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Tài liệu 963 bài essays mẫu part 44 docx

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For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org of them even cannot sustain their life by just working in the field. 40 percent of 1200 million people, that means that there are millions persons in our country still make a hard life. Under the circumstance, how to help our farmers get away hunger and improve their standard of life, this is a real and serious object that need our researcher to solve. In addition, since our country is a big country, which have a wide range of areas with various soils and climates, the effort coming from our agriculture research will contribute farmers` possibly better cultivation. They will learn more about the local agriculture condition and do their best to handle a set of scientific practical methods to raise their field yield. Comparing that of developed country, ours is very low. In order to reduce the appearance of such situation that farmers work hard all day and all night, what they obtain is pathetic. It is of absolute significance to develop a research for farmers. Of course, like every thing has double folds, nobody deny that the business research center is also important to our country, since it can help to improve economy development to some extent. Weighing the pros and cons, however, I believe that the importance to build the agriculture research center is more obvious. To put all into a nutshell, for what I presented above, I will safely draw a conclusion that it is advisable for our government to build an agriculture research center, instead of one in business. Essay 660 Topic 129 research center If a university plans to develop a new research center in your country, do you want a business research center or an agriculture one? Different people may have different answers due to the varied thought of this problem. However, in my point of view, I prefer the latter recommendation for several reasons. First of all, the most significant reason for me to make this choice is that my country has a largest population in the world, and developing agriculture is very essential for all the people in my country to supply their basic needs. Because of the huge population, we should produce large amount of farming productions on relatively small field. In order to solve this problem, our country should encourage universities to build up agriculture centers instead of business ones. In addition, my country is a developing country in which most of the people are working on farm. In my country, farmers are always lack of professional education and training, and their knowledge of farming mostly bases on their working experiences. This phenomenon causes much waste by incompletely using our farming lands. In order to offer advanced agricultural techniques to farmers and increase the efficiency of farming work, a research center for agriculture should be established. However, business research also has much importance due to the increasing domestic and international commerce. But at this time, developing business has not become the most important policy in our country like the policy of developing agriculture. To sum up, I would rather recommend my country to develop a new research center for agriculture than for business, since advancing the farming technology is a main method to increase people's basic living standard and improve the working efficiency of farmers who are the main component of the population in my country. At the same time, I must admit that establishing a business research center also has many merits to our country's economy. Maybe I will choose it when the living standard in my country is developed to a higher level after decade years. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Essay 661 Topic 130 Should young children spend much time on sports? Practicing sports is definitely good for health, and I guess nobody can deny that; however, how much time we should spend on doing it is what the topic concerns. Everything has a limit, and once you have passed that limit, even the good can turn to the bad. What I am trying to present here is that practicing sports is good to a certain extent, but it does not mean all to a person`s life. Therefore, in my point of view, that some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports has more disadvantages than advantages. Exceptions are made to those young professional players because sports are their career and in some sense are what they live for. Although I think my avocation applies to most people, it is unfair to take a glance on both sides of the story. People support the idea that young children should spend a great amount of their time practicing sports point out that because children do not have many responsibilities, they should have their joyful childhoods by playing a lot. This may sound all right, but not quite. As the most important period of a person`s life, the childhood of a person can determine how this person`s latter life will be; so, it should not be filled only with playing sports, but with learning knowledge as well. Thus, if a child spend too much time on doing sports, he or she will eventually get more relaxed and become sick of study. There is an advantage for my adverse side, which is, as I said at the beginning, doing sports can improve body strength, and specially good for children. However, this can also be a hidden trouble for children who practice a lot. The reason is that sports often bring harms to people`s bodies, and if the person is at his or her early age, it is even worse. For instance, some people have lost their arms or legs because of sports when they were young, and have to live and bear with it for the rest of their lives. I know that some people may contradict this opinion by saying that you can get hurt anyway without practicing sports. I do not disagree with the statement, but if you think it more carefully, you will notice that spending a greater amount of time doing sports will surely increase the percentage of getting injured. By understanding all the above, we can finally draw the conclusion that some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports has more negative effects than positive ones. Again, I did not against the idea of doing sports, but the appropriate amount is what I am concerning here. Essay 662 Topic 130 Child's interest in Sports Young children always like to do indulge in those activities which they find interesting. Sports is one of the most important and interesting activities for young children. They do spend a lot of time practicing sports. But one's parents or elders must keep in mind that often sport activities make children averted from studies, it becomes habit of a child to always spent time playing sports, great amount of time spent in sports may also make a child lazy in other works. Therefore, disadvantages is greater than advantages if a great For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org amount of time is spent by a young child in practicing sports. When a child grows older, parents usually sent them to school, but if a child from the beginning is not involved in some studies then he will find a burden to attend a school. This will have a negative effect on child's behavior because he was used to spend more time in practicing sports than to give little time on his education. For example, as a child starts to go to school, he is exposed to a new world of education but since from the childhood he was not prepared for the studies, therefore, he will take less interest in studies and may give more time on practicing sports. This will have a bad influence on his studies and his attention may be diverted in playing rather than studying. So a great deal of sports activities often averts the child's behavior to more playing and less studying. It has always been taken for granted that when ever a child adopts a habit from his childhood, then it becomes a part of his life or it may become it's habit. If more time is being spent on practicing sports then a child everyday practices sports because it has become his habit. For example, when a child comes back from school, instead of doing his homework he will spend his time playing because he has become habitual to it. Another disadvantage of young children spending their time playing may make them lazy in other works. For example, when he intends to study or when his parents make him sit to study, he either becomes lazy because a great amount of energy has been spent on practicing sports or he feels sleepy because he needs complete rest in order to study. In conclusion, when young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports they may not pay attention to their studies or their interest in playing has increased a lot or it may become their habit. Therefore, there is a risk making young children spend their time on practicing sports because it will definitely affect their education. Essay 663 Topic 130 sports to young children Many people, including me, have noticed that nowadays some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Different people may have different opinion to this phenomenon due to the varied angles of thought of it. However, in my point of view, young children should not spend too much time on sports activities, for, as we all know, everything has its limitation. First of all, the most significant reason for me to object to this phenomenon is that for young children, whose main responsibility is learning knowledge, spending too much of their precious time in practicing sports will waste their life. Today our society has developed more and more rapidly, and, as a result, competition among individuals becomes more and more violent. Children should use most of their time and energy to grasp useful knowledge and information, which will be necessary for them to earn a decent job and make a good living, and if they are only enthusiastic in sports, except of those who regard sports as their future career, they will be rejected by this competitive society and cannot have a prosperous future. In addition, it may also be noted that, as young children have little experience to protect themselves, too drastic sports activities may do harm to their health rather than improve their body. As most adults know, if a person always repeat the same movements without rest or use too much strength when practicing sports, his muscles and joints will be destroyed little by little. Some of the injuries may not be detected when the person is young, but after several years all the symptoms will appear and may do greatly harm to his health. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org However, many children have not enough consciousness about the harms that excessive sports activities bring about to them, and just because they lack of the awareness of protecting themselves, they are more easily injured than adults during sports time. So, it is clear that practicing sports excessively is very dangerous to those ignorant young children. To sum up, although appropriate sports exercise can help children be more healthy and energetic, I believe, it is by no mean that children as well as adults could overdo it. In order to earn a brilliant future and to become healthy and strong, children should concentrate on their studies, and at the same time practice ports appropriately but never excessively. Essay 664 Topic 131 Money and success We always know that people who earn a lot of money by themselves are usually successful; the money represent people is capability and worth. But some people who have not plenty of money or even no money are also successful. ho can be successful without money?? you may ask. In history, many people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mao Zedong are pretty famous in polity. Gandhi who was father figure of Hindustan had little money in his pocket before he accessed to political circles, but his sound awakened Hindustan up from deep sleeping for hundred years. He has more power than any millionaire. We realize that Gandhi is a successful person, although he is a poor. Furthermore, there are many other people who are very successful. They are artists, composers and scientists and all that. Albert Einstein who is famous theoretical physicist was the most outstanding scientist in the twentieth century. He established the special and general theories of relativity that is basis of the exploitation of atomic theory, and he won a 1921 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Is not Einstein a successful person? Undoubtedly, he is. Finally, if we are not famous and have no money, we also may succeed in our own fields. Everybody has an ideal that may be not difficult to others, and if we strive to complete it and do what we should do, we would be successful. From what has been discussed above, we have a conclusion that not all people who are successful earn a lot of money, Namely, the statement of only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Because many people who hadn`t much money are also successful. Essay 665 Topic 131 Money and success Nowadays we listen through radio or TV about different important people that are well known because they are earning a lot of money and also because they are successful in their professions or careers. Few times you listen about someone that is pretty much successful but without a good pay for his work. In my opinion, I think that when a person For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org is earning a big amount of money is a sign that this person is successful in his work, because he is doing a good and valuable job and is the best in his subject. Let me introduce you examples of successful persons that at the same time they are well paid. For instance, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, because he was the creator of an important tool in the technology development, the personal computer. Another example is Michael Jordan, he can be catalogued the best player in the history of basketball, and at the same time he is wealthy and owner of a NBA team. My point is that these persons are well paid because they deserve it, they are the best in a specific thing that is important for the world, in this case, technology and sports. Another valuable reason for consider people who earn a lot of money successful is that in most of the cases at the beginning of their careers they had to deal with many problems and obstacles. For instance Bill Gates had many economical problems to start his company, because he was unable to get sponsors. Similarly Michael Jordan was rejected by many important trainers and coaches at the beginning of his career. The similar aspect in the career of these persons is that they never give up, they had to deal and stand with many problems, but due to their stronger attitude and faith in themselves, in the end they become successful persons and therefore they deserve the money that they have. To summarize, I can show you many examples of successful persons that are earning a lot of money, because in this world the hard and good work is recognized, sometimes with congratulations but sometimes with material things too like money. These guys can show that with hard work, patience and strong attitude you can be a successful person and the world can recognize to you not just with acknowledgments but also with money to live easily too. Essay 666 Topic 131 Money and success The notion of success holds different meanings for different people and groups. And these meanings have also changed over time. Actually, many people suppose that possessing a lot of money means success. However, this view has been no longer dominated in the minds of many other people who think one individual`s success cannot be measured only by money. Material possessing has been traditionally accepted as the measurement of one person`s success or even social status. For a long time, when we have been talking about someone, we might firstly mention how much money he own and think he is quite successful if he is a wealthy man. In addition to traditional concept, some other reasons for this view include owning a lot of money can be related to one`s working ability and communicating ability, thus some people may simply consider money as the main measurement of one`s success. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org However, this view has been changed recently since many people became to recognize that money cannot bring about happiness, health and success in many cases. Nowadays, more and more people think being successful means mental satisfactory, namely doing the things they think is valuable and would be beneficial for others. The winner of the Nobel Prize for peace may think he is successful although he has no much money. A person who love animals and make biggest efforts to save the animals which would extinct may think he gain success although he may contribute all of his money to the careers. Another kind of people considered success as making masterpieces which can be accepted by public. As a composer, the most successful things could be that his works are praised by fans and spread all over the world. Similarly, holding an exhibition in the most famous art gallery may be the most successful thing for a painter. Overall, different people have different concepts about success, and money cannot be the only measurement for success. After all, being happing in life and being successful means you can doing the things you enjoy and you think it is valuable. Essay 667 Topic 131 Money and success Many people think that only people who earn a huge amount of money are successful. Although many successful people are actually earning a lot of money, others still very successful are less fortunate and only earn a decent living. And some popular and successful people live below poverty level. Many famous and successful athletes have enormous amount of money. For example, Mike Tayson got more than 10 million dollars for only one fight with Lenox Lewis and movie stars earn millions of dollars for one movie. From that point of view many think that every successful person should earn a lot of money. But often it is not true. Politicians earn only a decent living for working very hard, for instance, president of the United State of America, the most powerful man in the world, gets only 400,000 dollars, less than average Washington lawyer with ten-year experience. There is even more striking example of very successful man, who lived as a beggar. Vincent van Gogh, the famous Dutch painter, sometimes did not have anything to eat. Now his paintings cost millions and every educated person knows his name. Is he successful? Yes, of cause. He had almost every sign of being successful, the only thing he did not have was money. If we defined being successful as having a lot of money, that would exclude many famous writers, scientists, researchers and even warriors. It is true, that most successful people nowadays earn a lot of money. For example, although politicians earn only meager money while they stay in office, after they finish their careers as public figures, most go to lobbying firms in which they have enormous For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org salaries. The same is true for modern writers, scientist and many other professions. But in previous centuries, it was rarely true. In conclusion, I want to say, though many successful people have large salaries, the argument that all successful people are wealthy is not true. There are numerous examples of successful people without large sum of money, and we cannot discount them. So I think that it does not matter how much money a person earn to be successful. Essay 668 Topic 131 Money and success Many people associate success with the money they make. However, I believe success is more than how much money you make. Success is an abstract term, which takes several meanings from different people`s perspectives. Some of the measures of success include happiness, fame, respect and knowledge. Many people believe that large income is the success in their lives, which is a selfish point of view and for sure not true. What is money if you do not have a loving family to support you, make time to enjoy simple things of life? Nothing. Though it appears partially true in case of a businessperson where success is measured in terms of returns, his success in terms of happiness is a quite suspicious with his all the day working hours. Also, not all people who are famous are rich. For example, even though famous scientists are rich according to today`s standards, they are known for their discoveries but not for their money they earned. I feel myself to be successful when I am well known. I also believe being respected is a great achievement than being wealthy. During my secondary school education, I had a Mathematics teacher who was not well enough to look after his large family. So he had to make extra money from the private tuitions he used to give at home to his students. I know him as most respectful person by his students and fellow teachers. Lastly, the most important indicator to be successful is being knowledgeable. Any person who makes use of what is known to him to solve complex problems will definitely be a successful person When we think of history, there are very few people who are known for their wealth. We remember people who did something with their lives - who were influential in politics, art, science or religion. If history is the ultimate judge of the success, then money is not everything. Essay 669 Topic 131 Money and success These days, people who earning more money are often be regarded as successful. Admittedly, earning lot of money can be somehow considered as a sign of achieving goal. After all, richer persons are the minority in today`s society who are in possess of For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org remarkable abilities. But the argument that whether a person is successful or not by only to see how much money he or she earning is not of my view. Every person have different goal. Likewise, people have their own interpretation of successful, it is common phenomenon that a great many professions and scientist who get high achievement, some even get the Nobel prize are still live a simple and plain life. Who can say that they are not successful persons. It is well known that businessman is usual earning more money than other career people. For many soldier, teacher and other society service, they contribute a lot for the society and get lots of respect. Of course, they should be regard as successful as what standard, although they receive not high salary and cannot be deem the richer people. Judging an individual only by the amount of money they earn will lead to a trend of material pursuit. It brings negative effect for the development of society. If all people look only for money and enjoyment, they will lose the idealism and in last will lost the happy of life. Many people with lots of money live an unhappy life, because they become selfish, greed and unreasonable in pursuit for money. They lost friend, lost family, lost health and any nice thing in live. We usually call such people is one who is the poorest only with money left. So, I think it is a tragedy for a person who only seeks much more money on his or her daily life. Also it is risk to judge people by the money they earn among consciousness in society. Essay 670 Topic 131 Money and success What is the best way to judge whether a person is successful or not? There are many answers. Some people think that only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Other people, however, argue that people who earn a great deal of money may not be successful. As far as I am concerned, I do not think money is the only way to measure success. In the first place, how to earn money should be the judgments of success instead of the amount of money. People can get money by a variety of ways, such as being lucky in the lottery, receiving a fortune from relatives, smuggling. Of course, you cannot say these kinds of people are successful. On the contrary, we could only say they are lucky, have good relatives or are criminals. In short, People who earn money with their hands and intelligence by legal methods can be called uccessful persons? In the second place, many people who do not earn lots of money are also thought to be successful in their fields. For example, DU PU, a very famous Chinese poetry in Tang Dynasty, was very poor in his lifetime. But he wrote lots of well-known poems, some of which are taught in all elementary schools in China even today. Can you say that he failed because of his poverty? For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org In conclusion, I believe that money is not the only way to judge the success of a person not only because that the way of earning money is more important than the amount of money, but also because that people who do perfect jobs in their field can also be measured as successful persons even if they do not earn a great deal of money. Essay 671 Topic 131 Money and success Nowadays, money seems even more important in our life. Someone says that only people who earn money are successful. I do not agree with this opinion. Because a lot of people do not earn money in a right way. I think a person who is needed by the society is successful and a person who has a warm family and happy life is a successful person. There are lots of rich people in the society now. Some of them earn money in a good and right way, but some of them earn money by committing crimes. They earn a lot of black money. Others may think that they are very rich and successful, but in fact they are bad people. If the policemen notice the things they have done they will get into the prison soon. The more black money they have earned, the more years they have to stay in the prison - that is not successful. I think if a person is needed by the society, that person is successful. He lets others need him. He makes the society need him - that is successful. If a person cannot earn a lot of money, but he can do things for the society, he is also a successful person. The basic of a person is the family. Family is the most important thing in a person`s lives. So to have a warm family is very important. I think a person who is able to have a good and warm family is a successful person. Happiness is very important in our life too. If a person has a lot of money but he is not happy - that is nothing. So, I think a person who can have a happy life is successful. A successful person is not a person who only earns money, because some people earn money by committing crimes, and I think a successful man is a person needed by the society and has a warm family and a happy life. Essay 672 Topic 131 Is money a Success? Money is one of the basic need of mankind. It is the power to purchase anything, how expensive the goods are. From the time when the exchange of goods have taken shape in the form of money and currencies, human race has spent its' whole life achieving more money. But when we consider the statement that only people who earn a lot of money are successful, I do not agree with the statement. When people earn more money, some changes in their behavior appears like arrogance, greedy, jealousy, etc which may create a bundle of problems and obstacles to gain success. Secondly, to earn a lot of money cannot be termed as a success of one's life, since money is only a means to achieve success just like love, compassion, feelings, dignity are the means to achieve success. People who earn a lot of money are successful is a wrong notion to me. It is accepted For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org everywhere, in all parts of the world that rich peoples if not all, many of them feels pride of themselves. They would like to communicate with only those who are of equal status. They often look down upon other peoples' who are not rich or they do not earn a lot of money. For example, when rich people show lack of compassion toward poor people, they often get cursed from poor people which could possibly create obstacles in the process of success. If a rich person has a factory and he do not care for his employers then the people under his work may also reciprocate in the same way not working devotedly for him. Moreover, when people who earn a lot of money at some level, they also need love from other peoples', from his family members, etc but when he only devotes his life in earning for a living he might loose all these beauty of life. Money cannot be termed a success in a complete manner. One also has to have feelings toward others in order to achieve a required goal. The natural beauty of life is to co-operate with people in doing justice with them. For example, when a rich person owns a business, and he take care of each and every worker under his business, his employers will also love him and will devote their life in working hard and sincerely toward their boss. And this will help in the promotion of his business and he will be more successful in life than he ever imagined. Additional to this, whenever he is in need of help, his employers and workers will help him out of his difficulties. And this achievement cannot be gained by earning a lot of money. In conclusion, to earn a lot of money is a way to success cannot be relied upon. One has to understand that money is only a mean to achieve success along with other qualities that he possesses. Of course, money is the basic need of his life but if he only uses his money to achieve success, he may see a dull future ahead his life and may not recover it in an instance. Therefore, I disagree with the statement that only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Essay 673 Topic 132 What new product would you develop? With the high development of science and technology, almost in every few days there is a new invention coming out. We can call an invention significant if it can do much good to most people in the world. So, if I could invent something new, I would like to create a kind of thing that is related to the eating problem and try to make each dinner convenient. That invention should be a cooking machine. The cooking machine is used at home. If you want to cook a sort of meal, you just put the crude materials such as vegetable, meat into one of its input ports and oil or other spice sources into other input ports. Then choose the recipe from its control panel and press a button to start. After certain time, you can get you food at the output. The whole process does not need you to interfere. You can use the recipe stored in the machine or you can make your own special recipe added into it. There is a time-setting function with which you decide when to start the cooking. Furthermore the computer can analyze your meal to tell you whether you have got optimal nourishment. Why do I want to invent such thing? For one thing, the machine can be used for saving the time which people spend on cooking. Eating is an indispensable event which happens in our daily lives. Usually, we spend lots of time in cooking if we want to eat well. It is . that when ever a child adopts a habit from his childhood, then it becomes a part of his life or it may become it's habit. If more time is being spent. support you, make time to enjoy simple things of life? Nothing. Though it appears partially true in case of a businessperson where success is measured in terms

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