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Cấu trúc

  • I. Introduction

  • II. Main Content

    • 2.1. Sport and American values

      • 2.1.1. Features of sports in America

      • 2.1.2. How America values affect organized sports ?

      • 2.1.3 Compare with Vietnam

    • 2.2. Competition

      • 2.2.1. View on competition in the past

      • 2.2.2. Criticism and rebuttal

      • 2.2.3. Compare with Viet Nam

    • 2.3. Recreation

      • 2.3.1. The popularity

      • 2.3.2. A time for self-improvement

      • 2.3.3. Compare with Vietnam

    • 2.4. Health & Fitness

      • 2.4.1. Obesity

      • 2.4.2. Eating habits

      • 2.4.3. Compare with Vietnamese people.

    • 2.5: Television:

      • 2.5.1. Negative impacts:

      • 2.5.2: Solutions and results.

      • 2.5.3: Compare with Vietnam:

  • III. Conclusion

  • References

Nội dung

THUONGMAI UNIVERSITY ENGLISH FALCUTY - - DISCUSSION TOPIC: LEISURE TIME: ORGANIZED SPORTS, RECREATION, AND TELEVISION Subject : American culture Supervisor : Phan Tu Lan Group : 07 Class code : 2108ENTI0511 Ha Noi, 05/2021 MEMBERS OF GROUP Members Presentation part Hoàng Thị Thanh Nhàn + Introduction + Features of sports in America (2.1.1) Nguyễn Thị Nhung + How American values affect organized sports (2.1.2) + Compare with Vietnam (2.1.3) + View on competition in the past (2.2.1) + Compare with Vietnam (2.2.3) + Criticism and rebuttal (2.2.2) Nguyễn Thị Nhiên Phan Thị Hồng Ngọc Nguyễn Thị Lan Oanh Hoàng Minh Nguyệt + The popularity (2.3.1) + Time for self-improvement (2.3.2) + Compare with Vietnam (2.3.3) + Leader Trương Thị Hồng Nhung + Health and Fitness (2.4) Nguyễn Minh Phương + Television (2.5) Đỗ Hồng Nhung + Conclusion Score Table of Contents I Introduction - Leisure has often been defined as a quality of experience or as free time Free time is time spent away from business, work, job hunting, domestic chores, and education, as well as activities that satisfy one's needs such as eating, sleeping and recreational activities, physical training - According to history, period from 1894 to 1915 was one in which workers in the United States began to have more leisure time than their predecessors One reason for this was that industrial employers began to decrease working hours and institute a Saturday half-day holiday, which gave workers more free time for leisure activities - The American spend their free time in different ways People generally use it to relax, but many people also voluntary work, especially for charities People spend a lot of their free time in the home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, reading … - The most special, the popularity of sports as leisure activities grew as people began to see the importance of exercise to health Traditional spectator sports indude tootball, cricket, horse racing, motor racing and motor cycle racing Popular torms of exercise are swimming, tennis, ice-skating or roller skating, cycling, dimbing, and hill or country walking II Main Content 2.1 Sport and American values - We know that sport, at its best, can build character and promote the virtues of honesty, respect, selfless teamwork, dedication, and commitment to a greater cause Sport lessons (good and bad) transcend the playing field, spilling over into the classroom, the business world, and the community, and at the same time take shape the personality of the global humanity and especially the culture of the American citizen - Sports in the United States is an important part of culture in the United States American football is the most popular spectator sport to watch in the United States, followed by baseball, basketball, ice hockey and soccer, which make up the "5 major sports" Nowhere are the ways and words of democracy better illustrated than in sports - Most social scientists believe that the sports that are organized by a society generally tefleer the basic values of that society and attempt to strengthen them in the minds and emotions of its people  Organized sports have a more serious social purpose than spontancous, unorganized play by individuals - Reason why organized sports are more popular than individual sports: + Equality of opportunity + Ideal of comprtition + Hard work 2.1.1 Features of sports in America - In the United States, parents perceive that it is necessary for children to participate in sports Exercise and sport will help children learn many things when they are accompanied by teammates of the same age In addition, participating in sports also helps children to have a happy state and develop skills of perseverance and morality from a young age - Therefore, children in America are always given conditions to participate in sports in addition to learning in class The characteristic of these sports is that they can help children increase physical strength and resistance Besides, they also learn a lot of skills when participating in this subject and not have competition pressure  Have a more serious social purpose than unorganzed play by individuals - In sports, people of different races and economic background get an equal chance to excel for this reason, notes sociologist Harry Edwards, Americans views organized sport as "A laboratory in which young men, regardless of social class, can learn the advantages and rewards of a competitive system" Although Edwards special mentions young men, young women also complete in organized sports without regard to their race or economic background Women's sports are growing in popularity in the US The 1996 Olympic, American women won gold medals for several team sports - softball, basketball, soccer and gymnastics - The most popular sports are: soccer, basketball (African American), baseball (Latino, Hispanic), American football These sports are taught from an early age and people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds can compete on the same level they have the same chance to participate in contests and they can learn to "win" in life  Be seen as an inspiring example of equality of opportunity in action  Compare with Vietnam - Sports is a human health exercise Understanding its importance, Vietnam is increasingly focusing on developing sports that are both entertaining and healthy That has become one of the values of Vietnamese culture The number of people participates in regular sports practice reaches 363,000 people, accounting for 33% of the population The 1996 Olympic, Hoang Xuan Vinh won a gold and a silver medal pin shooting - Many families let their children learn early sports such as soccer, badminton, swimming not only to train their bodies but also to teach them life skills, such as patience, concentration, solidarity with teammates, the will to win -> In modern social life, sport is an important element to stay healthy and serve other benefits Sports is an important factor to help people fight off all kinds of diseases, create flexibility, make the body more healthy In addition to the health area, team sports also train players to have solidarity (team spirit) and cooperative skills 2.1.2 How America values affect organized sports ? We often think of values as lofty ideals that have little connection to our daily lives Yet, the values that you hold, in this case, about sports in particular and life in general, play a vital role in all aspects of children’s athletic and personal development You can think of values as: “a person’s principles and standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important…” As such, the values that American have and those that they embrace about their sports participation influence their priorities and goals, and act as road signs in determining the direction their athletic and personal lives take In other words, the values that they adopt as young athletes will dictate almost every aspect of their lives Values will influence how American think about their sports involvement For example, if they are conveyed the importance of effort and fun over winning, they will focus on those values as they approach competitions In contrast, if they believe that they hold values such as winning and being the best above all else, they will think about upcoming competitions in a very different way a The idea of competition is at the very heart of organized sports in the United States Many Americans believe that learning how to win in sports helps develop the habits necessary to compete successfully in later life This training, in turn, strengthens American society as a whole "It is commonly held", says one sports writer, "that the competitive ethic taught in sports must be learned and ingrained in youth for the future success of American business and military efforts." Besides, they believe that sports help builds discipline It is fact that ,competitive sport requires dedicated training and practice When they experience these improvements, their self-esteem grows and they broaden their limitations of what they can achieve.Goal setting is also an important part of competitive sports At the start of a season, a coach will often guide students in setting team and individual goals to work towards Good goal setting techniques are highly transferable skills that can be applied across all areas of schooling and life And we can see that parents in America who are willing to shoulder the expense of their children’s sports and drive their kids to practices at am and pm, and to competitions hours away Parents who see the value in sports for their children, not in the results, but in the life lessons their kids learn on the field, court, course, rink, hill, trail, etc Parents who volunteer their time to manage teams, organize competitions, raise money, and build community b The competitive ethic in organized sports contains some elements of hard work Slogans are sometimes used to drive home the competitive virtues for the young participants: "Hustle-you can't survive without it" "It's easy to be ordinary, but it takes guts to excel." It also encourages physical activity It is obviously possible to participate in physical activity in a non-competitive environment and many people so on a regular basis However, in a competitive environment, students will often push themselves harder in training and in matches This extra effort results in improved fitness levels as well as extending an individual’s boundaries about their perception of what they are physically capable of c Organized sports participation’s effect on skill development is not limited to the acquisition of physical skills There is extensive evidence to show that elite athletes tend to be high academic achievers.Both parents and children from low-income families report that improved academic performance is associated with involvement in youth sports Specifically, sports participation has been associated with increased mathematic performance Among adolescents, practicing organized extracurricular physical activity is positively correlated with cognitive performance in verbal, numeric, and reasoning domains.In fact, athletes taking part in multiple activities may score higher than those involved in only One explanation for this is that elite athletes report increased use of self-regulatory skills, such as planning, self-monitoring, evaluation, reflection, and effort More specifically, these athletes reflect more on past performance to learn and, therefore, may benefit more from the time they spend on learning d Organized sports as “national religion” Amateur athletics, associated with schools and colleges, are valued for teaching young people traditional American values Professional sports, in addition to their profit and entertainment purposes, are seen as providing an example to inspire the young to take part in organized sports In the process of serving as an inspiration for traditional basic American values, organized sports have become part of what was referred to in Chapter as "the national religion", a mixture of patriotism and national pride on the one hand with religious ideas and symbols on the other The Broncos quarterback learned of the Internet phenomenon — individuals taking pictures of themselves while kneeing in a prayer pose — from teammate Von Miller, who was the first Bronco to practice the art of Tebowing Tebow said he understands that some people might be using Tebowing to mock him, or religion in general He is more excited, though, about those who are taking it seriously Thus, Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has become the poster child for Christian athletes, and his one-knee prayers have become so common that "Tebowing" is now synonymous with public prayer His quirky playing style and miraculous wins have led some to claim divine intervention, bringing the question to the forefront: Does God influence football games? "God will give you power to your best, then it's up to you make decisions and choices that cause you to win or lose." 2.1.3 Compare with Vietnam US VietNam The equality Organized sports are "a laboratory in of which young men, regardless of social opportunity class, can learn the advantages and rewards of a competitive system.” Ideal of Learning how to Vietnamese can competition win in sports helps compete against develop the habits others, receive a necessary to challenge and strive compete to be better, and to successfully in set winning as a later life goal for sports and for life Organized Amateur athletics, Organized sports sports as associated with have been “national schools and important in the religion” colleges, are country’s cultural valued for teaching development Reason - Organized sports in both countries have played a very crucial role in the country’s cultural field - On the other hand, each country has different + Sports are particularly associated with education in the United States, with most high schools and universities having organized young people Sports are used as a traditional bridge to link American values people from all age groups as you can see children participating in karate classes or two elderly men playing a game of chess or badminton in the parks sports College sports competitions play an important role in the American sporting culture In many cases college athletics are more popular than professional sports + In VietNam , the 2.2 Competition 2.2.1 View on competition in the past Competitive sports became popular in the United States from 1850 – 1950 because of lighting technology, mass media, and developing labor and education laws Although games like early versions of baseball were played casually, neither spectator sports nor competitive sports were popular in the U.S before mid-1800 Other advents of the industrial revolution, civil rights, and war also played a large role in the evolution of American sports as we know them today To understand the history of competitive spectator sports in America, we must look at American history • Throughout the early 1800’s Americans played games like Cricket and Rugby They also favored a new American version of a British game called rounders, or “base” 10 + For some famous professional football coaches, they were happy to see the fight between the two teams They thought that the fight among players, even during the games, had helped to bring the men on his team closer together, and also increase the winning spirit of their players so much better + Most of sport was exciting to expect this fighting and considered this violence as a part of the entertainment + Besides, most Americans believe that competition in organized sports does more to strengthen the national character than to corrupt it They would probably say that eliminating competition in sports would lead to laziness and vice rather than hard work and accomplishment However, there are some America’s favourite sports people who criticize this disorder and violence in sports From time to time, several newspapers or magazines appear articles criticizing the number of serious results from the extreme roughness of the games They also showed the figure increasing dramatically, resulting in the concerns about the violence in school when students are getting into football games a lot And, some principals of schools describe the criticism in sports as attempting to breakdown the basic foundation upon which society is founded + Another criticism of professional sports is that the players and the team owners get too much money, while fans have to pay more and more for tickets to the games Some have asked whether these players are stars or entertainers And generally, the fans feel like the losers and most people were disgusted by both the players and the owners 2.2.3 Compare with Viet Nam The similarity: Both sports competitions in VietNam and America become a good factor for ethical education when the success of each individual is considered as the victory of the whole team when individual achievements can be achieved through the group It can be said that the basis of the social consciousness that has formed in athletes is that the athlete's perception of his dependence on a certain group is a sense of obligation to that collective While working in the collective is because the athletes collective must directly touch the unity factor between personal and social interests 13 Thus, during the competition will educate the social feelings As I mentioned before, the world of sports affords us the opportunity to gain vital insight into the sensitive issues of racism, sexism, and classism The differences: 14 Vietnamese Vietnamese concern that sports competition can lead to the development of bad personalities if teachers and co following situations: - When the record-breaking performance is meant to be of a purpose in itself and is not associated with the correct - When sport has turned into a single passion and attracts almost all other socio-cultural needs and interests of athletes Actually when mentioning competition in Vietnam, viewers and athletes will have different opinions about it At to injury of many players However, the insiders are not really worried that the quality of the tournament expertise play 12 matches in more than 30 days "Although the tournament time has been shortened, we have ensured that also helps athletes not have to spend time recovering their fitness for moving and VBA and clubs can completely p 15 2.3 Recreation 2.3.1 The popularity Unlike organized sports, what is generally called recreation in the United States is not expected to encourage competition For this reason, it is much more spontaneous and serves the individual's needs beyond the competitive world of work Nevertheless, much can be learned about the values of Americans from an examination of the kinds of recreation in which they engage Many Americans prefer recreation that requires a high level of physical activity This is true of three fastest growing adult recreational sports: jogging or running, tennis and snow skiing It would seem that Americans carry over their belief in hard work into their world of play and recreation a The well-known expression "we like to work hard and play hard" The well-known expression "we like to work hard and play hard" is an example of this philosophy What began in the 1970s, as the "physical fitness craze" has become a way of life for many A number of people regularly work out at sports clubs - lifting weights, swimming, playing squash or racquetball, participating in aerobic exercise classes, or using exercise bikes, treadmills, rowing machines, or stair-steppers Long-distance marathon races are so popular that the organizers often have to limit the number of people who can participate In addition to the famous Boston and New York marathons, there are races in many other cities and even in small towns, drawing from several hundred to as many as 80,000 participants Few of the people expect to win - most just want to finish the race The races are usually open to all, young and old alike, even those in wheelchairs b The high level of physical activity The high level of physical activity enjoyed by many Americans at play has led to the observation that Americans have difficulty relaxing, even in their leisure time Yet the people who enjoy these physical activities often say that they find them very relaxing mentally because the activity is so different from the kind of activity they must in the world of work, often indoor office work involving mind rather than body 2.3.2 A time for self-improvement a The interest that Americans have in self-improvement 16 The interest that Americans have in self-improvement, traceable in large measure to the nation's Protestant heritage, is also carried over into their recreation habits It is evident in the joggers who are determined to improve the distance they can run, and in the people who spend their vacation time learning a new sport such as sailing or deep-sea diving The self-improvement motive, however, can also be seen in many other popular forms of recreation that involve little or no physical activity b Interest and participation in cultural activities Interest and participation in cultural activities, which improve people's minds or skills, are also popular Millions of Americans go to symphony concerts, attend live theater performances, visit museums, hear lectures, and participate in artistic activities such as painting, performing music, and dancing Many Americans also enjoy hobbies such as weaving, needlework, candle making, wood carving, and Interest and participation in cultural activities, which improve people's minds or skills, are also popular Millions of Americans go to symphony concerts, attend live theater performances, visit museums, hear lectures, and participate in artistic activities such as painting, performing music, and dancing Many Americans also enjoy hobbies such as weaving, needlework, candle making, wood carving, and other handicrafts Community education programs offer a wide range of classes for those interested in anything from "surfing the net" (using the computer Internet) to gourmet cooking, learning a foreign language, writing, art, self-defense, and birdwatching 2.3.3 Compare with Vietnam a Similarities: Recreation activities in both country don’t like organized sports, they are not expected to encourage competition They are much more spontaneous and serves the individual's needs beyond the competition b Differences Criterias Recreational tendency America Vietnam Americans prefer - For young people: they recreation that requires a want to participate in new 17 high level of physical activity such as: jogging or running, tennis and snow skiing Types of recreations Purpose They are: lifting weights, swimming, playing squash or racquetball, aerobic classes, or using exercise bikes, treadmills, rowing machines, or stairsteppers, marathon or some cultural activities like needlework, candle making, wood carving, and other handicrafts Recreation is considered as a chance to selfimprovement for Americans They can learn a new sport or skill entertainment activities such as going to the cinema Another favourite teenage and adult pastime is “bird watching” meaning people watching They love to sit in cafes facing the street with doors wide open allowing a good view of the street and watch the world go by For those who can afford it, restaurant and night clubs are popular - For the elderly, they prefer healthy recreational activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, In addition to the above activities, many Vietnamese also participate in some recreational activities such as gambling or lottery which depends on luck In Vietnam, people think that recreation is the time for relaxing after hardworking days so they will give the priorities for pleasure c Reason for the differences: - The first is the diffences in culture between American and Vietnamese that lead to the dissimilarities in recreational activities - The second is due to the difference in physical condition between the Vietnamese and the American Americans are taller so they will be more inclined to active entertainment activities 18 2.4 Health & Fitness Not all American are physically fit, or even not try to be The overall population is becoming heavier, due to poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle: 2.4.1 Obesity Less than half of American exercise in their leisure time not because they “don’t know what’s good for them- they just don’t it” The National Center for Health Statistics reports that the number of people who are at least 20% over their desirable weight has risen from one in four to one in three Americans 2.4.2 Eating habits It’s a combination of social, culture, psychological factor that determine how people eat Although magazines, newspapers and television news are full of information on nutrition and proper diet, American people still buy foods that have high cholesterol levels and high-fat diets More than half of Americans eat what they really want whenever they feel like it Especially, they love fast food so much 50% of Americans eat pizza once every two weeks Moreover, Americans are consuming more and more hamburgers, KFC, French fries, and soft drink because of their busy lifestyles since many women are working Often, Americans family eat “on the run” instead of sitting on the table together 2.4.3 Compare with Vietnamese people American Vietnamese Exercise - Less than half of American - More than half of Vietnamese / exercise in their leisure time Working - Men, who have more leisure time - out on average, spend 6.6% of their ranging from before dawn to very late exercise in their leisure time (60%) Can be seen throughout the day, time exercising, while women at night spend 5% 19 Obesity - 30.5% of American adults were - Vietnam is the least obese country obese, meaning they had a body with 2.1% of the population classified mass index of 30 or higher That as obese rate helped to fuel related health - The highest rise in the number of issues like diabetes and some obese people those with a body cancers – all of which are among mass index above 25 This contributes the leading causes of death in the the number of Vietnamese people with U.S metabolic disorders, obesity, cancers, Eating - They eat what they really want has considerably increased - Their foods are healthy habits - 50% of Americans eat pizza once balanced every two weeks and - Dishes and ingredients can cover all - They love fast food so much such the dietary needs on protein, lipids, as: hamburgers, KFC, French fries, vitamins and minerals and soft drink, - out of meals of the day often - Eating “on the run” consist of steamed rice with side dishes of vegetables, meat, fish or tofu - They often eat with all members in the family The reasons for these differences points are the differences of cultural values, lifestyles, thoughts and customs between Western and Eastern countries First, Americans are less spend time doing exercise in their leisure time because they want to spend time on using phone or other ones However, Vietnamese people are like to exercise to keep fit their body Second, in terms of obesity rates between the two countries, the US accounts for a much higher percentage because of their eating habits They prefer fast food and the wives want to go out to work so fast food is their only option In Vietnam, the proportion of housewives is very high, so they take the time to cook nutritious meals Moreover, Vietnamese people exercise harder than Americans Finally, about eating habits, because Vietnam is an agricultural country, they have enough nutritious fruits and vegetables so they 20 not eat fast food that have high cholesterol levels meals to keep fit and healthy But Americans want to save their time so they choose fast food 2.5: Television: 2.5.1 Negative impacts: Ironically, as Americans have gotten heavier as a population, the image of a beautiful woman has gotten much slimmer Television shows and commercials feature actress who are very slender Beer and soft drink commercials, for example, often feature very thin girls in bikinis As a result, many teenage girls have become insecure about their bodies and obsessed with losing weight Eating disorders are now common among young women One of the most worrying problem is that children are watching TV programs and videotapes an average of four or five hours a day Many adults are worried about the impact of so much television on the nation’s children They are not getting as much exercises as they should, but the effect on their bodies may not be serious as the effect on their minds Many children not spend enough time reading And some studies have shown that excessive watching of television by millions of American children has lowered their ability to achieve in school And what children see? Too much sex and violence In a recent study, 72 percent said that they believed there was too much violence on television Children are also exposed to sexual situations on TV that are much more explicit than they were a generation ago 2.5.2: Solutions and results As an alternative, public television provides many educational shows, but most people, including children, spend the majority of their viewing time watching commercial television Some agrue that parents are responsible for supervising their children’s TV viewing In reality, children are often watching television when their parents are either not in the room or even at home In 1996, President Clinton, and entertainment executives planned for new TV sets to be equipped with a “ V chip” that will be programmed to block the reception of program unsuitable for children Many parents think they can use the help in monitoring what the children see However, one in four families is headed by a single parents, and in two-thirds of 21 two-parent families, both parents are working Furthermore,nearly 50 percent of children between the ages of and 17 have their own TV sets in their bedrooms The popularity of home computers and surfing the net has brought a whole new world of leisure-time activities to Americans Some value of enormous educational opportunities it brings, while others spend their time in chatting, playing latest games Now parents have to worry about monitoring the computer in addition to monitoring the TV 2.5.3: Compare with Vietnam: Aspects Popularity TV shows Vietnamese In the past, during the War, people have little chance of watching TV Nowadays, TV becomes more popular in almost country However, in some remote areas, Tv is still uncommon Is completely controlled by goverment American Television appeared earlier than in Vietnam American could watch TV long time ago Is not completely controlled by goverment 22 Reasons In Vietnam, because of the War and poverty prevents people haing chance of watching televiosion in the past III Conclusion Nowadays, Americans have more leisure time than recognized; study suggests that lack of free time is not a barrier to physical activities Americans may not be too busy to exercise after all A new RAND Corporation study finds that Americans average more than hours of free time each day, with men generally having a bit more free time than women But instead of being physically active during their free hours, Americans report they spend most of that time looking at screens (televisions, phones or other devices) with no gender or economic group spending even 7% of their free time on physical activity Watching TV was the leisure activity that occupied the most time, accounting for just over half of all leisure time, on average Men spent hours per day watching TV, while women spent 2.6 hours Socializing and communicating, such as visiting with friends or attending or hosting social events, accounted for an average of 38 minutes per day, and was the next most common leisure activity after watching TV Individuals spent twice as much time socializing on weekend days (58 minutes) as on weekdays (29 minutes) Time spent reading for personal interest varied greatly by age Individuals age 75 and over averaged 44 minutes of reading per day, whereas individuals ages 15 to 44 read on average for 10 minutes or less per day Men spent a mean of 6.6% of their free time on physical activity, while women spent a mean of 5% of their free time on physical activity Higher income men and women spent a larger share of their free time on physical activities and less on screen time than did lower-income men and women According to the latest National Health Interview Survey, only about 53% of Americans meet the aerobic guidelines of engaging in moderate or vigorous activity 150 minutes each week 23 At present, Covid 19 has enormous impact on all aspects of American including leisure time As social distance, most people working from home, they have more free time as saving time from riding, driving, get dressed, etc As the result, some of them become lazier and lazier and overweight They don’t have chance to meet up other people Some may consider this situation for they to become better such as taking care of themselves, breaking bad habits With the birth of Tiktok, a Chineseoriginal app that allow people to create and share their own videos This platform appeal a large number of users including American There are more and more Tiktok star and a lot of people use time on it In a nut shell, the way Americans use their leisure time still quite same in the past They still spending most of their free time in watching TV and other activities They still highly value the physical activities However, a significant amount of residents become “heavier” they don’t really seem to have any idea of exercise and healthy hobbies Sports: The American consider sports as an inspiring example of opportunity in action also a way to stay healthy and fit 21St century sports not resemble what your father watched back in the 60s and 70s It has been a wild ride full of steroids, scandal, crime and overall generation of athletes True viewers are able to witness faster, strong athletes participate in sports, thus making for higher quality entertainmentbut at a price Some of today’s athletes are spoiled, selfish prima donnas solely focused on the next endorsement or payday They hold for bigger contracts as celebrity sport Present day athletes are all about themselves and their “me first, team second” attitude leads to issues in every area Athletes will anything, even if it leads to eventual troubles, in order to separate themselves from competition This doesn’t send a good message to anyone looking up to these athletes, especially young kids There is also a growing problem with colleges giving illegal benefits and gifts to their prospective students, most recently seen with the allegations against OJ Mayo and USC 24 Colleges are willing to disregard NCAA rules because there is also much money at stake when it comes to winning Boosters and alumni are more willing give a successful program The better the bowl game a college goes to, the bigger the paycheck they receive So, colleges are willing to stretch the rules if it means they achieve more success Nowadays, sports are undergoing such a big change with the impact of Covid 19 People are now studying and working from home as holding a game or a sport event can grab a great number of people Therefore, most people choose watching old sports on TV replace going to the stadium Or a number of people find a new kind of sports which called e-ports – a form of competition using video game After long quarantine, many sports competition and events were postponed and even cancelled Athletes are now playing in a no-spectator stadium, spectator can buy online-ticket That’s replaced method to continue sport events 25 26 References American culture textbook of Faculty of English – Thuongmai University https://www.britannica.com/place/Vietnam/Sports-and-recreation 3.https://offroadvietnam.com/vietnam-info/festivals-holidays-andrecreation/recreation-activities http://vietnamembassy-usa.org/vietnam/sports https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Television_in_the_United_States https://www.britannica.com/art/television-in-the-United-States https://www.yougov.vn/library/fitness-healthcare-industry-vietnam https://reservenationalguard.com/reserve-guard-lifestyle/leisure-time-in-americainfographic/ https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/893855.pdf ... society and attempt to strengthen them in the minds and emotions of its people  Organized sports have a more serious social purpose than spontancous, unorganized play by individuals - Reason why organized. .. better, and to successfully in set winning as a later life goal for sports and for life Organized Amateur athletics, Organized sports sports as associated with have been “national schools and important... and participate in artistic activities such as painting, performing music, and dancing Many Americans also enjoy hobbies such as weaving, needlework, candle making, wood carving, and other handicrafts

Ngày đăng: 02/10/2021, 08:51

