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Enderle j , bronzino j introduction to biomedical engineering (2011, AP)

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Tiêu đề Introduction To Biomedical Engineering
Tác giả John D. Enderle, Joseph D. Bronzino
Người hướng dẫn Joseph Bronzino, Series Editor
Trường học University of Connecticut
Chuyên ngành Biomedical Engineering
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Năm xuất bản 2012
Thành phố Storrs
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INTRODUCTION TO BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING THIRD EDITION This is a volume in the ACADEMIC PRESS SERIES IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING JOSEPH BRONZINO, SERIES EDITOR Trinity College—Hartford, Connecticut INTRODUCTION TO BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING THIRD EDITION JOHN D ENDERLE University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut JOSEPH D BRONZINO Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, UK # 2012 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein) Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein MATLABW and SimulinkW are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc and are used with permission The MathWorks does not warrant the accuracy of the text or exercises in this book This book’s use or discussion of MATLABW and SimulinkW software or related products does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship by The MathWorks of a particular pedagogical approach or particular use of the MATLABW and SimulinkW software Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Introduction to biomedical engineering / [edited by] John Enderle, Joseph Bronzino – 3rd ed p ; cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-12-374979-6 (alk paper) Biomedical engineering I Enderle, John D (John Denis) II Bronzino, Joseph D., 1937[DNLM: Biomedical Engineering QT 36] R856.I47 2012 610.28–dc22 2010046267 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library For information on all Academic Press publications visit our Web site at www.elsevierdirect.com Printed in the United State of America 11 12 13 14 This book is dedicated to our families This page intentionally left blank Contents 2.13 Ethical Issues in Treatment Use 70 2.14 The Role of the Biomedical Engineer in the FDA Process 71 2.15 Exercises 72 Preface xi Contributors to the Third Edition xiii Contributors to the Second Edition xiv Contributors to the First Edition xv Anatomy and Physiology Biomedical Engineering: A Historical Perspective SUSAN BLANCHARD AND JOSEPH D BRONZINO 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 JOSEPH D BRONZINO 1.1 The Evolution of the Modern Health Care System 1.2 The Modern Health Care System 1.3 What Is Biomedical Engineering? 16 1.4 Roles Played by the Biomedical Engineers 1.5 Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering 23 1.6 Professional Status of Biomedical Engineering 29 1.7 Professional Societies 30 1.8 Exercises 32 21 Introduction 76 Cellular Organization 78 Tissues 93 Major Organ Systems 94 Homeostasis 126 Exercises 129 Biomechanics JOSEPH L PALLADINO AND ROY B DAVIS III 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Introduction 134 Basic Mechanics 137 Mechanics of Materials 158 Viscoelastic Properties 166 Cartilage, Ligament, Tendon, and Muscle 170 4.6 Clinical Gait Analysis 175 4.7 Cardiovascular Dynamics 192 4.8 Exercises 215 Moral and Ethical Issues JOSEPH D BRONZINO 2.1 Morality and Ethics: A Definition of Terms 36 2.2 Two Moral Norms: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence 44 2.3 Redefining Death 45 2.4 The Terminally Ill Patient and Euthanasia 49 2.5 Taking Control 52 2.6 Human Experimentation 53 2.7 Definition and Purpose of Experimentation 55 2.8 Informed Consent 57 2.9 Regulation of Medical Device Innovation 62 2.10 Marketing Medical Devices 64 2.11 Ethical Issues in Feasibility Studies 65 2.12 Ethical Issues in Emergency Use 67 Biomaterials LIISA T KUHN 5.1 Materials in Medicine: From Prosthetics to Regeneration 220 5.2 Biomaterials: Types, Properties, and Their Applications 221 5.3 Lessons from Nature on Biomaterial Design and Selection 236 5.4 Tissue–Biomaterial Interactions 240 5.5 Biomaterials Processing Techniques for Guiding Tissue Repair and Regeneration 250 vii viii CONTENTS 5.6 Safety Testing and Regulation of Biomaterials 258 5.7 Application-Specific Strategies for the Design and Selection of Biomaterials 263 5.8 Exercises 269 8.6 Enzyme Inhibition, Allosteric Modifiers, and Cooperative Reactions 497 8.7 Exercises 505 Bioinstrumentation JOHN D ENDERLE Tissue Engineering RANDALL E MCCLELLAND, ROBERT DENNIS, LOLA M REID, JAN P STEGEMANN, BERNARD PALSSON, AND JEFFREY M MACDONALD 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 What Is Tissue Engineering? 274 Biological Considerations 290 Physical Considerations 319 Scaling Up 339 Implementation of Tissue Engineered Products 343 6.6 Future Directions: Functional Tissue Engineering and the “-Omics” Sciences 347 6.7 Conclusions 349 6.8 Exercises 349 Compartmental Modeling JOHN D ENDERLE 7.1 Introduction 360 7.2 Solutes, Compartments, and Volumes 360 7.3 Transfer of Substances between Two Compartments Separated by a Membrane 362 7.4 Compartmental Modeling Basics 379 7.5 One-Compartment Modeling 381 7.6 Two-Compartment Modeling 391 7.7 Three-Compartment Modeling 403 7.8 Multicompartment Modeling 418 7.9 Exercises 430 Biochemical Reactions and Enzyme Kinetics 9.1 Introduction 510 9.2 Basic Bioinstrumentation System 512 9.3 Charge, Current, Voltage, Power, and Energy 514 9.4 Resistance 520 9.5 Linear Network Analysis 531 9.6 Linearity and Superposition 537 9.7 The´venin’s Theorem 541 9.8 Inductors 544 9.9 Capacitors 548 9.10 A General Approach to Solving Circuits Involving Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors 551 9.11 Operational Amplifiers 560 9.12 Time-Varying Signals 572 9.13 Active Analog Filters 578 9.14 Bioinstrumentation Design 588 9.15 Exercises 591 10 Biomedical Sensors YITZHAK MENDELSON 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 11 Biosignal Processing JOHN D ENDERLE 8.1 Chemical Reactions 448 8.2 Enzyme Kinetics 458 8.3 Additional Models Using the Quasi-Steady-State Approximation 467 8.4 Diffusion, Biochemical Reactions, and Enzyme Kinetics 473 8.5 Cellular Respiration: Glucose Metabolism and the Creation of ATP 485 Introduction 610 Biopotential Measurements 616 Physical Measurements 621 Blood Gas Sensors 639 Bioanalytical Sensors 647 Optical Sensors 651 Exercises 662 MONTY ESCABI 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Introduction 668 Physiological Origins of Biosignals 668 Characteristics of Biosignals 671 Signal Acquisition 674 Frequency Domain Representation of Biological Signals 679 11.6 Linear Systems 700 11.7 Signal Averaging 721 ix CONTENTS 11.8 The Wavelet Transform and the Short-Time Fourier Transform 727 11.9 Artificial Intelligence Techniques 732 11.10 Exercises 741 14.3 Biomedical Heat Transport 975 14.4 Exercises 992 15 Radiation Imaging 12 Bioelectric Phenomena JOHN D ENDERLE 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 Introduction 748 History 748 Neurons 756 Basic Biophysics Tools and Relationships 761 Equivalent Circuit Model for the Cell Membrane 773 The Hodgkin-Huxley Model of the Action Potential 783 Model of a Whole Neuron 797 Chemical Synapses 800 Exercises 808 13 Physiological Modeling JOHN D ENDERLE 13.1 Introduction 818 13.2 An Overview of the Fast Eye Movement System 821 13.3 The Westheimer Saccadic Eye Movement Model 828 13.4 The Saccade Controller 835 13.5 Development of an Oculomotor Muscle Model 838 13.6 The 1984 Linear Reciprocal Innervation Saccadic Eye Movement Model 852 13.7 The 1995 Linear Homeomorphic Saccadic Eye Movement Model 864 13.8 The 2009 Linear Homeomorphic Saccadic Eye Movement Model 878 13.9 Saccade Neural Pathways 905 13.10 System Identification 910 13.11 Exercises 927 14 Biomedical Transport Processes GERALD E MILLER 14.1 Biomedical Mass Transport 938 14.2 Biofluid Mechanics and Momentum Transport 957 JOSEPH D BRONZINO 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Introduction 995 Emission Imaging Systems 997 Instrumentation and Imaging Devices 1013 Radiographic Imaging Systems 1018 Exercises 1037 16 Medical Imaging THOMAS SZABO 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 Introduction 1040 Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging 1042 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1071 Magnetoencephalography 1099 Contrast Agents 1101 Comparison of Imaging Modes 1103 Image Fusion 1106 Summary 1107 Exercises 1108 17 Biomedical Optics and Lasers GERARD L COTE´, LIHONG V WANG, AND SOHI RASTEGAR 17.1 Introduction to Essential Optical Principles 1112 17.2 Fundamentals of Light Propagation in Biological Tissue 1118 17.3 Physical Interaction of Light and Physical Sensing 1130 17.4 Biochemical Measurement Techniques Using Light 1139 17.5 Fundamentals of the Photothermal Therapeutic Effects of Light Sources 1147 17.6 Fiber Optics and Waveguides in Medicine 1158 17.7 Biomedical Optical Imaging 1165 17.8 Exercises 1170 Appendix 1175 Index 1213 1234 INDEX Isotopes atomic mass of, 1000 definition of, 1000 magnetic resonance imaging and, 550, 551–553, 1078t Isovolumic beats, 200 Isovolumic pressure MATLAB for, 204b Isovolumic ventricular pressure, 201–205, 204b Iteration, 1024 J Janus kinases (JAKs), 315–316 Jarvik 7, 56–57, 56f Johns Hopkins Hospital, Joint angles, 182–184 Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 19 Joints, 120–121 articular cartilage and, 170–171 artificial, 120–121, 121f biomaterials and, 264 gait analysis and, 175–192 modeling, 152b static equilibrium and, 150–153 Jones vector, 1115 K Kantianism, 38 Kant, Immanuel, 36–37 K capture, 1008 Kelvin body model of viscoelastic properties, 166f, 169, 172f Keratinocytes, 282 motility of, 338 Keratins, 294–295 Kidneys Bowman’s capsule, 950 dialysis, 952–954 Fick’s Law, 956 glomerular filtration rate, 951 loop of Henle, 952 mass transport in, 949–957 nephron, 949–950, 950f peritubular capillaries, 952 water removal, 956–957, 957f Kinases cyclin-dependent, 310–311, 310f Janus, 315–316 Kinematic data analysis, 176–184 pelvic anatomical coordinate system in, 177–179 segment and joint angles in, 182–184 thigh anatomical coordinate system in, 179–182 Kinetic data analysis, 184–188 anthropomorphic relationships in, 184–185 Kirchhoff’s current law, 515–517 phasor domain and, 576–578 Kirchhoff’s voltage law, 518 phasor domain and, 576–578 Knees autologous cell transplants and, 283–284 gait analysis and, 189–192 materials for replacement, 226f replacements, number of, 220 Knowledge base, 29–30 Korotkoff sounds, 102–103 Krebs cycle, 492–494 Kuhn, Liisa T, 219–272 L Lactic acid degradation/resorption, 247–248 Lamellae, 238 Lamellipodia, 308 Langevin, P., 1042 Laparoscopes, 1162 Laplace’s law, 105 Laplace transform, 697–698 modeling solutions and, 820–821 neuron capacitance and, 778–779 in Weistheimer model, 828–829, 834 Larmor frequency, 1071–1072, 1077–1078 Laryngoscopes, 1162 Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), 1133–1134 Lasers, 1147–1158 ablation and, 1147–1158 absorption of light and, 1121–1127 Arrhenius-Henriques model for quantitative analysis and, 1155–1156 biomaterial surface modification with, 253 effect of vaporization and ablation temperature and, 1156–1158 heating from, 1131–1132, 1153–1154 temperature and, 1149–1150 Latent period, in saccades, 824–826 Lauterbur, Paul, 1073 LDPE See Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) LDV See Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) Lead, 1013 Leakage currents voltage clamp experiment and, 786–787 LEDs See Light emitting diodes (LEDs) Leeuwenhoek, Antony van, 78 Left ventricle, 97f, 98f mechanical description of, 200–205 Length-tension curves, 865–867 Length-tension elastic elements, 843–844 1235 INDEX Lens design, 1118–1119 Leonardo da Vinci, 6–7, 136 Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), 292 Leukocytes, 192–193 motility of, 309f Lever systems force-velocity and, 844–845, 845f, 847–849 linear muscle models and, 868, 869–870 skeletal muscle, 122–123 Levin, A., 842–843 Life expectancy, 45 Ligaments biomaterials and, 263 biomechanics of, 171 Ligands, 250 cell communication and, 312–318 drug delivery and, 267–268 immunoassay sensors and, 660–661 Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 1140 oxygen measurement with, 644–645 saccade recording with, 824–825 Light-induced heating, 1131–1132 Lightning rods, 751 Linear arrays, 1060–1061 Linear homeomorphic eye movement model, 864–877, 878–905 Linearity in Fourier transform, 692 sensor, 613 system identification and, 920–934 z transform, 699 Linear muscle models, 864–865 homeomorphic, 870–877, 878–905 Linear network analysis, 531–537 node-voltage method for, 531, 532, 533 Linear systems, 700–721 analog filters and, 706–711 digital filters and, 711–721 frequency-domain representation of, 705–706 properties of, 700–703 time-domain representation of, 703–705 Westheimer saccadic eye movement model and, 832–833 Linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs), 621, 623f Lineweaver-Burk equation, 499 Linguistic variables, 735, 736, 738 Lipids cellular organization and, 78–79 definition of, 78–79 Liposomes, drug delivery and, 267 Liquid crystal optrodes, 1131 Lister, Joseph, 220 Liver bioartificial liver specifics, 348–349 hematopoietic stem cells in, 302–303 matural lineages and, 295 microenvironment in, 334–336, 334t stem cell therapies, 284–285 Living wills, 36, 52b Load force-velocity and, 844–850 linear muscle models and, 867–869 The´venin’s theorem and, 541–542 Log compression, 1069–1070 Longitudinal magnetization constant, 1071–1072 Long-term culture-initiating cells, 357 Lorentz force equation, 1075–1076, 1076f Low birth weight (LBW) infants, 54 Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), 233 Lower extremities, 77 Low-pass filters, 579–580, 579f in biological signal analysis, 707 system identification and, 911 time-and-frequency domain representation of, 708 Ludwig, G., 1043–1044 Luke Arm, 25, 26f Lumbar curve, 119 Luminescence, 1014, 1116–1118 measurement systems and, 1143–1145 Lumped whole muscle models, 172–173 Lungs in external respiration, 110–111 in internal respiration, 110–111 mechanics of, 107 properties of, 107 respiration and gas transport, 938–943 total capacity of, 107 Lymphatic system, 94–95 Lymphocytes cellularity and, 334 M Macdonald, Jeffery M., 273–358 Machina Carnis (Needham), 175 Machine intelligence quotient (MIQ), 735 Machine languages, 591 Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 1134–1139 Macrophages in wound healing, 303–304 Magnetic dipole moment, 1074–1075 Magnetic fields, 1073–1076 Magnetic flux density, 1119–1120 Magnetic quantum number, 1001 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1040, 1071–1099 1236 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Continued) applications of, 549 basics on, 1071–1073 breast cancer and, 1166 compared with other imaging techniques, 560–572 Fourier transforms and, 1040–1042 functional, 1040, 1098–1099 magnetic fields/charges and, 1073–1076 precession and, 541–544 process for, 549 sequence pulses in, 530f, 564 setup for, 547 slice plane location in, 547 spin states and, 1076–1079 systems for, 549 Magnetization vectors flip angles and, 544–547 precession and, 554–555, 564 Magnetocardiography (MCG), 668–669 Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 668–669 Magnetogastrography (MGG), 668–669 Magnetoliposomes, 268 Magnetoneurography (MNG), 668–669 Magnitude linear systems and, 702 Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 249 Mansfield, Peter, 1073 Marey, Etienne, 137 Marrow See Bone marrow Marsh, B.S., 867–868 Massachusetts General Hospital, Mass conservation cell communication and, 313–314 compartmental modeling and, 359–446 Donnan equilibrium and, 766–767 in transfer of solutes by fluid flow, 831 Mass moments of inertia anthropomorphic, 153–157 anthropomorphic relationships in, 184–185 centroidal, 185–186 Euler’s equations and, 157–158 gait analysis and, 184–188 longitudinal, 185–186 radius of gyration and, 153–157 for various body segments, 154t Mass transfer cylinder, 327–328 in 3-D configurations, 326–328 scaling up and, 340–342 slab, 327–328 sphere, 327–328 Mass transport, kidneys See also Biomedical mass transport INDEX dialysate flow rate, 955–956 dialysis, 952–954, 954f dialyzer cartridge, 954–955, 955f Fick’s law, 956 glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 951, 951f nephron, 949–950, 950f vasa recta and loop of Henle, 952, 953f water removal, 956–957, 957f Master timing clocks, 1069 Material phase, 1121 Materials mechanics of, 158–166 Mathematica, 1153–1154 MATLAB, 1175–1212 arithmetic expressions in, 1180–1182 block diagrams in, 1198–1201 blood power law fit in, 195b compact Fourier series in, 685 complex numbers in, 1183–1184 cross products in, 1182 diff command, 1195 differential equations with, 1193–1198 dot products in, 1182 dsolve command, 1196, 1197 Euler angle transformation matrices in, 149b exponential Fourier series in, 687 exponential function in, 1180 ezplot command, 1197 format long in, 1187 fplot in, 1189 GK and GNa equations in, 791 int command, 1195 isovolumic pressure and, 204b laser heating in, 1153–1154 loading and saving the workspace in, 1193 matrix basics and, 1175–1177 pi, 1180 plot in, 1190–1191 plotting axial force with, 164–166 plotting with, 1189–1192 plotting with Excel in, 1191–1192 polynomials and roots in, 1185–1188 roots command, 1195 signal averaging in, 726, 727f SIMULINK in, 1198–1201 simultaneous equations and matrices and, 1177 solve command, 1195, 1196 starting, 1178–1180 suppressing command echo in, 1186 suppressing printing in, 1179 Symbolic Math Toolbox, 1193–1194 system identification in, 919 trigonometric Fourier series in, 681, 682–683 INDEX trigonometric functions in, 1181 using, 1178–1180 vector mathematics in, 138–144 vectors in, 1182 wavelet analysis in, 731 windows in, 1178f, 1178–1179 Matrices addition of, 1175–1176 basics on, 1175–1177 identity, 1176 Mueller, 1115 multiplication of, 1176 null, 1176 simultaneous equations and, 1177 square, 1177 subtraction of, 1175–1176 Matrix Laboratory See MATLAB Matteucci, Carlo, 755 Maturational lineage, 277, 292–295 bone marrow/blood cell, 293 examples of stem cell-fed, 293 liver cells, 295 skin cells, 294–295 small intestine villi, 293–294 Maxwell, James Clerk, 167, 548–549, 1112–1113 Maxwell model of viscoelastic properties, 166f, 167 Maxwell’s equations, 1112–1113, 1114, 1119–1120 MBSL See Multiple-bubble sonoluminescence (MBSL) McClelland, Randall, 273–358 McDonald, I., 1045 MCG See Magnetocardiography (MCG) Measurands, definition of, 512–513 Measurement biochemical techniques of, 1139–1147 in compartmental modeling, 380 error, in models, 820 of inductance, 545 luminescense and, 1143–1145 of optical properties, 1127–1130 polarization and, 1145–1146 of radiation, 1011–1013 signal averaging and, 721–727 Mechanik der meschlichen Gerwerkzeuge, Die (On the Mechanics of the Human Gait) (Weber,Weber), 137 Media, 265 Medial position, 76–77 Medial rectus, 870–871 Medical Device Amendment of 1976, 62 Medical devices classes of, 262 emergency use of unapproved, 67–70 FDA definition of, 63–64 FDA regulation of, 62–63, 261–262 1237 feasibility studies, 65–67 marketing, 64–65 off-label use of, 262–263 reporting requirements for, 71–72 risk levels and, 64–65 Medical education early, Medical imaging, 1039–1110 comparison of modes in, 554–555 computerized tomography, 557–560 Fourier transforms and, 1040–1042 frequently used, 1040 magnetic resonance, 1071–1099, 1106 optical techniques for, 1165–1172 radiation-based, 995–1038 ultrasound, 1042–1071, 1105 Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee, 1012 Medical records, privacy and, 60b Medulla oblongata, 117 Medullary cavity, 119 MEG See Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Membrane potentials, 758–759 See also Action potentials changes in with distance, 781–782 Donnan equilibrium and, 764–767 Goldman equation and, 767–770 neuron capacitance and, 776–781 time dependence equation for, 793–797 Memory, computer, 588–589 Mendelson, Yitzhak, 609–666 Mercury amalgams, 234 Mercury cadmium teluride (MCT), 1139–1140 Mesenchymal stem cells cellularity and, 333 epithelial relationship with, 285–286 Mesh, circuit, 516 Mesoderm, 302–303 Messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid), 88–89 in transcription, 89 in translation, 91–93 Metabolism ATP in, 79 cellular respiration and, 485–497 compartmental modeling and, 360 microenvironment and, 338 Metacarpophlangeal joints, 120–121 Metallic wire strain gauges, 627–628 Metal plates, 224, 226f Metals advantages/disadvantages of, 224–225 as biomaterials, 224–228 corrosion of, 242–246 1238 Metals (Continued) half-cell potentials of, 616–618 immunogenicity and, 248–249 in microelectrodes, 620, 621 Metastable state, 1002 Methionine, 90–91 MGG See Magnetogastrography (MGG) Michaelis-Menten kinetics enzyme and substrate, 459–460 integrator ode23tb, 460 simulations, 463–465, 465f Michaelis-Menten parameter estimation, 466 Michelson interferometer, 1134–1139 Microbial biosensors, 649–651 Micro-CT, 259–260 Microcuries, 1009 Microelectrodes, 620–621 Microelectromechanical system transducers, 632 Microenvironments, 324, 329–338 cellular function and, 329–332 cellularity and, 332–335 dynamics of, 336–338 geometry of, 338 oxygenation in, 336–337 size of, 338 Microfibrils, 238, 239–240 Microfilaments, 88 Micrometers, 1146–1147 Micropatterning, 252–253, 252f Microscopes atomic force, 259 development of, 78 electron, 12 scanning electron, 259 Microsoft Excel, 1178, 1191–1192 Microtubules, 88, 88f Midbrain, 117 Midsaggital plane, 77 Milieu-dependent differentiation, 311 Millicuries, 1009, 1012 Milliroentgens, 1012 MIRD See Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee Mitochondria, 80f, 87–88 Mitotic clock, 298 Mitral valve, 97f, 99, 102f Mixed venous oxygen saturation sensors, 657–658 MNG See Magnetoneurography (MNG) Mobility, Einstein relationship and, 763 Modeling compartmental, 359–446 data input for, 835 deterministic, 819–820 INDEX solutions in, 820–821 steps in, 818 stochastic, 819–820 system identification in, 910–911, 912 Modulus of rigidity, 161 Moles, 1000 Moment of force, 141 Moment of inertia, eyeball, 871–872 Momentum transport See Biofluid mechanics Monocytes cellularity and, 333 Monte Carlo method, 1125, 1128 Morality, 36–44 See also Ethics Morals, 37 See also Ethics Mores, 37 Motility, cell, 299 Motion, equations of, 157–158 arterial vessels and, 196 arterial walls and, 197–198 Euler’s, 157–158 Navier-Stokes, 197–198 Newtonian fluids and, 196–197 Newton’s, 150–153, 157 vector, 157 Motor nerve endings, muscle contraction and, 125 Motor units, 126 Moving coordinate systems, 145 Mueller matrices, 1115 Mulier ventricle model, 201f Multicompartmental models, 420 See also Compartmental modeling catenary, 421–422 general, 427 mammillary, 421 six-compartment model, 425f unilateral model, 422–427 Multiflux models, 1125 Multilayered perceptrons, 740 Multiple-bubble sonoluminescence (MBSL), 1169 Muscles active-state tension generators and, 838, 839–842 force-velocity relationship in, 844–850, 869 linear model of, 864–865 oculomotor muscle model, 838–852 passive elasticity of, 838–839 saccades and tension in, 835–838, 835f Muscle tissue, 123 biomechanics of, 172–175 static equilibrium and, 152b types of, 123 Muscular system, 94–95, 121–126 lever system in, 122–123 INDEX muscle contraction and, 123, 124–125 skeletal, 123 Musculoskeletal repair, 263–264 Musculoskeletal system, 319 Myelin sheaths, 112 Myoablation, 320t Myofibrils, 124 muscle, 124 Myofilaments, 88 muscle, 124 Myosin, 88 muscle contraction and, 124–125 N Naỵ conductance gates, 784 Nader, Ralph, 19 Na-K pumps, 770772, 776 Nanometers, 1146–1147 Nasal cavity, 104f National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 55–56 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 19 National Institutes of Health, 228 Natural focal length, 1066–1067 Natural response, 573 Navier-Stokes equations, 197–198, 964–965 Near-infrared wavelengths, 1139–1140 Necrosis, 277 lasers and, 1150–1151 Negation operator, 735–736, 737f Negative feedback, in homeostasis, 127–131 Negative pressure ventilators, 111 Negatron decay, 1005–1007 Neocortical death, 47–49 Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), 54b Neovascularization, 254 Nernst, Walter, 764 Nernst equation, 764 ion pumps and, 771 Nernst potentials Donnan equilibrium and, 764–767 electromotive force properties and, 773 equivalent circuit for three ions and, 774–776 in frog skeletal muscle, 770t in squid giant axons, 770t voltage clamp experiment and, 789–790 Nervous system, 94–95, 112–118, 320t autonomic, 115 central, 113, 114f muscle contraction and, 124–125 peripheral, 113, 114f, 115 somatic, 115 1239 Nervous tissue, 93–94, 94f Network theory, 1054 Neural networks, 732–734, 738–745 Neural prosthetics, 25–26 Neuroglia, 116–117 resting potential of membranes permeable to one ion and, 763–764 Neurons, 13, 25, 93–94, 756–760 action potentials in, 757–758, 759 capacitance of, 776–781 channels in, 760 connections among, 125 graded response in, 759 interaction between adjacent, 800 ion concentrations in, 760 membrane potentials and, 758–759 model of whole, 797–800 in nervous tissue, 93–94 in neural networks, 738–745 numbers of, 756–757 regions of, 757 resting potentials in, 760 sensory, 115–116 Neurotransmitters, 114f as current pulses, 779–780 in graded response and action potentials, 759 muscle contraction and, 124–125 Neutrinos, 1006, 1007 Neutrons, 999, 1000, 1002 negatron decay and, 1005–1007 Neutrophils cellularity and, 334 motility of, 309, 309f in wound healing, 303–304 Newtonian fluids, 193f equations of motion for, 196–197 Newton, Isaac, 137 Newton’s equations of motion, 150–153, 157 static equilibrium and, 150–153 NFPA See National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Niche hypothesis, 290–291 Nightingale, Florence, 7, 8, 9f Nimura, Y., 1044–1045 Nitinol, 228 Nitrobacter biosensors, 650–651 Nitrogen dioxide, microbial biosensors for, 650 Nitrosomonas biosensors, 650 Nobel Prizes, 11–12 Nodes, circuit, 516 essential, 516 node-voltage method and, 531, 532, 533 supernodes, 535–537 1240 INDEX Nodes of Ranvier, 112, 757 action potentials and, 784 in whole neuron model, 797–799 Node-voltage method, 531–537 initial conditions and, 555–560 phasor domain and, 576–578 solving circuits in, 553 Noise bioinstrumentation and, 589 in biological signal acquisition, 674 biosignals and, 672 inherent, 590 signal averaging and, 721–727 sources of, 589–590 Nonconjugate eye movements, 821–822 Nonconsequentialism, 38 Nonionizing optical tomography, 1166 Nonlinear Hill hyperbola, 849–850 Nonmaleficence, 44–45 Non-Newtonian fluids, 193 Nontherapeutic research, 55 informed consent, 59–62 Nonvalidated practice, 57 emergency use and, 67–70 informed consent and, 57–62 treatment use and, 70–71 Noordergraaf viscoelastic model, 169 Norm, 138 Normal incidence video reflectometry, 1128 Normative judgments, 37–38 Notch filters, 579–580 Notices of Limited Investigation, 65 Nuclear binding energy, 1002–1003 Nuclear de-excitation, 1006 Nuclear envelope, 80f, 86 Nuclear fission, 1008 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging, 1072–1073 See also magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomaterials testing and, 259–260 Nuclear medicine, 12 definition of, 997 emission imaging and, 997–1013 Nuclear pores, 86 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1013 Nucleic acids, cellular organization and, 78, 79 Nucleoli, 86 Nucleons, movement of, 1002 Nucleoplasm, 86 Nucleotides, 79 codons and, 90–91 complementary base pairs, 89 Nuclides, 1000 binding energy and, 1002–1003 classification of radionuclides, 1003–1004 stability of, 1002–1003 Null matrix, 1176 Numerical apertures, 1158–1159 Nursing, 7, 8, codes of ethics in, 42–43 Nusselt number, 981–982 Nylon, 222t Nyquist’s theorem, 677 O Oblique incidence reflectometry, 1128–1129, 1130 Oblique waves, 1049–1051 Occipital lobes, 117 OCT See Optical-coherence tomography (OCT) Oculomotor muscle model, 838–852 active-state tension generator in, 839–842 elasticity in, 842–844 force-velocity relationship in, 844–850 length-tension elastic elements in, 843–844 linear, 850–851 passive elasticity in, 838–839 ODE See Office of Device Evaluation (ODE) Office of Compliance, 62–63 Office of Device Evaluation (ODE), 62–63 Office of Health and Industry Programs, 62–63 Office of Science and Technology, 62–63 Office of Surveillance and Biometrics, 62–63 Office of Systems and Management, 62–63 Offset, sensor, 613 Ohms, 520 Ohm’s law, 520, 762 conductance and, 521–522 Okazaki fragments, 298 One-compartment model exponential input, 469–471 half-life, 383 impulse input, 467 pharmacokinetic model, 386–389 repeat dosages, 389–392 step input, 468–469 washout curve, 383–385 On the Attractive Force of the Electric Fire (Volta), 753 Open-heart surgery, 46 Operating points, 839 Operating range, sensor, 612 Operational amplifiers (op amps), 512 for biological signal acquisition, 675 common-mode rejection and, 567 definition of, 560 differential, 566–567 differentiating and integrating, 569–571 dual-in-line package, 560 1241 INDEX ideal, 563, 564 input-output relationships in, 560 input terminals on, 560 power supply terminals on, 560 summing circuits and, 565–566 voltage characteristics of, 571–572 Optical-coherence tomography (OCT), 1167 Optical fibers, 651–653 Optical polarization, 1114–1116 Optical sensors, 651–666 indicator-mediated fiber optic, 659–660 oxygen measurement with, 644–645 sensing mechanisms in, 653–654 Optical tomographic imaging, 1166–1168 ultrasound-modulated, 1169 Optic nerve, 822–823 Optics See Biomedical optics Optokinetic eye movements, 821–822 Optrodes, 1131 Oral cavity, 104f Orbital angular momentum, 1074–1075 Orbital cavity, 77–78 Ordered bundles, 1161–1162 Organelles, 78, 79, 86–88 Organs artificial, 13–15, 56b, 102, 111 definition of, 94–95 extracorporeal bioartificial, 275–277 functional subunits of, 287 Organ systems, 94–126, 320t circulatory, 95–103 definition of, 94–95 modeling, 700 muscular, 121–126 nervous, 112–118 respiratory, 104–111 skeletal, 118–121 Orthogonal coordinate systems, 140, 141, 146–147 Orthopedic bone plates, mechanics of, 158 Orthopedic prosthetics, 24–25 Oscar Pistorius, 24–25 Oscillometric method, 102–103 Oscilloscopes, 1014 Osmolarity, 372–374 cell volume and, 82–84 definition of, 82 Osmosis, 368–374 compartmental modeling, 374–376 diffusion, 944 Einstein relationship and, 763 plasma membrane and, 81–82 Osteoblasts, 119, 239–240 Osteoclasts, 119 Osteons, 238 Osteoporosis, 119 Output displays, 513 Output layer, 739 Oxidase, 648 Oxide films, 244, 245 Oximetry oxygen saturation measurement, 642–643 pulse, 645 Oxygenation biochemical measurement of, 1139–1147 fMRI and, 572 measuring, 640–645, 1130 microenvironment, 336–337 penetration distances and, 338 scaling up and, 339 Oxygen uptake rates (OUR), 336–337, 340–341 Oxyhemoglobin, oxygen measurement and, 640–645 P Pacemaker cells, 99–100 Pacemakers, 512 Palladino, Joseph L., 133–218 Palsson, Bernard, 273–358 Pancreatic islet cells, drug delivery and, 269–270 Paracine factors, 286 Parallel axis theorem, 153–157 Paramagnetic media, 572 Parameterized images, 1072 Parasympathetic nervous system, 115 Parenchyma, 265 liver and, 295 Parent elements, 1004 in alpha decay, 1004–1005 Parietal lobes, 117 Partial least squares (PLS) method, 1142 Partial pressure, 105–106 Particulate leaching, 255 Passive channels, 760 Passive circuit elements, 519 Passive elasticity, 838–842 linear muscle model and, 864–865 Passive euthanasia, 50–51, 52 Paths, circuit, 516 Patient throughput, 1037–1038 Pauli, Wolfgang, 1001 PDP See Product development protocols (PDPs) PE See Polyethylene (PE) Peak overshoot time, 923 Peak velocity in saccades, 825–826 PEG See Polyethylene glycol (PEG) Pelvic anatomical coordinate system, 177–179 1242 INDEX Penicillin, 11, 275–276 Peptides bonds in, 91–93 self-assembly of, 237 Performance inspections, 19–20 Performance specifications, 818 Perfusion rates, 325 microenvironment and, 331, 338 scaling up and, 339 Periodic biosignals, 672 trigonometric Fourier series for, 679–683 Periodogram averaging method, 723 Peripheral nervous system, 113 Peripheral resistance, 198–199 Permeability, cell membrane, 774 Persistent signaling, 287 PET See Positron emission tomography (PET) pH blood gases, 645–647 electrodes, 645–647 fiber optic sensors, 645–647 Phased arrays, 1060–1061 Phase, linear systems and, 702, 703 Phase separation/emulsification, 255–256 Phasors, 573–574 Kirchhoff’s laws and, 576–578 passive circuit elements and, 574–576 PHB See Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) PHBHV See Polyhydroxybutyrate hydroxyvalerate (PHBHV) PHEMA See Polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (PHEMA) Phenylalanine, 92b Phospholipids plasma membrane, 80–81 as surfactants, 105 Phosphorescence, 1117 Photoacoustic tomography, 1169 Photography, 1014 Photolithography, 252–253, 252f Photomultiplier tubes, 1014 Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), 1144 Photon phase, 1121–1124 Photons density waves of, 1168 detectors of, 1032–1033 early-photon imaging and, 1166–1167 measurement systems and, 1143–1145 spin states and, 1077 temperature generation and absorption of, 1132–1133 Photorecetive cells, 822–823 Photothermal ablation, 1151–1153 pH sensors, 639–647, 655, 657 pH sensors, fiber optic, 645–647 Physiological modeling compartmental, 359–446 data input for, 835 deterministic models in, 819–820 experimental design and, 818 qualitative, 818 quantitative, 818 of saccadic eye movement, 821–834, 852–863, 870–877, 878–905 solutions in, 820–821 stochastic models in, 819–820 system identification in, 910–934 Physiology, 995–1038 cellular organization and, 78–93 definition of, 75–76 homeostasis and, 126–131 organ systems in, 94–126 tissues and, 93–94 Picture files, 1024 Piezoelectric principle, 630–631 transducers and, 1051 Piezoelectric transducers, 630–631 Pineal body, 116f, 117 Pivot joints, 120–121 Pixels, 1022f Plane tomography, 1019–1021 Plane waves, 1046 Plank’s constant, 1077 Plantar flexed ankle position, 190–191 Plasma, 192–193 compartmental modeling and, 361 Plasma membranes, 80–85 cardiac cycle and, 100f cell volume regulation and, 82 electrical balance and, 84–85 functions of, 80–81 muscle, 124 permeability of, 99–100 Plasmapheresis, 349 Plasmons definition of, 661 surface plasmon resonance sensors and, 661–666 Platelets, 192–193, 240, 241 Platinum, as biomaterial, 222t Plethysmography, 625 PLGA, degradation/resorption of, 247–248 PLLA, degradation/resorption of, 247–248 Plotting with Excel, 1191–1192 with fplot, 1189 in MATLAB, 1189–1192 with plot, 1190–1191 INDEX Pluripotent stem cells, 290, 292–293 PMA See Premarket approvals (PMAs) PMMA See Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) PMT See Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) Poiseuille flow assumptions, 965 parabolic velocity profile, 966f pressure gradient, 967 volume flow rate, 967 Poisson’s ratio, bone modulus of rigidity and, 161 Polarimetry, 1139, 1145, 1146 Polarity, 519, 519f, 521 Polarization capacitors and, 548–551 measurements using, 1145–1146 optical, 1114–1116 Polarography, oxygen sensors and, 640, 641–642 Poly acetal, 265–266 Poly-A tail, 89 Polyester, 222t Polyethylene (PE), 222t carbon fiber reinforced, 233–234 oxides, 251 Polyethylene glycol (PEG), 267 Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), 235–236 Polyhydroxybutyrate hydroxyvalerate (PHBHV), 255 Polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (PHEMA), 233 Polymerization, 232 Polymers advantages/disadvantages of, 231–232 as biomaterial, 222t, 223t biopolymers, 235–236 drug delivery and, 267–268 sensor packaging and, 611 Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) as biomaterial, 222t, 223t mechanical properties of, 160t as thermoplastic, 232 Polynomials, in MATLAB, 1185–1188 Polyoxymethylene (POM), 265–266 Polysaccharides, as biomaterials, 234–235 Polyvinylchloride (PVC), 222t, 233 POM See Polyoxymethylene (POM) Pons, 117 Pore size, 254–255 diffusion rates, 944–945, 945t Porous materials, 27–28 pO2 sensors, 640, 641, 642, 655–656 Positive feedback, in homeostasis, 127 Positive pressure ventilators, 111 Positron decay, 1007 Positron emission tomography (PET), 1018, 1165 Positron-emitting transaxial tomography, 1018 1243 Positron imaging, 1018 Positrons, 1007 Posterior position, 76–77 Posterior-superior-iliac-spine (PSIS) system, 177–179 Potassium cellular concentrations of, 81–82 conductance waveform, 791–792 ions, Goldman equation and, 768–770 Potentiometer transducer, 624–625 Power, circuits and, 518–519 resistors and, 522–524 Power Doppler, 1070–1071 Power law exponents, 1065–1066 Power law functions, blood and, 194 Poynting vector, 1114 Practice, research vs., 55–56 Precession, 541–544, 564 Preconditioned materials, 171 Premarket approvals (PMAs), 62, 262–263 marketing and, 64 Pressure, centers of, 184 Pressure-volume work loops, 208–212 Presynaptic terminals, 94f, 757–758 in whole neuron model, 797–800 Preterm infants, 55 Prime movers, 121–122 Principal quantum numbers, 1001 Principles of Dynamics (Greenwood), 137 Principles of Medical Ethics, 41 Prisms, 1118–1119 Privacy, 60b Probabilistic reasoning, 735 Probes, 1162–1165 Problem solving, 21–22 Proceedings of the Bologna Academy, 748–749 Product development protocols (PDPs) marketing and, 64 Professionalization, 29–30 medical, prestige of, 11–12 Professional societies, 30–33 Programming languages, 590–591 Prokaryotic cells, 79 Proportionality constants, 630–631 Prosthetics biomaterials and, 220–221 definition of, 24 dental root, 224, 227f neural, 25–26 orthopedic, 24–25 Protective reflexes, 115–116 Proteins adsorption of, 251, 251f, 252 biomaterial interactions with, 240 1244 INDEX Proteins (Continued) as biomaterials, 234–235 biomaterial surface chemistry modifications and, 250, 250f, 251 cell communication and, 312–318 cellular organization and, 78–79 clotting factor XII, 240 extracellular matrix, 287 maximal secretion rates of, 313 plasma membrane, 80–81 ribosomes and, 86 synthesis of, 86 Proteoglycans, 287 Protons, 999, 1000 negatron decay and, 1005–1007 Proximal coordinate systems, 182, 183–184 Proximal position, 76–77 Pseudo-plastic fluids, 193 PUBMED, 228 Pulmonary artery, 97–98 Pulmonary circulation, 97–98, 100f Pulmonary semilunar valve, 97f, 102f Pulmonary valves, 102 Pulmonary vein, 97–98 Pulsed wave (PW) Doppler, 1070 Pulse-echo waveforms, 1044, 1045–1046 Pulse height analyzers, 1014–1015 Pulse oximeters, 644–645 Pulse oximetry, 645 Pulse repetition period (PRPs), 1043f Pulse-step inputs, saccadic eye movement and, 835 Pulse timing sequences, 571–572 Pump, 364 Purcell, Edward, 1072–1073 Pure rotational system, 1031 Purine bases, 79 PVC See Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Pyrimidine bases, 79 Pyrolytic carbon, 265–266 Q Qualitative modeling, 818 Quality of life euthanasia and, 49–52 research ethics and, 50 Quantitative modeling, 818 Quantization, biological signal acquisition and, 677 Quantum dots, 1146–1147 Quantum numbers, 1001 Quasi-ballistic ligh, 1166–1167 Quasi-steady-state approximation, 459–465 Quick release experiments, 842–843 R RADAR, 1042 Radial keratectomy, 1131–1132, 1135–1136 Radians, 572, 714–715 Radiation-absorbed dose (RAD), 1011–1012 Radiation imaging, 995–1038 See also Medical imaging atomic structure and emissions in, 1001–1008 basic concepts in, 997–999 elementary particles in, 999–1001 emission imaging systems, 997–1013 gamma cameras in, 1016–1018 instrumentation for, 1013–1018 positron, 1018 radiation measurement units and, 1011–1013 radioactive decay and, 1008–1011 radiographic systems for, 1018–1038 scintillation detectors in, 1014–1016 Radiation reactance, 1054 Radiative transfer theory, 1141 Radioactive decay, 1008–1011 Radioactive tracers, 997 Radioactive wastes, 1013 Radioactivity, 998, 1013–1014 half-life and, 1009–1011, 1010b Radiographic imaging systems, 1018–1038 basic concepts in, 1019–1029 Radiometer system, 1131 Radionuclides, 1003–1004 choosing, 1011 commonly used, 1011t electron capture and, 1008 isomeric transition and, 1008 positron imaging and, 1018 Radiopharmaceuticals, 1011 Radiotherapy, 1028–1029 Radium, 998 Raman scattering, 1140–1141, 1142 Raman spectroscopy, 1142–1143 surface-enhanced, 1147 Random access memory (RAM), 590 Random biosignals, 672–674 signal averaging and, 723 Random walk., definition, 362–363 Rayleigh refractometers, 1135–1136 Read only memory (ROM), 590 Reagents, indicator-mediated fiber optic sensors and, 659–660 Reasonable foresight, 69 Receptors cell communication and, 312–318 cellular functions and, 318 in homeostasis, 126–127 tissue engineering and, 287 INDEX Recirculation effects, dye dilution method and, 671 Reference electrodes, 619, 646 Reference frame notation, 553 Reflection diffuse, 1141 specular, 1141 specular, in vision, 1064 ultrasound and, 515–517 Reflex arcs, 115–116, 115f Reflexes, 115–116 Refraction optical biosensors and, 652 ultrasound and, 1049–1051 Refrigeration, 11 Regeneration, 28 Reid, J., 1044 Reid, Lola M., 273–358 Rejection reactions b-islet cells and, 283 immunogenicity and, 248–249 tissue engineering and, 345 Relaxation constants, 1071–1072, 1073 Relaxation times, 556, 1084 Remi, Enrico, 1006 Remodeling, tissue, 242 wound healing and, 304 REMs (roentgen equivalent man), 1012 Repolarization, 101–102 Reporting requirements medical devices, 71–72 Reproducibility, 613 Reproductive system, 94–95, 320t Research biomedical engineering, 22–23 human experimentation, 53–55 Human Genome Project, 15–16, 88–89 nontherapeutic, 55, 59–62 protocols for, 58 therapeutic, 55 Residual volume (RV), 107, 108b Resistance, 520–531 in cell membranes, 773–774 equivalent, 524–525 in parallel, 526–528 power and, 522–524 resistors and, 520–522 in series, 525–526 in strain gauges, 627–629 thermistors and, 633–636 The´venin’s theorem and, 541–544 voltage and current divider rules and, 528–531 Resistivity, 521–522 1245 Resistors, 520–522 current divider rule and, 528–531 in parallel, 526–528 passive circuit elements in the phasor domain and, 574–576 in series, 525–526 voltage divider rule and, 528–529 Resolution analog-to-digital converter, 677–678 computerized tomography, 1026–1027, 1029 sensor, 612 spatial, 1026–1027, 1029 Resonance surface plasmon resonance sensors and, 661–666 Respiration capacitive displacement transducer measurement of, 630 external, 110–111 internal, 110–111 Respiration and gas transport analysis alveolar network, lungs, 938, 939f breathing volumes, 938, 940f dead and alveolar spaces, 938, 940f gas exchange event, 938–939, 940f heat loss, 986–989 lungs airway network, 938, 939f pulmonary capillaries, 939, 941, 941f single breath analysis, 941, 941t, 942t tidal volume, 938 Respirators definition of death and, 47 Drinker, 12 euthanasia and, 49–52 Respiratory disorders expiratory volume and, 109 in preterm infants, 55 Respiratory system, 104–111, 320t blood in, 324 Respiratory zone, 104 Respirometers, 340–341 Response time, sensor, 613 Resting heart rate, 99–100 Resting potentials, 760 of membrane permeable to one ion, 763–764 Retinal periphery, 822–823 Reversible chemical reaction, single-stage, 453–455 Reynolds number equation, 972 fluid flow types, 972–973 systemic capillaries, 973, 973f values, 972 Reynold’s transport theorem, 196 RGB (red, green, blue) system, 679–680 1246 INDEX Rheology, 192–195, 958–959 Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 79 messenger, 88–89 ribosomal, 88–89 transfer, 88–89, 90–91 Ribosomal RNA (ribonucleic acid), 88–89 Ribosomes, 86, 87f Richardson, L.F., 1042 Right atrium, 97f, 98f Right-hand rule, 1073–1074 Right ventricle, 97f, 98f Ring artifacts, 1031 Rippling effects, 728f Rise time, 923 Rms value, 573 RNA See Ribonucleic acid (RNA) Robinson, D.A., 835, 871–872 Roentgens, 1011–1012 Roentgen, W C., 996 Roentgen, W K., 10–11, 512 Roman Catholic Church, 5, Roman views of disease, 5, Root aortic pressure, 205f, 208f Roots, MATLAB, 1185–1188 Rotating-anode tubes, 1033 Rotating frame approach, 543–544 Rotation, mass moment of inertia and, 153–157 Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 86 Rouleaux, 195 Row vectors, 1175 Russell’s traction rigs, 151 Rutherford, Ernest, 998 S Saccades, 821–822 characteristics of, 826 duration and magnitude of, 826 generation of, 890 recording, 824–825, 824f, 835f, 836f Saccadic eye movement, 821–822, 823–828, 828–834, 852–863, 853f, 864–877, 854f active-state tension generator in, 835–838, 839–842 elasticity in, 842–844 force-velocity relationship in, 844–850 linear homeomorphic models of, 852–863 linear muscle model for, 864–865 oculumotor muscle model of, 838–852 passive elasticity in, 838–839 saccade controller in, 835–838 system identification and, 911 Weistheimer model of, 828–834 Sacral/coccygeal curve, 119 Sacrum, 119 Saddle joints, 120–121 Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990, 71 Safety issues biomaterials and, 258–263 electric current and, 523 electronic equipment and, 19–20 tissue engineering and, 277 Saggital planes, 77 kinematics of, 189–190 Salt bridges, 646 Sampled signals, 698–699 Sampling biological signal acquisition and, 675, 676–677 computer speeds and, 591–608 Sanctorius, Santorio, Santorio, 136 Sapphire, 1160 Sarcolemma, 124, 125 Sarcomeres, 124 distributed muscle model and, 174–175 Sarcoplasm, 124 Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 124 Satomura, S., 1044–1045 Scaffolds, tissue, 254–258 musculoskeletal repair and, 264 Scalar products, 140, 141f Scalers, 1015 Scaling, 339–343 challenges in, 274–275 concepts in, 339 design challenges in, 339 fluid flow and, 342–343 linear systems and, 700–702 mass transfer time scales and, 340–342 medical imaging and, 1041–1042 uniformity and, 342–343 Scan conversion, 1069–1070 Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) biomaterials testing and, 259 Scanning gantries, 1029–1032 Scan plane, 1069 Scattering elastic, 1140–1141 inelastic, 1140–1141, 1142 of light, 1116–1118 measuring, 1127–1130 Raman, 1142 transducers and, 1063 ultrasonic, 1063–1064 Schleiden, Matthias Jakob, 78 Schwann cells, 112 Schwann, Theodor, 78 Science, professions vs., 29 Scientific soundness, 66 Scintillation detectors, 1014–1016 INDEX Secondary mass spectroscopy (SIMS), 259 Second-class levers, 122–123 Sector arrays, 1062f Segment angles, 182–184 Segment mass, 153–157, 185f Selective interference, 1016 Self-assembly, peptide, 237 Self-organizing feature maps networks, 740 Self-passivation, 244 Self-renewal, 28 Self-testing, patient, 610 Semiconductor strain gauges, 627–628 Semilunar valves, 102 Senescence, stem cell, 292–293, 298 See also Apoptosis Sensitivity, sensor, 611–612 Sensitization, 260–261 Sensors, 512–513 accuracy of, 612 airflow transducers, 632–633 bioanalytical, 647–651 in biological signal acquisition, 674–675 biopotential measurements by, 616–621 blood gases and, 639–647 carbon dioxide, 647 classification of, 610–611 displacement transducers, 621–632 drift, 613–614 ECG electrodes, 618–619 EEG electrodes, 620 electrolyte/electrode interface in, 616–618 EMG electrodes, 619 enzyme-based, 648–649 hysteresis, 614–616 immunoassay, 660–661 indicator-mediated fiber optic, 659–660 intravascular fiber optic blood gas, 654–658 intravascular fiber optic pressure, 658–659 intravascular fiber optic temperature, 659 linearity of, 613 microbial, 649–651 microelectrodes, 620–621 mixed venous oxygen saturation, 657–658 offset, 613 operating range of, 612 optical, 651–666 oxygen, 640–645 packaging of, 611 pH, 639–647, 657 physical measurements with, 621–639 pO2, 639–647 precision of, 612 probes, 1162–1165 reproducibility of, 613 resolution of, 612 1247 response time of, 613 sensitivity, 611–612 sensitivity of, 611–612 specifications, 611–616 surface plasmon resonance, 661–666 temperature measurement with, 633–639 Sensory neurons, 115 Septum, 97f Sequential reactions, 455–456 Series elastic elements, 842–843 Serine, 92b Seth, Settling time, 923 Shape memory alloys, 224–225, 228 Shear stress of bone, 161–162 cell-cell contact and, 316 of fluids, 192–195 Shear thickening, 193 Shear thinning, 193 Shell model, 1002 Shift operator, 698–699 Short circuits, 521 Short-time Fourier transform, 727–732 Shoulder joint replacements, number of, 220 Siemens, 773–774 Signal acquisition, 674–679 analog-to-digital conversion and, 675–679 sensors, amplifiers, and analog filters in, 674–675 Signal averaging, 721–727 Signal initiation responses, 287 Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, 589–590 Signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs), 315–316 Silicone rubber, 222t heart valves, 265–266 Silk, 235 Silly Putty, 193 Silver as biomaterial, 222t, 223t in mercury amalgams, 234 Silver/silver chloride electrodes (Ag/AgCl), 619 Simple diffusion, 363 Simple feedback circuits, 115–116 Simulation See also Modeling; SIMULINK solutions in, 820 SIMULINK, 1178, 1201–1212 Fcn block in, 1211 fixed- and variable-step solvers in, 1204–1206 GK and GNa equations in, 791 interaction between adjacent neurons in, 800 Library Browser, 1201–1203 linear homeomorphic model in, 874–875, 883 1248 INDEX SIMULINK (Continued) Math Function block in, 1211 model of viscoelastic properties, 167, 168f printing in, 1206–1210 running simulations in, 1203–1206 saving models in, 1206–1210 scope block in, 1203 starting, 1201 Switch block in, 1211–1212 threshold conditions in, 1211–1212 time dependence equations for membrane potentials in, 793–797 Simultaneous equations matrices and, 1177 Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 1165 Single-stage reversible chemical reaction, 453–455 Sinoatrial node, 99–100 Sinusoidal analysis, system identification and, 911–920 Sinusoids electromagnetic waves, 1112–1114 phasors and, 573–574 rms value of, 573 time-varying signals and, 572–578 Skalak, Richard, 280 Skeletal muscle tissue, 93–94, 123 characteristics of, 123 fast, 126 hierarchical structure of, 238 slow, 126 Skeletal system, 94–95, 118–121 Skin biomaterials for, 222t grafts, 282–283 maturational lineages and, 294–295 Slice plane location, 547 Slip rings, high-voltage, 1031 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 86 Smooth muscle tissue, 94f characteristics of, 123 Smooth pursuit eye movements, 821–822 Snell’s law fiber optics and, 1158–1159 light propagation and, 1118–1119 optical fibers and, 652 ultrasound and, 1049–1051 Sodium cellular concentrations of, 81–82 conductance waveform, 792–793 Soft computing, 735 Soldner, R., 1045 Solid freeform fabrication, 256 Solid-state microprobes, 620 Soluble growth factors, 313–316 Soluble signals, 286 Solutes, 360 concentrations of, 380 transfer of between two compartments, 362–379 transfer of by fluid flow, 380 Solution, 360 Solution, definition, 360 Solvent casting, 255 Somatic nervous system, 115 Somer, J.C., 1046 SONAR, 1042 Sonoluminescence, 1169 Sonoluminescent tomography (SLT), 1169 Soundness, scientific, 66 Sources, electrical, 519–520 dead, 542–544 superposition and, 537–541 Space charge neutrality, 765–767, 772 Goldman equation and, 769–770 ion pumps and, 770–772 Space clamps, 784 Spare parts surgery, 13–15, 56b ethics and, 36 Spatial resolution, 1026–1027, 1029 Spec sheets, 319 estimating tissue function from, 324–326 SPECT See Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) Specular reflection, 1141 Specular scattering, 1063–1064 Spherical waves, 1046 Sphygmomanometry, 102–103 Spinal cavity, 77–78 Spin echo method, 523f, 558 Spine, spinal nerves, 113 Spin gyromagnetic ratio, 1077–1078 Spin lattice recovery time, 555 Spin quantum number, 1001 Spin-spin relaxation time, 556 Spin states, 1076–1079 Spirometry, 108b Spongy bone, 119 Square matrix, 1177 Squid giant axons Goldman equation and, 767–770 Hodgkin-Huxley model and, 783–797 time dependence equations for membrane potentials, 793–797 SQUID magnetometers, 668–669 Stainless steel as biomaterial, 222t, 223t elastic modulus of, 162–163 mechanical properties of, 160t self-passivating, 244 ... Pacela, Bioengineering Education Directory, Quest Publishing Co ., Brea, CA, 1990 B.O Palsson, S.N Bhatia, Tissue Engineering, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004 J. B Park, J. D Bronzino, Biomaterials:... Butterworth, Boston, 1992 E Carson, C Cobelli, Modeling Methodology for Physiology and Medicine, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2001 D .J DiLorenzo, J. D Bronzino, Neuroengineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton,... Electronic Engineers, in: J Enderle (Ed. ), especially “Writing the Book on BME,” vol 2 1, No 3, 2002 M.L Yarmush, M Toner, Biotechnology for Biomedical Engineers, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2003 This

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