Building brand identity is key for business in todays’ thriving market. Trends come and fade away, products emerge some of them and they last for decades but many sparks away instantaneously. What important is brand identity. For this your band design and color scheme selection is crucial.
socialmediat utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts) Why Colors are Important for Brands Building brand identity is key for business in todays’ thriving market. Trends come and fade away, products emerge some of them and they last f or decades but many sparks away instant aneously. What important is brand ident ity. For t his your band design and color scheme selection is crucial. The design and color scheme assists you in creat ing an image f or your target market and helps you in achieving your goals. To get your website noticed over the web among thousands of websites you can’t ignore the design of your brand’s website, otherwise it will fail to get att ention of your potential customer like many of the websites already had. Color scheme of your website is of vital import ance, it should aesthet ically comply with the theme of your business. It becomes a deciding factor in the effectiveness of your website design for your potential cust omers. To enhance usability of your website as a small business you should focus on design and color scheme particularly or otherwise you’ll end up waste of time and resources. Moving on to tips and suggestions, as a startup one should follow the best practices and stay focused on the content, make it visible and easily readable inst ead of using just eye catching colors which could be difficult to handle. Choose simple color scheme with slight deviations from contemporary colors to give a unique elegant t ouch. Choose light colors especially for background if there is more content on your website. This will make your content readable as well as allows you to stick with the color and design consistency throughout the whole layout of website. Use different colors from background scheme for hyperlinks, headings, sub headings and titles. This would certainly appeal users and push them to move to next lined pages. Selecting same color scheme as background will reduce the visibility of pages and links causing user s to move away from the website and high bounce rate. Social media links and liking options should be easily visible and well placed. Some people fill social media panel with piles of different social media icons which often annoy users to find facebook or twitter link among them. Also t ry to make this panel look different from the theme of website and manage them with necessary spaces or animations to attract users. Thus, all these are very simple tips to focus on and using them for small business can achieve unsurpassed growth rates. It’s good to get things colored but should always comply them with your brand because they do matter a lot . Connect: Authored by: Samir Feroze Samir Feroze is the founder of VeriQual Ltd, a software services company specialising in RoR, PHP, Android and iOS. He has also founded Yello.PK which is the largest user-generated content driven website in Pakistan. His interests include advising start-ups on technology, Location based applications, financing early stage ventures and outsourcing. In his spare time he likes to work on rotary See complete profile Would you like to contribute to this site? Get started » . utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts) Why Colors are Important for Brands Building brand identity is key for business in todays’ thriving market. Trends. socialmediat http:/ /socialmediatoday. com/samir-feroze/1080006/why -colors- are- important- brands? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts)