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Grammar monthly test primary one Circle the correct answer There ……… an orange a Are c is b Aren’t d isn’t There ……… a guava a Are c is b Aren’t d isn’t is a tiger a That c this b These d those …… is an old book a That c this b These d those ……… are many fruits in the basket a That c this b These d those ……… are two students in the class a That c this b These d these Maria has two…………… in her pocket a Candies c candy b Candys d candyes Joko wants one ……… a Cooky c cookies b Cookys d cookyes The birds fly in ………… sky a The c a b d an 10 There is … orange t-shirt a The c a b d an 11 There is ……square desk a The c a b d an 12 Husain …… Looking for a key a Is c am b Is not d are 13 We … Climbing a monkey bar a Is c am b Are d are not 14 a b 15 a b I …… hiding behind the door Is c am Are d is not Goerge ……… the shoes repair c repairs repairing d repaired 16 Selvia ……… Her dog a Take c takes b taking d took 17 I and mother ………… A cake a Bake c bakes b Baking d baked 18 Jono and Joni …… In the field a Run c running b Runs d ran 19 Dora ………… her homework a Do not c b Does not d does 20 Suneo …… want to eat his lunch a Do c not b Does d does not Grammar monthly test primary one Circle the correct answer There ……… an orange a Are c is b Aren’t d isn’t There ……… a guava a Are c is b Aren’t d isn’t is a tiger a.That c this b.These d those …… is an old book a.That c this b.These d those ……… are many fruits in the basket a.That c this b.These d those …… are two students in the class a.That c this b.These d these Maria has two…… in her pocket a.Candies c candy b.Candys d candyes Joko wants one ……… a.Cooky c cookies b.Cookys d cookyes The birds fly in ………… sky a.The c a b d an 10 There is … orange t-shirt a.The c a b.d an 11 There is ……square desk a The c a b.d an 12 Husain …… Looking for a key a.Is b.Is not c am d are 13 We … Climbing a monkey bar a.Is c am b.Are d are not 14 I …… hiding behind the door a.Is c am b.Are d is not 15 Goerge … the shoes a.repair c repairs b.repairing d repaired 16 Selvia ……… Her dog a.Take c takes b.taking d took 17 I and mother ………… A cake a.Bake c bakes b.Baking d baked 18 Jono and Joni … In the field a.Run c running b.Runs d ran 19 Dora ………… her homework a.Do not c b.Does not d does 20 Suneo …… want to eat his lunch a.Do c not b.Does d does not Circle the correct answer it is a …………… a Apple b Guava c Cherry my sister likes to eat ……… a Porridge b Juice c Meatball a ……… Is my favorite food a Crab b Squid c Prawn my father is drinking a cup of…… every morning a Tea b Milk c Coffee there is ………… In the jar a Jam b Bread c Salad Tony puts ……… On the toothbrush a Toothpaste b Shampoo c Soap Wenia dries her body using a ……………… a Dipper b Towel c Basin there are dirty dishes in the…… a Stove b Fridge c Sink it is a ………… a Peeler b Knife c Spoon 10 my mother wears an …when she is cooking a Apron b Laddle c Knife 11 We arrange the shoes in the … a Cupboard b Shelf c Bed 12 I hug my …… When I am sleeping a Pillow b Blanket c Bolster 13 I go to Batam by ……… a Ship b Bicycle c Plane 14 That is an ……… a Fire car b Ambulance c Boat 15 Nadra is ……………… a Floating b Pulling c Sinking 16 The students are ……… the bus a Flying b Catching c Jumping 17 John ……… down a Falls b Takes c Gives 18 my hand is ………… a Scratching b Bleeding c Hurt 19 I smell with my ………… a Ears b Mouth c Nose 20 there are book,bag and pencilcase on the………… a Table b Cupboard c Shelf Name : _ Level : Pre – primary _ Circle the correct answer it is a …………… a Apple b Guava c Cherry my sister likes to eat ……… a Porridge b Juice c Meatball a ……… Is my favorite food a Crab b Squid c Prawn my father is drinking a cup of…… every morning a Tea b Milk c Coffee there is ………… In the jar a Jam b Bread c Salad Tony puts ……… On the toothbrush a Toothpaste b Shampoo c Soap Wenia dries her body using a ……………… a Dipper b Towel c Basin There are dirty dishes in the…… a Stove b Fridge c Sink It is a ………… a Peeler b Knife c Spoon 10 my mother wears an …when she is cooking a Apron b Laddle c Knife 11 We arrange the shoes in the … a Cupboard b Shelf c Bed 12 I hug my …… When I am sleeping a Pillow b Blanket c Bolster 13 I go to Batam by ……… a Ship b Bicycle c Plane 14 That is an ……… a Fire car b Ambulance c Boat 15 Nadra is ……………… a Floating b Pulling c Sinking 16 The students are ……… the bus a Flying b Catching c Jumping 17 John ……… down a Falls b Takes c Gives 18 my hand is ………… a Scratching b Bleeding c Hurt 19 I smell with my ………… a Ears b Mouth c Nose 20 there are book,bag and pencilcase on the………… a Table b Cupboard c Shelf A Circle the correct answer Name : _ My aunt a new pencilcase a Eat c Eats a Give c giving d Ate Level : Pre – primaryb. _Eating b Gives d gave I swimming in the pool Hendra and Samuel good mark a Is c are a Get c getting b Isn’t d am b Gets d got We arranging our books in the bookshelf An eagle meat a Is c are b Isn’t d am My grandmother reading a newspaper a Is c are b Aren’t d am Hurry up! We late a Is c are b Was d were My uncle in medan last night a Is c are b Was d were Mr Bernard to Jakarta yesterday a Go c went b Goes d going 10 Ms Samantha me to bring her tools justnow a Ask c asks b Asked d asking 11 Wenra a cake two days ago a Bring c brings b Bringing d brought 12 Mother buys a handbag handbag is expensive a My c her b His d our 13 I take ruler in the drawer a My c her b His d our 14 Maria and I clean up classroom a Their c her b His d our 15 Look ! the dog and puppies wiggle tails a Their c her b His d our 16 books in the bag a That is c these are b This is d those are 17 mermaids Mr Mahmud mathematic in the class a Teach b Teaches c Teaching I and mother shopping in supermarket a Go b Goes a That is b This is c these are d those are 18 a guitar in my hand a That is c these are b This is d those are 19 a cat a There is c there are b There was d there were c 20 two presents a There is c there are b There was d there were B cirle the correct punctuation 21 a I live in Siderejo street b i live in Siderejo street c I Live in Siderejo Street d I live in Siderejo Street 22 a Look ! Husain get good mark b look ! Husain get good mark c Look, Husain get good mark d look, husain get good mark 23 a Maria is ms Bella’s niece b maria is ms Bella’s niece c Maria is Ms Bella’s niece d maria is ms bella’s niece 24 a What is your name? b what is your name? c what is your name! d what is your name 25 a I like to eat banana,bun,burger and ice cream b i like to eat banana bun,burger and ice cream c i like to eat banana bun burger and ice cream d I like to eat Banana,Bun,Burger and Ice cream circle the correct answer below c Going Dona like watermelon a Don’t b Doesn’t c aren’t Wena and Weni wear shorts a Don’t b Doesn’t c Isn’t Michael get good mark? a Do b Does c Are I drawing many flowers a Am b Is c Are Mia’s mother cooking in the kitchen a Am b Is c Are My uncle and aunt going to holiday a Am b Is c Are you want candy? a Do b Does c Is 10 Zaffa has four a Pencils b Pencil c Penciles 11 I have one .in the book a ruler b rulers c ruleres 12 three boys a Those are b These are c That is 13 a bag a This is b That is c These are 14 two brushes a These are b Those are c That is 15 an apple a That is b This is c Those are 16 I eat egg in my breakfast a An b A c The 17 Uncle Mutu feeds cat a An b A c The 18 I throw rubbish a His b Her c my 19 mother holds .shopping bag a Her b Our c my 20 Nicky and I collect homework a Their b Your c Our Name : _ Level : Primary _ A Circle the answer correctly Bima his teacher everyday a Greets b greet c greeted Tailor a dress and clothes a Are sewing b is sewing c sewing Mayra cartoon just now a Watch b watches c watched Today is Thursday yesterday Wednesday a Was b were c is Haryo and Baim eight years old a Am b is c are are you from ? a Where b.what c who is Damia hiding behind her body? a Which b where c what wants to come with me to Alif’s party? a Who b where c what way did Waiz go? a Which b where c when 10 you go to Pekanbaru ? a Who b when c what 11 Fiqi is running the bus stop a Toward b round c over 12 Josua is swimming the river a Up b down c across 13 We jump the fence a Over b along c behind 14 The train comes that tunnel a Near b through c down 15 Indah and Debora are picking seashells the beach a Up b along c down B Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives 16 Diego puts on his jacket because he feels 17 My shoes are I need to wash them 18 Be careful The floor is _ after mopping 19 Ms Fatma gives the punishment to her student because he is _ 20 The pencil is _ I need to sharpen it Name : _ Level : Primary _ A Circle the answer correctly Bima his teacher everyday a.Greets b greet c greeted Tailor a dress and clothes a Are sewing b is sewing c sewing Mayra cartoon just now a Watch b watches c watched Today is Thursday yesterday Wednesday a Was b were c is Haryo and Baim eight years old a Am b is c are are you from ? a Where b.what c who is Damia hiding behind her body? a Which b where c what wants to come with me to Alif’s party? a Who b where c what way did Waiz go? a Which b where c when 10 you go to Pekanbaru ? a Who b when c what 11 Fiqi is running the bus stop a Toward b round c over 12 Josua is swimming the river a Up b down c across 13 We jump the fence a Over b along c behind 14 The train comes that tunnel a Near b through c down 15 Indah and Debora are picking seashells the beach a Up b along c down B Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives 16 Diego puts on his jacket because he feels 17 My shoes are I need to wash them 18 Be careful The floor is _ after mopping 19 Ms Fatma gives the punishment to her student because he is _ 20 The pencil is _ I need to sharpen it Circle the ciorract answer I my teeth everyday a Brush c Eat b Sweep d Take I on my bed a Bathe b Play c Swim d Sleep A lays an egg a Sheep c Duck b Dog d Tiger I keep my pencil in the a Book c Bag b Pencilcase d Glue It is a a Watermelon b Guava c Mango d Coconut Daniel likes to eat a Jelly c Bread b Cake d Milk I am sick and I go to a School c Temple b Hospital d Market A produces milk for us a Cow c Cat b Lion d Fish Kherrin wears a a Dress b T-shirt c Shorts d pyjamas 10 Steven rubs on the paper a Pen b Ink c Glue d eraser 11 Astry loves and a Father,mother b Father, sister c Sister , mother d Mother, brother 12 The shape of ball is a Triangle c square b Circle d oval 13 The weather today is a Rainy c smoky b Sunny d stormy 14 Bryan holds a Bags c papers b Books d chairs 15 can swim standing up a Crab c dog b Donkey d seahorse 16 This is a a Frog c rhino b Worm d swan 17 My brother his breakfast a Brings c throw b Eats d borrow 18 We live in the a House c market b Church d pool 19 There is a in my pencilcase a Book c eraser b Pencil d sharpener 20 Lucy does her a Drawing c homework b Singing d cooking Answer the question below with circle “a”, “b”, “c” or “d” The animal has long trunk is a Tiger c lion b Elephant d deer A helps the farmer to plough the ricefield a Duck c Swan b Dog d Buffalo Mother in the kitchen a Waters c hangs b Cooks d washes Dona flowers on the paper a Draw c write b Water d plant I have on my shoulders a Car c bag b Pencilcase d basket The has large spincers a Crab c prawn b Lobster d shrimp Mario a sandwich a Eats c sharpens b Shows d takes We are eating a Jelly c fruits b Breads d ice cream The animal can swim standing up is a Seahorse c fish b Dolphin d shark 10 Santi wears and a Shirt,jacket c vest, shorts b T-shirt,skirt d shirt,trousers 11 Jhon rides a a Car c motorcycle b Truck d bus 12 My father a car a Drives c eats b Brings d hides 13 It is a day a Sunny c rainy b Foggy d smoky 14 Good ., mom! a Afternoon c morning b Evening d night 15 I go to the to check my health a School c office b Hospital d market 16 Ms Fatma works in a a Course c factory b Hotel d office 17 Robert goes to pray in the a Pool c church b Temple d shop 18 My uncle is a a Pilot c postman b Policeman d soldier 19 My aunt teaches in the school She is a a Student c seller b Farmer d teacher 20 Ms Mey likes to eat a Pizza c bread b Noodle d cupcake 21 I like to the book a Read c swim b Wash d clean 22 Mr Johan is the fence a On c in b In front of d under 23 The cat is in the tank a In front of c behind b On d in 24 uncle Sam is reading a a Story book c comic b Magazine d newspaper 25 Aini does her every evening a Homework c water b Feed d paint Name : _ level : Primary Circle the correct answer The dog is to us when we are going home a Mewing b Barking c buzzing d clucking The duck is a Quacking b Honking c neighing d hooting I heard the snake at my back yard a Hissing b Trumpeting c clucking d roaring The bees is when its hive was disturbing a Mewing b Barking c buzzing d roaring A hen is when call its chicks a Hissing b Trumpeting c clucking d mewing The monkey is on the tree a Wadling b Troting c swinging d flying The horse is when it wants out from the stable a Neighing b Clucking c hissing d barking The bell in the school at 7.30 everyday a Reak b Spalsh c ring d wail The frog inti the pond and disappears a Flies b Leaps c runs d.flits 10 The parrot .to the top of the cage a Flies b Leaps c runs d flits 11 Mathematic is subject for me a Cold b Hot c difficult d little 12 My room is after I look for my notebook a Night b False c lough d untidy 13 Santi is when I visit her a Glad b Wet c dry d full 14 Togu is students so he has many friends a Impolite b Polite c pretty d rough 15 My sister has the tools she got in art festival a Hard b Strong c ancient d rich 16 Sand paper is a Rough b Empty c weak d stop 17 I pizza for my dinner a Drink b Prepare c sale d blow 18 Samuel pass the library it’s as as the grave a Noisy b Silence c hard d shine 19 My skin is as as coal a White b Black c soft d hard 20 The mangoes are as as honey a Bitter b Sour c sweet d salty 21 Devany washes her hair once a day a Daily b Weekly c monthly d yesterday 22 my teacher takes us to the museum the day before today a Daily b Weekly c monthly d yesterday 23 Don’t walk at the back of me replace the bold words with a In front of b Behind c beside d between 24 Please be silence in the library replace the bold words with a Quiet b Noisy c follow d scream 25 Aliando liked by everyone replace the bold words with a Shout b Popular c entrance d alone Name : _ level : Primary _ Circle the correct answer The dog is to us when we are going home b Mewing b Barking c buzzing d clucking The duck is b Quacking b Honking c neighing d hooting I heard the snake at my back yard b Hissing b Trumpeting c clucking d roaring The bees is when its hive was disturbing b Mewing b Barking c buzzing d roaring A hen is when call its chicks b Hissing b Trumpeting c clucking d mewing The monkey is on the tree b Wadling b Troting c swinging d flying The horse is when it wants out from the stable b Neighing b Clucking c hissing d barking The bell in the school at 7.30 everyday b Reak b Spalsh c ring d wail The frog inti the pond and disappears b Flies b Leaps c runs d.flits 10 The parrot .to the top of the cage b Flies b Leaps c runs d flits 11 Mathematic is subject for me b Cold b Hot c difficult d little 12 My room is after I look for my notebook b Night b False c lough d untidy 13 Santi is when I visit her b Glad b Wet c dry d full 14 Togu is students so he has many friends b Impolite b Polite c pretty d rough 15 My sister has the tools she got in art festival b Hard b Strong c ancient d rich 16 Sand paper is b Rough b Empty c weak d stop 17 I pizza for my dinner b Drink b Prepare c sale d blow 18 Samuel pass the library it’s as as the grave b Noisy b Silence c hard d shine 19 My skin is as as coal b White b Black c soft d hard 20 The mangoes are as as honey b Bitter b Sour c sweet d salty 21 Devany washes her hair once a day b Daily b Weekly c monthly d yesterday 22 my teacher takes us to the museum the day before today b Daily b Weekly c monthly d yesterday 23 Don’t walk at the back of me replace the bold words with b In front of b Behind c beside d between 24 Please be silence in the library replace the bold words with b Quiet b Noisy c follow d scream 25 Aliando liked by everyone replace the bold words with b Shout b Popular c entrance d alone Name : _ Level : Primary _ A Circle the correct answer below 1 Maria is the bus a Waiting b Sitting c Singing Donita is doing her a Cake b Homework c Garden My father is reading a .for me a Doll b cake c Story Mickey bakes a a hotdog b Pie c cake The .can sting a Ant b bee c Ladybug There is a in a tank a Octopus b Squid c Fish An has heavy body and long trunk a Eagle a Insect b Elephant A has orange black stripes and hairy body a Tiger b Lion c giraffe what animal is this? a An ant b An insect c An eagle 10 the animal has long body is a Monkey b snake c Lion Name : _ A Circle the correct answer below 11 The insect eats leaves,vegetables and fruits is a Worm b Caterpilar c butterfly 12 Goerge likes to see web a Fly’s b Spider’s c Dragonfly’s 13 The insect has red and black spot is a Beetle b Ladybug c Bee 14 Alif and friends are flying a kite when it is a Sunny b Rainy c Windy 15 We trap in the when we are going to school a Rain b Cloud c Sun 16 Susi the bubbles a Sings b Blows c Throws 17 Do not thr forrest a Pluck b Burn c water 18 Turn off the after use a Tap b Dipper c Pail 19 Do not cut the a Flowers b Trees c Grass 20 Switch off the after studying a Lamp b Fan c Door Level : Primary _ Maria is the bus a Waiting b Sitting c Singing Donita is doing her a Cake b Homework c Garden My father is reading a .for me a Doll b cake c Story Mickey bakes a a hotdog b Pie c cake The .can sting a Ant b bee c Ladybug There is a in a tank a Octopus b Squid c Fish An has heavy body and long trunk a Eagle b Insect c Elephant A has orange black stripes and hairy body a Tiger b Lion c giraffe what animal is this? a An ant b An insect c An eagle 10 the animal has long body is a Monkey b snake c Lion 11 The insect eats leaves,vegetables and fruits is a Worm b Caterpilar c butterfly 12 Goerge likes to see web a Fly’s b Spider’s c Dragonfly’s 13 The insect has red and black spot is a Beetle b Ladybug c Bee 14 Alif and friends are flying a kite when it is a Sunny b Rainy c Windy 15 We trap in the when we are going to school a Rain b Cloud c Sun 16 Susi the bubbles a Sings b Blows c.Throws 17 Do not thr forrest a Pluck b Burn c water 18 Turn off the after use a Tap b Dipper c Pail 19 Do not cut the a Flowers b Trees c Grass 20 Switch off the after studying a Lamp b Fan c Door Name : _ Level : Pre – Primary _ B Circle the correct answer below 1 This is a a bus b car c train We go to Jakarta by a taxi b ship c plane My father rides a a Bike b Motorcycle c car I am because I forget bringing my lunch a hungry b thirsty c Cry Charles is because his mother got angry a Happy b strong c sad Raziq wants to be a when he grows up a Policeman b Soldier c Fisherman A is working in the restaurant a baker b chef c waiter 11 today is day a sunny b cloudy c rainy 12 Fabian eats three times a day a bread b jelly c rice 13 Kevin is playing with his friends a marbles b kites c dolls 14 casey is doing a puzzles b homework c castle 15 we are our favorite song a singing b dancing c borrowing 16 felicia is a .student in my class a clever b stupid c lazy 17 Daffa and Charles are a Stingy b friendly c angry 18 don’t be to friends Ms Viona is a a naughty a postwoman b diligent b policewoman c bossy c nurse 19 the teacher her student a teaches Keke goes praying in the b punishes a mosque c giving b church 20 I get mark because I don’t study well c temple a good b bad 10 we go to every Monday until Saturday c small a course b market c school Name : _ A Circle the correct answer below Level : Pre – Primary _ This is a a bus b car c train We go to Jakarta by a taxi b ship c plane My father rides a a Bike b Motorcycle c car I am because I forget bringing my lunch a hungry b thirsty c Cry Charles is because his mother got angry a Happy b strong c.sad Raziq wants to be a when he grows up a Policeman b Soldier c Fisherman A is working in the restaurant a baker b chef c waiter Ms Viona is a a postwoman b policewoman c nurse Keke goes praying in the a mosque b church c temple 10 we go to every Monday until Saturday a course b market c school 11 today is day a sunny b cloudy c rainy 12 Fabian eats three times a day a bread b jelly c rice 13 Kevin is playing with his friends a marbles b kites c.dolls 14 casey is doing a puzzles b homework c castle 15 we are our favorite song a singing b dancing c borrowing 16 felicia is a .student in my class a clever b stupid c lazy 17 Daffa and Charles are a Stingy b friendly c angry 18 don’t be to friends a naughty b diligent c bossy 19 the teacher her student a teaches b punishes c giving 20 I get mark because I don’t study well a good b bad c small

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2021, 16:11

