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de thi hoc ki tieng anh lop 3 nam 20152016

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The End Đáp án môn anh khối 3 Lời bài nghe Transcripts for Test Grade 3 Term 1 Question 1:Listen and number 1.. this is my school yard 3.[r]

(1)TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC Họ và tên : ……………………………… Lớp : ………………………….… Marks : BÀI KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I MÔN TIẾNG ANH- LỚP Thời gian: 40 phút (Tờ 1) Listening Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Reading and writing Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Speakin g Q.10 PART 1: LISTENING ( 20 minutes) Question1 Listen and number (1 pt) A B D C Question Listen and draw the line There is an example ( pt) Question Listen and colour ) (1pt) Total (2) Question4 Listen and tick (1 pt) a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) Question5 Listen and complete (1pt) A : (1) , I’m Mai What’s your name? B : My name’s (2) A : How old are you? B : I’m (3) years old A : What colour is your school bag? B : It’s (4) _ TRƯỜNG TIỂU HỌC LAI VU Họ và tên : ……………………………… BÀI KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I (3) Lớp : ………………………….… MÔN TIẾNG ANH- LỚP NĂM HỌC 2014-2015 Thời gian: 40 phút (Tờ 2) PART II: READING AND WRITING (15 minutes) Question6 Look and read Put a tick ( ) or cross (X) in the box (1pt) This is pen This is a pencil  X This is a school bag We are in the school gym May I close my book? These are my notebooks Question7 Look and read Write Yes or No as example: (1pt) a) This is a pen Yes _ b) That is a desk c) Is it a book? Yes it is d) These are my pencil sharpeners _ e) Those are pencil cases _ (4) Question8 Look at the pictures Look at the letters Write the words (1 pt) n p e  pen r b e u b r  o l s h o c  o k o b  r i b y l a r  _ Question9 Choose a word from the box and write it next to numbers from 1-4 (1 pt) MY NEW SCHOOL Hello My name is Hoa I’m a pupil This is my new (0) school_ It’s big I’m in class 3A It’s a (1) _ We read books in the (2) _ There is a (3) _ in my school At break we (4) _ hide and seek I’m happy in my new school library play school computer room PART III: SPEAKING (1pt) (5’) Question10 Listen and repeat Point, ask and answer Listen and comment Interview small classroom (5) The End Đáp án môn anh khối Lời bài nghe Transcripts for Test Grade Term Question 1:Listen and number how old are you? Im years old this is my school yard what is that? It is a school bag This is my classroom Question 1: Listen and match: this is a book that is a ruler this is a pencil what is this? It is a rubber Question 3: Listen and colour What colour is the pen? It is red The pencil is blue what colour is the school bag? It is black the ball is orange Question 4: Listen and tick stand up please open your book please this is my pencil case this is the computer room Question : Listen and write the missing words A : (1) hi , I’m Mai What’s your name? B : My name’s (2) _linda _ A : How old are you? B : I’m (3) ten years old A : What colour is your school bag? B : It’s (4) _blue KEY lop (6) A LISTENING Question 1:Listen and number 1D, B, A, C Question 1: Listen and match: 1BOOK, RULER, PENCIL, RUBBER Question 3: Listen and colour PEN RED, PENCIL- BLUE SCHOOL BAG- BLACK BALL- ORANGE Question 4: Listen and tick 1A, 2A, 3B, 4B Question : Listen and write the missing words A : (1) hi , I’m Mai What’s your name? B : My name’s (2) _linda _ A : How old are you? B : I’m (3) ten years old A : What colour is your school bag? B : It’s (4) _blue PART 2: READING AND WRITING Questions 6: 1V, 2X, 3X, 4V Question : Look and read Write YES or NO B: no, c no, d yes, e no Question : Look at the pictures and write the words: 1rubber school book library Question 9: Complete the passage: small classroom library, computer room play (7) Speaking t est Listen and repeat This is my school This is the computerroom I am ten years old She is my friend point ask and answer (8) Listen and comment Interview Speaking for grade 3: what is your name? how are you? how alod are you? what is this? What is that? what are these? what are those? what you at break time? what colour is the board? what colour are the windows? (9)

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2021, 16:17

