laari et al., 2016; Ahmed et al., 2020) Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: 13 14 H4: Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive impact on environmental collaboration with suppliers Interactions between measurement aspects of firm performance Klassen and McLaughlin (1996), Russo and Fouts (1997), King and Lenox (2001), Sharfman (2008), Chen Xuan & Chun Weide (2010), Green et al (2012b), Yang et al (2013) and Wang et al (2017) all found a correlation between environmental and economic performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H5: Environmental performance has a positive impact on economic performance Orlitzky et al (2003), De Giovanni (2010) and Wang et al (2017) show that social performance positively affect economic performance Therefore, the author proposes the following hypothesis: H6: Social performance has a positive impact on economic performance In summary, the author offers a research model for the dissertation presented in Figure 2.2 below based on theory, literature review, and hypothesis development The research process includes several steps: researching documents, building the first preliminary scale, interviewing experts, building the second preliminary scale, assessing the reliability of the scale through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, forming the official scale, exploratory factor analysis, checking variance from one source, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling analysis, Oneway ANOVA analysis Green supply chain management Firm performance Internal GSCM practices Environmental performance Environmental collaboration with suppliers Environmental collaboration with customers Economic performance Social performance Environmental monitoring by customers Figure 2.1: Research model CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Summary of research process 3.2.1 Qualitative research In-depth interviews with experts were used The author chose 10 experts in the field of green supply chain management who are experts in both research and practice They will offer suggestions for how to improve, eliminate, or add content relating to the relationship between green supply chain management and firm performance The author then completed the questionnaire's content and adjusted the first preliminary scale to ensure that it was appropriate for the study area 3.2.2 Preliminary quantitative research Cronbach's Alpha coefficient is used in preliminary quantitative research to assess the reliability of the second preliminary scale (i.e., after the first preliminary scale calibration) Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient measures the degree of correlation between the scales of a factor and the condition that it is in the range (0,8; 0,95) Furthermore, the correlation coefficient with the total variable must be greater than 0.3 in order to eliminate observed variables that not contribute significantly to the definition of the concept to be measured (Hoang Trong & Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc, 2005) Control variable 3.2.3 Formal quantitative research (firm characteristics) Formal quantitative research was conducted on SPSS and AMOS software, including assessing the reliability of the scale through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, followed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and checking variance from source using common latent factor (CLF) method Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) approach will then be used to assess the model's fit, re-evaluate the scale's reliability based on other criteria, and test the scale's convergence value, unidimensionality, and discriminant validity When CFA results have satisfied all the conditions, the author continues to deploy structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine the influencing factors and their levels of influence a Firm size b Operating time Environmental monitoring of suppliers 3.2 Steps of the research process c Firm type 3.3 Formal sampling method This study uses random sampling method According to a proposal by Hair et al (2010) that 10 observations for each variable, i.e., formal quantitative research must ensure the sample is greater than or equal to 380 (research model has 38 observed variables) The list of construction enterprises participating in the survey is randomly drawn from the overall study of construction contractors in many different 15 16 locations across the country The author selects enterprises that satisfy the following condition: they have been in operation for at least three years as of 2019 To ensure that the study was representative, the author attempted to collect as many survey questionnaires as possible However, due to a lack of time and resources, the author chose to distribute 650 votes, and after conducting the official survey, 447 valid votes were received (i.e., 447 votes equivalent to 447 different enterprises participating in the survey) make up the majority (accounting for 35.1%) In addition, the research sample of the dissertation focuses on typical enterprises that build houses and constructions 3.4 Formal data collection method 3.4.1 Direct investigation The author and the investigative team circulated 350 questionnaires and received 236 votes, 17 of which were invalid due to blanks and incomplete responses to a few questions As a result, 219 votes are valid 3.4.2 Indirect investigation Indirect survey via two methods: mailing (vouching) by post and online survey via network, i.e., using the Google Docs application and emailing the questionnaire link to the business As a result, the author received 228 valid votes after sending out 300 3.4.3 Official survey form The survey questionnaire consists of three parts Part one is about green supply chain management They are answered on a 5-point Likert scale, with survey respondents being asked to indicate the extent to which their business undertakes in relevant activities: - "never", - "a little", - "moderately", - "often" and "very often" Part two is about business performance, which likewise uses a 5-point Likert scale to determine how much respondents agree with the following statements: 1- “totally disagree”, – “disagree”, – “neutral”, – “agree”, – “strongly agree” Part three consists of six questions listed on the survey's last page to extract basic information from participating enterprises, such as their name, business address, respondent's position, size, type, and operating time of business 3.4.4 Descriptive statistics on the characteristics of the official sample The total number of survey questionnaires sent out, using both direct and indirect survey methods, was 650, with 464 votes received, representing a response rate of 71.38% However, 17 of the votes were invalid, resulting in a total of 447 valid votes Using the SPSS and AMOS tools, the author processed and analyzed the data set The descriptive statistics of the study sample were conducted after the data cleaning process, and the following results were obtained: in terms of type, the construction enterprises taking part in the survey are mostly private (accounting for 96.6%) In terms of scale, the majority are small and medium enterprises (accounting for 84.1%) In terms of operating time, young enterprises participating in the market for ≤ years 3.5 Building a preliminary scale 3.5.1 First preliminary scale Green supply chain management scale The green supply chain management variable is measured by five key components including: internal GSCM practices, environmental collaboration with suppliers, environmental collaboration with customers, environmental monitoring of suppliers and environmental monitoring by customers The author inherits the scale of the independent variable from the works of Vachon & Klassen (2006; 2008), Zhu et al (2008), De Giovanni & Esposito Vinzi (2012), Yang et al (2013) , Laari et al (2016) Measuring firm performance Firm performance variable is composed of three components: environmental, economic and social performance The author inherits the scale of the dependent variable from the studies of Zhu et al (2008), Flynn et al (2010), De Giovanni & Esposito Vinzi (2012), Green et al (2012a), Yang et al (2013), Abdullah et al (2015), Laari et al (2016) and Zaid et al (2018) Scale of firm characteristics The author further considers the influence of three control variables (including firm size, business duration, firm type) on firm performance variable based on the recommendations of Porter and van der Linde (1995), Cordeiro and Sarkis (1997), King and Lenox 2002), Eskeland and Harrison (2003), Kim and Statman (2012), Yang et al (2013), Geng et al (2016), Younis (2016) , Laari (2016), Balasubramanian (2017) 3.5.2 Second preliminary scale After editing the first preliminary scale according to the expert opinions offered in appendix 4, the specific content of the second preliminary scale is obtained In which, of many scales are combined into scale for environmental performance, and two more scales for social performance element are added 3.6 Second preliminary scale test (i.e., after correction) Based on the criteria of Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient must be in the range (0.8; 0.95) and the correlation coefficient with the total variable is greater than 0.3, the author has removed unsuitable observed variables, keep only 34 observed variables 17 18 CHAPTER As of December 2020, if considering only LOTUS certification, Vietnam has 34 certified projects and 37 ongoing projects while with LEED certification, the corresponding numbers are 93 and 145 (VGBC, 2020)) RESEARCH RESULTS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF ENTERPRISES IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN VIETNAM 4.1 The general situation of green supply chain management in the construction sector 4.1.1 The worldwide situation Fact-finding shows that there are not many detailed reports on green supply chain management in the construction industry in the world According to ISO statistics from 2009 to 2019 show that the number of ISO 14001 certificates issued in the construction industry in the world tends to increase gradually over time, only 2012 has deviated from this trajectory Another special feature is that the construction industry consistently displays a higher number of ISO 14001 certificates than the rest of the industry in all years According to an investigation by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), as of June 2021, there are 77521 LEED certified projects worldwide 4.1.2 Situation in Vietnam 4.2 Scale test results 4.2.1 Reliability test of the scale All scales of factors in the model are retained and have reliable values, except for internal GSCM practices, which eliminates the observed variable THXBT7 due to it has a correlation coefficient with the total variable of 0.1830,5 and the Sig of Bartlett's Test is 0.000 50% and the eigenvalues of the factors are all greater than 1, indicating that 32 observed variables (after removing the observed variable THXBT5) create factors, which are eligible for further analysis 4.2.3 Checking for variance from one source (Common Method Variance) In the period from 2017 to 2020, the consumption volume of cement, tiles and construction glass tends to decrease over the years It seems that enterprises have been operating in the direction of more economical use and partly replaced by "green" materials However, one of the most popular "green" materials such as unburnt bricks has not had a clear breakthrough in growth rate over the last four years (Ministry of Construction, 2017-2020) The author uses Harman test by conducting exploratory factor analysis with the method of combining the independent variable and the dependent variable into one factor (without rotation) on SPSS software The obtained factor results explained 13.606% < 50% Next, the author conducts a confirmatory factor analysis with the Common Latent Factor (CLF) method by letting all paths be limited by a coefficient a The obtained results of a = 0.34 < 0.5 satisfy the suggestion of Conway et al (2010), Eichhorn (2014) Thus, variance from one source does not bias the study's results Use renewable energy 4.2.4 Confirmatory factor analysis According to the industrial construction sector's report, renewable electricity production accounted for 4% of total electricity generation, of which solar power output in the months of 2020 was higher than in the same period in 2019 These statistics indicate that Vietnam's construction industry in general is in the early stages of renewable energy development (EVN, PSI, 2020) Goodness-of-fit test of the model Using environmentally friendly materials Apply ISO 14001 certification In the period 2009 - 2019, the number of ISO 14001 certificates issued in the construction industry in Vietnam fluctuated dramatically Specifically, 2009 recorded the largest number (38), but immediately after that it dropped suddenly and significantly, especially in 2013, no ISO 14001 certificate was issued and from 2014 onwards, new quantity reversed increased Green building development CMIN/DF=1.468 (< 2); TLI, CFI and GFI receive 0.964 values, respectively; 0.969 and 0.917 both satisfy the condition greater than 0.9, RMSEA= 0.032 (< 0.08) is appropriate Therefore, the model is compatible with the research data Reliability test of the scale All scales have composite reliability (CR) greater than 0.5 In specific, it ranges from 0.829 to 0.879 and the total average variance extracted (AVE) is also greater than 0.5 with the minimum value is 0.518 (factor of Social performance KQXH) and the maximum value is 0.652 (factor of Environmental collaboration with customers - HTKH) Therefore, the scales are generally reliable Convergent validity test 19 The analysis results indicate that all the normalized and unnormalized coefficients of the scale are greater than 0.5, and the AVE values are also greater than 0.5 as proposed by Gerbring & Anderson (1988); Hair et al (1992) and Fornell and Larcker (1981), so it can be concluded that the factors reach convergent validity Unidimensionality test From the obtained results, the model is considered to be compatible with the research data and there is no correlation between the measurement errors, so it can be concluded that it achieves unidimensionality Discriminant validity test 20 4.4.1 Direct relationship Research hypotheses test SEM was analyzed starting from the original proposed research model and then adjusted to get a better model by removing ambiguous relationships After removing the ambiguous relationships, the model was proved to be compatible with the research data because Chi-square/df= 1.474 (< 2) ; TLI = 0.963; CFI = 0.967; GFI = 0.914 (> 0.9) and RMSEA= 0.033 (< 0.08) Table 4.20: The results of the second structural equation modeling analysis Correlation between the factors Estimate S.E C.R H1a KQMT < - THXBT 0,190 0,064 2,981 0,003 0,158 H1b KQMT < - HTNCC 0,176 0,052 3,401 0,000 0,186 H1c KQMT < - HTKH 0,162 0,054 2,968 0,003 0,160 H1e KQMT < - GSTKH 0,138 0,054 2,571 0,010 0,137 4.3 Descriptive statistics of research variables H2b KQKT < - HTNCC 0,173 0,046 3,788 0,000 0,202 - In terms of Internal GSCM practices: 31.77% of enterprises participating in the survey are doing very often the content "our departments work well together in activities to minimize negative environmental impacts" (corresponding to with 142 enterprises) H2c KQKT < - HTKH 0,207 0,050 4,162 0,000 0,227 H3a KQXH < - THXBT 0,259 0,057 4,588 0,000 0,248 H3c KQXH < - HTKH 0,190 0,048 3,960 0,000 0,216 H4 HTNCC < - GSNCC 0,312 0,076 4,132 0,000 0,229 - In terms of the factor of Environmental collaboration with suppliers: 24.61% of enterprises participating in the survey are doing very often the content "our business and our suppliers have a clear understanding of the environmental responsibilities to comply with" (corresponding to 110 enterprises) H5 KQKT < - KQMT 0,151 0,049 3,087 0,002 0,167 H6 KQKT < - KQXH 0,135 0,055 2,440 0,015 0,130 The p_values are all less than 0.05, so it can be confirmed that the correlation coefficient between the pairs of factors is different from at the 95% reliability level On the other hand, the AVE of each factor is larger than the square of the correlation coefficients between that factor and the remaining factors Therefore, the author concludes that the scales have discriminant validity - In terms of the factor of Environmental collaboration with customers: 21.25% of enterprises participating in the survey are doing very often the content "our business and customers have a clear understanding of the environmental responsibilities to comply with" (corresponding to 95 enterprises) - In terms of Environmental monitoring of suppliers: 34% of enterprises participating in the survey are doing very often the content “Our business requires suppliers to ensure the environmentally friendly activities of second-tier suppliers (supplier of supplier)” (corresponding to 152 enterprises) - In terms of Environmental monitoring by customers: 38.26% of enterprises participating in the survey are doing very often the content “Our customers suggest or ask us to implement an environmental management system (for example: ISO 14000)” (corresponding to 171 enterprises) 4.4 Results of evaluating the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of construction enterprises Hypothesis P_value Standardized In summary, the test results show the fit of the model with market research data of the construction industry in Vietnam with 11 accepted hypotheses Table 4.21: Summary of the results of the research hypothesis test Hypothesis Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on H1a environmental performance Environmental collaboration with suppliers has a H1b positive impact on environmental performance Environmental collabaration with customers has a H1c positive impact on environmental performance Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive H1d impact on environmental performance Environmental monitoring by customers has a positive H1e impact on environmental performance Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on H2a economic performance Result Accept Accept Accept Does not accept Accept Does not accept 21 Hypothesis Environmental collaboration with suppliers has a H2b positive impact on economic performance Environmental collabaration with customers has a H2c positive impact on economic performance Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive H2d impact on economic performance Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on social H3a performance Environmental collaboration with suppliers has a H3b positive impact on social performance Environmental collabaration with customers has a H3c positive impact on social performance Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive H3d impact on social performance Environmental monitoring of suppliers has a positive H4 impact on environmental collaboration with suppliers Environmental performance have a positive impact on H5 economic performance Social performance have a positive impact on economic H6 performance 22 Result Accept Accept Does not accept Accept Does not accept Accept Does not accept Accept - There is a difference in social performance among firm size groups (P_value = 0.000 < 0.05) Specifically, the larger the business, the larger the number of employees, the higher the average social performance - There is no clear difference in economic performance and environmental performance among firm size groups (P_values is 0.280 and 0.121, respectively, greater than 0.05) - There is a difference in economic performance and environmental performance between enterprises operating for a long time and enterprises operating for less than a year (P_value has the same value of 0.002 < 0.05) In particular, the older the group of enterprises is, the higher the economic and environmental performance are on average - There is no clear difference in social performance between business generations (P_value = 0.493 > 0.05) Accept CHAPTER DISCUSSION OF RESEARCH RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATION Accept Model estimation test Bootstrap estimation is done by repeated sampling with size N = 1500 The estimation results show that the bias (Bias) and standard error of the bias (SE-Bias) between the Bootstrap estimate and the optimal estimate utilized in the test study appear, but they are not significant because the the absolute value C.R ≤ indicates a very small bias Thus, it can be concluded that the estimates in the model are reliable 4.4.2 Indirect relationship Environmental monitoring of suppliers factor affects environmental performance factor through an indirect way with a coefficient of 0.043 Environmental monitoring of suppiers factor affects economic performance factor through an indirect way with a coefficient of 0.053 Environmental monitoring by customers and internal GSCM practices factors affect economic performance factor through an indirect way with the coefficients of 0.023 and 0.059, respectively Environmental collaboration with suppliers and Environmental collaboration with with customers factors affect economic performance factor through both ways, and mainly through direct one 4.5 Differences in performance by firm characteristics - There is no clear difference in environmental, economic and social performance among different firm types (since the P-Value is 0.651, 0.812 and 0.186, respectively, greater than 0.05) 5.1 Development trend of construction enterprises Sustainability is a key focus that governs many emerging trends in the world construction industry First, there will be the "green construction" trend The second development trend for enterprises is to promote the use of green building materials The third emerging trend refers to renewable energy sources which is increasingly becoming a popular choice for construction enterprises In the case of Vietnam, the content of green building development and the concept of energy efficient construction have been incorporated into the country's national strategy Vietnam has also implemented mandatory standards and regulations for equipment or buildings In addition, the Government encourages enterprises to operate in the direction of energy saving and apply renewable energy through tax exemption 5.2 Discussing research results Along with environmental collaboration with customers, which has a direct and positive effect on all three sustainability pillars of performance, internal GSCM practices also have an impact, albeit in a different way Internal green practices, in particular, not only have a direct impact on environmental and social performace, but also have an indirect impact on economic performance Thus, while they both resulting in improved performance, cooperation with customers has a greater likelihood of improvement, with less difference between the three aspects compared 23 24 to internal green practices The remaining management methods including cooperation with suppliers, environmental monitoring of suppiers and environmental monitoring by customers have no impact on social performance, which means they not assist enterprises in achieving sustainable performance The dissertation also implies that the environmental cooperation method improves performance greater than the environmental monitoring method environmental protection through a number of activities such as seeking budget funding or inviting participation/contribution directly to the environment matters 5.3 Recommendations - For suppliers: can increase understanding by proactively approaching policies related to environmental protection prescribed by the Government during the production process, understanding as well as properly and fully applying the standard systems and requirements for the production and supply of green materials, as well as carefully controlled construction waste and adverse effects on the natural environment and surrounding communities Additionally, supplier managers should strive to strengthen their capacity of information sharing in order to develop and maintain strong relationships with enterprises - For construction enterprises (contractors): small and medium-sized enterprises should choose the method of environmental collaboration with customers and/or with suppliers, while large enterprises can employ a variety of management methods In summary, the main implication of this study is that construction contractors should select a management method that is suitable for their own strengths and aligned with each stage's priority objectives When enterprises meet all of the criteria and expand their scale from small to large, they can combine and deploy three critical components of green supply chain management, including internal green practices, collaboration with customers in environmental issues, and collaboration with suppliers in environmental issues The dissertation recommends that Vietnamese construction enterprises increase their investment in information connection networks not only within enterprises but also with related parties - For design consultants: should prioritize sustainable design, which includes the use of recyclable materials and the production of reusable construction products Additionally, it is necessary to consider the opinions and viewpoints of other partners in supply chain regarding environmental protection when designing products - For customers: it is necessary to increase consumer awareness of green consumption and prioritizing the selection of green products as a basis for proposing specific regulations regarding product design, transportation, and knowledge sharing about macro-management policies (for example, through the use of an environmental management system) with enterprises - For state agencies: + Policymakers can impose a number of strict green regulations on large enterprises aimed at ensuring worker and community health and safety In addition, the Government can encourage large enterprises to fulfill their responsibilities in + Additionally, state agencies must attempt to establish a spillover mechanism (the flow of knowledge and professional skills related to sustainable construction) from large enterprises to small and medium ones, as well as from the previous generation of enterprises to the next generation to improve the performance of the small and medium enterprises and young enterprises This can be achieved through partnerships and mentoring opportunities among these business groups + The state should continue to focus on promoting research, issuance and implementation of national certifications related to environmental management (for example: LOTUS) in addition to international certification requirements (such as ISO 14001, LEED, ) + The government may consider requiring suppliers to obtain certification for "green" materials, products, and processes + The State can promote enterprises to develop eco-design activities through pioneering implementation of green buildings or renovating large-scale projects using public capital + The Government needs to improve the preferential policy for the production and use of green materials, renew the system of standards and technical regulations for building material products, as well as increase the environmental tax on polluting materials Additionally, the government should legalize green building certifications or incorporate green building criteria into building permit requirements + The government should promote the application of renewable energy production, energy efficiency and green construction through financial tools or policy advocacy instead of management tools to enforce energy saving + The government should make an effort to attract foreign construction companies to invest in Vietnam, as they are more aware of and committed to the goal of sustainable development, to create a spillover effect on local enterprises' understanding of the benefits of green practices Simultaneously, create conditions that allow domestic enterprises to learn and access advancements in environmental protection technology for construction CONCLUSION Although the dissertation makes certain contributions to theory and practice, certain shortcomings are unavoidable due to limited resources (time, finances) Firstly, because the survey subjects are enterprises in the Vietnamese construction industry, the findings drawn from the analysis may not be relevant to other industries Secondly, because the dissertation makes no reference to the relationship between enterprises and the government, the reports may be incomplete and insufficient From the above-mentioned limitations, the author will propose future research directions Specifically, expanding the scope of the research by collecting data from a variety of 25 different industries, comparing and drawing a comprehensive big picture of the relationship between green supply chain management and performance of enterprises In addition, the goal of the dissertation is to examine whether environmental collaboration method or environmental monitoring method will result in increased sustainable efficiency for enterprises (shown in the three pillars of economy, environment, and society) The author suggests that in the future, it will possible to conduct research on the situation in which enterprises pay attention to and implement both methods concurrently, to determine whether the efficiency will be improved more or not A further recommendation for further research is to add factor enterprises cooperate in environmental protection with government organizations and/or enterprises that are subject to environmental monitoring by Government in relation to performance into the existing model ... saving + The government should make an effort to attract foreign construction companies to invest in Vietnam, as they are more aware of and committed to the goal of sustainable development, to... that it was appropriate for the study area 3.2.2 Preliminary quantitative research Cronbach''s Alpha coefficient is used in preliminary quantitative research to assess the reliability of the second... (Hoang Trong & Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc, 2005) Control variable 3.2.3 Formal quantitative research (firm characteristics) Formal quantitative research was conducted on SPSS and AMOS software, including

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2021, 06:08

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