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Teacher asking for help US

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Giáo trình giúp nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp Tiếng anh thông qua những chủ đề quen thuộc và thiết thực hằng ngày. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Functional English Asking for Help Let’s Learn Being able to ask for help is an important language skill In this lesson, you will learn a few di erent ways to ask for help You will also learn how to o er assistance to others and how to tell others you can t help Warm-Up Note: A HELPING HAND In English, “a hand” sometimes means “help.” You can say “I need a hand” when you need help You can ask “Do you need a hand?” when others seem to need assistance Have you o ered a helping hand recently? Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) The phrase to give a hand can also mean to give a round of applause (to clap) Asking for Help Functional English Useful Expressions Listen to your teacher ask for and o er help Then recite these phrases together as a class A Questions Asking for Help O ering Help • Could you give me a hand? • Can I help you? • I could use some help • Do you need a hand? • Help me, please • What can I for you? • Do you have a minute? • Is there anything I can to help you? • Would you mind lending me a hand? • Is there anything else? • Can I ask a favor? • Can I be of assistance? • Can you me a favor? • I have a favor to ask you • I need a big favor • Can you help me (base verb)? • Could you (base verb) for me? B Responses Agreeing to Help Accepting Help Declining Help • Of course • Thank you! • • No problem • I appreciate it • That s okay • Sure • Thanks for your help • Thanks for o ering • You re the best • m all right • m ne Thanks, though Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) m okay, thanks Asking for Help Functional English Dialogues Read the dialogue and practice with a partner Dialogue Dialogue ASKING FOR HELP OFFERING TO HELP A: Would you mind lending me a hand? A: Is there anything I can to help? B: Sure What can I for you? B: Not at the moment, thank you A: Could you hold the door open for me? A: Really? You look so busy B: No problem Is there anything else? B: There is one thing you could A: Actually, there s a door downstairs too Could you get that one as well? A: Just say the word B: Would you mind closing the windows? B: Of course A: No problem B: I appreciate it Dialogue DECLINING HELP A: B: Those boxes look heavy Can I give you a hand? m okay You could hold the door for me, though A: No problem Can I take something for you? B: That s okay They aren t as heavy as they look A: Is there anything else I can do? B: m ne Thanks for o ering Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Writing Practice A Complete the Dialogue Complete the dialogue, and practice with a partner A: Those heavy Can I give you a hand? B: m okay Would you mind holding for me, though? A: No problem Can I for you? B: B Sentence Building Choose the correct word below each line to complete the requests for help I ask you a favor? (Do / Can) Could you me a hand? (to lend / lend) I wonder if you could me (help / to help) you have a spare moment? (Can / Do) I could your help for a second (use / to use) Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Speaking Practice Take turns asking for help with these tasks Moving boxes Making dinner Doing homework Picking up mail Looking after a pet Watching luggage Further Learning A Declining There are di erent expressions to use when you can t help a person You can choose whether or not to add a reason Example Useful Phrases • m sorry can t (Add a reason if you want to.) A: Can I ask you a big favor? wish could, but can t (Add a reason if you want to.) B: Sure, what is it? • A: I need to borrow 20 dollars • m sorry m busy right now (Use this for an immediate request.) B: Oh, m sorry m broke • m sorry m not available (Use this for a request in the future.) B Practice Change the dialogue to a request that you made recently Try your dialogue with a partner Me: I have a favor to ask you : I need you to Me: : Me: What can I for you? I wish I could help, but Oh, that s okay Don t worry about it Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Review Task WORDS & EXPRESSIONS List as many words and expressions as you can to ask for help and o er to help Asking for Help O ering to Help Task Task COMPLETE THE DIALOGUE ROLE-PLAY Now complete the dialogue between two friends Work with a partner One of you is a teacher who needs a hand The other is a student Role-play an exchange between the teacher and the student The teacher will accept help but then decline an additional o er of help Your teacher/classmates will answer the following questions: A: me a hand? B: Sure What can I A: Could you B: No A: Actually, could you B: Of course A: Thank you! You re the you? for me? Is there anything else? What does the teacher need help with? ? What happens rst? Does the teacher ask for help or does the student o er to help? ! What type of help does the teacher decline? Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Role-Play Assessment Tool Student / Group: Date Level Assessed By Achieved Role-Play Scenario Skill Asking for Help / O ering to Help Speaking Achieved With Help Needs Improvement Criteria asks for help or o ers to help responds appropriately uses polite language speaks loudly and clearly takes turns speaking Notes Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Learner Re ection ASKING FOR HELP Add check marks () to show what you've learned in this lesson Name: Date: Yes (very well) Yes (with help) Not yet Can I use a variety of ways to ask for help? use a variety of ways to o er help? respond by accepting help or agreeing or declining to help? give a reason why can t help? My Notes Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Answer Key LESSON DESCRIPTION: LEVEL: Low Int In this lesson, students review language and useful TIME: hour TAGS: functional English, useful expressions, expressions to use when asking for help They also practice o ering help and responding when unable to help socializing, asking for help, o ering to help Let’s Learn Writing Practice Go over the learning objective with your students A COMPLETE THE DIALOGUE Warm-Up Answers will vary boxes look ntroduce the term a hand, which can mean help/assistance, and the door go over the various verbs that can be paired with it (give, lend, need) take something / something else Useful Expressions Recite the words and expressions and have your students repeat after you for intonation practice Dialogues Read the dialogues out loud or in pairs m ne, thanks B SENTENCE BUILDING Can help lend Do use Speaking Practice Put students in pairs to practice the scenarios After they ve practiced asking for help, you could have them practice o ering to help (continued on the next page ) Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) Asking for Help Functional English Answer Key cont Further Learning SPELLING NOTE: This lesson shows the American spelling of the words Favor After reviewing the examples, have students repeat the scenarios and Practice Most other English-speaking countries spell these from the Speaking Practice section This time they will practice words this way: Favour and Practise (when used as a verb; Practice saying no and giving reasons or excuses why they can t help when used as a noun) Make it a challenge for your students to nd these words in the lesson and see if they know the Review (Assessment Tasks) The last three tasks are optional and can be used for assessment purposes and/or review practice Task includes an assessment alternate spellings ABOUT THE EMOJI: tool that you can share with learners so that they understand The emoji (and their derivatives) used in this lesson are from your expectations Twemoji, an open-source project by Twitter They are licensed under CC-BY 4.0 https://github.com/twitter/twemoji TASK Give students a few minutes to make a list of ways to ask for and o er help Answers will vary TASK Have students complete the text based on words and expressions they learned in this lesson Answers will vary TASK If you want to use this task for summative assessment, hand out the ready-made Role-Play Assessment Tool (page 7), or personalize your own from a template in Shared Criteria for Success: https://esllibrary.com/resources/2352 Place students in pairs and have them a role-play for the class (or just for you) using the scenario provided Alternatively, you could provide a unique scenario for each pair using your own ideas Learner Re ection When you are nished with this lesson, have your students re ect on their learning by lling in the chart Copyright 2018, Red River Press nc For use by ESL Library members only ( LO W I N T / V E R S I O N 1) 10

Ngày đăng: 28/10/2021, 12:25

