How does she get frorn London King's Cross roilwoy stotion to her hometown?.. How long does it toke her to trovel there by troin?.[r]
(1)M& @ took, listen ond repeot Msi is @ W ffi wotching the weother forecost on TV B" Good morning ond welcome to the weother forecost Let's toke o look ot the It'll be hot ond roiny in the south Thot's the weother forecost for todoy ) @ Point, osk ond onswer Whqt will the weother be like tomorrow? Exomple cold, stormy A: Whot will the weother be like tomorrow? B: lt'll be cold ond stormy * & * (2) T I O Lirt"n qnd complete.9ffi @rolk + Guiding questions Whot's the weother like in Ho Noi / Hue Ho Chi Minh City / / Con Tho todoy? Whot will the weother be like in Ho Noi / Hue Ho Chi Minh City Con Tho tomorrow? / / {+lrr:;ri: +fli rtuil i$l riq,i,i ffiffi& E Fi (3) ffi% @ Utt"n ond repeot "?i '* stormy i cold i I I I I I I I @ tisten ond reod together B Eil Lrnda: Tomorrow is Sundoy Let's go Lindo: I don't like storms ot oll for o picnic Mcl: lt Lindo: How you know Moi: Mci: will be cold ond stormy it? ' picnic We'll stoy of home, eot lwotched the weother forecost on TV G! Group ond soy oloud ffi popcorn told old worn sold story storm fold So tomorrow we won't go for o popcorn ond wotch films on fV #J * stormy ,*w (4) @ Lirt"n ond number I E #C @ Frn time V Weather Sentences Whot's the weother like todoy? : i t I rl rIi (5) *ffi#trw& @ took, Iisten ond repeot 4D P # Moi ond Akio ore tolking obout the different weother in their countries E It's summer lt's often hot There is much roin It's very hot todoy I €) Point, osk ond onswer fr Q <= like in your country? Exomple f hot, roin A: Whqt's summer like in your country? summer B: lf's often hot There is much roin spring f worm, flowers summer / winter f hot, roin @:i,'./i" '7 ,a sw rffi -tlM ffi outumn cool, wind r r ,r 1t rl / cold, snow 1^r -rl c -^ ^- e (6) G) R"od the possqge ond the tosks E ffi The Seqsons in My Country There ore different seosons in eoch port of my countly There ore four seosons in the north They ore spring, summer, outumn ond winter It is cool ond dry from November to April It is often hot ond roiny from Moy to October Ho Noi, Hoi Phong ond Quong Ninh ore moior provinces ond cities in the north There ore only two seosons in centrol ond the south They ore the dry seoson qnd the roiny seoson !f ls often hot ond dry from November to April It is cooler ond roinier from Moy to November Do Nong ond Hue ore moior cifies in'centrol Ho Chi Minh City is o moior city in the south a Complete the toble Ho Noi, Hoi Phong, Quong Ninh Do Nong, Hue Ho Chi Minh City b Answer the questions I Whot ore the seosons in the north of Viet Nom? Whot ore the seosons in centrol ond the south? c ls the informotion in the reoding possoge true for your home oreo? Tell your portner whot you think ffi* (7) @write.\ GuiCing qurestior:s - Whot port of the country you live in? - How mony seosons ore there? - Whot is the weother like tn your oreo? - Whot seoson you like best? Why? - Whot you often in your fovourite seoson? @ @ ti l ! I i j i Fun rime # S,t"f, th* weathgr ? TkeWeat"key Seng WhaL'e Lhe weaLher like loday My dear friende \Ay dear friende? ll'e windy and Lhere ie rain My dear friende, WhaI will Lhe weather be like My dear friende My dear friende? ll will be cold and enowy My dear friende, rur Iturilf b* wld" (8) * Q took, listen ond repeot ffi I P Tony is meeting Nom ot school ofter Tet How dld you get to your hometown? Ch, it's for from here How did you get to your hometown for the New Yeor? €) Point, osk ond onswer & fr <F Exomple cooch A: l-{ow did you get to your hometown? B: By cooch one (9) (! Lirt"n ond circle" W ,*' Ngo went to see her grondporents by o bus b motorbike c cooch Lindo went to her hometown by o troin b cooch qh_ c plone Linh went to her home villoge by - o motorbike b trqin c ship Moi went io her hometown by q boot b toxi c plone @rolt @ i Guiding qurestions - Wl'rere you live? Wherels your hometown How did you lost get i, i i !': <;i / villoge? there? ', a$ i bi l I l-:r 17 ll- [l^*-^r^-. 4'ffi (10) % @ Lirt"n ond repeot P t+:t cooch Q north tisten ond reod together W ffiil '@a Ruth: Hi, Beth Where did you go o Ruth: Where is your home villoge? lost month? Beth: It's in the north of Englond Beth: I wenl to my home villoge Ruth: How did you lost get there? Ruth: Did you hove o good iime? Beth: By cooch Beth: Yes I hod much fun there @ Ust"n, complete ond soy oloud.ffiffi e l lun mon teo I GS sou !.d .\q$ ' too mu .d ud^ nr& h,fl nc beo cot ./' ,,r' (11) @ Lirt"n ond complete l Minh north of Ho Tinh Hung Nom Dinh Province Austrolio Liso ,Miss Hien @ Pffi Fun time south of Ho Noi .j To-My-Florne-Tow n Song I went, by buo, I wenl by bue To my hometown, I had fun, I had fun All lhe way home, I wenf, by Nrain, I went by Nrain To my hometrown t I had fun, ) I had fun All f,he way home &W (12) ffit (O to.k, @' P {P Iisten ond repeot Ngo is meeting Lindc ofier the weekend Point, osk *nd ffinsw*r * G ffi" Ew * "1 i i ,, r l-{ow ionr-i cioes il'toke io gei there by r l, .t ** * -Z tx*n:pie troin i-_-_-.i rl \-.-.r 1rr,:rr r r ::-:rr in:rr-at.=*5T' / fire hours to get ihere by B: Five hours iroin? ,.- " lli*A :;:J-,1% "@i h -":lrf,ffi I i Meons of tronsport How long ? I ! N I ra) I -.-l i I i I I I I _*J i I I I idr L rd _- WT: i I I I I -l : I I I i3b{:-l r-._.-'=-" [-:ev:-] I I (13) O R"rd the possoge ond the tosks.6 ffi My Hometown Hello My nome is l-iso I live in London I often go bock to my hometown io visii my grondporents Theylle in the norilr of Engiond First, I go to London King's Cross roilwoy stotion by Underground It tokes me obout holf qn hour Alter thot, I toke o train to my homeiown lt tokes me four hours to get there.l prefer trovelling by iroin becouse I en joy the beoutiful scenery on the woy lt tokes obout ten minutes to wolk from the locol roilwoy stotion to my grondporents' house I olwoys hove q wonderful time in my hometown p i T s Whot words They and there refer to in the possage? b Answer ihe questions l Where is Liso's lrometown? How does she get to London King's Cross roilwoy stotion? How does she get frorn London King's Cross roilwoy stotion to her hometown? How long does it toke her to trovel there by troin? Why does she prefer trovelling there by troin? *W (14) @write.\ Guiding questions l Whot is your nome? Where is your hometown villoge? / How olten you go there? How you get there? How long does it toke you to get there? G) Frn time V Bingo cctlt t Lr\tuinf f (15)