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UNIT A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL TEST I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a mosque b optional c notice d tropical a divide b impress c official d comprise a climate b federation c separate d apartment a ethnic b currency c secondary a Buddhism b compulsory c puppet d official d instruction II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others a climate b comprise a divide b puppet a primary c ethnic b religion a friendliness 10 a monster c impress b primary b abroad d farewell d notice c optional c tropical c depend d separate d correspond d instruct III Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English 11 We’ve corresponded with each other for years but I’ve never meet him A B C D 12 The atmosphere over the party were warm and friendly A B C D 13 When I was young, I often go fishing A B C D 14 The traffic used to get much worse now A B C D 15 Tom wishes his neighbors don’t make so much noise A B C D 16 We had saw Rose in town a few days ago A B C D 17 The United States, unlike many another countries, receives a large number of immigrants yearly from A B C D all over the world 18 It is used to be easy to park in the city center A B C 19 A rise in the weather conditions A B D barometric pressure indicate a C change of altitude or D 20 People used not to the new System yet A B C D IV Find the one choice that best completes the sentence 21 ‘Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?’ ‘No, they to Dallas.’ a are just moved move b had just moved c have just moved d will just 22 ‘Where is the new stove that you bought yesterday?’ ‘The color didn’t match, so I it to the store.’ a return b had returned c returned d did return 23 ‘You and Carl seem to be getting along well.’ ‘Yes, I him better than before.’ a liking b like c liked d have liked 24 ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘I’ve been feeling better since .’ a the doctor has came b the doctor will came c the doctor had come d the doctor came 25 I Alex since he was a child a have known b knew c was knowing d have been knowing 26 Vietnam is one of the countries of the Nations a Association b Associational c Assonance South East Asian d Assassination 27 Islamic people usually go to the to pray a pagoda b mosque c temple d church 28 The plane arrived at Tan Son Nhat at 10 p.m a station b port c bay d airport 29 That famous book of five chapters a comprises b consists c makes d includes 30 The of the us State of Utah is Salt Lake City a city b capital c town d district 31 ‘What is the of Thailand?’ ‘The baht.’ a current b population c territory d currency 32 The City has a(n) of around 19,000,000 a atmosphere b population c climate d capital 33 The units into the following areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing a are separated b separate c separated d separating 34 People aged 65 and over now nearly 20% of the population a comprise b contain c consist d combine 35 Mexico is famous for its hot and spicy food a climate b area c industry d red V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces The Ancient Mexicans used to respect and fear the sun They were frightened that the sun (36) stop rising As a result, they (37) make sacrifices (38) the sun god would continue to give them day and night and the four (39) Farmers, however, used to (40) the rain god almost as (41) as the sun god Even today there are ruins of great pyramids they used to build to worship the sun and the rain gods Another popular god was the wind god, which took the form of a (42) with feathers This feathered snake was also the (43) of knowledge for the Ancient Mexicans Under its influence, civilization spread throughout Mexico, which at that time was (44) a peaceful country with plenty of skilled craftsmen and traders Unfortunately, news of this country eventually (45) , and Mexico was invaded from the far north Later, other people called Aztecs settled in Mexico 36 a might b will c can d may 37 a have to 38 a for b used to c is used to b in order to c since 39 a seasons b directions 40 a respect b worship 41 a much 42 a god 43 a snake 44 a mostly 45 a popular b many b snake b king b most b known d get used to d so that c dimensions c admire c more d prays d popular c statue c god d quarters d monster d animal c the most c transmit d most of d spread VI Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up It has been the law for about 300 years that all theatres are closed on Sundays No letters are delivered; only a few Sunday papers are published To this day an English family prefers a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with Central heating English people like gardens Sometimes the garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted garden in imitation of grass and a box of flowers Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England Christmas is a great English national holiday, and in Scotland it is not kept, except by clerks in banks, all shops and factories are working 46 What is the best title for the passage? a Traditions and Customs in Great Britain b The Importance of Traditions and Customs c Traditional Lite vs Modern Lite d Englishmen’s Hobbies 47 How important are traditions in Britain? a It is slightly important c It is rather important b It is more important than in other countries d It is somewhat important 48 In Great Britain, a only a few papers are published b a garden in front of the house is a little square covered with cement painted garden in imitation of grass and a box of flowers c all shops and factories are working at Christmas d traditions are preserved 49 The word it in the last paragraph refers to a Christmas b a national holiday c old traditions d England 50 Which of the following is not true? a In Great Britain all theatres are closed on Sundays b In Great Britain a postman doesn’t work on Sundays c English families like a house with garden better than a modern flat d In Scotland Christmas is a great national holiday TEST I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a climate b divide c primary a difficult b currency d religion c instruction d puppet a compulsory b territory c mausoleum a association b continue c countries a hold b history c Buddhism d comprise d tropical d home II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others a country b notice c ethnic d depend a worship b divide c enjoy d abroad a tropical b religion a ringgit b Tamil 10 a region c primary c although b climate c monster d d Buddhism visit d comprise III Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English 11 Last Monday Henry had saw a wallet on a lonely Street in London A B C D 12 He picked up the wallet and finds the ticket inside A B C D 13 Mary heard a strangely sound on the telephone one morning A B C D 14 When we saw an UFO, we stopped the car A B C D 15 Theodore Lee had left all his money to the Society for the Blind A B C D 16 The Marconi family had come to the United States thirty years ago A B C D 17 Police yesterday began to look for thieves who steal 14 paintings from a museum in Taipei A B C D 18 Two men break into a supermarket in Italy and walked off with 240 tins of dog food, worth Lira A B C D 120,000 19 I have written my wife a letter every other day since the last two weeks A B C D 20 Ted Cornwall, aged Service for unhappily people A B C 77, has started his own telephone D IV Find the one choice that best completes the sentence 21 ‘How long have you been with the company?’ ‘I there for two years.’ a will work b was working c worked d have worked 22 ‘When are you planning to send the memo to the staff?’ ‘I it already.’ a send b had sent c have sent d was to send 23 ‘Betty told me that you have a cottage on Lake Superior.’ ‘Yes, we _ it since we first moved to Michigan.’ a had bought b bought c was buying d have bought 24 ‘What have you learned since you here?’ a came b come c have came d have been coming 25 ‘Where are Ken and Margaret?’ ‘They were hungry, so they to the grocery store.’ a go b had gone c went d were gone 26 I wish Beth trying to be so nice a would stop b will stop c stops d stop 27 School is for all children between the ages of five and sixteen a compose b compromise c compulsory d comfort 28 She still on her parents for money because she hasn’t got a job a denies b depends c deposit d desert 29 There are a lot of different groups living in London a ethnic b ethnically c ethical d ethnicity 30 The teacher the class into groups of three a shared b turned c changed d divided 31 The boy looks very proud his success at school a on b in c of d at 32 He was so by Cindy’s singing that he asked her to sing on the radio a shocked b impressed c admiring d surprised 33 Did you _ what she was wearing? a notice b noticeable c notion d noted 34 All students must learn English, but German is a option b optional c compulsion d compulsory 35 What is the _ cause of the illness? a primary b essential c possibly d most V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces An American professor who has studied the Mayas has come up (36) a new theory about the sudden end of their empire According to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist (37) the University of California; the collapse of the Mayan (38) in Central America was (39) about by the Mayas (40) Their object was to display their wealth and power by making their buildings and decoration as beautiful as (41) This involved using large quantities of lime, which they put (42) the walls to make them smooth Unfortunately, the creation of lime is a process which requires intense heat, and they (43) had to cut down huge numbers (44) trees This affected the quality of the soil, and it (45) almost impossible to farm 36 a with 37 a in b to b at 38 a civil 40 a themselves 41 a popular b on 43 a however 44 a on b of 45 a become d about c on b civilians 39 a brought 42 a in c for d belongs to c civilize b turned c came b themself b suitable c for b therefore c for b becomes d civilization d made c theirself c possible d theyselves d available d to c moreover d besides d ∅ c has become d became VI Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it Las Vegas, Nevada, is the most famous City for gambling in the United States It started in 1905 as a small train stop There were only a few buildings in the desert In 1946, a famous gangster named Bugsy Siegel built the first casino He was murdered in 1947 This made him and Las Vegas more famous! In the early 1950s, tourists went to Las Vegas not only to gamble They went to watch atomic bomb tests in the desert outside the City In those days, people didn’t know it was dangerous They thought it was exciting Las Vegas is also famous for its many wedding chapels Like all of Las Vegas, they are open twenty-four hours a day Getting married is easy A couple just pays a few dollars for a license, and they can get married immediately They don’t have to wait Many famous movie stars were married in Las Vegas 46 Nevada a is a famous city for gambling b is another name of Las Vegas c is a State in the United States of America d is the capital of Las Vegas 47 The word “this” in the first paragraph refers to a the fact that Bugsy Siegel was murdered b Siegel’s first casino c the fact that Siegel built the first casino d a famous gangster 48 People used to think that watching atomic bomb tests a was dangerous b was thrilling c might be a quiz show d should be prohibited 49 In the context of the passage, the word “chapel” in the last paragraph means a room b hotel c big pagoda d small church 50 Which of the following is not true? a Las Vegas is a place for gambling b In 1905, there were only a few buildings at the place now called Las Vegas c Bugsy Siegel was a famous gangster d The only things that make Las Vegas famous are wedding chapels TEST I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a girls b parks a south d regions c country d around b about a mosque b question a special a ghost c countries c quarter b climate b hold d queen c because c gold d come d monster II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others a impress a impression a prayer b depend c abroad b difficult b official c optional c puppet a religious b compulsion 10 a currency b primary d city d separate d friendly c Buddhism c mausoleum d instruction d friendliness III Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English 11 Humans lose their baby tooths when they are young but soon begin to grow another set A B C D 12 The role of women in world politics have been changing steadily A B C D 13 The ban on nuclear arms conservative, from all over the world A B C has much supporters, both liberal and D 14 A small number of plant, such as the Venus’s-flytrap, catch insects in their leaves A B C D 15 Vitamin C, which is found in fruits such as oranges and strawberries, it can prevent a disease known A B C D as scurvy 16 It is very crowded here; I wish there wasn’t so many people A B C D 17 A female kangaroo carries their young in a pocket commonly called a pouch A B C D 18 Companies routinely give a two-weeks vacation who have completed their first year of A B C to employees D Service 19 Lee died on April and his entire will of $460,000 goes to the Society for the Blind A B C D 20 When they went to bed on Christmas Eve, children used to hang up a stocking for their present A B C D IV Find the one choice that best completes the sentence 21 Coffee will not grow a cold climate 10 30 The kids would answer back, and that drove her a crazy b madness c craziness d crazily 31 He’s terrified spiders a of b to c with d about 32 Had I really heard a noise, or was I just things? a image b images c imagine d imagining 33 Few of these monkeys still in the wild a exists b exist c existence d existing 34 She has considerable professional experience translation a of b for c about d on 35 The containers are graded size a to b of c with d by V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces Edwin Hubble was an American (36) whose research led to discoveries about galaxies and the nature of the (37) He settled a long debate by (38) that the Andromeda nebula was located outside our galaxy, establishing the islands universe theory, (39) states that galaxies exit outside of our own His (40) of the distribution of galaxies resulted 216 in Hubble’s Constant, a standard relationship between a galaxy’s distance from the earth and its speed of recession By 1925, Hubble had devised a classification system for the structure of galaxies and provided (41) observational evidence for the expansion of the universe His work pushed the one-hundred-inch Mount Wilson telescope beyond (42) capability and provided strong impetus for the construction of an instrument twice its size at Mount Palomar, which Hubble used during his last years of research The telescope that bears his name was (43) on a space (44) in 1990 and (45) the earth, collecting data about the size of the universe 36 a astronaut b astronomer 37 a universe b universal 38 a demonstrate 39 a which 42 a his c who b study 41 a conclusive c their b launched 44 a shuttle b shutter b circle d universities d demonstrator d what b conclude b its d cosmonaut c demonstrating c student 43 a launch 45 a orbit c university b demonstration b that 40 a studying c astrologer d students c conclusion d conclusiveness d it’s c launches c settle c orbits d launching d settler d around 217 VI Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it Long ago, a lot of people thought the moon was a god Other people thought it was just a light in the sky And others thought it was a big ball of cheese! The telescopes were made And men saw that the moon was really another world They wondered what it was like They dreamed of going there On July 20, 1969, that dream came true Two American men landed on the moon Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin The first thing the men found was that the moon is covered with dust The dust is so thick that the men left footprints where they walked Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon And they could stay there for years and years There is no wind or rain to wipe them off The two men walked on the moon for hours They picked up rocks to bring back to earth for study They dug up dirt to bring back They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know Then they climbed back into their moon landing craft Next day the landing craft roared as the two men took off from the moon They joined Michael Collins in the spaceship that waited for them above the moon Then they were off on their long trip back to earth Behind them, they left the plains and tall mountains of the moon They left the machines they had set up And they left footprints that may last forever 46 This story tells a about the first men to walk on the moon b how men found footprints on the moon 218 c what the men brought back from their trip to the moon d who had left footprints on the moon before the two men landed there 47 A telescope a makes balls of light seem brighter b turns the moon into another world c makes many of men’s dreams come true d makes faraway things seem closer 48 The men brought rocks and dirt from the moon because a they wanted something to show they were there b people wanted to use them to learn about the moon c they wanted to keep them as souvenirs d they might sell them to scientists 49 The Americans’ machines will most likely stay on the moon until a someone takes them away c rain and wind destroy them b a storm covers them with dust d they become rusty and break to pieces 219 50 The next people who go to the moon most likely could a find that the machines have disappeared b leave the first set of footprints on the moon c find the places where Armstrong and Aldrin walked d find that dust had wiped off the two men’s footprints TEST4 I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a alien b crazy a saucer b evidence a conclusive a imagine a heathy c imagine c existence b pull c push b gemstone b other d trace d fence d put c gift d village c month d earth II Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others a disappearance a spacecraft b innovation b exist c disappointed c typhoon d infrastructure d collapse 220 a existence b benefit c teenager a marvelous b suggestion 10 a compose b behave d violent c nominate c treetop d thunderstorm d install III Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English 11 Anne said that she may go to Scotland at the weekend, or she might stay at home A B C D 12 Called El Nino, this variation in temperature maybe cause weather changes all over the world A B C D 13 On the other hand, there’s so much to in this school, and nothing is going to get done if Todd A B C Laker will becomes president again D 14 If Linus weren’t smart, he won’t find clever solutions to life’s problems A B C D 221 15 If Woodstock and Snoopy weren’t have a close relationship, Woodstock wouldn’t confide in Snoopy A B C D 16 The figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her image A B C D 17 The police are trying to unravel the mystery of his disappear A B C D 18 The government was slow informing the public about the health hazards of lead in petrol A B C D 19 Misconceptions about mental illness are common between the general public A B C D 20 Thousands of islanders fled in terrify yesterday as the volcano erupted A B C D IV Find the one choice that best completes the sentence 21 “The speedometer on my car is broken.” 222 “Do you think you’re driving over the speed limit?” “I don’t know I .” a must be b might be c am d can be 22 If you go to that disco, you get into trouble with your parents a will b must c would d could 23 If you how to use a computer, it will be hard to find a job a didn’t know b don’t know c know d wouldn’t know 24 If the polar ice caps , the level of the oceans would rise and flood coastal cities a sink b sank c sunk d will sink 25 I don’t have enough money, but if I had, I buy that book a would b will c can ∅ d 26 I have to go to class this afternoon, but if I , I would go downtown with you a had b hadn’t c haven’t d wouldn’t 27 Not by any stretch the imagination could she be called beautiful 223 a with b of c to d on 28 Marjorie looked down at the sleeping a infant b instant c inferior d in her arms infancy 29 This is really news! a marvel b marvelous c marvelously d miracle 30 Modern forecasts try to take the mystery meteorology a from b of c among d out of 31 She believes there is life other planets a in b of c for d on 32 He tried to prove his theory his friends a with b to c for d among 33 He rarely appears public these days a in b on c for d with 34 The police are now following up a number of reported woman’s car a sight b sighting c sights d sightings 224 35 At this stage, these are proposals and are still subject change a for b to c with d of V Choose the word (a, b, c or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces (36) October 1957 the first satellite, Sputnik, was (37) Since then, thousands of spacecraft (38) into space Every (39) weeks, new satellites are put into orbit Unfortunately, space is being (40) by debris from these (41) flights More than 70,000 objects have been left in space Parts of rockets have been left Old satellites have been abandoned Other items, including a glove, a spanner there is becoming (42) Both Russian and American spacecraft have been damaged An (43) would be killed (44) he or she was hit by a piece of rubbish It (45) billions of dollars to collect all the debris, but if nothing is done the situation will only get worse Sooner or later a satellite will be destroyed by a large piece of rubbish and thousands more pieces of debris will be scattered 36 a In 37 a left b At c On b launched 38 a has been sent 39 a few For c moved d landed b had been sent b little 40 a pollute d c a few b polluted 41 a spacious b spacing 42 a generous b dangerous c have been sent d was sent d a little c polluting d pollution c space d spaciousness c mysterious d marvelous 225 43 a astronomer 44 a when 45 a will cost b astrologer b as if b costs c now that c astronaut d astrophysicist d if c would cost d was going to VI Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it A shuttle is a vehicle that travels back and forth frequently A space shuttle is a vehicle that travels into space and back again It can be used again and again On April 12, 1981, the United States launched the first space shuttle, Columbia At 7.00 a.m., the engines were fired The booster rockets and the Space Shuttle lifted off into the air Two minutes later, the booster rockets and the space Shuttle separated Parachutes took the rockets safely down into the Pacific Ocean, where ships were waiting to pick them up Columbia continued to climb on an orbit of 170 miles above the earth The space Shuttle circled the earth 36 times During this time, the astronauts tested the equipment on the Shuttle They also opened and closed the large cargo doors Two days later, they fired the Shuttle’s engines This slowed down the Shuttle John Young, a top pilot, took the controls of Columbia He entered the earth’s atmosphere and headed toward California Then he made a perfect landing at Edwards Air Force base Since then, Columbia has traveled into space more than seven times The second Shuttle, Challenger, is also operating “NASA” is building two more space Shuttles It is planning over 60 more Shuttle flights Some will launch Satellites through the cargo doors Some will try to manufacture drugs and chemicals in space One will carry a large telescope into orbit which will send pictures back to earth It is possible that some day in the future, Space Shuttles will carry passengers to the moon 46 A Space Shuttle can 226 a be used seven times and carry passengers to the moon b be used over sixty times and can launch Satellites from it c be used again and again and can recover a large telescope d be used many times and can experiments in space 47 The rockets were taken safely down into the Pacific Ocean by a firing the engines b ships which were waiting c large parachutes after separating d taking the controls of Colombia 48 The word “them” in the second paragraph refers to a parachutes b rockets c astronauts d engines 49 Which statement is not true? a In the past, before space shuttles, a spacecraft could only be used one or two times b Space Shuttles will help scientists learn more about space c The rockets separated from the space shuttle when it was in orbit d Colombia will make many more space flights 227 50 John Young was a an excellent pilot and he made a perfect landing b a pilot at the top of the shuttle and he made a perfect landing c a gentle pilot and he took the control of Colombia d a top of the space shuttle and took the controls of Colombia ANSWER KEY TEST I 1a II 6b 2b 3c 7d 4c 8a 5d 9d 10c III 20b 11b 12d 13d 14a 15a 16d 17a 18a 19d IV 30b 21b 31a 22d 32d 23a 33d 24b 34d 25d 35b 26b 27a 28a 29a V 45c 36a VI 46d 37c 47c 38a 48d 39d 49d 40b 41d 42a 43d 44a 50c TEST 228 I II 1b 6d 2d 3a 4c 5b 7a 8a 9c 10a III 20b 11d 12c 13a 14c 15c 16c 17d 18d 19c IV 30a 21a 31b 22d 32b 23c 33c 24c 34d 25a 35a 26a 27b 28c 29a 40d 41b 42 a 43d 44c V 45d 36c VI 37b 46a 38a 47d 39d 48c 49a 50c TEST I II 1d 6d 2a 3a 7b 4a 8c 5d 9d 10a III 20c 11b 12b 13a 14c 15a 16a 17b 18c 19c IV 30a 21b 31a 22a 32d 23a 33b 24b 34a 25b 35d 26a 27b 28c 29a V 45c VI 36b 46a 37a 47d 38c 48b 39a 49a 40b 41a 42b 43b 44a 50c 229 TEST I II 1c 6d 2d 3a 7a 4c 8a 5b 9b 10c III 20c 11b 12c 13d 14b 15a 16d 17d 18a 19c IV 30d 21b 31d 22a 32b 23b 33a 24b 34d 25a 35b 26b 27b 28a 29b V 45c VI 36c 46d 37b 47c 38c 48b 39a 49c 40b 41c 42b 43c 44d 50a 230 ... 7d 12a 4b 8c 9a 13b IV 21a 22a 23b 30b 31a 32a 33a V 36a 45d VI 46b 37b 47a 5a 38a 48b 10b 14c 16d 17b 18a 19c 24c 25b 26a 34d 35d 27c 28c 29b 39c 49a 15c 40b 41c 42b 43c 44d 50b 19 UNIT CLOTHING... 35a V 36a 45b 37c 38b 39a 15d 40b 16b 41a 17a 18c 19c 27c 28c 29b 42d 43d 44b 38 VI 46b 47c 48b 49b 50d TEST2 I 1c II 6d 2d 3c 7c III 11a 20b 4a 8b 5b 9a 16a 17a 18b 19d IV 21b 22a 23b 24a 25c... 3a 7a III 11b 20d 4a 8b 9c 17c 18b 19b IV 21a 22a 23a 24b 25b 26c 30a 31a 32b 33c 34d 35b 27a 28d 29b VI 13b 10c 16c V 36d 45d 12c 5d 37c 46d 14b 38d 47a 39a 48d 15c 40a 49c 41b 42c 43d 44b 50a

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2021, 16:10

