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Tài liệu 963 bài essays mẫu part 42 doc

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For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org without knowledge of physics and chemistry. We cannot work even a simple clerk in an office without a minimal scientific level in mathematics. All in all, I would say that the in-depth level of knowledge in technological and scientific fields generate an increasingly need for math and science to study in our society. That is why, maintaining a reasonable level of humanistic knowledge, I should pursue more studies in mathematics and science. Essay 629 Topic 124 Social science vs. natural science Some people consider science and mathematics do more to our world while others think students should learn more about literature and history. What is more important? In fact, it is a problem of more than one aspect. Both of them are important in our life. Our world will lose its glamour without either of the two. As we know, science and mathematics have been developing rapidly the last hundred years. Everyday we dial a phone number to call our friends or families, we go on net to get worldwide news, we drive to our workplace instead of walking there or riding there like the people in the ancient times, or even we can travel to a foreign country by air to see the fantastic scene otherwise it would take us months by ship in the old days. All of these are due to the development of science and mathematics. Without the scientific knowledge, maybe we will not be able to operate a washing machine or do not know how to use a computer to get the information we need, or even make the wrong number when we calculate something. So it is clear we have to master some knowledge of science and mathematics. On the other hand, literature and history are useful as well. Without them, we cannot read so many great works such as?Uncle Tom` s cabin?or ?Gone with the wind? which not only give us an impression of that period of history but also are instructive, romantic as well as entertaining. What is more, the ancient people have left us a tremendous amount of treasure. The study of history can also widen our horizon, from which we learn a lot about the evolution of our human being or the technology of construction like the pyramids in the old days. All of these are full of information useful to today`s life. Therefore we students will definitely gain a lot by studying literature and history. So we can get a conclusion that science and mathematics are as necessary as literature and history in our modern world. What I want to point out is that, for a person who wants to be successful in his life and be useful in society, he should learn both of them. Essay 630 Topic 124 Social science vs. natural science For students Studying science and mathematics are as important as history and literature. All the subjects are equally important for their all-round development. At high school For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org level all the students study both art and science subjects, after going to higher studies they choose their interested subjects. I think studying science and mathematics are as important as studying art and literature. History helps a student to know about the past events of his country and the world. History tells him about the bygone era`s culture, way of living and traditions. Literature is the beautiful description of our historical events and stories in the form prose and poetry. Knowing and appreciation of the history is important, but it is not enough to live. Science and mathematics play an important role in our lives. We cannot imagine our lives with out them. Our day today life stops with out them. Nowadays science and mathematics are very developed. We are cherishing the fruits of them. We were invented electricity, transportation, medicine, new technology and so many advanced instruments. They are all made our lives very simple and sophisticated. We need some simple mathematics to organize our everyday things. We entered into the space technology time. There is no question about the importance of science and mathematics. With out them we will be in the dark. It is clear that studying science is as important as art. One cannot live only by studying art. History helps to learn from the past but science helps us to live in the present. There is no progress in our lives with out science. Today`s life is tomorrow`s history. So it is very important to live today`s life than studying yesterday`s life. So with this I am concluding my essay by saying that studying science and mathematics are as important as history and literature. Essay 631 Topic 124 Social science vs. natural science I do not agree with that it is more important for students to study history or literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Science and mathematics are the most important lessons among the subjects. It is essential that all students learn these subjects. Because almost all fields of the life closely related with mathematics and science. Especially, mathematics is a key for all other subjects. Firstly, knowledge of mathematics and science plays an important role in the life of a person. The more knowledge of mathematics and science you have, the more successful you will be in your life. To learn and study other subjects one needs to know minimum basics of mathematics. For example, to study geography, economics, accounting and other lessons a mathematical knowledge is needed. Mathematics is the leader of subjects. On the other hand, we use our mathematical and science knowledge in the daily life. We use them almost everywhere. For instance, while we are shopping, building a home and anywhere else. If you do not know simple operations such as addition, subtraction, dividing and multiplying, you may have serious problems in making your decisions. To sum up, studying and applying mathematics and science knowledge is more important For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org than that literature or history. Because a person who having a knowledge of math can come face-to-face with few problems. It is impossible to live only with literature and history knowledge. Essay 632 Topic 124 Social science vs. natural science This controversy idea is difficult for people to choose approval or disapproval, because they both have their own positive sides and negative sides. To some extent, it is hard to distinguish strictly, but that does not mean they are of the same to me. After weighing two features of this statement, I agree with the above statement that studying history and literature is more important for students, if personal quality can be considered as a criterion of choosing things. There are many reasons that can account for my opinion. The most important one is that the studying of history and literature will improve a person`s quality. It is said that to learn how to become a good person is more important than how to be a skilled person. Each of us will face to the practical world, such as getting along with others, dealing with daily work, solving some working problems, even confronting a difficult situation. A good quality is a very essential element to resolve all of these things. Through studying history and literature, we can get valuable knowledge of creating characteristics. The spirit of a great hero or an impressive role maybe changes a person`s views and insights about the world. Especially for the students, they are young and plastically. They are easier to be affected by some good mental education. The second obvious reason is that through the studying of history and literature, some moral senses are gradually accepted by students. Social consciousnesses are important for our society. Nobody has the social realization automatically from his or her origin. The knowledge of history and literature offer the possibility of this education. In our arts texts, there are a lot of pure contents to describe the moral sensations. When you were walking on the street, you would find the ordering line, the polite passengers and the cleaning road. You can say that all of this public moral consciousness is due to some parts of arts education. Furthermore, a student will form a creative and imaginative thinking method after studding history and literature. To some circumstances, some roles in literature works are virtual models and some fictions are also not happened in the real world. These images supply a room for imagination for a student. These thinking ways help students in an advanced study and even in their job. In conclusion, history and literature are basic and necessary courses for the students. Essay 633 Topic 124 Social science vs. natural science Many people hold that studying scientific subjects is more beneficial than studying literary ones. However, I do believe that each field has its own importance on our lives. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Scientific subjects are definitely crucial to our development. We would not have come that a long way in scientific and cultural advancement if we didn`t have subjects like math, physics, chemistry and so on. We, wouldn`t have conquered the space if we didn`t have astronomy. Also, we would not have found cures for dangerous diseases if we didn`t have medicine. Our life relies great deal on those subjects, so they are greatly vital to us. Yet, I believe that some people are born with the skill to handle scientific research while others tend more towards literary subjects. Therefore, people born with literary talents are also very useful to us. Many aspects of our lives need to be treated by art and literature. As human beings we also have feelings and emotions and those things need to be cared for as well. So writers, painters and actors are functional elements in our everyday life. When you`re tired and you want to relax you might watch a comic movie or take a nice romantic book to read. Moreover, arts like sculpture and painting play a huge role in our lives, in the sense that they add a beautiful and artistic touch to everything around us including our houses, offices and even the streets. Consequently, art is indispensable in our lives. In fine, I believe that art and science are interrelated and binary coexisting in our lifestyles. In my opinion, one cannot replace the other. Each is necessarily needed in to improve our lives. We need the mathematician as much as we need the painter. Each has his own role to perform in the society. Essay 634 Topic 124 Response to Topic 124 The human sense of exploration is not limited only to our physical surroundings. It is also a human trait to explore from an emotional as well as from an metaphysical viewpoint what defines us as human beings. Science as isolated from other fields has several important functions. It has a high practical value and has always played an important role in improving the quality of human life. It is concerned with problems that allow the scientist to find a definite or at least a practical solution. Thus, it may be concluded that natural sciences have found lasting solutions to problems that people were faced with. Science also contributed to the freedom within many societies. Only by means of communication, provided by science, did revolutions and changes in the whole society become possible. On the other hand, the content conveyed by means developed by scientists, was originally generated by literates or philosophers in a more general sense. The study of literature is the study of the human being and its behaviour in society. Literature has an entertaining aspect but this holds true for sciences as well, as most scientists would state. Its main purpose is to investigate life from a general point of view. Literates have always had influence on the development of moral values. One might argue that literature has not provided any lasting improvement because the solutions that can be given to the problems literature is concerned with always depend on various influences and can never be certain. It is much more likely that they will be forgotten within a more or less short period of time. There may be some truth to this argument yet For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org on the other hand it is the duty of literature but also of other disciplines like history to conserve these achievements. And without them, science would not make much sense. The question, whether science should influence literature or vice versa cannot be answered black or white. Just like a human being does not only consist of physical parts, science of nature cannot make sense without science of the human being. Essay 635 Topic 124 social or natural science? Some people agree with the statement that it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. If I were faced with this issue, I would probably disagree this statement. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint. The first and foremost reason that I have chosen to put forward is that science and mathematics are relevant to finding employment. To illustrate this point, there is an example more persuasive: at least one, and often both, is required to fill most positions in government or industry. This is certainly not the case with history and literature. Moreover, they are needed to keep up with modern developments. For instance, the workplace is becoming more and more computerized, and an employee who is ignorant of computer science is less likely to be retained or promoted. In the second place, another chief reason for my view is that they are more necessary for ordinary citizens to understand. For example, the dispute over the safety of nuclear power requires ordinary citizens to understand some of science and mathematics that lies behind the argument on either side. If you can see that, you can understand it more deeply. Superior as studying science and mathematics is, however, studying history and literature also has theirs own advantages. For example, people can know about many past events by reading many different history books, and can easily familiar with different culture by reading different literature. So to study history and literature is also useful for human beings. Nevertheless, the merits of studying science and mathematics carry much more weight than studying history and literature. Therefore, the most striking conclusion is obvious. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, I disagree with the statement that it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Essay 636 Topic 124 learning Which knowledge is more important for students to study: history and literature or science and mathematics? Different people may have different opinion because of their varied angles of thought. However, in my point of view, they are two main components of study, and each one is indispensable for students to understand the world as it is. History and literature help students to deeply comprehend the human's society, the relationship among individuals and nations, and the main characters of mankind. For example, after learning the history of the second world war, every student will realize the enormous disasters and destroys brought about by the war, and aware that peace is the primarily common goal for people all over the world to struggle for. History and literature are important because they are mirrors to reflect shortcomings as well as virtues For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org of ourselves and our society. If we say that history and literature give spiritual guides for students to know our society, while, on the other hand, science and mathematics thus play another important role in shaping students' perspectives to the world. As we all know, without architectural science, we would only live in caves or under trees as our predecessors did ten thousand years ago, and without printed techniques, we could never appreciate our favorite poem or novel books. So we can clearly say that only when we grasp the knowledge of science and mathematics, will we be able to increase the living standard of mankind and make our life more convenient and comfortable. To sum up, in order to deeply understand the world and earn a better life, students should study hard on science and mathematics as well as history and literature, since they are equally important for people to build up their perspectives of life and determine their final goals to strive for. Essay 637 Topic 125 Should art and music be compulsary subjects in secondary schools? In my opinion, Secondary school has the purpose of introducing young people to a broad variety of courses. Therefore, I also believe art and music should be part of the selection of courses. If all students should be required to study these courses is more of a debatable question. Nevertheless, with the statement put forward, I would recommend that every student should get a minimum of insight into both the world of art and music. I will support my position with some further arguments. First of all, youngsters attending Secondary school are in a stage of life where they are supposed to make up their minds about what to become in life. As we all probably have experienced, this is a tuff choice to make, and school should be a place for advice and guidance in this process. Often when people try out something new, they are positively surprised over how much they enjoyed something they would not have had interest in from before of. By giving students a glance into areas of art and music, the kids are given an opportunity to explore different sides of them selves. Together with all the other courses represented, art and music can contribute to students` choice of career in the future. Second, art and music have been important parts of human life since the early beginning. I think it is important for students to aware of this and be able to pass on traditions from one generation to the next. Furthermore, courses like art and music help develop the creative side of the human brain, a vital quality in many areas of life, and especially in many situations as an employee in different sectors. Some people are in the opinion that creative course represents a waste of time and resources. These people are the supporters of science and search for facts rather than discussable alternatives. As mentioned before, I strongly recommend that young people attending Secondary school get an introduction to all courses on an equal level. However, I believe they should be allowed to make their own decisions on which courses they wish to study in depth, and which they want to finish off at an early level. In conclusion I For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org definitely agree with the statement up for discussion in this essay. Essay 638 Topic 125 Should art and music be compulsary subjects in secondary schools? There is a great variety of schools now a day - private and public - and each has its own program of study. While some schools include classes of art and music into a school program, others do not find them necessary and skip them. From my point of view all schools should provide mandatory classes of art and music for their students. Studying of art and music not only makes them better educated but also more creative. As art and music is an area where fantasy live, students can become more creative and broaden their worldview. Besides these classes can teach students to enjoy from classic music or from real art. For instance, an outstanding surrealistic painter Salvador Dali created his masterpieces as a book. All his works look incomprehensible from the first sight but if we know what he meant painting this or that we will read an interesting story from his painting. In order to understand what the author meant we should be able to notice and to guess and student can obtain these skills from special classes of art and music. Students can also learn how it is possible to express one`s feeling or thoughts not only by means of word but also through music and paining. Moreover these classes can bring up a taste to good things in the students. They will be able to distinguish what is good from what is bad, real art from fake. This will help them not only in private life while decorating a house or buying clothes but also at work while preparing a presentation or drawing up documents. Through studying art and music a student becomes better educated and will be able to keep up a conversation about music or art and to express his point of view. Besides subjects in major students should be taught art and music. These will contribute not only to their education, but also to their personality and make them more creative and more curious. Essay 639 Topic 125 In my opinion, Secondary school has the purpose of introducing young people to a broad variety of courses. Therefore, I also believe art and music should be part of the selection of courses. If all students should be required to study these courses is more of a debatable question. Nevertheless, with the statement put forward, I would recommend that every student should get a minimum of insight into both the world of art and music. I will support my position with some further arguments. First of all, youngsters attending Secondary school are in a stage of life where they are supposed to make up their minds about what to become in life. As we all probably have experienced, this is a tuff choice to make, and school should be a place for advice and guidance in this process. Often when people try out something new, they are positively surprised over how much they enjoyed For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org something they would not have had interest in from before of. By giving students a glance into areas of art and music, the kids are given an opportunity to explore different sides of them selves. Together with all the other courses represented, art and music can contribute to students' choice of career in the future. Second, art and music have been important parts of human life since the early beginning. I think it is important for students to aware of this and be able to pass on traditions from one generation to the next. Furthermore, courses like art and music help develop the creative side of the human brain, a vital quality in many areas of life, and especially in many situations as an employee in different sectors. Some people are in the opinion that creative course represents a waste of time and resources. These people are the supporters of science and search for facts rather than discussable alternatives. As mentioned before, I strongly recommend that young people attending Secondary school get an introduction to all courses on an equal level. However, I believe they should be allowed to make their own decisions on which courses they wish to study in depth, and which they want to finish off at an early level. In conclusion I definitely agree with the statement up for discussion in this essay. Essay 640 Topic 125 In my opinion, Secondary school has the purpose of introducing young people to a broad variety of courses. Therefore, I also believe art and music should be part of the selection of courses. If all students should be required to study these courses is more of a debatable question. Nevertheless, with the statement put forward, I would recommend that every student should get a minimum of insight into both the world of art and music. I will support my position with some further arguments. First of all, youngsters attending Secondary school are in a stage of life where they are supposed to make up their minds about what to become in life. As we all probably have experienced, this is a tuff choice to make, and school should be a place for advice and guidance in this process. Often when people try out something new, they are positively surprised over how much they enjoyed something they would not have had interest in from before of. By giving students a glance into areas of art and music, the kids are given an opportunity to explore different sides of them selves. Together with all the other courses represented, art and music can contribute to students' choice of career in the future. Second, art and music have been important parts of human life since the early beginning. I think it is important for students to aware of this and be able to pass on traditions from one generation to the next. Furthermore, courses like art and music help develop the creative side of the human brain, a vital quality in many areas of life, and especially in many situations as an employee in different sectors. Some people are in the opinion that creative course represents a waste of time and resources. These people are the supporters of science and search for facts rather than discussable alternatives. As mentioned before, I strongly recommend that young people attending Secondary school get an introduction to all courses on an equal level. However, I believe they should be allowed to make their own decisions on which courses they wish to study in depth, and which they want to finish off at an early level. In conclusion I definitely agree with the statement up for discussion in this essay. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Essay 641 Topic 125 Free Choice These days, some people claim that all students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. On the contrary, I do not think so. In my opinion, secondary courses as art, music, or drawing should be students' free choices, not requirements instead. Firstly, secondary classes should be chosen freely by students in accordance with their interests. You should not choose the secondary classes that do not interest you. For example, if you are interested in music, but not drawing, you should choose music class and leave drawing class alone. Secondly, secondary classes should be chosen freely by students in accordance with their talents. As a matter of fact, learning something that you have no gift in is a kind of tortures. You would spend lots of time and money, but make little progress. Could you imagine how painful a student is, who has no gift in music at all but is forced to learn playing the piano? Therefore, we have no right to require every student to learn art and music in secondary school. Finally, secondary classes should be chosen freely by students based on their schedules. It is not hard to imagine that a student spending most of his time learning major courses would have no time to attend any secondary class, let alone the music and are secondary classes. The requirement about music and art secondary school would undoubtedly enhance some students' burdens. And this is completely unreasonable. In short, secondary schools should be students' free choices, but burdens. Therefore, it is unnecessary to require all students to study art and music in secondary school. Essay 642 Topic 125 study art and music There is a drastic debate about whether all students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Everyone has his own view due to the varied angles of thought to this problem. However, when it comes to me, I agree with the statement that art and music should be required courses in secondary school. The most significant reason to support my opinion is that art and music are the indispensable parts of human's civilization, and everyone should know about them as well as mathematics and literature. Let us imagine that what the world would be, if we could not appreciate our favorite popular or classical music when we need relaxation, and also if we could not decorate our rooms with beautiful paintings and pictures when we move to a new house. It would definitely be a dull and boring world lack of beauty and interests. So, we can say cleary that students as well as adults should learn to appreciate art and music, which will give them much pleasure in their life. Besides, it may also be noted that art and music play another important role that help students to relax themselves. Nowadays, science and technology are developing more and more rapidly, and as a result, the competition in our society becomes more and more drastic. This trend not only effects the life of adults but also the life of students in college or even in secondary school. Students spend most of their time to learning those useful knowledge, which is necessary for their further study or work, such as mathematics, physics, language, and so on. They are so tired of these serious studies that they need to relax. While, art and music courses give them a good opportunity to switch their mind to a beautiful and easy world. They are very essential for For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org students to refresh their thought and energy in their busy study time. To sum up, in my opinion, it is a wise requirement for all students to take art and music courses in secondary school, for it maybe the last opportunity for most of students, who will not regard art and music as their occupations, to learn something interesting and unrelated with their later jobs. Essay 643 Topic 126 Is there anything that young people can teach older people? There is much disagreement over whether there is something that young people can teach older people or not. Some people claim that the older know everything better than the younger. Other people, however, argue that the younger can master something that the older do not know. As far as I am concerned, the older can still learn something from the younger even if the former know more than the latter. Why do some people think that the older is more knowledgeable than the younger on anything? The main reason is, people accumulate knowledge from experience day after day, most of which cannot be gained through books. For instance, an old accountant can handle many difficult accounting affairs while a young one cannot because the former has more experience. Although I agree that the older can teach a lot of things to the younger, I insist that it pays for the older to learn something from the younger. In the first place, there is something that the older never know before. The computer is the best example. As we know, the computer was invented in the beginning of 1900`s and was becoming popular after the Microsoft Windows operation system was released in 1990`s. The older had rare chances to learn and use the computers. On the contrary, the younger begin to get to know the computer very early. No doubt that the younger know computer better than the older. When a person older than 30 years attends a computer course, he/she will not be surprised if the teacher is younger than he/she. In the second place, the younger are more creative and imaginative. When the older do something, they normally follow some rules they got before. It is true the older seldom make mistakes but they also hardly make something new. While, the younger do not have much experience and do not have many restrictions as well. They make mistakes very often but also can make something magnificent. In conclusion, I believe that the older can learn many things from the younger not only because that the younger know more later technologies, but also that the younger have more creative thoughts. Essay 644 Topic 126 Is there anything that young people can teach older people? Old people, of course, always have something to teach young people because they experienced more than the young. However, in my opinion, young people also have something that they can teach the older in some ways because of their diligence, their . road. You can say that all of this public moral consciousness is due to some parts of arts education. Furthermore, a student will form a creative and imaginative. answered black or white. Just like a human being does not only consist of physical parts, science of nature cannot make sense without science of the human being.

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