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M IN ISTRY OF EDUCATION A N D TR A IN IN G H A N O I U N IV E R S IT Y N GU Y EN THI V IET HA USING BINGO GAMES FOR REVISING LEXICAL ITEMS A QUASI - EXPERIMENTAL STUDY SUBMITTED EN PARTIAL FULFILMENT o r REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER IN TESOL SU PERV ISO R: A SSO C PR O D R N G U Y E N Q UANG A TRUNG ĨÁ M Ì H Ũ N T IN T H tf V IẸN Hanoi, 2007 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify m y authority o f the study project report submitted and entitled: “U sing Bingo gam es for revising lexical item s” in fulfillment o f the requirem ents for the degree M aster o f Arts The research reported in this thesis was approved by Hanoi University Signed: Dated: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My grateful thanks and appreciation go to m any people w ho supported me in the fulfillm ent o f the thesis: First o f all, I take this opportunity to show m y sincere thanks to all m y teachers o f the D epartm ent o f Post - graduate Studies, Hanoi U niversity, w h o se valuable know ledge is the foundation o f th is work I w ould like to ex p ress m y special thanks to m y academ ic supervisor, Asso Prof Dr N guyen Q uang for his encouragem ent, valuable and considerate feedback as well as his suggestions to m y thesis I feel greatly indebted to M s N guyen Thai H a, M A an d M s T ran H ong Hanh, D r for their useful advice, en th u siasm and highly valuable assistance I cannot fail to acknow ledge the D ean and the w hole sta ff o f Post-graduate D epartm ent, H anoi U niversity fo r creating favorable conditions thro u g h the process o f d o in g this thesis I w ish to th an k the s ta f f an d m y children from L G 5S & L G 5S a t L ondon Education C entre - 167, Tay S on, D ong Da - H anoi fo r th e ir h elp during the tim e o f the experim ent I w ould like to show m y deepest gratitude to m y beloved m o th er because o f her w hole hearted care and h elp during the past time W ithout this, I w ould surely not have been able to com plete this th esis I have to say that I am very grateful to her Finally, m any th an k s a re given to m y husband for h is understanding, tolerance and standing beside m e w h en ev er I need him ABSTRACT T h e purpose o f th is study w as to exam ine the effect o f B ingo gam es on vocabulary retention w ith the children at th e age o f nine to elev en in L ondon Education C entre a fte r finishing a three - m onth E nglish course T h is study focused on three areas: the effectiv en ess o f B ingo gam es, the participants' attitu d es tow ards B ingo g am es and m otivation as w ell B efore the treatm ent o f th e study, a p re-test w as given to the particip an ts to see i f th ey w ere at the sam e level o f p ro ficien cy before the experim ent D uring the experim ent, data collection to o ls - observation sheet, questionnaires - w ere exploited to in v estig ate the particip an ts’ m o tiv atio n and a ttitu d es tow ards B ingo gam es A fter th e treatm ent, th e participants took th e post-tests to find out the difference betw een tw o m eth o d s o f vocabulary revision R esults o f th e T -T est reveal that effects o f B ingo g am es on vocabulary retention w ere g reater than th o se o f p ractice exercises used in the V o cab u lary R evision Exercises In addition, the resu lt o f observation sheet and questionnaires in d icate that m ost o f the participants sh o w th eir p o sitiv e attitudes tow ards B ingo gam es H ow ever, som e students still sh o w th e ir negative tow ards Bingo gam es, dislik e th e m an d disbelieve in th eir effectiveness T h e y o n ly enjoy th e practice exercises used in V ocabulary R evision E xercises bccausc o f the m ulch betw een interest and learning style T h e stu d y concluded by sum m arizin g th e m ajo r findings, suggesting the applications of B ingo gam es and V ocabulary recom m endations w ere given for future studies R ev isio n E xercises Finally, TABLE OF CONTENTS S T A T E M E N T O F A U T H O R S H IP i A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S u A B S T R A C T iii TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S iv L IST O F A B B R E V IA T IO N S vii L IST O F D IA G R A M , FIG U R ES A N D T A B L E S viii C H A R P T E R O N E : IN T R O D U C T IO N 1.1 B ackground to the stu d y 1.1.1 T heoretical b ack g ro u n d 1.1.2 Practical b a c k g ro u n d 1.2 A im s o f th e stu d y 1.3 R esearch q u e stio n s 1.4 Scope o f th e study 1.5 S ignificance o f the s tu d y 1.6 O utline o f the th esis C H A P T E R T W O : LIT E R A T U R E R E V IE W 2.1 V o c a b u la ry 2.2 M ain factors affecting vocabulary a c q u isitio n 2.2.1 A ttitu d e 2.2.2 M o tiv a tio n 2.2.3 L earning S t y l e 2.2.4 M e m o riz a tio n 10 2.3 V ocabulary revision ty p e s 13 2.3.1 V ocabulary R evision E xercises 13 2.3.2 B ingo G a m e s 19 2.4 S u m m a ry 24 C H A P T E R T H R E E : T H E S T U D Y 25 3.1 The e x p e rim e n t 25 3.1.1 S u b je c ts .25 3.1.2 V ariables 26 3.2 D ata collection to o ls 28 3.2.1 Pre-test and Post-tests 29 3.2.2 O bservation Sheet 31 3.2.3 Q uestio n n aires 31 3.3 Experim ent p ro c e d u re 35 3.4 D ata analysis to o ls 36 3.5 S u m m a ry 37 C H A P T E R FO U R: RESU LTS A N D D IS C U S S IO N 38 4.1 D ata analysis and discussions 38 4.1.1 Pre-test and post-tests re s u lts 38 4.1.2 M otivation investigation 41 4.1.3 A ttitude investigation tow ards tw o types o f vocabulary re v isio n 45 4.2 D is c u ssio n 51 4.3 Sum m ary 54 C H A PT E R FIV E: R EC O M M EN D A TIO N S AND C O N C L U SIO N 55 M ajor fin d in g s 55 5.2 Suggestions for application o f Bingo gam es and V R E .55 5.2.1 A pplication o f Bingo gam es 55 5.2.2 A pplication o f V R E 56 5.3 L im itations an d recom m endations 57 5.4 C onclusion 58 R E F E R E N C E S 59 A P P E N D IC E S 64 A ppendix 1: Bingo activities used in the stu d y 64 A ppendix A: L ist o f revised w ords in Stage O n e 66 A ppendix A: List o f revised w ords in Stage O ne (c o n t.) 67 A ppendix B: L ist o f revised w ords in Stage T w o 68 A ppendix B: List o f revised w ords in Stage T w o (co n t.) 69 A ppendix A: Sam ples o f Bingo games - R evision lesson o f U nit 70 A ppendix B: Sam ple o f VRE in LEC (U nit ) 83 A ppendix A: P re -te st 84 A ppendix A: A nsw er Sheet o f P re -te st 86 A ppendix B: First post-test .' 87 A ppendix B: A nsw er Sheet o f first p o st-test 89 v A ppendix C: Second post- te s t 90 A ppendix C: A nswer Sheet o f second p o st-te st 92 A ppendix 5: O bservation Sheet 93 A ppendix A: Q uestionnaire (E nglish) 94 A ppendix B: Q uestionnaire (V ietn am ese) 95 A ppendix A: Q uestionnaire ( E nglish) 96 A ppendix B: Q uestionnaire (V ietn am ese) 99 A ppendix A: Q uestionnaire (E nglish) .104 A ppendix B: Questionnaire (V ietn am ese) 107 A ppendix A: List o f M arks o f LG 5S7 111 A ppendix B: List o f M arks o f LG 5S8 112 A ppendix 10: Pre-Test C om parison 113 A ppendix 11 : Post-Tests Com parison (C=Control G roup and E = Experim ental G ro u p ) .114 A ppendix 12: O bservation Sheet R esults 116 A ppendix 13: The reliability o f O bservation Sheet .117 A ppendix 14: T-test o f Observation S heet 118 A ppendix 15: Q uestionnaire 119 A ppendix 16: T -te s t o f Q uestionnaire 120 A ppendix 17: Frequency table o f the children’s attitudes tow ards Bingo games (left) vs V R E (rig h t) 121 A ppendix 18 A: Q uestionnaire 2: The learners’ attitudes tow ards Bingo gam esl26 A ppendix 18 B: Q uestionnaire 3: The children’s attitudes towards V R E .127 V! LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LEC London Education Centre VRE V ocabulary Revision Exercises E Experim ental Group C Control Group OB O bserver R : R eview lessons LIST OF DIAGRAM, FIGURES AND TABLES Diagram 1: A spects o f knowing a lexical ite m Table : G roups in each stage o f the s tu d y 25 Table : N um ber o f pupils in grades (at school) o f each g ro u p 26 Table 3: B ingo game application 27 Table 4: Test S pecifications 31 Table 5: Sum m ary o f pre-test resu lt 38 Table 6: Paired-Sam ples T-test for first post-test result 39 Table 7: Paired-Sam ples T-test for second post-test re su lt 41 t Table 8: Sum m ary o f Coefficient o f equivalent in scores between two o b serv ers 42 Table 9: Paired-Sam ples T-test for O bservation S h e e t 43 Table 10: Paired-Sam ples T-test for Questionnaire 45 Figure 1: Sum m ary o f post-test result - Stage 39 Figure 2: Sum m ary o f post-tcsl result - Stage 4U Figure 3: O bservation sheet’s result - Stage 43 Figure 4: O bservation sheet’s result - Stage 43 Figure 5: Learner’s self-reported motivation - Stage 44 Figure 6: L earner's self-reported motivation - Stage 44 Figure 7: Participants’ general feelings about Bingo gam es 46 Figure 8: Participants’ feeling about the cooperation in Bingo g a m e s 46 Figure 9: Participants’ feeling about the com petition in Bingo g a m e s 46 Figure 10: Participants’ belief about the effects o f Bingo g a m e s 47 Figure 11: Participants’ opinion on the use o f Bingo g a m e s 48 Figure 12: Participants’ general feelings about VRF, 48 Figure 13: Participants’ feeling about the individual work in V R E 49 o o o o o o o o ^ Fc bJ br' rt hO r ợiSSSS?5ẻSefSSS8 Ê Đ o o o o o o o o o o o o o s 0- I I t n CM C l o * C>4»-CM»-C0C4*- Stage 2: Frequency table c 2 0 o 0 o 8 8 8 8 8 « i s o i o r v i o a i o g i d n v r r r N N N N N N N n n n l -o tu C/3 f-1 H O w a ^ Appendix 12: Observation Sheet Ke suits Percentages 1st Observer Scores Percentages Average scores from two observers Average percentages from two observers % 50/75 66.66 71.33% 6 % 57.33 % 57.33% fS V at •• 55 2 62.66% 81.33% 78.66% ■o CC § £ s >/-> C in in m 'S(N r-' £ oo o 69.33% tí 59/75 Qá 73.33% 78.66% 58.66% 53.33% 40/75 53.33% 43/75 40/75 57.33% 53.33 % 44/75 40/75 45/75 ox O vO 61.33% 46/75 61.33% 46/75 61.33% 46/75 C in/3 O r*—- O' Q O t— O o ¿3 s C o (■) 53/75 70.66% 52/75 00 70.66% 48/75 62.66% 48/75 62.66% 48/75 00 61/75 81.33% 61/75 81.33% 61/75 58/75 77.33% 60/75 75.33% 76% 56.5/75 oo 51/75 Experimental Group ( LG5S7) 64% 6 66 % 50/75 78.66 % 59/75 78.66% 59/75 52/75 69.33% 51.5/75 74.67% 72% 53/75 70.66 % 53.5/75 68 % 57.33% 43/75 57.33% 43/75 58.66 % 42/75 56% 43/75 59/75 43/75 56/75 54/75 51/75 T OS 44/75 Experimental Group (LG5S8) s Groups Review 1Lessons 2nd Observer Scores Percentages 1sl Observer Scores Percentages Average scores from two observers Average percentages from two observers 48/75 64% 48/75 64% 48/75 50/75 Control Group ( LG5S7) OS in rI/"! % 999 C/3 u ox C*l •* Groups Review Lessons 2nd Observer Scores c¿ VO A p p e n d ix 13: T h e relia b ility o f O bservation S h e e t Stage 1: Experimental Group (LG5S8) Control Group (LG5S7) D e s c rip tiv e S ta tis tic s D e s c rip tiv e S ta tis tic s N OB1 OB2 Valid N (listwi Mean td Deviatio 55.2500 3.3040 55.0000 3.3665 N OB1 OB2 Valid N (listwis C o rre la tio n s C o rre la tio n s OB1 Pearson Correlata Sig (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlati« Sig (2-tailed) OB2 OB1 1.000 N Mean >td Deviatior 45.7500 3.8622 46.2500 3.3040 959* 041 OB2 959* 041 1.000 OB1 Pearson Correlatii Sig (2-tailed) N OB2 Pearson Correlatii Sig (2-tailed) N ‘ •Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-fc OB1 1.000 973* 027 OB2 973* 027 1.000 ‘ •Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-t; Stage 2: Control Group (LG5S8) E x p e rim e n ta l G ro u p (L G S ) D e s c rip tiv e S ta tis tic s N ÓB1 OB2 Valid N (listwi D e s c rip tiv e S ta tis tic s Mean ¡td Deviatioi 55.7500 4.5735 57.2500 3.8622 N ÓB1 OB2 Valid N (listwis Mean >td Deviatioi 44.2500 3.5000 3.4034 44.7500 C o rre la tio n s Correlations OB1 OB1 Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) N OB2 1.000 Pearson Correlation 986- Sig (2-tailed) N 014 OB2 986* 014 1.000 *• Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level ( -tailed) OB1 Pearson Correlati OB2 Sig (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlati Sig (2-tailed) N OB1 1.000 958* 042 OB2 958* 042 1.000 ‘ •Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-1 Stage 1: jj S lO Q n s 0) CO 6.0 ^ 10.0 1 Total m s s £ ! 6.0 4.0 1§ ¡1 c Percent 4.0 i c o Frequency c strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree £ Valid T4A a o 11 O o o o o o cb o o >0 0 0 ? S 5i * l m cg o m S’ Í S I oj o -5 a> S3 u c p 8§ a I o strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree Total o Valid Percent 48.0 48.0 24.0 24.0 14.0 14.0 4.0 4.0 o NN Valid o o CO Frequency strongly disagret 24 disagree 12 neutral agree strongly agree o Currulattve Percent 4.0 fO o Percent 4.0 Si _ Frequency T4D 13 £ wo 0C I O tJ- c V V O & c d o z 13 Appendix 18 A: Questionnaire 2: The learners ’ attitudes towards Bingo games > VO vO r- VO VO r- *S~) »o »n VO oo VO VO o O vO VO CN *5 VO r^j 00 VO VO 00 r-* 00 VO i/“> C U/5 « £ E C/5 *8 co D 0> |O c/) § 00 c E I*2 -o co 22 Parts Statements 1&2 Strongly disagree & Disagree number % Appendix 18 B: Questionnaire 3: The children’s attitudes towards V R E number Neutral Level of agreement nO 0s 00 r— N° O'* r- X u n0Í •H j I • 00 C1 w s' §OiJ c V V C3 £5 a interesting 82% b relaxing 37 74% 14% c fun 72% 14% 36 Statement 2: When doing exercise individually, you often felt a comfortable 37 74% 10% b confident 37 10% c excited 35 70% 14% Statement 3: When being required to give the teacher answers to the exercise before class, you ol a comfortable 74% 37 12% b confident 37 74% 12% c excited 78% 10% 39 Statement 4: Practice exercises helped you a consolidate word meaning in a more effective way 34 68% 14% b remember word meaning better 36 72% 12% c concentrate on the lesson more 74% 37 12% d like learning vocabulary more 36 72% Statement 5: Practice exercises should be used for 36 72% 14% revising vocabulary in the future CO 10% 4&5 Agree &Strongly agree number | sO cS c r- r- o O O O O 00 Ü +-* VO vO 2? OO 'O 14% 18% 14% 14% 14% 12% 16% 16% 16% 14% CN ON OO O' r- of—< r- vO VO Ill — _ r- ... retaining what has been taught are alw ays considered as m ost o f learners’ aspiration This is especially true o f learning vocabulary which is really an obstacle tow ards many foreign language..., all language skills can be exploited in games: listening, speaking, reading and writing So can Bingo games In addition, four aspects o f language can be m ainly focused: vocabulary, gram m ar,... ISTRY OF EDUCATION A N D TR A IN IN G H A N O I U N IV E R S IT Y N GU Y EN THI V IET HA USING BINGO GAMES FOR REVISING LEXICAL ITEMS A QUASI - EXPERIMENTAL STUDY SUBMITTED EN PARTIAL FULFILMENT