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181 (A) that it is called (B) when called (C) called (D) as called 10.Digital recording has make _____ a significantly wider dynamic range, in recorded music. (A) for the possibility (B) the possibility is (C) it is possible (D) possible 11.Not only _____ people to send words, music, and codes to any part of the world, it can also be used to communicate far into space. (A) enabled by radio (B) radio enables (C) does radio enable (D) radio has enabled 12.Allegory is a literary device _____ another level of meaning is concealed within what is usually a story. (A) which (B) by which (C) which is (D) which it is 13.The fact that _____ was discovered in 1923 by the astronomer Edwin Hubble. (A) the expansion of the universe (B) the universe is expanding (C) the universe, which is expanding (D) when the universe expands 14.Today _____ little fossil ivory remains comes from Alaska. (A) what (B) which (C) there is (D) where 15.Although most famous for her paintings of the Southwest desert,_____ as well. (A) Georgia O‘keeffe painted many urban scenes (B) the painting of many urban scenes by Georgia 0‘keeffe (C) were many urban scenes painted by Georgia O‘keeffe (D) Georgia O‘keeffe‘s paintings of many urban scenes 16.It was in the 1920‘s that the arched-top guitar was first developed commercially in the United States and use in dance bands. 17.The intensity of political struggles in the United States after 1824 led to A the revival of the two- party system, which had been inactive when 1817. 18.Fluids exert equal pressure in all directions, have identical properties throughout their volume, and theoretically offering no resistance to flow in any direction. 182 19.Reading has come to be regarded as an integrated part of language study than rather an isolated skill to be practiced out of context. 20. It has been estimated that during every second of our life,10,000,000 red blood cells died and are replaced by new ones. 21.Periodic fires commonly spread across grasslands and plays an important role in the maintenance and character of these ecosystems. 22.The plots of William Gaddis‘s novels allow ample opportunity for philosophical, theological,and society digression. 23.In additionally to being Mississippi‘s capital and largest city, Jackson is also the state‘s financial and medical center. 24.Feasts and festivals among many Native American tribes in the United States celebration agricultural and lunar events. 25.Neuropsychologist Marilyn Albert is looking beyond brain functions for answers the question ―How do emotions and attitudes affect the 26.Incorporated in 1828,Louisbille,Kentucky,was named from King Louis XVI of France in recognition of his help during the Revolutionary War. 27.Rainbows are formed by the refraction of sunlight through falling raindrop. 28.Alaska,the larges state of the United states in area, is more than twice the size than Texas. 29.Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude form grid that can be used to locate the position of any point on the Earth‘s surface. 30.Mercury and Venus are the only planets in the solar system where do not have moons. 31.Carbohydrates,which include cellulose, sugary, and starches, are the most abundant class of organic substances found in nature. 183 32.During the pre-Revolutionary period, the press in Britain‘s North American colonies was subject to licensing laws similar to them of Great Britain itself. 33.In its pure state aluminum is a weak metal, but when combined with e elements such as copper or magnesium, it is formed alloys of great strength. 34.Specially bred varieties of lettuce can be grown in water containing dissolve nutritious rather than in soil. 35.Throughout the 1930‘s,United States government patronage the arts was concentrated in the section of the Works Progress Administration known as Federal One. 36. Essential a nineteenth-century instrument, the calliope was usually played outdoors and was a part of fairs, holiday gatherings, and other such activities. 37.Winter broccoli has large, white heads similar to those of cauliflower, whereas sprouting broccoli produces numerous small purplish, green, or white clump. 38.Greenpeace, an international organization of environmental activists founded by Canadians, uses nonviolent means to protest and block activities it considers environmentally harm. 39.Beverly Sills was a child radio star who became one of the world‘s most dramatically gifted opera singer, making her debut at seventeen. 40. In the practice of Gestalt therapy, many attention is given to nonverbal aspects of behavior. 184 1999 年 01 月语法题 1. Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size (A) were horsetail rushes (B) horsetail rushes (C) horsetail rushes were (D) and horsetail rushes 2. Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power _____of energy. (A) for renewable sources (B) the sources are renewable (C) are renewable sources (D) renewable sources 3. _____ that the first cheese was probably made more than 4,000 years ago by nomadic tribes in Asia. (A) The belief (B) Although they believe (C) It is believed (D) Believing 4. Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth‘s land surface. (A) about two-thirds populated (B) the population is about two-thirds (C) about two-thirds of the population (D) of about two-thirds the population is 5. It was in the year 1792 _____ (A) that the New York Stock Exchange was founded (B) founding the New York Stock Exchange (C) which year the New York Stock Exchange was founded (D) the New York Stock Exchange founded 6. Many small birds use new sites for each nesting, _____ large birds often reuse the same nest. (A) by (B) how (C) within (D) whereas 7. Plateaus are often referred to as tablelands _____ essentially flat-topped and stand conspicuously above an adjacent land area. (A) because are (B) because they are (C) because of their (D) which because they are 8. Although many contemporary craft objects are not _____, they generally have their roots in function. (A) function (B) functionally (C) as function (D) functional 9. _____ hearing aid was a tube called the ear trumpet, a flared tube held up to the ear. (A) First (B) When the first 185 (C) It was the first (D) The first 10. Most leaves are coated with a waterproof _____, or cuticle. (A) that the covering (B) and is covering (C) covering (D) by covering 11. The first glass factory _____ the North American continent was started in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. (A) established on (B) being established (C) was established on (D) that established it 12. _____ in the desert is mainly due to the limited supply of desert water. (A) Plants are widely spaced (B) The spacing of plants is wide (C) Plants to be spaced widely (D) The wide spacing of plants 13. In addition to painting highly acclaimed portraits, Mary Cassatt was _____ to several major art collectors. (A) to advise (B) an adviser (C) advised (D) advising 14. Springwater is _____ clean, since it has been filtered through permeable rocks, but all spring water contains some dissolved minerals. (A) generally fair (B) generally fairly (C) in general fair (D) general and fair 15. All eels spawn in the sea, the eggs hatching into transparent, ribbon-like larvae _____, feeding until they metamorphose into small eels. (A) that drift about (B) drift about (C) about drifting (D) drift about them 16. Citrus fruits thrive in quite very tropical climates. 17.Carson McCullers was fame for her novels about life in the small owns of the southern United States. kilometers per hour are required to raised dust particles during dust storms. region of North America. 186 20. The asphalt deposits of La Brea Tar Pit in California have yielded fossils of numerous animal of the Pleistocene epoch, including the giant ground sloth. 21. Located in the center of the continental United States and known for its endless wheat fields, Kansas is one of the nation‘s leading agriculturally states. 22. An intrinsic part of the sound structure of poet, the repetition of a consonant sound or sounds, may also be exhibited in prose. 23. People feel uncomfortable when the humidity rises over 60 percent because perspiration cannot evaporate quickly enough for the body to rid themselves of excess heat. Approximately half of his or her adult height. 25. The Pulitzer Prizes are annual awards for excellence in United States journalism, literature, and musical. can either overturn or uphold a lower court ruling. 27. Science fiction is any fiction dealing with the future or with so imaginative subjects as interstellar travel, life on other planets, or time travel. such as used when giving an example of something formal used in comparisons to say that something or someone has less of a particular quality than another person or thing 28. The wingspread of various species of bats range from over five feet to less than two inches. 29. The harmonica‘s tones are made by the vibrations of the feeds created by the blowing and suction to the player. 30. The constitution of 1897, under which Delaware is now governed, is fourth constitution in the history of the state. 31. Because most photographic filters work by subtract portions of visible light from the subject, they decrease the intensity of light that reaches the film. 187 32. In a vacuum discharge tube at ordinary voltages and currents, neon glows reddish- orange and is the mostly intense of all the rare gases. 33. Although E.E. Cummings studied art in Paris, but his writings attracted much more interest than his paintings. 34. Because material organic decays slowly in peat, the remains of prehistoric animals are often found in the depths of peat hogs. 35. Usually an atom having one, two, or three electrons in its valence band readily contributes electrons to and receive electrons from neighboring atoms. 36. A symbol of freedom, the Statue of Liberty represents a woman has just escaped from the chains of slavery, which lie at her feet. 37. The southwestern portion of the United States is a land of little rain, and parts of it are too dry that they are called deserts. 38. Seneca chief Corn-planter helped arrange treaties between many United States settler and Native American tribes in western Pennsylvania after the American Revolutionary War. 39. Mercury is so much close to the Sun that it is usually invisible in the glare of the Sun‘s rays. 40. Pollen can be transferred by the wind or by birds that comes into contact with flowers. 188 1999 年 05 月语法题 1. Classical logic is characterized by a concern for the structure and elements of argument____ that thought, language, and reality are interrelated. (A) based on the belief (B) on the belief based (C) belief based on the (D) the based belief on 2. Adult fleas_____ only blood and are external parasites of mammals and birds. (A) eat (B) having eaten (C) that eat (D) to eat 3. Heat energy may be absorbed or released when_____ while work is done on or by the system. (A) changes in the internal energy of a system (B) by changing the internal energy of a system. (C) the internal energy of a system that changes (D) the internal energy of a system changes 4. Metheods of measuring mass, time,and distance are _____ of human culture. (A) among the oldest skills (B) they are among the oldest skills (C) what among the oldest skills (D) the skills that among the oldest 5. ______ they sometimes swim alone, dolphins usually congregate in large groups, often numbering in the hundreds. (A) Why (B) Although (C) Even (D) Nevertheless 6. ______ plays an important part in commercial art , illustrating advertisements, textbooks, brochures, and articles in magazines and periodicals. (A) Drawing and (B) Because drawing (C) Drawing, which (D) Drawing 7. Goldfinches build compact _______ nests, which they line with soft vegetable down. (A) shaped like a cup (B) cup-shaped 189 (C) cup shapes (D) shape of a cup 8. Louisa May Alcott published her first book, Flower Fables _____ of fairy tales, in 1854. (A) which a collection (B) a collection was (C) a collection (D) in which a collection 9. ______ understanding of weather and its variability, it has been difficult to prove that weather can be controlled. (A) Since incomplete (B) Because of incomplete (C) Incomplete (D) Why is incomplete 10. Franklin Roosevelt‘s New Deal Program included ______ designed to provide relief and counteract the effects of the economic depression that had begun in 1929. (A) measures were temporary (B) in temporary measures (C) temporary and measures (D) temporary measures 11. Current health guidelines recommend that people restrict their consumption_______. (A) foods of high in fat (B) of foods in fat high (C) of foods high in fat (D) in foods high of fat 12. Walt Whitman originated a distinctive form of free verse that sets his work apart from_____ of all other poets. (A) what (B) that (C) how (D) it 13. _____ economic change by investigating the fluctuations in the relationship between workers‘ wages and their buying power. (A) Economists gauging (B) Economists gauge how (C) Economists gauge (D) Whenever economists gauge 14. Although the many hours of summer sunshine in Canada‘s Klondike region produce good vegetable crops, the long winters rarely permit ______. 190 (A) grain crops ripen (B) grain crops are ripe (C) the ripening of grain crops (D) to ripen grain crops 15. Tools, a workshop, and some storage space were ______ for early experiments in aviation. (A) required all that (B) all that was required (C) all the requirements that (D) such that all the requirements 16. A major railroad junction in Illinois, Decatur has became an important commercial hub for the region‘s farm products and livestock. 17. People use muscles to make various movements, such as walk, jumping, or throwing. 18. Emily Dickinson unmistakenly fixed her own highly individually and revolutionary personality in her elliptical and provocative poems. 19. The human skeleton is made up of 206 bones of difference size and shapes. 20. One of the earliest strike in United States history occurred in 1740 when bakers refused to work until their wages were increased. 21. Count Basie‘s distinctive piano style and band arrangements of the late 1930‘s earned his an important place in jazz history. 22. The wide range of elevations in the southern Appalachian Mountains allows for the great diverse of plant life found there. 23. Four huge shield volcanoes have been observed on Mars, as well as a great number of small ones like found those on the Earth. 24. The 1897 discover of gold in the Klondike hastened the commercial development of Washington State, as did the increasing trade with Pacific Islands. 25. The Saint Lawrence River is young relatively by geological standards, as it was founded during the last ice age. . offering no resistance to flow in any direction. 182 19. Reading has come to be regarded as an integrated part of language study than rather an isolated skill. which (C) which is (D) which it is 13.The fact that _____ was discovered in 192 3 by the astronomer Edwin Hubble. (A) the expansion of the universe (B) the

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 01:18