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We all want the best for our children: the best clothes and toys, the best schools, the best friends, the best life possible.. As parents, we watch our kids' homework and the games they [r]

(1)VINH PHUC EDUCATION & TRAINING SERVICE Lien Son High School - - WRITTEN test Time allowance: 45 minutes - Nội dung đề số 641 I Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part needs correcting 01 On Valentine’s Day some Japanese girls spend almost half their salary for chocolate A On B for C some D almost 02 All of the rooms were provided with whiteboards but only one of them has an OHP A All of B only C has D with 03 During the exam, I saw one of the students to pass a piece of paper to another one A another B to pass C During D one 04 I suppose you are all asking yourself where we are going to take you A all B you C take D yourself 05 The second paragraph explains that how students can benefit from using a computer A that B The C can D from II Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow We all want the best for our children: the best clothes and toys, the best schools, the best friends, the best life possible As parents, we watch our kids' homework and the games they play, and we are careful to watch for alcohol, drugs, or violence in their lives When we hear a car crash we make sure that our kids are not hurt But we not take them into the street to see the glass and the blood and the people hurt in the accident So why we let our children watch the TV shows that they choose There are excellent programs on television for children These programs are made for children, with valuable lessons for children about good and bad things, and about positive and negative actions There are also terrible, upsetting programs on TV that are not made for children These shows are made with violence, sex, or horror as the main subject And now, because of VCRs, we can also bring movies like "Jaws" or "Halloween’s" home from video store to show on television Children who watch television everyday on TV will begin to think that violence is normal And one day, these children will become violent, too Parents must be careful What children watch on TV will change the way they think about the world Their television education should be a valuable and positive education 06 The most important idea in the text is A The writer thinks too much TV is bad for the kids B We all want the best for our children C It is the fact that too much TV is bad for the kids D It is the fact that TV is not bad for the kids 07 We don't want our children to see car crashes because A they may be very frightened B they can cause accidents later C children are afraid of blood D the children cry when they see them 08 What does the writer say about good television programs? A They are all about good things B Children like to watch them a lot C They are made only for children D They are good for children 09 What happens to children who watch violence on television? A They ask their parents to buy violent tapes B They will become violent someday C They like watching a lot D They don't watch other programs any more 10 What kind of education can children get from TV? A negative and valuable B positive C negative D positive and valuable III Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 11 It is likely _ A that oil price will increase B if oil prices will increase C increasing in oil price D what oil price will increase 12 The news _ gravely ill came as a terrible shock A that Sharon had been B that had Sharon been C of Sharon had been D of Sharon was 13 He was a quiet boy who spoke little _ A and thought a lot B but thought a lot C but a lot thought D but a lot thought 14 The streets are crowded with a population _ in learning A who have no interest B not interested C which have no interest D that are not interest 15 _, she was more a dancer than a singer A Was still young B She was young C Younger still D When still young IV Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose stress pattern is different from others 16 A invite B reject C result D holy 17 A possibility B documentation C unpredictable D complementary (2) V Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 18 that reason, I don't agree with you A Owing to B For C Due to D Because 19 I didn't want to meet Paul, when he had entered the room I left A as B so C because D and 20 I wish our teacher our problems a little better A will understand B understood C understands D understand 21 My father had the telephone out of his office A taking B taken C take D to take 22 The teacher speaks slowly the pupils may understand him A in order to B so that C or D because 23 The girl weeps whenever she such a story A had heard B will hear C heard D hears 24 The entrance examination in July A shall begin B begin C begins D has begun 25 - “Would you mind lending me your bike?” - “ ” A Yes, let’s B Great C Not at all D Yes Here it is 26 They all laughed because the film was very A amuse B amusing C amusement D amused 27 We saw a man in the street yesterday A to stagger B staggering C staggered D staggers 28 It's no good your father about your failure A tell B to tell C telling D told 29 - “ detective stories?” - “In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers.” A How about B What people feel about C What you think about D Are you fond of 30 We fell over some pieces of wood lying around A leaving B leave C leaves D left 31 The students refused to school in the afternoon A return B to return C returning D to be returned 32 Pat would rather early than late A arrival B arrive C arriving D arrived VI Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow Toast is less flattening than bread Toast has all the same calories as bread Many diet plans call for a slice of dry toast with a meal This slice of toast has the same 60 to 70 calories that a slice of bread has Toasting removes only moisture So if you are watching calories, eat your bread plain or toasted as you like it Just don't add butter and jam COFFEE or a cold shower can sober up a drunk In fact these and other activities don't A cold shower is useless A full meal does no good Food can slow down the speed that alcohol goes into the blood, but only if you eat and drink at the same time Coffee can make a tipsy person seem more alert because of the caffeine, but the strongest coffee will not return his reflexes or sense of judgment Two cups of coffee don't change a drinker into a safe driver Drunkenness is caused by a lot of alcohol in the blood You can a little or nothing to make a person less drunk So if you have a drunk that you want to sober up, drive him home and tell him to sleep for eight hours 33 What's the main idea in the second text? A The best cure for drunkenness is coffee and a cold shower B The best cure for drunkenness is food C The best cure for drunkenness is sleep D The best cure for drunkenness is a big meal 34 What is the best help for a drunk person? A Two cups of coffee B Eight hours of sleep C A glass of lemonade D A cold shower 35 When does a person eat dry toast? A When they are having dinner B When they are too fat C When they are on a diet D When they are very hungry 36 Caffeine makes a drunk person , A have faster reflexes B use better judgment C become well fast D seem more alert 37 Eating food while you are drinking a lot A will make you feel drunk more quickly B will help make you not get drunk C will make you more alert and give you better judgment D will slow down the speed that alcohol enters your blood VII Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part pronounced differently from others 38 A campus B chemistry C charge D mechanic 39 A house B brown C south D soup 40.A hair B hear C near D beer -THE END - (3) VINH PHUC EDUCATION & TRAINING SERVICE Lien Son High School - - WRITTEN test Time allowance: 45 minutes - Nội dung đề số 652 I Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow Toast is less flattening than bread Toast has all the same calories as bread Many diet plans call for a slice of dry toast with a meal This slice of toast has the same 60 to 70 calories that a slice of bread has Toasting removes only moisture So if you are watching calories, eat your bread plain or toasted as you like it Just don't add butter and jam COFFEE or a cold shower can sober up a drunk In fact these and other activities don't A cold shower is useless A full meal does no good Food can slow down the speed that alcohol goes into the blood, but only if you eat and drink at the same time Coffee can make a tipsy person seem more alert because of the caffeine, but the strongest coffee will not return his reflexes or sense of judgment Two cups of coffee don't change a drinker into a safe driver Drunkenness is caused by a lot of alcohol in the blood You can a little or nothing to make a person less drunk So if you have a drunk that you want to sober up, drive him home and tell him to sleep for eight hours 01 Eating food while you are drinking a lot A will make you more alert and give you better judgment B will slow down the speed that alcohol enters your blood C will make you feel drunk more quickly D will help make you not get drunk 02 Caffeine makes a drunk person , A seem more alert B become well fast C use better judgment D have faster reflexes 03 When does a person eat dry toast? A When they are very hungry B When they are on a diet C When they are too fat D When they are having dinner 04 What's the main idea in the second text? A The best cure for drunkenness is food B The best cure for drunkenness is a big meal C The best cure for drunkenness is coffee and a cold shower D The best cure for drunkenness is sleep 05 What is the best help for a drunk person? A A glass of lemonade B A cold shower C Eight hours of sleep D Two cups of coffee II Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part needs correcting 06 The second paragraph explains that how students can benefit from using a computer A The B can C that D from 07 All of the rooms were provided with whiteboards but only one of them has an OHP A All of B with C has D only 08 On Valentine’s Day some Japanese girls spend almost half their salary for chocolate A for B almost C On D some 09 During the exam, I saw one of the students to pass a piece of paper to another one A to pass B During C another D one 10 I suppose you are all asking yourself where we are going to take you A take B yourself C you D all III Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose stress pattern is different from others 11 A documentation B possibility C complementary D unpredictable 12 A invite B reject C result D holy IV Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 13 I didn't want to meet Paul, when he had entered the room I left A because B so C and D as 14 The students refused to school in the afternoon A returning B return C to return D to be returned 15 The girl weeps whenever she such a story A heard B will hear C had heard D hears 16 - “Would you mind lending me your bike?” - “ ” A Not at all B Yes Here it is C Yes, let’s D Great 17 It's no good your father about your failure A telling B to tell C tell D told 18 Pat would rather early than late A arrive B arriving C arrived D arrival 19 We fell over some pieces of wood lying around A left B leave C leaves D leaving (4) 20 The entrance examination in July A begin B has begun C begins D shall begin 21 I wish our teacher our problems a little better A understand B understood C will understand D understands 22 We saw a man in the street yesterday A staggered B staggers C staggering D to stagger 23 They all laughed because the film was very A amused B amusing C amuse D amusement 24 My father had the telephone out of his office A take B to take C taking D taken 25 that reason, I don't agree with you A Because B Due to C Owing to D For 26 The teacher speaks slowly the pupils may understand him A so that B in order to C because D or 27 - “ detective stories?” - “In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers.” A What people feel about B Are you fond of C What you think about D How about V Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part pronounced differently from others 28 A chemistry B mechanic C charge D campus 29 A hair B near C hear D beer 30 A soup B south C house D brown VI Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 31 It is likely _ A increasing in oil price B what oil price will increase C that oil price will increase D if oil prices will increase 32 The streets are crowded with a population _ in learning A which have no interest B not interested C who have no interest D that are not interest 33 He was a quiet boy who spoke little _ A but a lot thought B and thought a lot C but a lot thought D but thought a lot 34 _, she was more a dancer than a singer A Younger still B When still young C She was young D Was still young 35 The news _ gravely ill came as a terrible shock A that Sharon had been B of Sharon had been C that had Sharon been D of Sharon was VII Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow We all want the best for our children: the best clothes and toys, the best schools, the best friends, the best life possible As parents, we watch our kids' homework and the games they play, and we are careful to watch for alcohol, drugs, or violence in their lives When we hear a car crash we make sure that our kids are not hurt But we not take them into the street to see the glass and the blood and the people hurt in the accident So why we let our children watch the TV shows that they choose There are excellent programs on television for children These programs are made for children, with valuable lessons for children about good and bad things, and about positive and negative actions There are also terrible, upsetting programs on TV that are not made for children These shows are made with violence, sex, or horror as the main subject And now, because of VCRs, we can also bring movies like "Jaws" or "Halloween’s" home from video store to show on television Children who watch television everyday on TV will begin to think that violence is normal And one day, these children will become violent, too Parents must be careful What children watch on TV will change the way they think about the world Their television education should be a valuable and positive education 36 The most important idea in the text is A It is the fact that too much TV is bad for the kids B We all want the best for our children C It is the fact that TV is not bad for the kids D The writer thinks too much TV is bad for the kids 37 What does the writer say about good television programs? A They are good for children B They are made only for children C They are all about good things D Children like to watch them a lot 38 We don't want our children to see car crashes because A they may be very frightened B the children cry when they see them C they can cause accidents later D children are afraid of blood 39 What happens to children who watch violence on television? A They don't watch other programs any more B They will become violent someday C They like watching a lot D They ask their parents to buy violent tapes 40 What kind of education can children get from TV? A negative B negative and valuable C positive and valuable D positive THE END - (5) VINH PHUC EDUCATION & TRAINING SERVICE Lien Son High School - - WRITTEN test Time allowance: 45 minutes - Nội dung đề số 673 I Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part pronounced differently from others 01 A chemistry B mechanic C campus D charge 02 A hair B hear C near D beer 03 A soup B house C brown D south II Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow Toast is less flattening than bread Toast has all the same calories as bread Many diet plans call for a slice of dry toast with a meal This slice of toast has the same 60 to 70 calories that a slice of bread has Toasting removes only moisture So if you are watching calories, eat your bread plain or toasted as you like it Just don't add butter and jam COFFEE or a cold shower can sober up a drunk In fact these and other activities don't A cold shower is useless A full meal does no good Food can slow down the speed that alcohol goes into the blood, but only if you eat and drink at the same time Coffee can make a tipsy person seem more alert because of the caffeine, but the strongest coffee will not return his reflexes or sense of judgment Two cups of coffee don't change a drinker into a safe driver Drunkenness is caused by a lot of alcohol in the blood You can a little or nothing to make a person less drunk So if you have a drunk that you want to sober up, drive him home and tell him to sleep for eight hours 04 When does a person eat dry toast? A When they are very hungry B When they are on a diet C When they are too fat D When they are having dinner 05 Eating food while you are drinking a lot A will make you feel drunk more quickly B will help make you not get drunk C will make you more alert and give you better judgment D will slow down the speed that alcohol enters your blood 06 What's the main idea in the second text? A The best cure for drunkenness is sleep B The best cure for drunkenness is food C The best cure for drunkenness is a big meal D The best cure for drunkenness is coffee and a cold shower 07 What is the best help for a drunk person? A Eight hours of sleep B A glass of lemonade C A cold shower D Two cups of coffee 08 Caffeine makes a drunk person , A become well fast B use better judgment C have faster reflexes D seem more alert III Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 09 The news _ gravely ill came as a terrible shock A of Sharon had been B of Sharon was C that had Sharon been D that Sharon had been 10 The streets are crowded with a population _ in learning A not interested B who have no interest C which have no interest D that are not interest 11 It is likely _ A what oil price will increase B increasing in oil price C that oil price will increase D if oil prices will increase 12 _, she was more a dancer than a singer A She was young B When still young C Was still young D Younger still 13 He was a quiet boy who spoke little _ A and thought a lot B but a lot thought C but thought a lot D but a lot thought IV Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part needs correcting 14 On Valentine’s Day some Japanese girls spend almost half their salary for chocolate A for B almost C some D On 15 The second paragraph explains that how students can benefit from using a computer A that B can C The D from 16 I suppose you are all asking yourself where we are going to take you A yourself B take C all D you 17 During the exam, I saw one of the students to pass a piece of paper to another one A one B to pass C another D During 18 All of the rooms were provided with whiteboards but only one of them has an OHP A with B has C All of D only V Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose stress pattern is different from others 19 A holy B invite C reject D result 20 A unpredictable B complementary C possibility D documentation (6) VI Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 21 that reason, I don't agree with you A Because B Owing to C Due to D For 22 - “Would you mind lending me your bike?” - “ ” A Yes Here it is B Great C Not at all D Yes, let’s 23 My father had the telephone out of his office A taken B take C to take D taking 24 The entrance examination in July A begins B has begun C begin D shall begin 25 Pat would rather early than late A arrived B arrival C arrive D arriving 26 They all laughed because the film was very A amusement B amuse C amusing D amused 27 We saw a man in the street yesterday A staggering B staggers C staggered D to stagger 28 We fell over some pieces of wood lying around A leaving B leaves C left D leave 29 It's no good your father about your failure A tell B told C to tell D telling 30 The students refused to school in the afternoon A to return B return C to be returned D returning 31 The girl weeps whenever she such a story A hears B heard C had heard D will hear 32 I didn't want to meet Paul, when he had entered the room I left A as B so C because D and 33 I wish our teacher our problems a little better A understand B will understand C understood D understands 34 - “ detective stories?” - “In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers.” A What you think about B How about C Are you fond of D What people feel about 35 The teacher speaks slowly the pupils may understand him A in order to B because C or D so that VII Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow We all want the best for our children: the best clothes and toys, the best schools, the best friends, the best life possible As parents, we watch our kids' homework and the games they play, and we are careful to watch for alcohol, drugs, or violence in their lives When we hear a car crash we make sure that our kids are not hurt But we not take them into the street to see the glass and the blood and the people hurt in the accident So why we let our children watch the TV shows that they choose There are excellent programs on television for children These programs are made for children, with valuable lessons for children about good and bad things, and about positive and negative actions There are also terrible, upsetting programs on TV that are not made for children These shows are made with violence, sex, or horror as the main subject And now, because of VCRs, we can also bring movies like "Jaws" or "Halloween’s" home from video store to show on television Children who watch television everyday on TV will begin to think that violence is normal And one day, these children will become violent, too Parents must be careful What children watch on TV will change the way they think about the world Their television education should be a valuable and positive education 36 The most important idea in the text is A We all want the best for our children B It is the fact that too much TV is bad for the kids C The writer thinks too much TV is bad for the kids D It is the fact that TV is not bad for the kids 37 What happens to children who watch violence on television? A They don't watch other programs any more B They ask their parents to buy violent tapes C They like watching a lot D They will become violent someday 38 We don't want our children to see car crashes because A they can cause accidents later B they may be very frightened C children are afraid of blood D the children cry when they see them 39 What kind of education can children get from TV? A positive and valuable B negative C negative and valuable D positive 40 What does the writer say about good television programs? A They are good for children B Children like to watch them a lot C They are all about good things D They are made only for children THE END - (7) VINH PHUC EDUCATION & TRAINING SERVICE Lien Son High School - - WRITTEN test Time allowance: 45 minutes - Nội dung đề số 684 I Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part pronounced differently from others 01 A hair B near C hear D beer 02 A brown B south C soup D house 03 A chemistry B campus C charge D mechanic II Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 04 _, she was more a dancer than a singer A When still young B Was still young C She was young D Younger still 05 He was a quiet boy who spoke little _ A but thought a lot B and thought a lot C but a lot thought D but a lot thought 06 The streets are crowded with a population _ in learning A not interested B that are not interest C which have no interest D who have no interest 07 It is likely _ A if oil prices will increase B increasing in oil price C what oil price will increase D that oil price will increase 08 The news _ gravely ill came as a terrible shock A that Sharon had been B of Sharon was C of Sharon had been D that had Sharon been III Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose stress pattern is different from others 09 A invite B reject C holy D result 10 A documentation B unpredictable C possibility D complementary IV Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the one whose underlined part needs correcting 11 During the exam, I saw one of the students to pass a piece of paper to another one A one B During C to pass D another 12 On Valentine’s Day some Japanese girls spend almost half their salary for chocolate A for B On C some D almost 13 The second paragraph explains that how students can benefit from using a computer A that B from C The D can 14 All of the rooms were provided with whiteboards but only one of them has an OHP A All of B has C only D with 15 I suppose you are all asking yourself where we are going to take you A yourself B take C all D you V Choose the option among A, B, C, or D provided the best one to complete each of the following incomplete sentences 16 that reason, I don't agree with you A Because B Owing to C For D Due to 17 I wish our teacher our problems a little better A understood B understand C understands D will understand 18 My father had the telephone out of his office A take B taken C to take D taking 19 The teacher speaks slowly the pupils may understand him A or B because C so that D in order to 20 They all laughed because the film was very A amusement B amuse C amusing D amused 21 The students refused to school in the afternoon A to be returned B returning C to return D return 22 I didn't want to meet Paul, when he had entered the room I left A so B and C as D because 23 The entrance examination in July A begins B has begun C shall begin D begin 24 We fell over some pieces of wood lying around A leaves B left C leaving D leave 25 It's no good your father about your failure A tell B told C telling D to tell 26 We saw a man in the street yesterday A staggered B to stagger C staggering D staggers 27 - “ detective stories?” - “In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers.” (8) A How about B Are you fond of C What you think about D What people feel about 28 - “Would you mind lending me your bike?” - “ ” A Great B Not at all C Yes Here it is D Yes, let’s 29 The girl weeps whenever she such a story A will hear B heard C hears D had heard 30 Pat would rather early than late A arrive B arriving C arrived D arrival VI Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow Toast is less flattening than bread Toast has all the same calories as bread Many diet plans call for a slice of dry toast with a meal This slice of toast has the same 60 to 70 calories that a slice of bread has Toasting removes only moisture So if you are watching calories, eat your bread plain or toasted as you like it Just don't add butter and jam COFFEE or a cold shower can sober up a drunk In fact these and other activities don't A cold shower is useless A full meal does no good Food can slow down the speed that alcohol goes into the blood, but only if you eat and drink at the same time Coffee can make a tipsy person seem more alert because of the caffeine, but the strongest coffee will not return his reflexes or sense of judgment Two cups of coffee don't change a drinker into a safe driver Drunkenness is caused by a lot of alcohol in the blood You can a little or nothing to make a person less drunk So if you have a drunk that you want to sober up, drive him home and tell him to sleep for eight hours 31 When does a person eat dry toast? A When they are too fat B When they are very hungry C When they are having dinner D When they are on a diet 32 What's the main idea in the second text? A The best cure for drunkenness is coffee and a cold shower B The best cure for drunkenness is sleep C The best cure for drunkenness is food D The best cure for drunkenness is a big meal 33 Eating food while you are drinking a lot A will make you feel drunk more quickly B will slow down the speed that alcohol enters your blood C will help make you not get drunk D will make you more alert and give you better judgment 34 Caffeine makes a drunk person , A seem more alert B use better judgment C have faster reflexes D become well fast 35 What is the best help for a drunk person? A Two cups of coffee B Eight hours of sleep C A glass of lemonade D A cold shower VII Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution finish each of the questions that follow We all want the best for our children: the best clothes and toys, the best schools, the best friends, the best life possible As parents, we watch our kids' homework and the games they play, and we are careful to watch for alcohol, drugs, or violence in their lives When we hear a car crash we make sure that our kids are not hurt But we not take them into the street to see the glass and the blood and the people hurt in the accident So why we let our children watch the TV shows that they choose There are excellent programs on television for children These programs are made for children, with valuable lessons for children about good and bad things, and about positive and negative actions There are also terrible, upsetting programs on TV that are not made for children These shows are made with violence, sex, or horror as the main subject And now, because of VCRs, we can also bring movies like "Jaws" or "Halloween’s" home from video store to show on television Children who watch television everyday on TV will begin to think that violence is normal And one day, these children will become violent, too Parents must be careful What children watch on TV will change the way they think about the world Their television education should be a valuable and positive education 36 What happens to children who watch violence on television? A They don't watch other programs any more B They like watching a lot C They will become violent someday D They ask their parents to buy violent tapes 37 What does the writer say about good television programs? A They are made only for children B Children like to watch them a lot C They are good for children D They are all about good things 38 The most important idea in the text is A It is the fact that TV is not bad for the kids B It is the fact that too much TV is bad for the kids C The writer thinks too much TV is bad for the kids D We all want the best for our children 39 What kind of education can children get from TV? A positive B positive and valuable C negative D negative and valuable 40 We don't want our children to see car crashes because A the children cry when they see them B they may be very frightened C children are afraid of blood D they can cause accidents later -THE END (9) ĐÁP ÁN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 641 B C B D A B A D B D A A B C D D B B B B 652 B A B D C C C A A B A D B C D A A A A C 673 A A B B D A A D D C C B C A A A B B A D 684 A D A A A C D A C A C A A B A C A B C C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 641 B B D C C B B C C D B B C B C D D B A A 652 B C B D D A C A A C C A D B A B A A B C 673 D C A A C C A C D A A B C A D A D B A A 684 C A A B C C C B C A D B B A B C C D B B (10)

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2021, 21:14

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