(1)15 Jan 2016
Chapter 9
Exercise 1. Determine the term symbols for the ground states of O2 and O2+
Exercise 2 Determine the symmetry designation (g or u) for the term symbol of the ground-‐state electron configuration of B2
Exercise 3
Express the Hamiltonian operator for a hydrogen molecule in atomic units
Exercise 4
In this problem, we consider the heteronuclear diatomic molecule CO The ionization energies of an electron from the valance atomic orbitals on the carbon atom and the oxygen atom are listed below:
Use these data to construct a molecular orbital energy level diagram for CO What are these symmetry designations of the molecular orbitals of CO What is the electron configuration of the ground state of CO? What is the bond order of CO? Is CO paramagnetic or diamagnetic?
Atom Valence Orbital Ionization Energy/MJ.mol-‐1
O 2s
2p 3.116 1.524
C 2s