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Tài liệu 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary meanings by Word part 52 pptx

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 150 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 150 (Answer Keys) A1 v. direct definition (d) to guide; to lead; to instruct; to manage; to supervise A2 v. adopt definition (d) to form a relationship with another person A3 v. format definition (c) to design the appearance of; to arrange; to prepare a diskette or hard disk for use A4 v. assume definition (c) to suppose; to take on a position or duty; to accept an idea A5 v. entitle definition (d) to give a heading or name to (i.e. a book, painting, etc.); to grant a right; to claim something A6 v. merge definition (d) to blend; to be blended; to combine or unite into a single body; to be assimilated A7 v. excite definition (a) to stir up; to arouse feelings; to provoke; to stimulate A8 n. vendor definition (b) salesman; supplier; automatic machine for selling goods A9 n. factor definition (b) cause; agent; broker; financier; money lender A10 v. place definition (b) to put; to lay; to lodge; to nominate; to appoint 511 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 151 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 151 (Answer Keys) A1 v. brake definition (b) to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle A2 v. complicate definition (c) to confuse; to make hard to understand; to make difficult; to make complex A3 n. division definition (b) partitioning; department; faculty; ranking; level according to difficulty A4 v. nominate definition (d) to appoint someone (for a position, office, or honor); to designate; to select A5 adj. aware definition (d) attentive; conscious of A6 n. applicant definition (a) candidate; nominee A7 n. cognition definition (b) awareness; perception A8 v. reward definition (d) to recompense someone for a service A9 v. object definition (a) to oppose; to protest A10 n. card definition (c) thin and flat object 512 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 152 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 152 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. uncertain definition (b) doubtful; not reliable; ambiguous A2 adj. commercial definition (d) pertaining to business; pertaining to buying and selling A3 adj. horrible definition (d) terrible; awful; disgusting A4 adj. wry definition (a) distorted; crooked; twisted; askew A5 adj. impatient definition (d) unable to wait; intolerant; restless A6 n. loss definition (c) opposite of profit; deprivation; defeat; destruction A7 n. waste definition (d) misuse; loss; rubbish; garbage; sewage A8 adj. further definition (c) more distant; additional A9 adj. surface definition (c) external A10 adj. complacent definition (d) content; self-satisfied; comfortable; smug 513 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 153 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 153 (Answer Keys) A1 n. width definition (b) breadth; thickness A2 n. grocery definition (c) store which sells food and other household goods A3 n. mind definition (b) brain; memory; recollection; opinion; intention; desire A4 n. intelligence definition (a) ability to reason and understand; cleverness; brilliance; information A5 n. environment definition (b) surroundings; conditions in which someone or something lives A6 n. pushy definition (b) cat (Slang); feline A7 n. objection definition (d) opposition; appeal; denial; protest A8 n. table definition (d) list of information arranged in columns and rows; chart; flat surface A9 n. crate definition (c) wooden box; old car; old plane A10 n. feature definition (b) characteristic; function; capability (of a product, machine, device, software etc.) 514 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 154 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 154 (Answer Keys) A1 v. serve definition (a) to tend to; to attend; to work; to perform a duty or task A2 v. repair definition (b) to fix; to mend; to correct a problem or malfunction A3 v. work definition (d) to labor; to act; to operate; to activate; to process A4 v. seem definition (b) to appear to be; to look like; to give the impression of; to have the appearance of A5 v. soar definition (c) to glide; to fly upward; to ascend; to increase; to rise A6 v. employ definition (d) to hire as a worker; to activate; to operate; to use A7 v. lecture definition (b) to deliver a discourse before an audience; to reprimand tediously A8 v. simulate definition (b) to copy; to pretend; to fake A9 v. occasion definition (d) to cause; to incite; to bring to pass A10 v. arrange definition (c) to organize; to settle; to structure; to order; to systematize 515 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 155 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 155 (Answer Keys) A1 v. audit definition (d) to examine accounts and other financial records A2 v. subtract definition (a) to take away part of a whole; to remove; to deduct A3 adj. somber definition (c) gloomy; dark; depressing; sad; mournful A4 v. cruise definition (d) to sail; to move at a moderate speed; to travel; to coast; to drive along slowly A5 n. behavio(u)r definition (a) manner of acting; conduct A6 adj. environmental definition (d) pertaining to the world and nature around us A7 n. money supply definition (b) the total amount of funds in circulation in a given country's economy A8 v. grade definition (d) to give a mark to; to classify; to make level; to evaluate; to assess A9 n. prime definition (c) state of perfection; state of highest quality A10 n. moral definition (c) ethic; lesson; principle 516 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 156 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 156 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. funnelled definition (b) channeled; centralized A2 adj. located definition (b) situated; placed; identified; found; existing; standing A3 adj. vivid definition (c) lively; bright; dazzling; clear; graphic A4 adj. empty definition (c) containing nothing; without people; without contents; hollow; meaningless A5 adj. residential definition (c) intended for inhabitation; occupied with homes A6 adj. supervisory definition (d) managerial; overseeing A7 adj. firm definition (b) strong; solid; stable; fixed; immovable; determined A8 adj. pushy definition (d) controlling; aggressive; extremely self-assertive; bossy A9 adj. eligible definition (c) suitable; worthy of; qualified; entitled to; allowed A10 adj. buoyant definition (c) floating; light; lively; cheerful 517 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 157 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 157 (Answer Keys) A1 n. average definition (b) mean; median A2 n. standpoint definition (b) outlook; perspective; view; opinion; attitude A3 n. competition definition (d) rivalry; contest; act of competing against another A4 n. clerk definition (c) minor office worker; book-keeper; bureaucrat A5 n. consumption definition (d) using up A6 n. danger definition (c) risk; peril; hazard A7 n. completion definition (c) finishing; finalizing A8 n. content definition (c) substance; component; all that is inside of something A9 n. style definition (a) manner; way; fashion; chic; vogue A10 n. agent definition (d) representative; rep; factor; cause 518 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 158 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 158 (Answer Keys) A1 v. undercut definition (a) to offer at lower prices than the competition; to weaken; to undermine A2 v. preempt definition (d) to occupy a place; to take a place; to obtain at an advance opportunity A3 v. annoy definition (d) to bother; to trouble; to disturb; to upset A4 v. pertain definition (a) to belong to; to be connected to; to relate; to refer A5 v. appeal definition (c) to plead; to request; to petition for a new trial or judgment A6 v. discover definition (c) to find out; to come across; to get information about something A7 v. field definition (d) to answer adequately or successfully A8 v. stage definition (c) to perform; to present; to carry out; to execute A9 v. share definition (b) to divide; to apportion; to receive a portion; to participate A10 v. finance definition (a) to raise money for; to provide with funds; to fund; to pay for 519 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 159 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 159 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. reliable definition (c) credible; trustworthy; dependable A2 adj. portable definition (b) mobile; movable; can be transported from one place to another A3 n. coalition definition (c) alliance; union; agreement A4 n. tender definition (a) bid; offer; overseer; supervisor A5 n. accordance definition (c) conformity; agreement; coordination; suitability A6 adj. crafted definition (c) produced; made; manufactured A7 v. frequent definition (d) to go regularly to (a certain place); to patronize A8 adv. fair definition (a) justly; equitably; directly; completely; really A9 n. course definition (d) direction; series of lessons or training units; layer; part of a meal A10 adj. service definition (b) useful; providing assistance; repairing; performing maintenance tasks 520 Questions Index . Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 152 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 152 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. uncertain definition (b) doubtful;. Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 151 TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 151 (Answer Keys) A1 v. brake definition (b) to

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 14:16