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Tài liệu C++Builder™ 6 ppt

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  • @Team LiB

  • C++Builder 6 Developer's Guide

    • Cover

    • Dedication and Acknowledgments

  • Contents

  • Introduction

    • Chapter Overview

  • Part I Windows and Database Development

    • Chapter 1 Introduction to C++Builder 6

      • Introduction

      • C++ Builder 6 Overview

        • The Main Window and Toolbars

        • Component Palette

        • Object Inspector

        • Object TreeView

          • To- Do List

        • Alignment Palette

      • New Features

        • Technology Additions

          • WebSnap and Enhancements to Internet Development

          • BizSnap

        • Enhancements

          • Enhancement to DataSnap

          • New Database Support

        • STLPort Standard Template Library

        • New Components and Wizards

      • Working with Projects

        • What Constitutes a C++ Builder 6 Project?

        • Setting Project Options

        • Borland Packages and Components

        • Installing Third- Party Vendor Components

        • Types of Projects That C++ Builder 6 Supports

        • Building User Interfaces

        • Your First Windows Application

      • Summary

    • Chapter 2 C++ Advanced Concepts

      • Introduction

      • Language Overview

      • C++ Features That are Often Ignored

        • Templates

          • What are Templates?

          • When to Use Templates

        • Namespaces

        • Casting in C++

          • dynamic_cast

          • static_cast

          • const_cast

          • reinterpret_cast

        • Exception Handling

        • A Word about Pointers

        • References

        • Virtual Methods

      • C++ Language and C++ Builder

        • Overview

        • Keyword Extensions

          • __classid

          • __closure

          • __property

          • __published

          • __declspec

          • __interface

        • Object Construction Sequence in C++ Builder

      • Summary

    • Chapter 3 The VCL Explored

      • Brief Introduction to VCL Architecture

      • VCL Objects

        • AnsiString

        • What is TObject?

        • Persistence of Objects-TPersistent Class

        • Basic VCL Component-TComponent Class

        • Non- Visual Components

        • Visual Components-TControl and TWinControl Classes and Their Descendants

        • The Application-Global TApplication Instance

        • Other Global Variables-TScreen, TMouse, and TClipboard Instances

        • Getting the RTTI

          • Is a Specific Property Published for the Object?

          • What is the Property Type?

          • Is a Specific Property in an Object of a Specific Type?

          • What is the Type of a Specific Property in an Object?

          • Is the Property Stored in the DFM File?

          • Getting and Setting Property Values for an Object

      • A Closer Look at Forms

        • Creating Forms in a DLL

        • What are a Form's Characteristics?

      • Frames in the VCL

        • Using Frames in a Project

      • The Value List Editor

      • Summary

    • Chapter 4 Advanced VCL Features

      • Introduction

      • Actions and ActionLists

        • Action Clients

        • Action Objects and TAction Class

        • Types of Action Objects

        • Action Targets

        • ActionList Object

        • Using the Standard Action Objects

        • How Does the Application Find the Action Target for an Action Object?

        • Using the Custom Action Objects

        • How Does VCL Identify the Appropriate Action Handler for an Action?

        • Visual Components That Render Action Objects

      • Windows Common Dialogs

      • Windows Drag and Drop

        • Properties and Methods of the Source Object

          • BeginDrag() Method

          • OnMouseDown() Event

        • Event Handlers for the Drop Target

        • Custom Drag Objects

          • Drag and Drop Across Modules in an Application

      • Date/ Time Management

        • TDateTime Class

        • What is DOS File Timestamp?

        • Win32 Core Date- Time Management

        • Formatting Date- Time Strings

        • Constants Defined in SYSUTILS

      • Directory and File Management

        • Working with Directories

        • Working with Files

          • Functions That Work with File Existence and Search

          • WIN32_FIND_DATA Structure

          • File Attributes

          • Setting the Advanced Attributes

          • Filename Manipulation Functions

          • File Content Management

      • Summary

    • Chapter 5 Simple Database Development

      • Introduction to Database Development

      • Two-tier, Three-tier, and Multi-tier Applications

      • VCL Architecture for Database Development

        • Database Connection Components

          • Database Connection Frameworks Supported in VCL

            • How Do You Connect to a Database?

        • What is TDataSet?

          • Dataset States

          • Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes

          • Properties, Methods, and Events

        • Data- aware Controls and DataSource

        • Data Module-The Non-visual Container

        • Borland Database Engine (BDE) Framework

          • BDE Components

          • Setting Up a BDE Alias for InterBase SQL Links Driver

          • Setting Up a BDE Alias for MS Access ODBC Driver

            • Sample Application Using BDE Framework

            • Creating BDE Components Programmatically

        • ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Framework— dbGo

          • Microsoft ADO Components

          • Simplified Borland ADO Components

          • How Do We Make a Database Connection?

          • Obtaining Metadata from the Database

          • What Dataset Objects are Available in the ADO Framework?

          • The TADOCommand Component

          • Sample Application Using ADO Components

      • Summary

    • Chapter 6 Advanced Database Development

      • Introduction

      • Data Access Components

        • What is TClientDataSet?

        • TClientDataSet as an In- memory Table

          • Creating a ClientDataSet on a Form

          • Programmatically Creating a ClientDataSet

        • TDataSetProvider in Advanced Database Development

        • The TDataSetProvider- TClientDataSet Duo

        • Properties, Methods, and Events of TClientDataSet

        • Properties and Events of TDataSetProvider

        • Methods Supported by IProviderSupport Interface

        • The TDataSource Component

        • XML- based Data Access Components

      • Borland dbExpress Architecture

        • Overview

        • dbExpress Components

        • Configuring a dbExpress Connection

        • Using Unidirectional Datasets with Data-aware Controls

          • Through TSQLClientDataSet

          • Through TClientDataSet and TDataSetProvider

        • Using Unidirectional Datasets without Data Controls

      • Borland InterBase Express for InterBase

        • Overview

        • IBX Components

          • TIBDatabase, TIBDatabaseInfo, and TIBTransaction

        • A Word about Transaction Isolation Levels

        • Datasets in the IBX Family

        • Executing Stored Procedures That

        • Return a Result Set

        • Updating a Read- only Dataset

        • TIBClientDataSet at a Glance

      • Summary

  • Part II Advanced and Distributed Application Development

    • Chapter 7 Building WebBroker Applications

      • Introduction

      • Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

        • Overview

        • Parts of a URL

      • The HTTP Protocol

        • The HTTP Methods

        • The HTTP Request

        • The HTTP Response

        • The HTTP Response Status Codes

      • Web Development in C++ Builder 6

        • Overview

        • A Typical Web Application

        • Web Dispatcher in Action

      • Sample Web Applications

        • Overview

        • CGI Application

        • Convert the CGI Application to ISAPI DLL

        • Apache Application

      • Producer Components

        • Overview

        • PageProducer Components

        • TableProducer Components

      • Summary

    • Chapter 8 Building WebSnap Applications

      • Introduction

      • WebSnap Components at a Glance

        • Overview

        • Web Page Modules

        • Web Data Modules

        • Adapter Components

          • What are Adapters?

          • Types of Adapters

        • Content Producers

        • The IPageDispatcher Interface

          • Server- side Scripting

        • Overview of the Scripting Language

        • VCL Script Objects

          • The Page Object

          • The Module Object

          • Other Objects

      • Building WebSnap Applications

        • WebSnap Application Wizards

        • A Simple WebSnap Application

        • An Improved Way to Save the State Information

        • A WebSnap Application Connecting to a

        • DataSource

      • Summary

    • Chapter 9 Developing DataSnap Applications

      • Introduction

      • DataSnap Applications

        • Connecting to the Remote Application Server

        • What is Contained in the DataSnap Server

        • Module?

        • The IAppServer Interface

        • The Threading Model of Server Objects

        • DataSnap Application Logic Flow

        • Sample DataSnap Application

        • Connecting to the Server through DCOM

        • Applying Updates and Reconciling Errors

        • Web Client to a DataSnap Server

          • TXMLBroker Component

          • TInetXPageProducer Component

        • A Word on the XML- based Provider

      • Summary

    • Chapter 10 Developing Distributed Applications (CORBA and TCP/IP)

      • Introduction

      • CORBA Overview

        • The CORBA Object Model

        • The Interface Definition Language

        • IDL to CPP Translation

          • The Stub File Classes

          • The Skeleton Classes

        • The CORBA Server Application

        • The CORBA Client Application

        • The Portable Object Adapter

        • The Interface Repository

        • The Object Activation Daemon (OAD)

        • The Naming Service

      • Simple TCP/ IP Applications

        • Simple TCP/ IP Protocol

        • Blocking and Non- blocking Connections

        • How Do Clients Establish a Connection with the Server?

        • Custom App Server Model

        • A Simple FTP Client

      • Summary

    • Chapter 11 Building BizSnap Applications (XML and Web Services)

      • Introduction

      • XML Overview

        • XML Documents

        • The Document Object Model

        • XML Namespaces

        • XML Schemas

        • What is TXMLDocument?

      • SOAP Overview

        • Web Services

        • Building and Using Web Services in C++ Builder 6

          • Building SOAP Server Applications

          • Building SOAP Client Applications

        • SOAP- based Multi- tier Distributed Applications

          • Building the Server Module

      • Summary

    • Chapter 12 Miscellaneous and Advanced Topics

      • Introduction

      • The Cross- platform Component Library

        • What does BaseCLX Contain?

        • INI Files and Windows Registry

        • Non- visual Containers

          • TStrings and TStringList

          • TList and TObjectList

        • Streams and Streaming

        • Graphics at a Glance

          • TCanvas

        • Visual Container Components (in VisualCLX)

          • TListBox

          • TListView

      • Custom Component Development

        • Implementing Component Properties and Methods

        • Implementing Component Events

        • Overriding Default Event Behavior

        • Registering the Components

      • Miscellaneous Programming Features

        • Variant and OleVariant

        • Using Office 2000 Automation Objects

        • The TOleContainer Component

      • Summary

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X

  • About the CD

    • CD/Source Code Usage License Agreement

Nội dung

[...]... Automation Objects The TOleContainer Component Summary 461 461 461 464 464 468 468 471 472 475 4 76 477 477 477 478 480 482 484 4 86 487 487 492 493 497 Index 499 xii Introduction Introduction My desire to write a book about C++Builder... 350 354 357 359 361 368 x 275 2 76 282 285 290 290 290 292 303 Applying Updates and Reconciling Errors Web Client to a DataSnap Server TXMLBroker Component TInetXPageProducer Component A Word on the XML-based Provider Summary 369 372 372 374 378 382 Chapter... Using Web Services in C++Builder 6 Building SOAP Server Applications Building SOAP Client Applications SOAP-based Multi-tier Distributed Applications 429 429 430 431 432 435 4 36 4 36 440 442 442 443 451 454 xi Contents Building the Server Module 455 Summary 460 Chapter 12 Miscellaneous and... WebSnap Application Connecting to a DataSource Summary 305 305 3 06 3 06 307 309 309 309 312 314 314 315 319 321 3 26 327 327 328 328 332 338 339 3 46 Chapter 9 Developing DataSnap Applications Introduction DataSnap Applications Connecting to the... which are beyond the scope of this book 15 Part 1 Introduction to C++Builder 6 16 Chapter 1 Components form the major part of the C++Builder 6 development environment Components are reusable objects (classes with specific features that enable them to be accessed through the Component Palette) With each edition of C++Builder 6, Borland provides a set of components You may also buy components built and... Chapters 6 and 9, while its SOAP extension is discussed in Chapter 11 New Database Support C++Builder 6 includes support for dbExpress, the new data access technology introduced by Borland The concept of unidirectional datasets is implemented in this technology, improving the data access speeds with the use of unidirectional cursors Use of this technology requires new database drivers C++Builder 6 comes... vendors and Borland itself Chapter 6 discusses features of this technology in detail with sample applications STLPort Standard Template Library The new STLPort standard template library has become popular due to its enhanced compliance with ANSI C++ and multi-platform support C++Builder 6 includes this library as part of the product 11 Part 1 Introduction to C++Builder 6 12 Chapter 1 New Components and... C++Builder 6, which enables porting your Windows-based applications to Linux without pain It includes BaseCLX, which is common mostly across VCL and CLX frameworks I also present custom component development concepts and OLE objects and OLE containers xvi Part I Windows and Database Development Chapter 1 Introduction to C++Builder 6 Introduction As I mentioned in the introduction to this book, C++Builder 6. .. aligned automatically New Features C++Builder 6 provides many new features and enhancements to the existing features of the product In this section, we will go through some of these new features by different categories It is not possible to discuss all the new features here Technology Additions WebSnap and Enhancements to Internet Development With C++Builder 6, you can continue to use the WebBroker architecture... familiarize you with the contents of the book Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to programming in C++Builder 6 and an introduction to Windows programming with this tool You will find topics on familiarizing yourself (and navigating) with the tool, new features added to the current release (C++Builder 6) compared to the previous release, creating projects, types of applications that can be created with the . index. ISBN 1-5 562 2- 960 -7 (paperback) 1. Computer software—Development. 2. Delphi (Computer file). 3. Telecommunication systems. I. Title. QA 76. 76. D47 M 665 2002 005.1. Class 65 Basic VCL Component—TComponent Class 65 Non-Visual Components 66 Visual Components—TControl and TWinControl Classes and Their Descendants 66 The

Ngày đăng: 19/01/2014, 07:20