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MS 008 01 not approved

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  • Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents (Cont’d)

    • 1. Location Map

    • 2. Schedule

    • 3. Inspection and Test Plan for Reinforced Concrete Cover

    • 4. Inspection and Test Plan for Site Works

    • 5. Inspection Checklist(s) / Form(s)

    • 6. Safety Risk Assessment

    • 7. Environmental Risk Assessment



    • Hồ sơ nghiệm thu giai đoạn thi công xây dựng gồm:




Nội dung

EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION METHOD STATEMENT MS-008-01 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION PACKAGE D CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT GUIDANCE NOTES Where this page is over-stamped with the words “Controlled Copy” this means: a) Distribution is centralized - in this case of this document from the Site Manager; b) Each copy is issued to a particular person or organization If the document is no longer required it should be returned to the relevant person; c) It is not to be photocopied either in whole or in part Additional copies are available on request; d) Copy holders will be automatically issued with any amendments Responsibility for incorporating such amendments rests with the copy holder 4/11/06 REV NO ISSUE DATE PREPARED BY ENGINEER REVIEWED BY AREA MANAGER REVIEWED BY QC MANAGER REVIEWED BY SITE MANAGER APPROVED BY ACTING PROJECT MANAGER EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION L V PHONG MR M HOSOI L DE OCAMPO Y UCHIDA Y UCHIDA EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL 1.1 PURPOSE 1.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE 1.3 REFERRED DRAWINGS SCOPE OF WORK METHODOLOGY 3.1 GENERAL CONCEPT 3.2 CARE OF WATER 3.3 FLOWCHART 3.4 PREPARATORY WORKS 3.5 EXCAVATION WORK AND TEMPORARY SHORING 13 3.6 PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITY(IES) 17 3.7 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS EXCAVATED MATERIAL 17 3.8 BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 17 3.9 CONSTRUCTION OF MANHOLES 21 3.10 BACKFILLING 22 3.11 LEAKAGE TEST 22 3.12 REPAIR OF CONCRETE 23 SCHEDULE 23 ORGANISATION 23 5.1 ORGANISATION CHART 23 5.2 SUPPLIERS / SUB-CONTRACTORS 24 5.3 LIST OF MACHINERY / EQUIPMENT 24 QUALITY CONTROL 25 6.1 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN 25 6.2 NON-CONFORMANCE REPORT 26 Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT’D) SAFETY MANAGEMENT 26 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 26 APPENDICES: LOCATION MAP SCHEDULE INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR SITE WORKS INSPECTION CHECKLIST(S) / FORM(S) SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT SHIMIZU CORPORATION MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION GENERAL This method statement describes the procedures for conveyance sewer construction by open cut method including preparatory works, earthworks and construction of box culvert and associated manholes The Method Statements noted hereunder will be submitted under separate cover by the Contractor in compliance with the Specification and Conditions of Contract:      MS-006-01 MS-007-01 MS-008-02 MS-008-03 MS-011-01 Reinforced Concrete Piling Works Driving Timber Piles Design of Temporary Shoring for Excavation (01) Design of Formwork (01) Method Statement for O/M Road construction In addition various plans, associated with the Conveyance Sewer Construction, have been submitted separately by the Contractor as hereunder noted:  TRP-01 Temporary Road Plan  TFP-01 Temporary Facilities Plan 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this documents are as noted hereunder: a) to construct conveyance sewer between pump station at Package C to treatment plant at Package E 1.2 Terms of Reference The terms of the Contract hereunder noted are applicable to the contents of this document: a) Contract Documents, Specifications: Technical Specification Section “Preparatory Works”; b) Contract Documents, Specifications: Technical Specification Section “Earth Works”; c) Contract Documents, Specifications: Technical Specification Section “Concrete Works”; d) Contract Documents, Specifications: Technical Specification Section “Sewer Construction”; e) Contract Documents, Bill of Quantities, Bill No “Conveyance Sewer”; In addition this document considers the harmonisation of the construction schedule as requested by the Employer, the provisional Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION details of which were submitted by the Contractor under cover of it’s letter ENG-0059 dated 28 September 2006 and for which the final details will be submitted by the Contractor under separate cover 1.3 Referred Drawings The following drawings are applicable to the contents of this document: a) Contractor’s Drawing No.’s CO - P - 1xx “Plan and Profile of Conveyance Sewer” b) Contractor’s Drawing No.’s CO - P - 2xx “Cross Section of Conveyance Sewer” c) Contractor’s Drawing No.’s CO - P - 3xx “Conveyance Sewer Culvert” d) Contractor’s Drawing No.’s CO - T - 3xx “Shoring Plan and Profile” e) Contractor’s Drawing No.’s CO - T - 4xx “Formwork for Conveyance Sewer” SCOPE OF WORK This scope of works associated with the Conveyance Sewer Construction are outlined in Table 2.1 hereunder For a pictorial presentation of the works reference is also made to Appendix No hereto: Table 2.1 LENGTH (M) 2,913.03 TYPE □ 1,200 x 1,300 x Conveyance Sewer Construction MANHOLE (NO.) PC COVER (NO.) CAST IN SITU CONCRETE (M3) 30 974 5,749.60 For piling quantities associated with the Conveyance Sewer construction reference is made to the Method Statements listed hereunder submitted under separate cover by the Contractor:  MS-006-01 Reinforced Concrete Piling Works  MS-007-01 Driving Timber Piles METHODOLOGY 3.1 General Concept Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION Construction of the Conveyance Sewer will be commenced from the centre outwards (to the ends where the Conveyance Sewer constructed under Package D interfaces with those portions constructed by others under the HCMC Water Environment Improvement Project) and is divided into two distinct work fronts as detailed hereunder:  From Manhole ref: CM-18 to Manhole ref: CM-04 + 5m (North Work Front)  From Manhole ref: CM-18 to Manhole ref: CM-34 +5m (South Work Front) Foundation works, due to the differing types of designed pile foundations, will be executed in the following manner: RC Piling works will be continuously executed in the required areas prior to commencement of the excavation and temporary shoring works (Refer to Method Statement MS-006-01)  Timber piling works will be executed in the required areas after completion of the necessary excavation and temporary shoring works (Refer to Method Statement MS-007-01)  Three work teams will be mobilised to each work front and each work team will be assigned one block (each block is equivalent to a length of 120m of the Conveyance Sewer) Each block, 120m in length, is equivalent, on average, to four units divided by construction joints Within each block the typical box culvert construction is shown in Figure 3.1 hereinbelow: 30 m 30 30 m Vertical constructionmjoint 30 m block = 120m (i.e units, each unit ≈ 30m i.e joint to joint) FIGURE 3.1 Blocks and will be executed concurrently as will blocks and In addition, wherever possible, concurrent overlapping will also be Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT SHIMIZU CORPORATION MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION initiated i.e after pouring the slab for units and the slab for units and will be cast As outlined hereinabove three work teams will be mobilised to each work front For a pictorial representation of this sequence reference is made to Figure 3.2 on page Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION FIGURE 3.2 Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT SHIMIZU CORPORATION MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION 3.2 Care of Water In order to ensure dry conditions during construction water pump(s) shall be provided which will pump any water within the excavation area to the open drainage ditch constructed alongside the temporary road as outlined in the Contractor’s Temporary Road Plan TRP-01 For those areas where no temporary access road is constructed an open drainage ditch shall be formed at the side of the trench to a pre-determined location where a sump pit shall be excavated From the sump pit the water shall be pumped out to the nearest existing drainage system by suitable capacity pumps The number and capacity of pumps shall be chosen based on the actual prevailing conditions during construction Either gasoline or electric type pumps shall be utilised for this purpose Standby pumps shall be available on Site in the event they are required during particularly heavy precipitation Page of 26 EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT SHIMIZU CORPORATION MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION - Biên nghiệm thu phận cơng trình xây dựng, giai đoạn thi công xây dựng / Inspection Minutes of construction works, construction progress ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… - Kết thí nghiệm, hiệu chỉnh, vận hành liên động có tải hệ thống thiết bị công nghệ / Results of testing adjustment operation of overall equipment after loading: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… - Bản vẽ hồn cơng cơng trình xây dựng / As-built drawings of construction works ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… - Văn chấp thuận của quan quản lý Nhà nước có thẩm quyền về phịng chống cháy nổ, an tồn mơi trường, an tồn vận hành theo quy định / Approval statement by State Authorities on fire explosion preventing, environmental safety, operation safety according to regulations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… b) Về chất lượng công việc xây dựng/ Quality of construction works …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c) Các ý kiến khác (nếu có)/ Other comments (if any) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Kết luận/ Conclusion: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Các bên trực tiếp nghiệm thu chịu trách nhiệm trước pháp luật về quyết định nghiệm thu Parties attending the inspection take full legal responsibility regarding this inspection acceptance Page 18 of 18 Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION - Đại diện đơn vị giám sát thi công xây lắp: Công ty Tư vấn Quốc tế Thái Bình Dưong (Nhật Bản) liên kết với VIWASE & WASE Representative from the site Supervisor-Consultant: Pacific Consultant International (Japan) in association with VIWASE and WASE - Đại diện chủ đầu tư: Ban quản lý Dự án đại lộ Đông Tây Môi trường nước Thành Phố Representative of Employer: The East-West Highway and Water Environment Project Management Unit - Đại diện đơn vị tư vấn thiết kế: Công ty Tư vấn Quốc tế TBD (Nhật bản) Representative from the Design-Consultant: Pacific Consultant International (Japan) - Đại diện nhà thầu xây lắp: Cơng ty Shimizu (Nhật bản) Representative from the Main Contractor: Shimizu Corporation (Japan) Hồ sơ nghiệm thu gồm: Inspection documents include: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… - END - Page 19 of 18 Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT SHIMIZU CORPORATION MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION APPENDIX NO Safety Risk Assessment Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence YP instability Lifting close to O/H electric lines Collision with other plant / traffic Night work VIS Transportati on of equipment / material People Affected Oth er C F RR C F RR Safety induction / provide signage Ensure lifting hook is provided with safety latch Qualified, experienced operator Follow standards and check area prior to starting works S2 S2 S2 S2 PUB Traffic hazard Equipment falls when loading Crane (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Injury √ √ S3 Injury √ √ S3 Injury √ √ S3 Electrocution / Injury √ √ S3 Injury √ √ S3 Ensure banksmen is present transporting equipment on the Site S2 Injury √ √ S3 Provide adequate lighting S2 Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence YP VIS Temporary Facilities People Affected Oth er C F RR S3 F RR Provide adequate lighting S2 Night work9 Injury √ √ Interaction between plant / workers Electrocutio Injury √ S3 Safety induction, adequate signage, experienced operators S2 Injury √ S3 S2 Injury √ S2 Ensure electrical system installed by experienced personnel Safety induction / tool box S1 1 n Improper use of hand tools C PUB (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI talks If necessary Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence YP If required VIS 10 People Affected Oth er C F RR S3 PUB Excavation work and temporary shoring (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Undermine / damage existing services Interaction between plant / workers work810 Damage √ √ Injury √ S3 Injury √ S3 Welding in bad weather Collapse of trench sides Water ingress into excavation Resource falling into excavation Electrocution √ S3 Injury √ S3 Injury √ S2 Damage / injury √ S2 Page of C F RR Service utility / marking / signage S2 Safety induction, adequate signage, experienced operators Provide adequate lighting / signage Safety induction, tool box talks S2 S2 S2 Temporary works design to be strictly implemented for each area means of egress, Adequate standby pumping facilities available vehicles close to Minimise edge of excavation, barricades etc S2 S1 1 S1 1 Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence 12 YP 11 VIS People Affected PUB Disposal of surplus excavated material (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Oth er C F RR S3 S2 work811 Injury √ Overload truck Traffic accident √ Interaction between plant / workers Injury √ S3 work812 Injury √ S3 √ Provide adequate lighting / signage Ensure no overloading, provide canvas cover for dump Safetytrucks induction, adequate signage, experienced operators Provide adequate lighting / signage C F RR S2 S1 1 S2 S2 If required If required Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence YP VIS PUB 13 Backfilling People Affected Oth er C F RR Lifting hazard Damage / injury √ S3 Interaction between plant / workers Water ingress into excavation Improper Injury √ S3 use of hand tools Collapse of (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E trench sides Resource falling into 813 excavation work PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Injury √ S2 Injury √ S2 Experienced operators, daily inspection of equipment Safety induction, adequate signage, experienced operators Adequate means of egress, standby pumping facilities available Safety induction / tool box C F RR S2 S2 S1 1 S1 1 S2 S2 S2 talks Injury √ S3 Damage / injury √ S2 Injury √ S3 Temporary works design to be strictly implemented for each areavehicles close to Minimise edge of excavation, barricades etc Provide adequate lighting / signage If required Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence 14 Extraction of temporary shoring Interaction between plant / workers work814 YP VIS between plant / workers People Affected PUB Improper use of hand tools Interaction (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Oth er C F RR C F RR Injury √ S2 Safety induction / tool box talks S1 1 Injury √ S3 Safety induction, adequate signage, experienced operators S2 Injury √ S3 Safety induction, adequate signage, experienced operators S2 Injury √ S3 Provide adequate lighting / signage S2 If required Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/015 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence YP Con: Contractor; VIS Key: E: Employer; Damage / injury People Affected PUB Lifting hazard (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Oth er √ Pub: Public; Vis: Visitor; C F RR S3 Experienced operators, daily inspection of equipment Approved by Safety Officer: YP: Young People Page of C F RR S2 Date: Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT SHIMIZU CORPORATION MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION APPENDIX NO Environmental Risk Assessment Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/016 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence YP Temporary facilities VIS People Affected Oth er C F RR C F RR PUB Transportati on of material / equipment (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Fumes from transportati on Air / noise pollution √ √ √ E2 Vehicles should be regularly maintained Minimise noise as far as reasonably possible E1 2 Dust generation from roads Transportati on activities Air pollution √ √ √ E2 Water spraying to minimise generation E1 2 Noise pollution √ √ √ E2 Minimise noise as far as reasonably possible E1 2 Site clearance Noise pollution √ √ √ E2 Minimise use of noise generating machinery E2 Waste material Natural resource contaminatio E2 Implement frequent housekeeping & disposal to designated area(s) E1 2 √ Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/016 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence C F RR C F RR Air pollution √ √ √ E2 Ensure equipment is regularly maintained E1 2 Excavation work Noise pollution √ √ √ E2 E1 2 Waste material Natural resource contaminatio Air / noise pollution E2 Ensure noise reducing devices are used if available Implement frequent housekeeping & disposal to designated area(s) Vehicles should be regularly maintained Minimise noise as far as reasonably possible E1 2 E1 2 Dust generation from roads Material spillage Air pollution Contaminatio n YP Oth er Fumes from equipment Fumes from transportati on VIS Disposal of surplus excavated material People Affected PUB Excavation work and temporary shoring (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI √ √ √ √ E2 √ √ √ E2 Water spraying to minimise generation E1 2 E2 Ensure no overloading of trucks / provide canvas cover E1 1 √ Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/016 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence Waste material Natural resource contaminatio Air / noise pollution Transportati on activities Backfilling Dust generation Air pollution Material spillage Contaminatio n √ √ YP Air / noise pollution VIS Use of equipment People Affected PUB Box Culvert / Manhole constructio n (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI Oth er √ √ C F RR E2 E2 C F RR Vehicles should be regularly maintained Minimise noise as far as reasonably possible E1 2 Implement frequent housekeeping & disposal to designated area(s) Vehicles should be regularly maintained Minimise noise as far as reasonably possible E1 2 E1 2 √ √ √ E2 √ √ √ E2 Initiate water spraying to minimise dust generation E1 2 E2 Ensure no overloading of trucks / provide canvas cover E1 1 √ Page of Appendix No EAST - WEST HIGHWAY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT OF HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY WATER ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PACKAGE D - CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING COMBINED SEWER IMPROVEMENT MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHIMIZU CORPORATION RISK ASSESSMENT - SF-03 WEIP/D/SF-03/016 METHOD STATEMENT: MS-008 CONVEYANCE SEWER (C) Health and Safety Consequence S1 Negligible / No Effect S2 Minor Injuries S3 Major Injuries S4 Fatalities Ref Activities Hazard (C) Environmental Consequence E1 No Effect E2 Minor Effect E3 Major Effect E4 Irreversible Consequence E2 E2 √ E2 √ E2 √ √ Fumes from welding / cutting Air pollution √ Waste material Natural resource contaminatio Natural resource contaminatio Pub: Public; YP RR VIS F Air / noise pollution Con: Contractor; Oth er C Equipment usage Waste material Key: E: Employer; People Affected PUB Extraction of temporary shoring (RR)Risk Rating (Consequence (c) x Frequency (F)) 1~4 Insignificant Work May Proceed 5~8 Acceptable Work May Proceed ~ 12 Substantial Work may not proceed 13 ~ 16 Intolerable Work may not proceed Before Control Risk Control Measures After Control (F) Frequency Negligible Unlikely Likely Probable CO E PREPARED BY: M HOSOI √ Vis: Visitor; C F RR Vehicles should be regularly maintained Minimise noise as far as reasonably possible E1 2 Ventilate accordingly if required E1 2 E1 2 Implement frequent housekeeping & disposal to designated area(s) Implement frequent housekeeping & disposal to designated area(s) E1 2 Approved by Environmental Officer: YP: Young People Page of Date: Appendix No ... Statements noted hereunder will be submitted under separate cover by the Contractor in compliance with the Specification and Conditions of Contract:      MS- 006 -01 MS- 007 -01 MS- 008- 02 MS- 008- 03 MS- 011 -01. .. with approved drawing Embedded items installed* An accordance with approved drawing Cleanliness Check actual Form Oil applied Check actual Legend Checked by QA / QC  APPROVED  TO RECTIFY  APPROVED. .. separately by the Contractor as hereunder noted:  TRP -01 Temporary Road Plan  TFP -01 Temporary Facilities Plan 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this documents are as noted hereunder: a) to construct conveyance

Ngày đăng: 04/09/2021, 02:25


