A high level of cholesterol in the blood is an important risk factor for heart disease.. Some people say that the danger of heart 5 disease is exaggerated.[r]
(1)7!.~····T······················ , =r=»= ······· ·T ·7?~ ~./!.?:.:':':~~~.~~~ Context Clue Health Care and-Epidemics When you are sick, you feel miserable; a very bad b very reasolljlble c very steady Today there are 'remedies for diseases that People used to die from a medicines b cures c aspirin "' The teacher was busy,so Katsuko Volunteered to help the new student with her schedule a did it without being asked b waited for the teacher to choose someone c avoided What is the worth of leammgjapanese if you are nevergoing to]apan? a occurrence b value c pain Mr Thomas sat reading the paPet.1'k:auwbJle, his children were doing their homework a unpleasant b although c at the same time LESSON 11 ~~~:~~~.~.I.~.~ ~.~.~~~~.~,~~" When you are sick, you take mediCine? Why? How can people prevent disease? Z Have you ever been in a place that was having an epidemic? What did the people about it? (2) 256 ~ Untt 5: Medtdne and Healtb : ~-' Health Care -and Epidemics Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another However, millions of people around the world not have good health care Sometimes they have no money to pay for medical treatment Sometimes they have money, but there is' no doctor SometilIl6S the doctor does not know how to treat the disease, and sometimes there is no treatment Some people are afraid of doctors When these conditions are 10 present in large population centers, epidemics canstart, • Epidemics can change history Explorations and wars cause different groups of people to come into contact with each other They carry 15 strange diseases to each other For example, when the Europeans first came to North and South America, they brought diseases with them that killed about 95 percent of the Native American population 20 People are very afraid of unknown things, especially diseases People have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat diseases Some people think that if you eat lots of onions or garlic, you won't get sick Others say you should 25 take 'huge amounts of vitamins Scientific experiments have not proved most of these theories touch ~·!.:·~·~·~~······················;·T· ~: However, people still spend millions of dollars on vitamins and other probably useless treatments or preventatives Some people want antibiotics 30 whenever they get sick Some antibiotics are very expensive Much of this money is wasted because some diseases are caused by a 'rims Viruses are even smaller than bacteria, and they cause different kinds of diseases Antibiotics are Useless 3S against viruses Because of their fear, people can be cruel to victims of disease Sometimes they fire them from their jobs, throw them out of their apartments, and refuse them transportation services 40 In the plague epidemics a few hundred years ago, people simply covered the doors and windows of the victims' houses and left them to die inside, all in an effort to protect themselves from getting sick I 45 Doctors know how most epidemic diseases spread Some, like tuberculosis, are spread when people sneeze and cough The explosive cough or sneeze sends the bacteria shooting out into the air Then they enter the mouth or nose so of anyone nearby Others are spread through human contact, such as on t1!.~hands When You are sick and blow your nose, you get viruses or bacteria on your hands Then you touch another person's 55 hand, and when that person touches his or her mouth, nose, or eyes, the disease enters the body Some diseases spread when people touch the same dishes, towels, and furniture You can even pick up a disease when you touch things in public 60 buildings Other diseases are spread through insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks One disease that causes frequent, worldwide epidemics is influenza, or flu for short The 65 symptoms of influenza include headache and ~~ , a very serious disease carried by InsectS _, ~ h'tlck mosquito (3) 'T Lesson3: HealthCareand Epidemics ,: ~?~···T···················,················~~·~!.:·~~~·~~ sometimes a runny nose, Some victims get sick to their stomachs These symptoms are similar to symptoms of other, milder diseases Influenza can be a much more serious disease, especially 70 for women, people over si$.-five, and people already suffering from another disease, such as heart problems About half of all flu patients have a high body temperature, called a fever Flu is very contagious One person 75 catches the flu from another person; it doesn't begin inside the body as heart disease does Sometimes medicine can relieve the symptoms That is, it can make a person cough less, make headaches less intense, and stop noses 80 from running for a while However, medicine can't always cure the disease So far, there is no cure for many diseases and no medicine to prevent them People have to try to prevent them in other ways 85 Some diseases can be prevented by vacci· nation A liquid vaccine is injected into the arm or taken by mouth and the person is safe from catching that disease Other diseases can be prevented by good health' habits, such as drinking 90 only clean water, boiling water that might carry disease, and Washing the hands often Epidemics usually start in areas of large population Poor people in big cities who live crowded together in mJserable conditions have 95 the most health problems They often have the least education about disease prevention If they know what to do, they often not have the money to it For example, it is difficult for a person who has no electricity to refrigerate food 100 or boil drinking water With no money, the person can't even buy soap to wash his or her hands Disease prevention costs much less than disease treatment It seems completely illogical, but some countres like the United States spend much more health-care money on treatment for diseases than on programs to prevent disease in the first place Most doctors and other hospital work- ers stay in their institutions Only a few doctors go out into the streets of the poor areas to 110 educate the people Only dew doctors and some nurses vaccinate people and supervise them to make sure they take their medicine Most people who help the poor people with their health problems are volunteers 115 - • How can you use all this information for your own good health? When someone you know becomes ill, try to avoid physical contact with that person If you get sick yourselt, keep yOur towel and dishes separate from everyone else's Try not 120 to touch things that belong to blhers Don't touch other people, and don't shake hands ExPlain why, however; you don't Want people to think you are impolite Wash your hands often if you are iU or if anyone around you is ill , 125 Researchers continue searching for a way to cure or prevent epidemic diseases Meamv.bile, it is worth the money for governments to provide preventive health care for all of their people Preve~tir)g epidemics is,much cheaper than stop130 ping them after they have started and thousands of people are ill 105 pregnant pregnant goes easily from a Sick person to a healthy person make better (11 I .~~ injected very bad, Inferior , 259 (4) '" Y-: ~ ~; H ~ ~ -~c:::.~!:.~~~~.~.l! ~ j ,J- Wac.fI ••••• ' cough meanwhile plague epidemics coritagious antibiotics cruel sneeze vaccinatiom institutions miserable influenza 1., ' is also caUed tbe flu, Some diseases are spread when people and When}'OU have a headache, you probably feel Babies should receive to prevent common childhood diseases Then they won't catch these diseases Governments should provide health care , they should give money for new research into the causes of disease kill thousands, even millions,pf people worldwide IbJpitals and universities are examples of ~ It is very , to put a sick person out of his or her house into the street to live The epidemics' killed half the population of EUrope before were discovered II!II YocaIbuI.-, fever relieve pregnant contact volunteer worth When your temperature tuberculosis viruses mosquitoes symptoms injected ticks is above normal, you have a There is no physical in tennis The players don't touch each other while they play Ms Davis is She is going to have a baby in Ma}t How much is gold Diseases caused by antibiotics Some vaccines are taken by mouth today? cannot be cured with into the arm; others are , ~.!.:.~.~.~~ - :.-y- ~! Aspirin can some headaches Whai are the ,of a cold? tkJw yoU know you have one? Thousands of people' to 'Mri: for the Red Cross without pay 10 Diseases carried by , and ~ enter the victim's blood through the bites of these ~ " , enters the body when the ViCtim breathes 11 the aft coughed out by a sick per500L H VocaIIuIaIy •••••• raw 'materials hammer swell attacked drummer arteries ~ record forehead tide pounded .reearring Blood is tarried from the heart through the _' ~ _ If.you hit your thumb with a , thumb will probably up.' Sometimes the sky is beautiful at -4 Tom got hit in the ~th the ball The army at dawn to surprise the enemy Rita has a ' , pain in the stomach It comes and goes , ' The waves move higher up on the beach as the _ comes in , Iron and cotton are, Dan on the table to get everyone's attention ',> '10 Every rock music band has a, 11 The government keeps a of the birth of every child me 6: Ell Multiple Choice -j Coughing is a _' a miserable of tuberculosis, b epidemic Medicine a disease a can cure b can relieve the symptoms of c .can prevent c symptom (5) UnU"5:Medidne il1ulHehltb 262 Without the Europeans, a would ptobably have b would probably have c .would probably have ~ and South America _) _: more Native America.ns no diseases no wars .•.• ~·!.:·~·~,~~~······················ ' Paragraph (lines 12-19) Paragraph (lines 36-44) Paragraph (lines 51-60) Paragraph 10 (lines 85-91) or these .4 Which one a Antibiotics b Antibiotics c Antibiotics sentences is not tnie? can be expensive haVe saved the lives of many sick people will help cure viruses prevent some diseases a There is no vaccine to b \bu can have a vaccine injected into yOur arm to Both a and b mw b when people cough and sneeze c When people don't eat garlic .:JI CoI••••••••••• on QuestIons Name the symptoms of influenza What does medicine for diseases? Is it worth the expense to take extra vitamins? How epidemics spread? How can epidemics change history? Do you think you should or should not shake hands With someone who is ill? Why? Why poor people have the most health problems? Why people who live in the city have more health problems than people who live in the country (outside of cities)? How can humans prevent diseases from becoming epidemics? IIIId Effect Eft'ect A virus enters the body People take medicine A person with tuberculosis coughs A vaccine is injected into the body A student drinks from a sick roommate's glass The best way to avoid epidemics is to a lock sick people up inside their houses 'b take lots of vitamins c provide health care for people crowded in cities ca Write the effect for each of these causes Cause c Tubeoculosis spreads a by hand contact " What is the main idea of these paragraphs? m Word Forms Verb relieve volunteer inject '~ lengthen reason Noun (im)politeness cruelty relief volunteer injection p~cy contagion length reason Adjective (im)polite cruel (in)voluntary pregnant contagious long (un) reasonable Adverb - (im)politely cruelly (in)voluntarily contagiously (un)reasonably The idea of is different from one country to another 2a The government was known for its to prisoners - 2b It is to hit a'very old or Sick person Mary felt when she found out her daughter had arrived safely at her grandparents' home Mark did not gd into the army He went because it is the law hat all young men mus: serve in the army J • (6) 264 -t" • 5r Unit ~ M«J1ctM and HeaIlb Lesson 3: Health Care and Epidemics Children don't like to have _ A human lasts months Heart trouble is not; ,.· In the spring, the days start to -., _ Mehdi was very angry We tried to with him, but he was completely arid wouldn't listen at all •• grow out of -:-A child stops doing or feeling something as she or he grows older get out of -avoid doing -appear, arrive show up put off -delay read up on -get facts and infonnation on a subject by reading > , Hiroko always tries (0 talking in front of the class because she doesn't like to it Tom had planned to go to the shopping center today, but he _ it until the weekend because he's so busy Children sleepwalking when they become adolescents Marge is going to photovoltaic cells because she wants to know more about them Bob didn't for the party until almost midnight ~ ArtIcI •• Write an article in each blank if one is needed However, millions of people around world not have good health care Sometimes doctor does not know how to treat _._ disease, and sometimes there is no treatment, ~ 265 people have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat diseases _' explosive cough or sneeze sends bacte.ia shooting out Into -alr, , ' Then th~ enter -'motith or nose of _' aQ)'One nearby Some'dlSeasess~ wbert · pebpie touch , same dISheS, iOweis, and lurmt\Jre Some countries United States spend much more health-care money-on treatment for diseases than on programs to prevent disease in first place r.e _. Two-Word ••.••• Learn these two-word verbs and then fill in the blanks with the right' words Use the correct verb form, ~ : g ••.•••.•••• hhWi Summarize paragraph 3, lines 20-35 Use your own words to tell the main idea in nomore than or sentences •• 0••••••.•••••.•• Write one of these two short compositions is going into a poor area of a big dty You have seen several cases of tuberculosis and influenza this month You are going to try to prevent an epidemic among the people in this area What will you say to the people? You are a health-care worker who A government official in your country has asked you for your suggestions about improving health care What will you say to the ofidal? (7) ~····T··················:················~!.?:·~~~~.:~~~.~ !.~ ?:.~ Context CPR ~ ; T' :~:' Clues Adults should' never strike children, even when the children misbehave a hit b help , c block Alice couldn't swim very well, but she swain way out into the middle of a lake She was too tired to swim back to shore, and her head kept going under the water Finally, she drowned a rested b died in the water c concentrated How you think your parents v"'ill react when you tell them you are going to marry someone from another coumry? a act in response to a situation b start doing some activity c act again /Paul has a new car and so I a I am too b I too c I think it is true ~ A phorovolratc cell cannot function efficiently if it has dust on if a breathe b confuse c work Take this umbrella with you in case you need it a if maybe 'b such as c at times "- LESSON '- Pre-reading Questions What is happening in the picture? Do you think the woman is a doctor, or could she be a person without medical ~g? \ Do you know how to CPR?If not, would you HIreto learn? (8) 268 Unit 5: Medicine and Health T~ ~.~:.9.:~ oxygen is taken into the body, and the blood doesn't move through the arteries CPR can start the process moving again There are several situations when CPR is needed It can be used when a person has a heart attack and the heart stops A heart attack occurs 35 when the heart cannot get enough oxygen This usually happens because one of the two arteries to the heart has become narrow or completely blocked The heart muscle cells that are supplied with oxygen by that artery die because they stop 40 receiving oxygen One of the symptoms of a heart attack is a feeling of pressure and tightness or aching in the center of the chest It lasts longer than minutes, and it may come and go The person having a 45 heart attack may also start sweating, feel weak, be short of breath, and feelllke vomiting However, there may be no symptoms at all; the heart may stop suddenly, and the person may stop breathing If CPR is started immediately, it may bring the ;0 person back to life -, CPRcan also be used when a person receives an electric shock If enough electridty enters the body, the person dies immediately CPR can reSuscitate the person An electric shock usually 55 happens to someone who has been working carelessly with electridty It can also happen if lightning strikes a person ' A third situation is drowning, or dying in water, which happens most often in the summer 60 when many people go swimming Children can also drown when they are left alone near a swimming pool A person trained in CPR can help a person start to breathe after clearing the water out of the airway 65 These are the three most common causes of sudden death when CPR can be used There are others less common Someone in a burning 30 CPR CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resusdtadon Cardio is a medical word for heart Pulmonary is a medical word for lungs Resuscitate means to bring back to life CPRstarts someone's s lungs and heart functioning again after they have stopped It is an amazing idea that there is cure for sudden death It is equally amazing that this magic is not done by today's high technology Any 10 ordinary person can 40 it You use your own lungs to breathe into the patient's mouth and start his or her lungs working You push on the heart with your hands to make it start beating again It is as easy as that 15 The heart is a large muscle that pumps blood through the arteries, It is located in the center of the chest behind the breastbone The lungs are at either-side of the heart Air enters the nose and mouth and moves through the airway 20 to the lungs, bringing oxygen into the body As the blood moves through the lungs, it picks up the oxygen and carries it to the cells throughout the body At the same time that the blood picks up the oxygen, it leaves carbon dioxide as a waste 2~ material, and the lungs breathe it out through the airway When the heart stops beating, or a person stops breathing, this whole process stops No working o:j ~lungs ~heart heart lungs found chest ••••••••••••.••••~ ••••" •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• e'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• hits (9) ~.~: 9.:~ ~:~····T····································~~~~:.:·~?':·~.~~ building may breathe in too much smoke and not get any oxygen into the lungs Some people have 70 an intense reaction to certain drugs or to the sting of a bee or some other insect, arid the heart and lungs stop functioning CPR is an example of first aid An ordinary person can take a first aid class and learn what to 75 until the patient receives professional help This might mean helping someone until an an)buJance comes Then professionals can use their equipment to take charge of the patient Or it might mean giving first aid and then taking the 80 patient to a doctor CPR can keep person alive until he or she reaches a hospital When you give CPR,you breathe dlrectJy into the patient's mouth Then you press on the heart in the center of the chest You continue alternat8S ing these two actions CPR is easy to learn, but you shouldn't learn it from a book You should receive instruction in a class where you can practice in' front of the instructor until you it correctly As you know, 90 if the brain is without oxygen for minutes, there will be permanent brain damage It is necessary to start CPR immediately when a person stops breathing, or as soon as possible You have to know how to it quickly and welt 9S If someone in your family has heart trouble, if you go swimming a lot, or if you plan to work with electricity, you should learn CPR In fact, everyone should learn it, in case they ever need it Where can you learn it? The Red Cross has 100 CPR classes, many hospitals teach it, and so some university student health centers If there are no classes where you live, ask the Red Cross or a nearby hospital to organize a class CPR is worth learning It can give you the l~ chance to save someone's life a D ; : ~ Vocabulary resusdtation sting breastbone located first aid process pump react drown The heart is directly behind the help Village people often have to ~ I P0 9" ambubnce T :.:! strike lung function _ water by hand \blcanoes are in clusters Hail and snow are formed by a similar ""'"' "_ A bee is painful The of the heart is to pump blood through the arteries Children should wear a life preserver when they are around water so they can't Anyone can learn to give You don't have to be a doctor or nurse The R in CPR stands for :_ D Vocabulary chest lungs take charge so breastbone strike in case process reaction shock ambulance drown The are in the chest and _ is~hearL \ In baseball, if a player tries to hit the ball and misses it, it is called a even though he didn't hit the ball An electric can kill a person An is used to take patients to a hospital A strong to a drug can kill a person Edward volunteered to of arranging food for the party The natural that makes garbage disappear is slowed at landfills because the garbage gets no air or water You cannot save up sleep ahead of time ybu need it later,", <: (10) Unit 272 II!II 5: Medicine and Health Yocabula" B a b c d e f g h i , a lot blur teenager catching vision forever value location painful j unhappy k sometimes sunrise m mixed up n bad dream True!FalselNo Information I J<P~·W,.:1.7tfol1 :5 l mcdkal word Suciur-n ot>",tm (';tn he dll't"<.l Cln~' by u:,ing today's ~('-::hauiv~~ ~ The tflt'lit's I;tKC I.cilUtm tiiu'>-lIk rhe lungs ~ (':JrNm ciiClxtOc enters the' 11!ng~ tluough the ;lir\\,;ly~ 0." ", .:., t PI< 1'(10 be used in ~:1!1~ nr' fin ,,,,mil\! O CPt{, 'an help a person with ~ltx\J apnea A common suuauon wlum CPR is needed is with a reaction to an insect sting First aid is an example uf CPR Everyone should get a book about CPR and learn how to it 10 You should call an ambulance before you start CPR •• y ~ What is first aid? How can CPR prevent brain damage? What professionals work with patients? RevIew: Synonyms Match the words that mean the same worth miserable contagious a great deal at times nightmare confused adolescent permanently 10 sore 11 dawn 12 position ~.~:.9.:~, : comprehension QuestIon1 What is the function of the lun~? What are the symptoms of a heart attack? What are the three most common situations when CPR is needed? 161 Main Ide What is the main idea of these paragraphs? Paragraph (lines 7-14) Paragraph 11 (lines 82-85) Paragraph 13 (lines 95-98) H PrepoSitions and Two-Word Verbs Some children are afraid of the dark, but they grow it , 2· CPR stands cardiopulmonary resuscltatlon starting someone's lungs and heart again _. they have stopped It is an amazing idea that there is a cure sudden death You should take a class CPR Don't put it No oxygen is taken \the body, and the blood doesn't move the 'arteries One the symptoms a heart attack is a feeling pressure and tightness or aching the center the chest CPR may bring the person back life Then professionals can take charge the patient Some people have an intense reaction the sting a bee CPR is a method 10 a Compound Words and Two-Word Verbs Make a compound word by joining a word from the first column with one from the second column More than one answer is correct for several of the words Some of these are also written separately as two-word verbs, break a in stand work b down c work (11) ~!.~ ~ ~' check sun home sleep out life 10 over 11 air 12 room •• , ~~~.!.~.~~~~~~~.~~.l!.~'!.~~~ =.~:.~ d mate e rise f night g by h grow l walk j.way k time out '6 relate medicate die light lighten 10 tighten ···················T···:7~ 6b Population growth in industrial countries is slow.' 6c Munir is to the Minister of Education Jane wants to go to college and become a doctor, ' A heart attack doesn't alWays:ca~ -:-_ Before it started to rniil, therewasa lot of thunder and 10 The little boy held to his father's hand Summarlzlitg Word Forms \bb resuscitate locate react drown : Noun resuscitation location reaction drowning similarity relation(ship) relative medicine death lightning' Adjective tightness tight Adverb Write a summary of the text forthis lesson Write only the important infonnation using to sentences Ell (dis)similar relative (un)related medical dead light (dis)similarJy relatively medically tightly With CPR, you may be able to ,someone 2a The newspaper gave the time and of the university entrance exam 2b The Chemistry Building is next to the Physics Building 3a How would you if}'OU saw someone drowning? 3b There are machines to test your time when you are driving There Were two cases of at the beach near our home last year What is the between snow and hail? 6a What is the between changes in the family and population growth? Guided WrItIng Write one of these two short compositions: What happens dUring CPR and how does it work? What are some situations in which CPR is useful? _ (12) 276 ••••••••••• Unit 5: Medicine and Health ~ ~ •• 0'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~·:·~·~~~ · · ··:· ·.T ···::? Context Clu•• Cholesterol and Heart Disease Circle the letter of the best meaning of the bold WOrc::t A student with short purple hair walked intd the classroom Everyone stared at him a talked b swelled c looked intensely I like your new shin It'~ Very attrac:dve a pretty b, iarge c permanent That young man looks Iamfllar I think he attended my high school a like a member of a family b like someone I know c like a reJative of mine Paulo was CODfident that he could save someone's life after he took a CPR class a sure - b process c volunteer I ate a big dinner, hut I fed a litde hunm think I'll have ~nack •.• bi~ mrol b pant ~ Shamn said her- tt("w ';2OJ100 S),pe~tcd l LESSON Pre-reading Questions Which of the three dinners is best for youl Whyl Which of the three cI.InnUs would you rather eatl Why? Is it cUfticult or easy to dumge what you eatlWhyl file In I iltc •• , • small amount of food eM' \\.'3$ .• !<tici If eest more lhan n p'••,d fo~.Qoo io~if t;l!d ~~; Before I go to bed, I II wvrtl) did ~=\O.()()(), but it only COS( (13) -T , ~?? ~~~.?.:~~'~~ doctors can see blood circulating through the heart valves AngiogramS are x-rays of the heart arteries They show fat deposits and blockages caused by high cholesterol 30 Heart disease begins in children as young as years old It occurs earlier in boys than in girls valves Nearly half of teenagers have some fat deposits on their artery walls Heart disease develops' heart valve faster if we have high cholesterol levels and also 35 smoke, What is a safe level of cholesterol? Adults have a high risk of heart attack if their cholesterol level is above 240 milligrams per deciliter of blood, Below 200 is better In the Massachusetts , ~ study, no one with a cholesterol level below' 150 has ewer had a heart attack lbv¥ever, about half of American adults have cholesterol bets above 200 To lower our cholesterol level, we must change our ·eating habits Anything that comes "5 from an animal is high in fat and higti in cholesterol The American Heart Association National Cholesterol Education Program says that fat _should be no more than 30 percent of our diet Blood cholesterol levels start to fall after to 50 weeks of following a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet Dietary changes alone can result in a 10 percent making smaller reduction of the average person's cholesterol for c2ampIe, walking level Aerobic exercise helps, too Artery block: running swimrnlD8 age can be reduced by as much as 40 percent 55 through changes in diet and amount of exercise We must educate everyone, including children in elementary schools We must teach them responsibility for their health through classes in-· nutrition and aerobic exercise fur example, the 60 smart snack is fruit, Children must be served somethingsmaBandfastto fruit in the school cafeteria, along with low fat e:It meals Schools must send home with the lnsauaions fOr ~ children Parents must include children in planning and preparing meals and shopping for food ~'-t ~ Cholesterol and Heart Disease - Do you know your cholesterol level? Many people don't A high level of cholesterol in the blood is an important risk factor for heart disease Some people say that the danger of heart disease is exaggerated However, heart disease is a main cause of death in developed countries Every year more than one million Americans have heart attacks, and half of-them die: People with heart disease suffer chest pains that make simple 10 activities, such as walking, shaving, or taking a shower, difficult \ Research has proven that cholesterol levels are connected with heart disease One project in Massachusetts has studied the same group of 15 men and women since i948 The researchers have found that the people who have high levels of cholesterol have more heart attacks A natural substance in the blood, cholesterol comes from the liver The amount of cholesterol 20 is affected by diet and by physical qualities we inherit from our parents One kind of cholesterol sticks fat to the walls of arteries, making them smaller and finally blocking them It produces a condition called "hardening of the arter25 ies," which causes heart attacks With tiny cameras, ~·?:·~·~~~····················T···:~· said it is more than it is » , .•• get recipes , (14) 280 _ - _._- Unit 5: Medicine and HeoItb - .• 6S AduIIs ~ peISOOS mertbe age of sixtyme CIIlloM.Ttheirddesretd by 30 or 40 perm It It is never IDa Jare to cIJan8e One man began his heaIah program when he was severny.dlree By the time he was ~ he 1m lowered his 70.arterial bb bge fium 50 pt'IU'!I1l to 13 pe1U'!Ilt and his cboJesteroI from 320 to 145 without drugs He went on a vegetarian diet with only 10 percent fAt plus programs to reduce stress and get more exercise 7S A Iow<boIesreroI diet that cuts out most aniIDaJ Pmoocts and higb-&l ~ may be ••••r •••• l;lr to people 1be Heart Association says to use no added fat of any kind Don't fry food in oil Cook it in water, vinegar, ()['-vegetabIe 8D water I.eam about grains and ~ Avoid egg yvIks (the }'dIow pan of the egg) Ear potatoes, beans, Jow-.fatvegetables and fruiL People often aJfIII'Iaip about low-&! diets before they have bad time to get used to them fuod can taste lIS good without cream butter, and saIL You can use olive oil JDUSf3Id fresh hcdJs, ()['yogurt instead A new diet C3I1 cause general anaiety, when people fed worried and nenous about what is going to happen 1bey must learn to deal with 90 the changes in their Jives Sometimes major chanses in diet ()[' lifestyle are easier than minor ones becanse the results are bigger and faster P.ISl resufIs eIKUIII"'III? us Ii:Jw can you rootml the amount of far in 9S )'OUr diet if you eat in resI3UIaIUS? Restaurants must provide healthy meals that are low in fat, salt, and cboIesreroI A diet is a penoasIlhing Restamant owners should flO( make customers fed embamIssed because they want to follow a JGO diet Ihat is good fOr them Reslaurnnt owners must learn to ~ equal sa.k:e to customers on a healdJy' diet Some restaurants have items on the menu ma.drfrl with a heart to show that they " ~·~:·~~~·~~~':.~~················· are low in fat, cholesterol, salt, or sugar A few restaurants serve only these recipes Heart disease causes one out of every four deaths in East Harlem in New York City.The East Harlem Healthy Heart Program is an educational program It has goals: to get people to change 110 their diets and to find volunteers to help run educational activities One way it educates is by street shows Actors wear costumes and carry big pieces of plastic fat They entertain so people will listen Groups of children perform songs and 115 dances that educate people about heart disease and diet \blunteers lead walking and exercise groups to show people how to begin exercising \blunteerS also stand in supermarkets to suggest healthy food choices to shoppers The 120 volunteers have shoppers taste two kinda of milk to see which tastes better Most people are surprised that the low-fat milk tastes better than the whole milk Shoppers are encouraged to buy low-fat milk instead of whole milk 125 Education costs money, but it also brings results In 1983, onJy 35 percent of the American public knew their cholesterol levels By 1990, 65 percent of the people had had theirs checked People feel better if they lower their choles130 terol through diet Healthy people are more confident They are more attractive to themselves, as well as to others Their friends stare at them because they look so healthy -We can prevent heart disease by living a 135 healthful lifestyle and eating the right kind of diet If people don't this, two out of three men and women in America willeventually get heart disease 1~ strange, unknown say yoU don't like some- thing rope with 8M: hope prMne, 3bour 00esdf ~ give ideas about pretty handsome iuok intensely (15) T_ :~ ~.~:.~~.~~!.~ ~~····T···································~!.?:·~~·~~~ D Vocabulary confidence aerobic unfamiliar anxiety risk inherited stare encouraged personal herbs valve snack - John's parents to him to stay in school even though his grades were not, very good exerdse is good for the heart Is it impolite to ask someone questions? Students often suffer from before an exam improve the taste of food Some people are with a low-fat diet Mark red hair from his mother It is impolite to at people If you drive carelessly, you take a _ I'm hungry now, but it's hours until dinner I think I'll have a The doctor wants my mother to have an to see if her arteries are blocked to All always that he has too much homework 11 This restaurant has good food, but the ' is slow 12 The of running away from the dog was too much for the old man, and he had a heart attack H Vocabulary Review Match the words with the definitions nervous period habit meanwhile fever 11 Open the so the water will flow freely through the pipes 12 If you are sure of yourself: you have yourself ~ in Vocabulary factor attractive exaggerated deal with service recipe suggestion reduction cholesterol A _ occurs naturally in the blood in how much fat you eat might make you healthier Please give me a copy of that delicious _ One of the students made a good for what we could in the International Day program It is difficult to a child who doesn't behave well Smoking is a in many diseases of the heart and lungs Tom said he earned $toOO a week, but he is really paid only $800 He _ location '8 s~e react 10 drown 11 solar 12 observe ' complains angiogram stress Most television stars are ~ pregrumt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a b c d e f _ _ _ _ _ g h i • j k ID n length of time at the same time stage act in response to something grind hit watch die in water anxious usual action high body temperature ,' of the sun place going to become a mother II!II True/False/Not Enou.gh Informa6on Around 500,000 Americans die each year from heart disease More than twice as many people had their blood cholesterol levels checked in 1990 in 1983 as Smoking can be a risk factor for heart disease No direct relationship has been proven between high cholesterol levels and heart attacks Girls have no risk of heart disease Low-fut diets always taste bad Children should learn more responsibility for eating healthful food, (16) T 284 , Unit 5: Medicine and Health ! • .t ••••••••••••••• ~ People usually feel good about going on a new diet It can be easier to change our diet a lot than to change it a little 10 Old people shouldn't bother to change their eating habits because it's ton late fur it to them any good 11 Most people think that whole milk tastes better than low-fat milk I What are some symptoms of heart disease? Wnar is "hardening of the arteries"? How is it connected with high dl( lleSterul? ~ \"{'hvare angk 'grams useful? At what age does heart disease start? What level of cholesterol Js believed to be safe? How long does it take for cholesterol levels to start to drop? How can schools help teach children healthy eating habits? How can parents help teach children healthy eating habitS? What are some ways to reduce fat in your diet? ]0 Describe the East Harlem Healthy Heart Program Malnldea What is the main idea of these paragraphs? Paragraph •• (lines 18-29) Paragraph (lines 36-42) Paragraph (lines 65-74) 4; Paragraph 12 (lines 94-105) a Word Forms verb encourage discourage personalize attract Noun anxiety encouragement discouragement stress person stupidity attraction AdJective anxious encouraged discouraged stressful personal stupid (un) attractive '\bb inherit familiarize 10 sUggest 11 complain 12 exaggerate 13 serve Comprehension Questions D _- _ Lesson 5: OJoksterol rind Heart DisIt!ase Adverb anxiously stressfully personally stupidly (un)attractively Noun inheritance funiliarity suggestiOn complaint exaggeration service -• - ,we AdwaIJ (un)&m1Iiar &miIiarly 285 rompJainingIy The students waited / to hear the results a the test 2a A shy child needs a lot of , to build seIfronfi.dence 2b Marie was _ by the results aher pbysical exam after a long illness Michael felt when he wasn't aa:epted at the uniYersity that was his first dJoice ]oan felt a lot of when she stood before the class and began her speech, 5a If)UU tell the salesperson )'OUC i:ni1:iak.the smre will your new suitcase at no Cdr.l dmge 5b • I like my initials on my h~ Marie felt ' because she did the oen:ise wilhout reading the directions and did it aDwrong 7~ Honey flies and ants Flies and ants by honey.: Tom a smaD business and some Doney from his father when his father died His friend rereivaJ a I:uge from his &vorite uncle If you )'OUISdf with the language center before the first day of dasses, )'011 will not get ronfiIsal about where you should go 10 ·1 that we take a CPR class this rnondL That's a good ~ 11 If you have any about the television set }'OU bought, take it back: to the store 12 To say that you ~'t go to sleep at aD bst night is an you 3re _ 13 A waiter food in a resI3UI3Dt (17) Unit 286 Ell 5: Medicine and Health Irregular Verbs Learn these verbs Then put the right verb forms in the blanks, using the first verb in the first sentence, and so on Simple tear light lie swell grind strike sting stick deal Past Past PartidpJe tore lit or lighted lay swelled ground struck stung stuck dealt tom lit or lighted lain swollen ground struck stung stuck dealt Alice her new blouse Dan a fire in the living room fireplace In some countries, it is the custom to down for a rest in the middle of the day Ms Baxter's hand is because she shut it in the car door Mr Thomas some fresh coffee beans and made coffee When the dock: 12, the people in the street - knew it was noon Bob got by a bee The roadrunner out its head in front when it runs Mr Nevins is a car dealer He in new and used cars •• Two1 ¥ • Review Sixteen people showed for volleyball practice Never put until tomorrow what you can today What time does your plane get ? Were you brought inthe city or country? The teacher left one student on the class list Do you dress for dinner at an expensive restaurant? Look ! There's ahole in the sidewalk ~·!.:·~·~~~····················T···2~:' I have to read a subject for my speech Kim had a warm jacket so I knew it was cold outside 10 The Bakers have to buy new shoes for their daughter She grew her old ones 11 We tried to get helping out our cousin, but we had to it &gI Context Clues ; These words fuwe more than one meaning Circle the letter of the best meaning of the bold word Choose the meanings of the words as they are used in these sentences Mr Becker has worked in the field of computer science for 10 years a an area of specialization b a place where animals or plants are raised c the place where baseball is played \ C-arolyn is often late for class because she has to walk so far from her apart~ent a until now b such a long distance c far enough There are 2.2 pounds in a kilo a the unit of English money b hits or strikes c a unit of weight Trappers sometimes cure the skins of the animals they catch before they sell them a dry and prepare for use b make better c a kind of medicine The current value of gold is $321 a the movement of electricity b at this time c the movement of a stream of water in the ocean (18) 289 Cause and Effect ~····T···································~·'!:-~~·~ I know that it isn't so a very vocabulary b roo c, true All and Muhammed live in a large apamnent university a related group of buildings b romplicared c, anxiety Ell COIIIIJIe% near the Sull1III&Iizi ••• Write a summary of the text fur this lesson Write only the important infonnation using to sentences, ~ GuId8cIWrill ••• Write one of these two short rompositions You are going to start an educational program aboUt heart disease in your area How will you this? Your doctor told you that you have to lower }'OUC cholesteroL Give a deiailed plan of how you will follOw the 40ct0r's su~tkln ' battery IOS beak 121 bee 94 beggar 13 be supposed to 85 behave 45 blind 35 blizzard 34 bIodc 246 blur 234 board 131 bomb 157 border 12 boring 131 bother 132 boundary 211 bIlInch 94 break down 34 breastbone 268 bn:athe244 bring up 217 broad 166 burst 191 bury 24 bush 94 hiltterill' 94 A aborigine au:ept 46 ache 234 actually 178 atkJition 156 a"'~dl-ent 246 adopt 13 advantage 1S5 alM:nNte 12 aerobic 279 affect 85 asncwture 84 ahead " aid 270 alarm 223 alarm clock 223 alternating 203 although 61 :muzlng 45 ambulance 270 analyze 142 ancestor 73 ancient 12 angiogr2m 279 ant 94 anthropology 45 antibi0dc5 257 anid.:ty 280 C caJfeine 224 all on ClInt 145 t'amon dioxide 180 case, In 270 cattle 9S apne:o 246 pparent 246 an:haeology 106 an:hitect 15S """" 13 mety 234 a"ide 12 as long as 144 as as 84 ashore 24 aspirin 235 at tImo5 35 atmosphere 202 :attack 223 allllUde 48 attr:lCtive 281 available 61 'vt!f:l8C 61 3\~ 132 cave 13 cell 211 ceIlNry ",,,g B back ••.•rds 167 bacteria 179 halancel78 ba"" ~ characterl4S , charge lOS, 270 check In 113 chemicallOS chest 268 childlike 47 cholesterol 278 choose civil war 13 clean up 151 clear up 68 dimate 23 dockwisel68 duster 234 colony 45 mmmon 167 comrmmlcate 157 compare: 155 complain 280 l'Omple\e 23 <;O"'pIex 178 complicated 107 l"Oocelllr:lte 245 t'Ollductor 212 l'Ollfidence 281 confuse 245 connea 156 consldec 178 conlllCt 256 l'Ofll28ioUS 2<;8 continent control 61 l'OllVett 212 cope 191 l'Ough 257 counterclc,,:kwise 168 couple 75 crash 131 create 180 crew 132 crup204 cruel 257 crush 191 CUte 234 currem 212 custom 23 l'UI down 68 l)'de 96 t)mbaI 143 D damage 189 dawn 222 deal wilh 280 dea1, a great 244 debris 192 decade 24 decis;oo decrease 61 delay 24 demand 211 depends on 107 design 156 destroy 9S destrecnon 95 d~ail 13 diameter 20~ dulY 35 diet 120 direct 107 disaster 60 y (19)