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Unit 6 Places

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Objective : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand a text about where Thuy lives and practice country vocabulary by telling what there is near your house.. Anticipated [r]

(1)Planning :………………………… UNIT PLACES This unit is divided into periods : + P32 Lesson : A 1- + P33 Lesson 2: A – + P34 Lesson :B – + P35 Lesson : C - + P 36 Lesson : C - Date of teaching: ……………………… LESSON PLAN – GRADE UNIT PLACES PART A: OUR HOUSE Period 32: Lesson A - A Aims: - To help ss reading a text about where Thuy lives to understand the details and practice country vocabulary B Objective : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand a text about where Thuy lives and practice country vocabulary by telling what there is near your house C Materials : - A textbook, hand – outs, a computer, a board, pictures, tape, projector and screen, subboards… D Ways of working : - TWC, WCT, teamwork, group work, pair work & individuals E Anticipated Problems: - Some weak ss may get difficulties in Further practice F Procedures : Teaching stages Teacher and time I Warmer - Greetings: (5’) Warmly welcome to the teachers to our class today Can you sing a song to welcome all the teachers? “Ten beautiful flowers!” - Revision: Guessing game: What is it? - Cô có tranh sau Activites Students + Yes - Sing a song Blackboard writing (2) hộp số này Các em có muốn biết tranh đó là gì ko? Để xem tranh các em phải mở khóa hộp này việc trả lời các câu hỏi hộp Who wants to play first? (TWC) 1) Do you live in the country or in the city? 2) What does your brother or sister do? 3) How old are you? 4) How many people are there in your family? 5) What is your name? 6) How old is your brother or sister ? After finishing opening the boxes, there is a picture appears, T can ask ss “What is it?” T: Is it in the city in the country? T: What is there near your house in Vietnamese? Ok, let begin our lesson today -Introduces new words by pictures - read twice - write on the - có + I live in the country + He/ She is a …… + I am twelve + There are …… + My name is … + He / She is …… I New words: - Tree /tri:/ (n): cây (picture) - Lake /leik/(n): cái hồ (picture) - River /’rivə/(n): dòng sông (picture) - Flower /ʹflaʊə:/(n): bông hoa (picture) - Ride paddy /rais ’pædi/: cánh đồng lúa (picture) S: It is a house *Matching: - Tree (n) S: It is in the country S: Có cây xanh… -Listen and Repeat in - lake (n) - river (n) (3) II.Pre – reading (10’) III While – reading (13’) board -mark stress chorus - some ss read - Checks voc: Matching -Copy down -repeat in chorus all new words * Set the scene: Use the picture in the textbook and ask +Who is this? Thuy is talking about something near her house I want you to guess four things near her house -Ask ss to tell their guess - open your book and read then check your guess - check and correct (?)How many tick (√) can you guess? - let ss listen to the tape and know how to read well - ask ss to read loudly -To understand more, pl reread the text then answer the Qs + How many questions are there? - model - Flower (n) - ride paddy (n) +She is Thuy - ss guess four things near Thuy’s house -Pair compare - tell T - Read and check their prediction - listening - some ss read - Reread and find the answers for all questions + there are II Open Prediction: A1 p.62 * What’s near Thuy’s house? Eg: 1) a lake 2) 3) 4) *Key: 1) a lake 2) a river 3) a rice paddy 4) a park/ a hotel III Answer the questions: A1 p 62 (a - f) a She is twelve b She is a student c Her brother’s name is Minh d He’s twenty e Thuy lives in a house f There is a lake near the house (4) - Monitor - numbers and ask ss to in closepairs then open pairs by playing Miraculus conical hat (?) Do you know how to play it? -Uses pictures in new words and ask ss to revise the structures to ask the far things -Give examples + What is that? + What are those? -ask ss to practice in open pairs then close pairs -Practise with partner (close pairs then open pairs by playing Miraculous conical hat) +Yes IV Picture drill: A2 p62 and p.63 Ex: - What’s that? - What are those? - It is [a lake] - They are [trees] +It’s a lake + They are trees -Practise in pairs(close pairs then open pairs) to revise structure that ss learnt V.Gap fill: A3 p63 (with keys) III Post reading (15’) - ask ss to work in groups (4 groups) - ask ss to hang on their boards, check and correct -Collect groups - group work (4 groups) VI Further practice: (5) and check - ask ss to work individuals While ss write, T can go around to check ss’ mistakes then correct indirectly - Then ask some ss to read out their writing - work individuals * HOMEWORK - Describe the place where you live *What you learn - We know today? about where Thuy lives and use country vocabulary to describe our house * Let’s sing a song “Ten little tall green trees -Sing a song Summary and homework (2’) Assessment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… (6) Teaching: ……………………… Unit (cont) Period 33: Lesson A - A Aims: - To help ss practice town and country vocabulary for describing places where we live B Objectives : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use town and country vocabulary to describe places where we live C Materials : - Textbook, teacher’s book, board, poster, picture D Ways of working : - TWC, WCT, teamwork, group work, pair work & individuals E Anticipated Problems: - Some weak ss may get difficulties in Write it up F Procedures : I Warmer: - Greetings: - Revision: II New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Contents 1.PRESENTATION: -Introduces new Listen and Repeat a) Pre-teach: words by pictures or in chorus - A town /taʊn/ other situations - some ss read - a village /ʹviliʤ/ lµng quª - read twice - a city /’siti/ -Copy down - write on the board -repeat in chorus all -mark stress new words - Checks voc: thÞ trÊn thµnh phè - the country /’kʌntri/ vïng n«ng th«n -List all the words Bingo they have learnt in A house, a town, a city, a school, a river, Unit so far a rice, paddy, a park, a street, a hotel, -Sticks on the a village, a yard, flowers (7) words Ss choose PRACTICE -See the pictures a.Picture drill: A5 p.64 -Show the pictures and practice based Example statements: and instructs to on the example - There ‘s [a hotel] near our house statements - There are [trees] near our house -Gives examples FURTHER PRACTICE -Practise in groups  Chain Games -Guides how to individual S1: There’s a hotel near our house play games -Pay attention S2: There’s a hotel and a school near … -Models with one -Practise with S3: There’s a hotel, a school, and a … student before partner -Gives the missing -Write down sentences -Practise in pairs Guessing Game -Gives the formulas There’s a ……… near our house and examples Ex: S1: Is there a park near our house? S2: Yes, there is / No, there isn’t PRODUCTION -Use the models Write it up A5 p.64 -Guides Ss how to above to write 4-6 S write 4-6 sentences about their place write sentences about their place -Do them at home * Homework HOMEWORK -Write a short paragraph what there is near your house - Do part A in unit in your workbooks Assessment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (8) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Date of teaching: ……………………… UNIT PLACES PART B: IN THE CITY Period 34: Lesson B - A Aims: - To help ss reading a text about where Minh lives to understand the details and practice town vocabulary B Objective : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand a text about where Minh lives and practice country vocabulary by telling what there is near the house C Materials : - A textbook, hand – outs, a computer, a board, pictures, tape, projector and screen, subboards… D Ways of working : - TWC, WCT, teamwork, group work, pair work & individuals E Anticipated Problems: - Some weak ss may get difficulties in Post reading F Procedures : Teaching stages and Teacher time I Warmer - let’s play a (5’) game - divide class into groups - ask ss to rewrite country vocabulary that they learnt in the last period - check and Activities Students - work in groups (3 groups) - any group can write more words Blackboard writing * Kim’s game: - a rice paddy - a river - trees - a lake - a park - flowers (9) II.Pre – reading (12’) correct quickly, they can be the winner - Elicit new words through the pictures or situation - read twice I New words: - a store /stↄ:/: cửa hàng (picture) - a restaurant /’restərənt/ nhà hàng -Listen and (picture) Repeat in - a temple /ʹtempl/ đình, đền, miếu chorus (picture) - some ss read - a hospital /ʹhɒspitl/ bệnh viện (các -Copy down bác sĩ làm việc đâu?) -repeat in - a factory/ʹfæktri/: nhà máy chorus all new (picture) words - a museum /mjuʹziəm/: bảo tàng (picture) - a stadium /ʹsteidiəm/: sân vận động (picture) - write on the board -mark stress - Checks voc: Matching - give ss handouts Ask ss to repeat all the words and ask ss to listen to the tape and check * Set the scene: Use the picture in the textbook and ask: + Who is this? + What is this? - Listen and check + It’s Minh + It’s his house * Listen: B3 p.67 Write the words you hear in your exercise book a) museum – stadium – temple – hospital b) restaurant - store - bookstore – factory c) park – river – lake – yard d) hotel – house – street – tree * Key: a) temple b) factory c) yard d) street II Open predictions: (10) Please guess three things near Minh’s house -model III.While – reading -ask ss to tell their (13’) guess - ask ss listen and check ?How many words you have? What are they? - ask ss to open their book and read the text -Ask ss to T/ F statements How many sents are there? You write T if sentence is true Do … ? You write F if sentence is false Do you…? - ask ss work pairs Correct the false sentences IV Post – reading (13’) To understand more, please reread the text and fill in the missing words -guess three things near Minh’s house - pairs compare -tell T -listen and check - ss read the text loudly +6 - pairwork - tell T 1) a restaurant 2) 3) *Key: 1) a restaurant 2) a booksore 3) a temple III True or False statements: 1) Minh lives in the country 2) There are four people in his family 3) Their house is next to a bookstore 4) There is a museum near their house 5) Minh’s mother works in a factory 6) Minh’s father works in a hospital F *with key: F country -> city T F bookstore -> store T F factory -> hospital 6.F hospital -> factory IV Gap fill: B2 p.66 1) Minh and his family lives in the……………… 2) On the street, there is a… …………, a …………… and a……………… (11) -How many missing words are there? -ask ss to individuals -play catching balloons -there are - individuals -reread the text and fill in the missing words Then play Catching balloons -ask ss to discuss -discuss and where Minh’house tell T is - Ask ss to work individuals - ask ss ( the first speaks out and the second draws the scene that she/he can hear from her/his friend What we learn today? - Show the slide -help ss to know - individuals the first speaks out and the second draws the scene that she/he can hear from her/his friend 3) His mother works in a … ………… 4) Minh’s………… is next to a……… 5) His father works in a …………… *Key: 1) city 2) restaurant, bookstore , temple 3) hospital 4) house , store 5) factory Where is Minh’s house? (His house is next to a store His house has black doors) V Further practice: * Tell me about your family and your neighborhood - We know where Minh lives and practice town vocabulary Know how to describe the place we live and we have to protect the environtment in order to make it green, clean and nice - Listen and pay attention *Play with words: *B4 p.67 (12) about the vowel to the rhythm (summary sounds: /i:/ , /i/, /e/ and sounds and - Model (Both say homework and clap hands) - Listen and 2’) mark the - Repeat once stressed - T and ss both say syllables and clap hands -Give - If enough time, answers can be half2 (half 1: clap hands, half - Clap and say 2: say) three times in chorus then in groups - Check the vowel sound: + street, eat, meet / i: / + live, city /i / + restaurant, friends / e / I ’live in a ’house On a ’ street In a ’ city I ’live in a ’house On a ’ street In a ’ city Near a ’restaurant Where ’friends meet To ’eat *Homework: - write a short paragraph about where you live and your neighborhood Assessment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… (13) Teaching: ……………………… Unit (cont) Period 35: Lesson C - A Aims: - To help ss reading the text about describing the position of the house by using prepositions of place: in front of, behind, to the left of, to the right of, - Have a listening part to find out which house is Ba’s, Lan’s and Tuan’s house B Objectives : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use prepositions of place to describe the position of their house C Materials : - Textbook, teacher’s book, board, poster, pictures, projector, tape, cassette recorder D Ways of working : - TWC, WCT, teamwork, group work, pair work & individuals E Anticipated Problems: - Some weak ss may get difficulties in Listen and draw F Procedures : I Warmer: - Greetings: - Revision: Kim’s games - Divide class into groups and each group has a secretary to write the words - Give ss 20 seconds to remember pictures about six places (only remember not to write) - Let pictures disappear, then ask groups to write six places that they’ve just seen for minute - Any group can finish and write more words is the winner *Key: a bookstore a temple a hospital a stadium a hotel a restaurant - let ss to repeat all the words once II New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Contents I New words: (14) - Elicit the new words -Listen - a well /wel/: cái giếng (picture) through pictures and -Repeat - a mountain /ʹmaʊtin/:ngọn núi (picture) other ways - Write down - in front of (prep): phía trước (picture) - read twice - behind /biʹhaind/ (prep): phía sau (antonym: Do you know the opposite of - write on the board in front of?) -mark stress - to the left of (prep): bên trái (picture) - to the right of (prep): bên phải (antonym: Do you know the opposite of - Checks voc: to the left of?) Matching *Pre reading: II Reading: C1 p68 * Set the scene: Ba + Who is this? +It’s Ba + What is he talking? + He is talking Yes, he is talking about his house about the things Open prediction: around his house I Eg: 1) flowers want you to help me to 2) guess things around 3) Ba’s house 4) -Model - let ss time to - individuals individuals - pair compare - ask ss to tell their - tell T your guess guess (15) *while reading: - ask ss to open the - open the book, book, read and check read and check (No need to write the your guess answers on the board) - ask ss: How many - ss answer tick (v) you have? - Let ss listen to the - listening tape recorder twice - ask ss to read the text - reading (2 ss) loudly - To understand more, - reread the text Answers the questions: C1 P.68 reread the text and - find the answers a) The yard is in front of the house find the answers for all for the six b) The tall trees are behind the house questions questions c) The mountains are behind the tall trees - Model - close pairs d) The well is to the left of the house - Ask ss to in close - open pairs e) The house is between the well and the pairs then open pairs flowers by playing Lucky numbers Do you know how to -Yes, we play it? -Give pictures and - work in group ask ss to work in - groups groups of (5 groups) in two minutes - Each group describes - each group a picture describe a picture Post reading: (16) - From these pictures Listening: C2 p.69 with key you’ve just described, I have three questions Questions a Which is Ba’s and I want you to - guess which is guess which is Ba’s? Ba’s? Lan’s and Lan’s and Tuan’s Tuan’s house? house? - pair compare house? Which is Tuan’s - Time to guess - Tell T house? - Play tape recorder - Listen and check house? Which is Lan’s I guess A I listen A B B and ask ss to listen and check - Listen again to check if need -Read a short -Listen and draw Listen and draw: Describe the house: paragraph about the description of a house and ask ss to draw the house and the things they hear on their notebook - Ask – ss to hang - hang on their on their picture and picture and then describe again by their describe it own language *What we learn today? *Homework: - Write a short paragraph about description the position of your house (17) Assessment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… Teaching: ……………………… Unit (cont) Period 36: Lesson C - A Aims: - To help ss practice “Where is / are ……?” questions and answers with town vocabulary and prepositions of place to describe a street B Objectives : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice “Where is / are ……?” questions and answers with town vocabulary and prepositions of place to describe a street C Materials : - Textbook, teacher’s book, board, poster, pictures, projector, tape, cassette recorder D Ways of working : - TWC, WCT, teamwork, group work, pair work & individuals E Anticipated Problems: - Some weak ss may get difficulties in Picture cue drill F Procedures : I Warmer: - Greetings: - Revision: Kim’s games - Divide class into groups - Give ss 20 seconds to remember 5prepositions they have learned (only remember not to write) - Let pictures disappear, then ask groups to write prepositions that they’ve just seen for minute - Any group can finish and write more words is the winner (18) *Key: to the left of, to the right of, behind, next to, in front of - let ss to repeat all the words once II New lesson: Teacher’s activities - Introduces - Close the - Presents new books words - Listen - the drugstore/ʹdrʌgstↄ/: hiệu thuốc by pictures, - Repeat - the movie theater/’mu:vi ,θi:ətər/:rạp situations - Copy down chiếu phim Students’activities Contents PRESENTATION : a)Pre-teach C3 p.70 - Models & writes - the toystore/’tↄistↄ:/:cửa hàng đồ chơi - Explains - the police station/pəʹli:s ,steiʃn/:đồn cảnh *Check: matching sát - the bakery/ʹbeikri/: hiệu bánh mì - between/bi’twi:n/(pre): - opposite/ɒ:pəzət/(pre):đối diện - Presents the text - Listen & -Ask ss to listen to repeat b) Presentation Text C3 p.70 What is this ? the tape What are these on the street ? -Ask ss to read Do you want to know the position of the store? 2.Model sentences: -Ask ss to give Where is the drugstore? model It’s opposite the toystore -Do the concept Between the photocopy and the movie check theater - Guides to practice - Use pictures 3.PRACTICE : by pictures to practice in * Picture Drill C4 a) p.70 - Models pairs *Guessing Game C4 b) p.71 - Copy down PRODUCTION : - Draws net works - Give some Pyramid (19) on more words BB - Explains how to - Discuss with partner Net works a factory a village TOW - Gives examples - Remind the words that COUNTRY the stadium a rice padd paddy fields Bingo * : they’re learnt the bookstore, the mountains, the restaurant, - Writes some - Choose any the words words hospital, the river, the factory, the drugstore, on the board - Practise in trees, the police station, the bakery, the lake, - Reads these group the photocopy store, the stadium, the words museum, carefully the park, the movie theater, the rice paddy, the hotel, the village, the toy store - Copy down - Draws the table * Survey C5 p.71 - Fill in the S1 : What’s [in front of] your house ? information S2 : [A rice paddy] in the table on BB * HOME WORK - Gives examples - Rewrite the survey Review from unit to - Guides how to unit - Correct mistakes *Survey: Name in front of ? behind ? opposite ? to the left of ? to the right of ? near ? Assessment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (20) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… (21)

Ngày đăng: 05/10/2021, 06:49

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