Slide bài giảng tiếng anh chuyên ngành kinh tế unit 1 market capitalism
Unit 1 Market Capitalism Reading Comprehension Households and business firms through market exchange … !" Households Reading Comprehension #"" It depends on the demand for final products because firms produce to sell to consumers $! Labor, materials: wood, fruit… Reading Comprehension %!!"! Customers get money through the sale or loan of their resources to firms. &' They desire to maximize their economic well-being through market exchange. Business firms pursue profit maximization and households try to maximize utility or satisfaction Reading Comprehension ()"*+ It means that there are many buyers and sellers, products are substitutable, buyers and sellers have a lot of knowledge of the market and resources are able to move freely between uses. Reading Comprehension ,"""* - Offer competitive prices - Constantly improve their products: quality, package, design… - Know customers’ tastes and do market researches Vocabulary # " $ % & " ( , " .* ! * # $ % &" Grammar - /*"0111 - /*"*"0 Translation 2 "*34 563!7898: ;8 7<=>> ệ ộ ọ ủ ị >?@A3 5 B5 57<"98:5 ườ ạ ộ ủ ượ ổ ị ườ A 7CD " * 4!7 4 "Dườ ậ ừ ệ ệ ệ 9 78"*3:464ể ự >7<=> >?@A14 "*34 56D: ị ườ ệ ộ ệ " 57<985 37<398ụ ộ ẫ ượ ợ ậ # >7<=>>> !934319 4ạ ư ệ ườ *3 339 !78ườ ể $ 34*3 * D5 3;< 7C*35 ;8"ị ụ ượ ủ ườ ượ 4 "ở ệ Translation ? '"" @*! "!!" E"1" """ # E"*"!1 " $ F**G"* !