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  • Phrases + V-ing

  • Slide 15

  • Note : I can’t help + V-ing

  • Slide 17

  • Slide 18

  • Slide 19

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  • Slide 21

  • Slide 22

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  • Notes

Nội dung

THE GERUND AND THE INFINITIVE • A THE FUNCTIONS OF GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES The Gerund and the Infinitive are generally called VERBALS They are nonfinite verb-forms which, like verbs, may have Objects, Complements, Adjective and Adverb modifiers • I Noun functions of Gerunds and Infinitives • 1.Subject of a verb • Swimming is good exercise • • • • • • • 2.Object of a verb Young people enjoy dancing Old people prefer to read 3.Complement of a verb a Subjective complement Her favourite pastime is singing The boy seemed to grow taller everyday • b Objective complement • I would like you to read this • There is nothing to prevent us (from) getting married • 4.Object of a preposition • My father was fond of smoking a pipe • I will anything except wash dishes • In Apposition to a noun ( phần chêm vào cho danh từ) • Judy’s hobby, sewing, saves her a lot of money • He has one great desire, to become a physicist • NOTE: In sentences beginning with the Pronoun IT, the Gerund or the Infinitive is considered to be either the real subject of the verb or in apposition to IT • It is wrong to hurt people • = To hurt people is wrong.= Hurting people is wrong • It was a pleasure seeing you.= To see you is a pleasure • Seeing you is a pleasure • II Adjective functions of Gerunds and Infinitives • We admire his way of doing things very much ( DOING things modifies things) • He has a large family to keep.( TO KEEP modifies a large family) • Is there anyone to take care of these children? ( TO take of … modifies anyone) • III Adverb functions of Gerunds and Infinitives • The bus passed us without stopping ( answering the question “ HOW”) • He educated himself by reading widely ( HOW ) • These apples are good to eat.( WHAT FOR…) • He is too ill to any work ( TO DO modifies ILL ( adjective) • You come here to learn, not to play ( WHAT FOR) • B THE GERUND AND THE INFINITIVE AFTER VERB • Some common verbs that are followed by the Gerund.( V + V-ing) •  Avoid practise imagine enjoy appreciate • Escape keep fancy detest understand • Deny finish mind resent excuse • Mention delay miss recall forgive • Suggest postpone risk recollect pardon Can’t help (stand, resist, face) • • • • • • • • • E.g We must avoid hurting other people’s feelings James suggested going to the movies I kept thinking of my dream We enjoy meeting new people I can’t recall having seen her.(: recall: hồi tưởng lại) As beginners, we can’t help making mistakes I can’t stand seeing you bite your nails Note: The verbs marked are nearly always followed by a Possessive Adjective/ Noun in the Possessive case Gerund • I appreciate your coming to my defence • Please excuse (forgive, pardon) my disturbing you • Some common verbs that are followed by the Infinitive • Afford choose help offer swear • Agree decide hesitate prepare • Threaten Appear expect hope pretend undertake Arrange fail learn promise want Ask happen manage refuse wish • He agreed to come with us • She chose to stay at home that evening • He failed to win the contest • I offered to drive him to the station • They promised not to be late • She wishes to be alone • Here are some common verbs that are followed either by the Gerund or the Infinitive • Group 1: Either the Gerund or the Infinitive may be used after these verbs, but there is often a difference of meaning Note : I can’t help + V-ing • I don’t like him but he has a lot of problems I can’t help feeling sorry for him •  Tơi khơng thích anh anh gặp nhiều khó khăn Tơi khơng thể khơng lấy làm tếc cho anh • She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help laughing (= she couldn't stop herself from laughing) •   Cơ cố giữ nghiêm túc cô nín cười • I’m sorry I’m so nervous I can’t help it (= I can't help being nervous) •  Tôi xin lỗi giận Tơi khơng thể tránh khỏi điều • OTHER USES OF THE GERUND AND THE INFINITIVE • The Gerund is used after Prepositions and after nearly all two-word verbs • I’m tired of meeting the same people every day • People can’t live without eating and drinking • We were prevented from coming by the train • He thought of giving up smoking • The Gerund is used after these expressions: IT’S NO GOOD (GOOD), IT’S NO USE, IT ISN’T WORTHWHILE, BE WORTH, BE NEAR, BE BUSY, FEEL LIKE • It’s no good/ use talking to him • It isn’t worthwhile going there now • She was very near dying • I don’t feel like eating a big meal now • NOTE: The Infinitive, generally without TO, is used after the Prepositions BUT, EXCEPT, THAN and TO (in BE ABOUT TO, OUGHT TO, USED TO) • He did nothing else than laugh • There was nothing to but want [ but(prep) = except] • I used to live alone, but I don’t now • She's one of those guests who does nothing but complain This car has been nothing but trouble - it's always breaking down! • I was about to leave when Mark arrived [ be about to + vbare : to be going to something very soon ] • She looked as if she was about to cry • The Gerund may follow Possessive Adjectives (MY, YOUR, HIS,…) and Nouns in the Possessive case These Adjectives and Nouns are the subject of the Gerund • His having won the prize made him very happy • Mary’s arriving so late must have worried you • Would you mind my opening the window? • The Infinitive with TO is used after most Intransitive verbs to express a Purpose, an Intention or a Result • We stopped to have a rest • I came in to see if I could help you pack • You will live to regret it • He picked himself up only to fall again heavily  30 ĐỘNG TỪ / CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ VỚI GERUND (V-ING) TRONG TIẾNG ANH - • ALLOW DOING SOMETHING: cho phép làm • - They don't allow taking photographs in this supermarket (Họ không cho phép chụp ảnh siêu thị này) • AVOID DOING SOMETHING: tránh né làm • - People should avoid eating after p.m (Mọi người nên tránh ăn sau tối) • BEAR DOING SOMETHING = STAND DOING SOMETHING: chịu đựng làm • - I can't stand listening to their singing.(Tôi chịu phải nghe họ hát) • ) • CAN’T HELP DOING SOMETHING: khơng thể khơng làm đó, khơng thể nín nhịn làm (thường khơng thể nhịn cười) • - I can't help laughing every time I watch Mr.Bean (Tôi nhịn cười lần xem Mr Bean • CONSIDER DOING SOMETHING: xem xét, nghĩ đến khả làm • - He seriously considered resigning (Ông nghiêm túc nghĩ đến việc từ chức) • DENY DOING SOMETHING: chốí làm • - The woman denied killing her husband (Người đàn bà chối tội giết chồng • DISLIKE DOING SOMETHING: khơng thích làm • - I dislike being the center of attention (Tôi không thích làm trung tâm ý) • DREAD DOING SOMETHING: rất sợ phải làm • - After a long holiday, many people dread going back to work (Sau kỳ nghỉ dài ngày, nhiều người sợ phảiđi làm trở lại) • ENDURE DOING SOMETHING: chịu đựng phải làm điều • - He can't endure being alone in a foreign country (Anh khơng chịu cảnh độc nước ngồi) • 10 ENJOY DOING SOMETHING: thích thú, có niềm vuikhi làm điều đó, thích làm thú vui • - Young children enjoy helping around the house (Trẻ nhỏ thường thích giúp đỡ làm cơng việc nhà) • 11 FINISH DOING SOMETHING: hồn tất làm điều đó, làm xong việc • - When I finish typing this lesson, I will reward myself with a coffee (Khi đánh máy xong học này, tự thưởng cho ly cà phê) • 12 GIVE UP DOING SOMETHING = QUIT DOING SOMETHING: từ bỏ làm • - I wonder when my father will stop/quit smoking (Tôi ba bỏ hút thuốc lá) • 13 GO ON DOING SOMETHING: tếp tục làm • - Please go on working! (Hãy tếp tục làm việc!) • 14 HATE DOING SOMETHING: ghét làm • - Paul hates having his pictures taken (Paul ghét bị chụp ảnh) • 15 IMAGINE DOING SOMETHING: tượng tượng làm • - She can't imagine living with a husband 40 years older than she (Cô tưởng tượng việc sống chung với ơng chồng lớn 40 tuổi) • 16 INVOLVE DOING SOMETHING: địi hỏi phải làm đó,đồng nghĩa với việc phải làm • - Running your own business involves working long hours (Điều hành doanh nghiệp riêng đồng nghĩa với việc bạn phải làm việc nhiều liên tục) • 17 KEEP DOING SOMETHING: làm điều đó, liên tục làm điều • - If you can keep studying English hours a day for years, you will certainly be very good at it (Nếu bạn học tếng Anh liên tục ngày tếng vịng năm, chắn bạn giỏi mơn này) • 18 LIKE DOING SOMETHING: thích làm • - I like watching documentaries (Tơi thích xem phim tài liệu) • 19 MIND DOING SOMETHING: phiền lịng làm (dùng phủ định nghi vấn xin phép, nhờ vả) • - Would you mind opening the window? (bạn có ngại mở cửa số giúp tơi khơng?) • - I don't mind lending him some money as long as he promises to pay me back (Tôi không ngại cho anh mượn tền miễn anhấy hứa trả lại cho tơi) • 20 MISS DOING SOMETHING: st làm • -As he crossed the street, the bus just missed hitting him (Lúc anh băng qua đường, xe buýt chút đâm vào anh ấy) • The Infinitive is used after most transitive verbs in the pattern SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT + INFINITIVE • I forbid you to go there again • Allow me to congratulate you • Shall we invite him to stay with us? • Note: The Infinitive without TO is used after verbs of Perception (SEE, HEAR, WATCH, FEEL, SMELL, NOTICE, OBSERVE, etc.) and such verbs as LET, MAKE, HAVE • Did you see him go out? • She watched the postman cross the street • What makes you think you have any talent? • The Infinitive with TO is used after HOW, WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, WHICH, etc., as the equivalent of a Noun clause • Would you please show me how to this? (how I should this.) • Please tell me when to come • I’ll ask her which (one) to throw away • The Infinitive with TO is used after Nouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Adjectives and Adverbs as their Modifier • You have no right to ask those questions • It’s nice to have someone to believe in • I shall be glad to have your help • One is never too old to learn • He was wise enough to keep silent • It’s unusual to meet a shy girl nowadays • You are very kind to say so (It’s kind of you to say so./How kind of you to say so!) • • • • • • • • • • Stop to sth Stop doing sth Forget to sth Forget doing sth Remember to sth Remember doing sth Try to sth Try doing sth Mean to sth Mean doing sth Notes ... THE GERUND AND THE INFINITIVE • The Gerund is used after Prepositions and after nearly all two-word verbs • I’m tired of meeting the same people every day • People can’t live without eating and. .. B THE GERUND AND THE INFINITIVE AFTER VERB • Some common verbs that are followed by the Gerund. ( V + V-ing) •  Avoid practise imagine enjoy appreciate • Escape keep fancy detest understand •... alone • Here are some common verbs that are followed either by the Gerund or the Infinitive • Group 1: Either the Gerund or the Infinitive may be used after these verbs, but there is often a difference

Ngày đăng: 08/10/2021, 20:36



