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Unit 8 Celebrations

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Prediction check: - Turn on the tape and ask Ss to look at the their books to check their predictions , then compare with a friend - Call on some Ss to read their results - Give feedback[r]

(1)Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 49 Unit Celebrations Lesson 1: Getting started Listen and read A/ Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get further information about celebrations in the world , then practice reading comprehension skill for details to complete a table B / Teaching aids: Textbook , posters , pictures , objects about festivals … C / Procedure A Class organization - Greeting - Check the attendance : B New lesson I / Warm up: Matching (Getting started) - Ask Ss to tell some celebrations / festivals in Vietnam or some English speaking countries in Vietnamese - Tell Ss to work with a partner Match the icons with the names of the celebration they represent - Call the number of each picture and Ask Ss to tell the appropriate picture - Give correct answers: Easter Wedding Birthday Christmas Mid-Autumn Festival Lunar new year 10 II / Pre- reading: Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words to Ss Pre- teach vocabulary: - Sticky rice cake (n): traditional Chung cake - Passover (n): le qua hai - Israel (n) (translate) ->Jewish (a) -> Jewish people - Occur (v) = happen / take place - Live apart (v) = Far way - Slavery = condition or work of slave - Joyful (a): cheerful * Checking technique: What and where Guiding questions: a How many celebrations are mentioned in the text ? b What are they ? - Ask Ss to work in groups to predict the answers - Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board 18 III / While - Reading Checking predictions - Turn on the tape times and ask Ss to check their Work in pairs Listen and copy down Listen and repeat chorally , individually Copy down Play game Work in group Listen and check (2) predictions - Call on some Ss to read their answers and ask them to open their books to check again - Give feedback: a Three celebrations are mentioned in the text b They are lunar New Year , Passover and Easter Quickly explained grammar: - Ask Ss to find out the sentences with Which / Who + Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February + Families members who lives apart try to be together at Tet + Easter is a joyful festival which is celebrated in many countries  Who / which: relative pronoun - Have them copy Grid: - Have Ss read the passage about celebrations in Vietnam and other countries - Ask Ss to compare their table with a friend - Feedback and give necessary corrections Celeb-ration When ? Activities Food Country Tet In late January or early February Cleaning and decorating homes, and enjoying special food Sticky rice cake Viet nam their predictions Find out the sentences with Who / Which Copy down Work individually Passover Late March or early April (Not available) Special meal called the Seder Israel Easter Around the same time as Passover People crowd the streets to watch colorful parades Chocolate or sugar eggs In many countries IV / Post - reading: Discussion When does Tet occur ? Work in pairs (3) What our people at Tet ? What special food they eat ? Which country celebrate Tet ? - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the questions V / Homework: Learn by heart all the new words and copy the completed Grid in their notebooks Prepare the next lesson Date of planning: Date of teaching: Listen and copy Period 50 Unit Celebrations Lesson 2: Speak A/ Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give and respond to compliment for common situations B / Teaching aids: Textbook , board , chalk C / Procedure: A Class organization - Greeting - Check the attendance : B New lesson I / Warm up: Questions and Answers When people give a compliment to other ? Do you usually give a compliment ? On which occasion ? To whom ? 4/ Do you know how to respond it ? - Ask Ss to practice asking answering the questions 10 II / Pre- speaking: Introduce the topic of the speaking and some new words Pre – teach vocabulary: - an effective activist = a person who actively take part in social work - Charity program (n): voluntary actions given to people in need or distress - Take part in (v) = participate - To congratulate -> congratulations - to nominate : appoint -> to be nominated * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board Work in pairs Listen and copy Listen and repeat chorally , individually Copy down Play game (4) Expressions used to give and respond to compliments - Ask Ss to rearrange these words into the meaningful Work individually sentences: a a is good that idea b on let congratulate me you the passing exam c so of nice it you is say d you is kind of that - Call on some Ss to read their sentences and ask Ss to explain the uses of each one Listen and repeat , => Introduce the structures to give and respond to a then copy compliment Give a compliment Respond to a compliment Well done That is a great / an excellent … Let me congratulate you on … Tanks It is nice of you to say so That is very kind of you Work in pairs Ex: Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest Mai: Well done , Trang Trang: Thanks III / While Speaking: 13 - Ask Ss to work in pairs Read the situations in the book and then give and respond to appropriate compliments - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue before class - Feedback and give suggested answers b) Mother: Well done , Huyen Huyen: Thanks , Mom c) Friends: Congratulations on your nomination , Tuan Tuan: It is nice of you to say so d) You: That is excellent drawing , Hoa Hoa: That is vry nice of you to say so IV / Post - speaking: 12 - Ask Ss to work in groups of three to make similar dialogues Example: Nga: Mai , Lan has passed the final exam with the Demonstrate in front of class Work in group of three (5) best results Mai: well , done Lan: Thanks Suggested situations: - Win the cooking contest - win the running race - buy a new watch - make progressive in English - Call on some groups to practice in front of class - Ask them to write the completed dialogues in their notebooks V / Homework: Copy the completed dialogues in their notebooks Do the exercises (1,2) in the work book Prepare the next lesson * Feedback: Date of planning: Date of teaching: Write them in their notebooks Listen and copy Period 51 Unit Celebrations Lesson 3: Listen A/ Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to complete a song by filling the missing words and update themselves with the information about one of the best known songs in English speaking countries B / Teaching aids: Textbook , cassette , boards C / Procedure: A Class organization - Greeting - Check the attendance : B New lesson I / Warm up: Chatting Do you like English songs ? Can you sing any songs in English ? Do you know the song which people often sing on New Year,s Eve? 14 II / Pre- Listening: Introduce the topic of the listening and some new words to students Vocabulary pre – teach: - Acquaintance (n): person who knows slightly - Bring to mind (v): remember - Kindness (n): being kind to others Practice asking and answering the questions Listen and copy Listen and repeat chorally , individually (6) - Trusty (a): trustworthy / believable * Checking technique: Matching A B Acquaintance Bring to mind Kindness Trusty a trustworthy b person you know c remember d being kind to others Answers: 1.b c 3.d 4.a Predictions: - Ask Ss to look at the songs in their books and read chorally - Ask Ss to work in groups to guess the missing words and write them on the board Copy down Work individually Work in group Listen to the tape and check their predictions 15 III / While – listening: Read their answers Checking prediction: - Turn on the tape several times if necessary and tell them to compare the answers with a friend - Call on some Ss to read their answers - Feedback and give correct Answers: Practice how to sing a day b take c mind d hand e kindness the song - Turn on the tape once more to check again Practice singing the song: - Turn on the tape and pause each sentence and ask Ss to sing after - Have Ss sing the song without listening to the tape IV / Post - listening: - Ask Ss to work in group and discuss: “ What you and your family usually on New Year,s (Lunar New Year) ? “ - Call on some Ss to demonstrate their answers in front of class - Give feedback: + Go out in the streets / see fireworks display / hold year – end party / wait for lucky money V / Homework: Learn by heart new words and the song Do the exercises (3,4) in the workbook Work in group Listen and copy (7) Prepare the next lesson Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 52 Unit Celebrations Lesson 4: Read A / Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson < Ss will be able to get to know about more one of the important celebrations in Australia and the USA: Father,s Day through the readings about opinions , feelings and memories of children about their fathers B / Teaching aids: Textbook , boards , handouts with further information about Father,s Day C / Procedure: A Class organization - Greeting - Check the attendance : B New lesson 10 I / Warm up: Matching - Ask Ss to work in groups to match Celebration Date 1.Lunar New Year 8.3 Work in group Valentine,s Day 14.2 International Women,s Day 1.5 April Fool,s Day 1.4 Listen and copy 5.Victory Day 30.4 May Day 1.1 Listen and repeat chorally , individually Mid Fall Festival 15.8 Guess its meanings and copy down Teacher's Day 22.12 (8) People,s Army founding anniversary 20.11 Play game 10 Christmas 24.12 Work in groups to predict - Give feedback => Lead in the new lesson II / Pre reading: Introduce the topic of the passage 10 reading and some new words to students Vocabulary pre – teach: - Lose heart (v): feel discouraged - Groom (n): the man on his wedding day - Hug (v): embrace - Considerate (a): thoughtful for other,s feelings and behaviors - Generous (a): open handed , free to give - Priority (n): an interest should be given more attention - Sense of humor (n): quality of being amusing - Distinguish from (identify) - Terrific (a): horrible , terrible * Checking technique: What and where True / False statements predictions: a Rita,s father teaches him how to love , cry and laugh b Rita,s father loves him so much that no words can describe c Jane, s father cried on her wedding day d Bob,s father is very mean - Ask Ss to work in group to guess and report Report their predictions Listen and look at their books to check their predictions Work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions Copy down Work in groups III / While – reading: 12 Prediction check: - Turn on the tape and ask Ss to look at the their books to check their predictions , then compare with a friend - Call on some Ss to read their results - Give feedback 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F (considerate and generous) Demonstrate in front Comprehensions questions: of class - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions - Call on some pairs to practice in front of class Listen and copy - Give feedback: a) to her dad (9) b) He is possibly dead These ideas may tell you that how much you are missed Now I have children , dad c) His sense of humor d) a father as a teacher , a care taker , a friend , a mother - Have Ss copy in their notebooks 10 IV / Post reading: - Tell Ss to work in small groups of to and discuss their fathers Suggested questions: Can you tell me about your father ? How old is he ? What does he ? What does he look like ? What you like best about him ? What are your feelings and opinions about him ? Which memories you have about your father that you remember until now ? - Call on some volunteers from each group to demonstrate in front of class V / Homework: Let Ss copy all the answers in their notebooks Do the exercises (5,6) in the workbook Prepare the next lesson Date of planning: Date of teaching: Period 53 Unit Celebrations Lesson 5: write A / Aims and Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter o a friend to share their ideas about a particular issue B / Teaching aids: Textbook , board , chalk C / Procedure: A Class organization B New lesson I / Warm up: Brainstorming What people usually on their Father,s Day or Mother,s Day ? Work in group (10) The things people often on Mother,s Day and Father,s Day - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board: 12 * Suggested answers: - Give (send) gifts , flowers , postcards - Cook a special meal - Do the housework so that mother or father can have a day of leisure II / Pre- writing: Introduce the topic of the writing and some new words to students 1.Vocabulary pre- teach: - Essential (a) = necessary (a) - Enhance (v) = improve (v) - Tradition (n): belief or custom handed down from one generation to another - Day off (n): a day away from work or school - Support (v): in favor of - Nationwide (n): all over the country * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember Guiding questions: - Ask Ss to read the outline and practice in group to answer the questions about Father,s Day or Mother,s Day a Why is it necessary to have a day to celebrate for your Mom and another for your Dad ? (to express feelings, memories and loves for our parents / to enhance family member together so that.) b When should you celebrate these days ? (In what season? / In what month ? / On what day ?) c How should you celebrate these days ? (Have parties / cook a special meal with their favorite foods / All family members and close friends gather and enjoy the party or the meal / Make cakes / Sing their favorite songs …) d What special gifts should you give ? 13 (flowers / gifts / postcards / hanging potted trees / clothes ties ) - Call on some volunteers from each group to demonstrate in front of class - Gather their ideas to make a completed outline III / While - writing: Come to the board to write their ideas on the board Listen and copy Listen and repeat chorally , individually Guess its meanings and copy down Play game Work in groups to practice asking and answering the questions Demonstrate in front of class (11) - Ask Ss to follow the outline and work independently to write a letter to a friend as instructed Work individually - Have Ss compare their writing with a friend - Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud in front of class Suggested writing: In my opinion I think it is important to have a day to celebrate for our parents It will be a day for us to express our feelings , memories and love for our parents Family members can have a chance to get together and help one another I think the first Sunday in August is suitable for everyone because Sunday is a day off , everyone is free from work and study It is a good idea to have a lunch or dinner with all family members Our 10 parents should be given flowers , greeting cards and special gifts They should be severed the food they Work in pairs like best I believe that the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents and wants their parents to be happy Listen and copy IV / Post - writing: Correction - Ask Ss to work with a friend , exchange their writings and correct for each other - Pick up some typical writings to correct in front of class V / Homework: Let Ss copy the completed writing in their notebooks Prepare the next lesson (12)

Ngày đăng: 10/10/2021, 19:45

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