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ENGLISH PRACTICE 43 I Use the word in capitals at the end of these sentences to form a word that fits in the blank space Vietnam is a/ an ………… country (DEPEND) I could never be a teacher I'm far too …………… (PATIENT) Sorry about the mistake I ………….the instruction you gave me (UNDERSTAND) Please don't be so ………… , I can't the work by myself (REASON) It's impossible to carry out his project because I think it …………… (PRACTICE) ………….is a serious problem in many countries (EMPLOY) She is a ………… of the theatre programs (COLLECT) She has one of the biggest …………in Britain (COLLECT) The government will be encouraged by three latest figures (consider) 10 It seems to him a fairly sum of money to be arguing about (signify) 1:………………………………… 3:………………………………… 5:………………………………… 7:………………………………… 9:………………………………… 2:………………………………… 4………………………………… 6:………………………………… 8:………………………………… 10:………………………………… II Put each verb given in brackets into an appropriate tense or form "You have just missed the last train." "Never mind, I (walk)." "When we (take) our exams, we (have) a holiday." "You (know) the way to the Global Theatre?" "No." "Then I (show) you." ` Thousands of people (see) this exhibition by the end of the month By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their homework I don't think he (change) recently I (know) him for years Then about a year ago he (disappear) and I (never hear) from him since My father (fight) for four years in the last war I'm taking my daughter out tonight She (not have) fun for a long time 10 You're just in time to hear a nice bit of news Our neighbor is engaged to get married He (bring) me the news himself this morning III Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition: We’ll have to use the stairs The lift is of order Surely Peter can’t all that work his own Turn right the traffic lights and you’ll see the cinema This letter is full mistakes Could you write it again, please? You' re very different your brother Parents are responsible educating their children Could you explain this rule me? Helen is excited winning the prize I am very busy my lessons and tasks today 10 Who's the woman dressed green? IV Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space For each question, circle letter A, B, C or D next to the answer you choose A VISITOR FOR MISS DREDGER Every summer Miss Dredger took in visitors at Clos de Joi It was a square house with a ……… (1) across the island to the sea, with the island of Jersey on the ……….(2) Miss Dredger had ……… (3) a carriage to take her down the harbor hill……….(4) it was a steep descent, she would …………(5) have taken it in her purposeful stride, and would even have returned ……….(6) foot up the long slope, for Miss Dredger scorned all physical …………(7) Nevertheless, she had ……… (8) on a carriage this ………….(9) morning, for she had a gentleman to meet at the harbor Both he and his luggage must be got up the harbor hill It was ……… (10) that the luggage could not walk up on its own and from what she knew about men, it was ten ……….(11) one that her new lodger ……… (12) be as helpless as his luggage And so, as the carriage had to go down the hill before it could come up again, Miss Dredger, with her sharp ……… (13) of logic, decided that, in order to ……… (14) use of this fact, it would be as well to be ……….(15) for at Clos de Joi A sight A distance A ordered A However A commonly A at A weakness A decided A definite 10 A honest 11 A to 12 A should 13 A sense 14 A take 15 A looked B vision C view D look B background C outskirts D horizon B required C commanded D asked B Although C Despite D Even B actually C mostly D normally B on C with D off B lightness C tenderness D softness B chosen C arranged D considered B certain C particular D individual B simple C direct D plain B by C for D under B would C ought D could B idea C feeling D impression B have C make D get B visited C sent D called V Read the following text and then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word It’s always worth preparing well for an interview Don’t just hope (1) ………… the best Here are a (2) ………… tips Practise how you say things, as well as what you (3) ………… to say If you don’t own a video camera, perhaps a friend ……… (4) yours does Borrow it and make a video tape of yourself Find (5) ………… to watch it with you and …(6) …… you a number of advice on how you appear and behave Before the interview, plan what to wear Find out how the company expects its (7) ………… to dress At the interview, believe (8) ………… yourself and be honest, open and friendly (9) ………… attention and keep your answers to the point The interviewer doesn’t want to waste time and (10) ………… you 1:………………………………… 3:………………………………… 5:………………………………… 7:………………………………… 9:………………………………… 2:………………………………… 4………………………………… 6:………………………………… 8:………………………………… 10:………………………………… VI The paragraphs of the magazine article are in the wrong order Number the paragraphs (A, B, C or D) in the correct order 1;…( F) , 2… ……… ,3……… ……,4……………,5………… ….,6……….…… MODERN MANNERS A "Well, Dr St George is right, isn't he? I mean, look at those two young people over there They can hardly keep their hands off each other They shouldn't kiss and cuddle like that in public It's embarrassing for other people." "Noise That's what I don't like about things today Everyone seems to think they can make as much noise as they like without a thought for other people When you get on a train, some idiot's probably shouting into a mobile phone or you find yourself sitting next to someone with a personal stereo that's turned up too loud And have you tried having a quiet day in the garden lately? Quiet? You can hardly hear yourself think with all the lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, and what have you." B "I don't think it's true Things are different nowadays, but I wouldn't say they're worse Life has become much faster and people don't have time for the more formal manners that the Victorians had I know people eat in the street, but I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with that It's just easier and faster like that." C "Life is certainly more informal these days, I'll give you that, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing When I first started work I had to wear a suit and a tie, but these days we all wear casual clothes And everybody was called Mr This and Mrs That, but today it's all first names In our office everyone even calls the Managing Director "Bob" That was unthinkable when I was younger, but I think it's better now It's friendlier – more relaxed." D "I think people today have good manners Things aren't as bad as some people like to make out Most people still queue up for things properly and drivers usually stop for pedestrians at zebra crossings, because I think most people realize that life's nicer that way I must admit that people are generally more impatient and less considerate on the roads, but on the whole I think things are all right." E Things have certainly changed, but it isn't bad manners It's all down to equality Why should I give up my seat so that a woman can sit down? If women want equality in jobs and things like that, they can't expect special treatment for other things, can they? I think equality cuts both ways F People today are less polite than they used to be This is the view of Dr Andrew St George of Oxford University, who has just completed a book on modern social behavior As the title, The Descent of Manners suggests, he believes that manners have deteriorated since Victorian times For example, people these days eat while they are walking down the street They kiss and embrace in public They push on to buses and trains Men don't open doors for women their seat on a crowded train The Victorians, Dr St George says, would be horrified at modern behavior We went out on to the streets to find out what people think about his ideas Here are some opinions that we heard VII Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it I didn’t arive in time to see her I wasn’t ………………………………………………………………………………… “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked He suggested that …………………………………………………………………….… Amanda finally managed to get a good job Amanda finally succeeded ……………………………………………………………… “I’ve seen the films three times, Mary” said George George told ………………………………………………………………………… … I haven’t eaten this kind of food before This is the first time ……………………………………………………………… …… She started working as a secretary five years ago She has …………………………………………………………………………… …… The train couldn’t run because of snow The snow prevented ……………………………………………………………………… You might fall if you’re not careful Be careful ………………………………………………………………………………… You should admit that you are to blame, not to conceal it I’d rather … 10 If she had been less determined she wouldn’t have been able to get better so quickly It was her … VIII Most of the lines in this text contain an unnecessary word A few of the lines are correct Read the text carefully, find the extra words and mark them Tick any lines that are correct Two examples are given if  00 10 11 12 13 14 Someone said if the continent of Europe has beautiful cities and England has beautiful villages It is certainly true that England has that many villages which as beautiful, largely because of the people who live in them are retired They move from towns when they would have made money, buy a country cottage and spend the rest of their lives improving it On the continent of Europe its villages are working communities The people are too busy for making a living to worry what their villages look like So what is about English cities? London is a really exciting place, and it has fine parks and buildings But some English cities there are certainly not very impressive, and none was planned with a particular care However, a surprising number are fascinating and charming This is perhaps because they grew up almost by accident York is one example among many In the addition to its huge cathedral with its wonderful ancient glass and magnificent 15 stonework, York is full up of old buildings and unplanned oldstreets, where you can explore for weeks IX choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that the words in the same line A A A A A popularity intelligent advertise acquire different B B B B B respectable comfortable difficulty accuracy politician C C C C C imaginable necessary history advance immortality D equality D secretary D introduce D require D independence X.For each of the sentences below,write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence,using the word provided at the end of each sentence Don't alter the word in any way I'd like to talk to you very briefly about this word ? He did the job very badly mess 3.In the exam,you'll probably talk about this conversation We have to decide quickly about this matter decision 5.Would you look at this carefully,please ? careful I find his handwriting hard to read (difficulty) It was only when I checked that I noticed the tyre was flat (did) The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul (took) He did the puzzle in two minutes (solution) 10 They will think your nephew stole the money (suspected) THE END ANSWERS KEYS Part I: (10 points) independent impatient misunderstood unreasonable impractical unemployment collector collections considerably 10 insignificant Part II: (15 points) will walk have taken – shall show Do …… know – will show will have seen finish – shall have done has changed – have known disappeared – have never heard fought hasn’t had 10 brought Part III: (10 points) (one point for each correct answer) Q# Key out on at of from/ for to to 10 about/ at with in IV/ READING: (36 points) Part 1: (15 points) Q# 10 Key C D A B D B A A C D 11 A 12 B 13 A 14 C 15 D V for give few intend employees in of pay somebody 10 neither VI Q# Key F(given) C B E A D VII/ WRITING: (10 points) I wasn’t early enough to see her He suggested that I (should) put my luggage under the seat Amanda finally succeeded in getting a good job George told Mary (that) he had seen the film three times This is the first time I’ve eaten this kind of food She has been working as a secretary for five years The snow prevented the train from running Be careful or you’ll fall When did they buy the house? 10 John advised Elizabeth not to lend him any more money I’d rather you admitted that you’re to blame, and didn’t try to conceal it 10 It was her determination which enabled her to get better so quickly VIII that for 11  IX A of is 12  A would  13 the D B  there 14 its 10 a  15 up A X 1.Could I have a word with you? 2.He made a mess of job 3.In the exam,you will probably have a conversation about this 4.We have to make a decision about this matter Please have a careful look at this I have difficulty ( in) reading his handwriting Only when I checked ,did I notice the tyre was flat The last Olympic Games took place in Seoul He found a solution to the puzzle in two minutes 10.Your nephew will be suspected of stealing the money ... garden lately? Quiet? You can hardly hear yourself think with all the lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, and what have you." B "I don't think it's true Things are different nowadays, but I wouldn't say... everybody was called Mr This and Mrs That, but today it's all first names In our office everyone even calls the Managing Director "Bob" That was unthinkable when I was younger, but I think it's better... It's friendlier – more relaxed." D "I think people today have good manners Things aren't as bad as some people like to make out Most people still queue up for things properly and drivers usually

Ngày đăng: 20/09/2021, 10:00

