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  • 1. About Martin Luther King Jr.

    • 1.1. Introduction

    • 1.2. Early life and Education

    • 1.3. Personality profile

  • 2. Reasons of Admiration

    • 2.1. A Leader must lead Himself first

    • 2.2. An Incredibly Brave Man

    • 2.3. “I Have a Dream” - a Speech that the. world cannot forget

    • 2.4. A Leader who has a Charitable Heart

    • 2.5. A Family that nurtures a King

  • 3. Acknowledged leadership lessons

    • 3.1. Charismatic leadership

    • 3.2. Get Comfortable with Discomfort

    • 3.3. Pursue the Impossible

  • 4. Action Plans of Myself


Nội dung

Dr. Martin. Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American activist, preacher, humanitarian, and Baptist minister, who is. known for his role in the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) of the 1950s and 1.960s. He was inspired. by his. faith and the peaceful. teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. about nonviolence. Dr. Martin Luther King became the most visible leader and spokesperson. He was insightful in the way that he had the option to lead AfricanAmericans in a peaceful way to social equality, he manages to use his power to inspired millions of followers everywhere. He organized boycotts, protests sitins to achieve equality for all people. He is a true American hero.

TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "Dr Martin Luther King Jr - A True American Hero" is the result of my serious contribution during the past useful semester To be able to complete this report, I would first like to thank: • Hoa Sen University for creating conditions for me to research and access the knowledge and experience on the topic we have chosen through the Leadership subject • Mrs Nguyễn Phước Thị Túy Hà - Instructor has imparted the necessary knowledge and research methods to help us form a mindset to complete the topic • The authors of the official newspaper pages of the market research organizations of enterprises have researched and analyzed articles for us to consult and update more market data directly via the Internet This has saved me a lot of time I hope that through the research article, I can provide readers with really useful and highly applicable knowledge and information About Martin Luther King Jr 1.1 Introduction Dr Martin Luther King Jr (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American activist, preach er, humanitarian, and Baptist minister, who is known for his role in the Civil Rig hts Movement (CRM) of the 1950s and 1960s He was inspired by his faith and the pea ceful teachings of Mahatma Gandhi about non-violence Dr Martin Luther King became the most visible leader and spokesperson He was insightful in the way that he had the option to lead African-Americans in a peaceful way to social equality, he manages to use his power to inspired Figure Dr Martin Luther King Jr millions of followers everywhere He organized boycotts, (1929-1968) protests sit-ins to achieve equality for all people He is a true American hero (The Traits of a Leader: Dr Martin Luther King Jr., 2016) 1.2 Early life and Education He was born in Atlanta Georgia His birth-name was Micheal King His father's name was Micheal also changed both of their names to Martin Luther in honor of the worldrenowned German reformer His mother is Alberta King and he was a middle child, he had an older sister named Willie Christine King and a younger brother named Alfred Daniel Williams When he was a child, he enjoyed music and singing, he often sang with his Church’s choir Martin was an emotional and sensitive child King suffered from depression through most of his li fe He grew up initially feeling rese ntment against whites due to the racial humiliation that he, his family , and his neighbors are often had to endure in the segre gated South The very first time Martin became conscious of color discrimination was he was about years old Young Martin had some inseparable playmates who were white Then one day, something happened, when he went over to play with them but they always made excuses Young Martin was sad and angry, he was always asked himself “Why can’t we play together” His mother – Alberta King tried to explain to him in the best way she could to a 6-year-old child about segregation 1, and it was the first time he became aware of the racial differences A t the age of 12, sho rtly after his maternal grandm other died King blamed himself and jumped out of a secondfloor window but survived Martin attended Booker T Washington High School and he was so smart he skipped both ninth and twelfth grades He became knows for his speaking ability and a part of his school debate team When King was 13 years old he became the youngest assistant manager of a newspaper delivery station for the Atlanta Journal He enro lled in Morehouse College at age 15 without formally graduating from high school During his final semester at Morehouse College, Martin was ordained as a minister He also took his first steps towards being an activist by writing a letter to the editor of the Atlanta Constitution In the letter, he declar ed that African-Americans were entitled to the basic The policy of keeping one group of people apart from another and treating them differently, especially because of race, sex, or religion rights and opportunities of American citizens After King graduated at the age of 19 from Morehouse with a BA in Sociology, he attended Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania from 1948 until 1951 Martin then began his doctoral studies at Boston University During to draw from his education his fai th, and his natural verbal ability to form the foundation for what would become his critical role in the Civil Rights T Washington High School - named Movement Five years later King married Figure Booker after African-American educator Coretta Scott they be came the parents of children: Yolanda Luther King the third, Dexter Scott King, and Bernice King King began doctoral studies and systematic theology at Boston University and received his Ph.D degree on June 5, 1955 While pursuing doctoral studies King worked as an assistant minister at Boston's historic Twelfth Baptist Church On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks2 was arrested for refusing to give her seat to a white person on a crowded bus in Montgomery Alabama, a city known for its segregated public spaces That night Martin met with others activists to plan a city-wide protest known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott The boycott last for 380 days under the direction of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) chaired by King The boycott was the first step that marked his later political activities (Major King Events Chronology: 1929-1968) Figure Rosa Parks - The first lady of civil rights 1.3 Personality profile Martin Luther King Jr is a conceived pioneer, with extraordinary drive and determination Insisting on his right to make up his mind, he demands freedom of thought and a ction and doesn't let any person o r thing hinder him whenever he is focused on his goals He always wanted to orient himself to become a pioneer whose mission is to lead those who are still going astray He can sometimes become demanding, impatient with his own and others' shortcomings He assumes the responsibility to be the protector and provider for his loved ones but requires their respect and attention back According to Big Five Personality Dimensions, he is most likely a Conscientiousness person, which is the most strongly correlated to his job performance He went through episodes of depression since he was a child, but as he grew up he managed to control his feeling more effectively So he is also an Emotional stability kind of leader Wth an admirable will to progress, Martin always sets goals and makes them come true by any means Ambition can be easily seen; those desires have created a huge source of motivation for him to constantly strive and fight for the common good However, if not careful, sometimes Martin Luther will become stubborn, clinging to outdated project The first lady of civil rights ideas without changing for new and more effective initiatives (Martin Luther King Jr Personality Profile) Reasons of Admiration 2.1 A Leader must lead Himself first “We must not be guilty of wrongful deeds, there does not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred” (Dr Martin Luther King Jr.) From childhood, he was an active and alert child Always ready to explore the endless vast world But he was also a sensitive boy From the day he realized the cruel truth of the apartheid regime, he was shocked A six years old boy can't play with his white brothers anymore Every day the boy has to face cruel truths that he never realized before He couldn't go to the same spacious, well-equipped schools that his white friends attended The books he studied were all old and crumpled During the sweltering summers, Martin could only watch many white friends frolicked in the local swimming pool behind fences with signs that read "White only" Policies of segregation seem to have tied the childhood of Martin and his "community" out of human freedom and equality There are always two types of public faucets, one tall and clean, and the other old and shabby The offices were divided into two aisles for whites and coloreds Even in the same bus, black people could only be seated in the designated rear seats Restaurants were willing to kick his family out for one reason only, "Colored people" Given all of that, a kid like Martin Luther King has fallen into depression many times The boy doubted his worth, could not comprehend what he and his family had done wrong King even attempted to commit suicide, fortunately, that didn't work out Figure Public faucets for white and colored people due to segregation But there was something different inside the boy, something that had been cultivated through years of suffering, compassion Like a lotus flower sprouting from the mud, the boy wished to change this old, inhuman regime It seems that when Martin had faced all that the harshest of society could bring, he was not drowned He did not give up, falling before his inferiority and indignation He learned to control his anger, despair, disappointment feelings (Emotional stability) Throughout the protesting career of Martin Luther King Jr., he had always chosen the path of non-violence He clearly understood what he wants, understood the mental defects people used to have And with an indomitable spirit, King has surpassed himself He didn't let anger, negativity, and self7 doubt cloud his ambition He succeeded in leading himself out of the worst And that is the first, necessary step to motivated Martin Luther King to lift millions of people out of the mud of this society He always remembered and wished to play with his brothers from childhood once again 2.2 An Incredibly Brave Man As a grown-up, Dr King experienced The disgrace against mental illness, which we still fight today, was significantly more significant during the 1960s Worried that individuals who went against the Ci vil Rights Movement would utilize it as an approach to attempt to ruin him, his incidents with depression remained a closely held secret during his lifetime As the principal leader of the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King was imprisoned multiple times for trumped-up charges or peaceful civil disobedience He went through the most recent 13 years of his life under consistent danger of physical harm The vast majority have failed to remember that he endures a prior death endeavor in September 1958, when he was cut in the chest with a seven-inch letter opener that stopped close by his aorta by a black woman named Izola Ware Curry His surgeons revealed to him a single sneeze might have made it cut his aorta and ki ll him (Major King Events Chronology: 1929-1968) Figure Martin at the book signing at Blumstein’s Department Store on 20 Sep 1958 Even so, he never gave up, never thought he would abandon anyone in this war He continued to fight for his ideals until the day he died O n April 4, 1968, Marti n Luther King was shot on the second floor of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee While he was campaigning in support of the black workers' strike Martin took his breath away after an unsuccessful operation at St Joseph’s Hospital Sparked the activity of thousands of riots that were taking place across the United States He was a testament to a great leader, wholeheartedly serving the right, fighting for human justice That courage was the fire that can revive an entire generation that chose to be silent, chose to be trampled But thanks to him, the "black people" can now take charge of their destiny 2.3 “I Have a Dream” - a Speech that the world cannot forget “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character I have a dream.” A 42 years old mentally disturbed black woman, stabbed Martin Luther King, Jr (Dr Martin Luther King Jr.) It was a speech that the world cannot forget On August 28, 1963, an expected 250,000 individuals walked to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington where they heard Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream speech” to resound through the ages King gave an energetic voice to the requests of the U.S Social liberties Movement - equivalent rights for all residents, paying little heed to the shade of their skin A few historians keep up with that King's speech, conveyed at one of the biggest social equality shows in U.S history, was one of those uncommon minutes that changed a country - preparing for a change of American law and life According to Height, “The real significance of the march, and the speech, was that it changed attitudes Righteous indignation against racial discrimination became widespread after the march It led to a time so full of promise and achievement You could feel it.” King's 1963 speech blends a tone of judgment towards present foul play to Black people with a differentiating tone of rising hopefulness about what's to come Two words that leap out as establishing the vibe are "injustice" and "promissory note" to describe the state of Black people in a succeeding and amazing country Three words that set the differentiating vibe of optimism are "freedom," "dream," and "ring" Figure "I Have a Dream" speech at the 1963 March on Washington President Lyndon Johnson4 marked the 1964 Civil Rights Movement, which restricted discrimination in open offices, like restaurants, hotels and prohibited employment The next year, the entry of the Voting Rights Act guaranteed African Americans could freely exercise theirs franchise In 1968, the Fair Housing Act tried to eliminate segregation in purchasing and leasing housing Even on the day of his “I Have a Dream” was conscious of the worldwide impact of its message All prove that King is a leader who built his Legitimate power by taking small steps and succeded Once he became the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, he was further cemented his power, voice and prestige (50th Anniversary of March on Washington & “I Have a Dream” Speech) 2.4 A Leader who has a Charitable Heart Four years after President John F Kennedy sent the primary American soldiers into Vietnam , Martin Luther King Jr gave his first open assertion on the conflict Responding to squeeze inquiries after tending to a Howard College crowd on March 1965, King stated that the conflict in Vietnam was "Accomplishing nothing" and required a The 36th president of the United States, serving from 1963 to 1969 negotiated settlement On April 1967, King spread the word about his best and most complete assertion against the Vietnam war Looking to diminish the possible reaction by outlining his discourse inside the setting of a strict issue with war, King tended to a horde of 3,000 people at Riverside Church in New York City King conveyed a speech named "Beyond Vietnam" calling attention to that the conflict exertion was "Taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem." (King, p 143) Figure Dr Mart in Luther King Jr and Thích Nhất Hạnh attend a news conference in Chicago on May 31, 1966 With his support in preventing the war in Vietnam, Martin Luther King met Thích Nhất Hạnh5 They first met in 1966 at a press conference in Chicago Previously, King had received a letter from Thích Nhất Hạnh expressing his wish for his support to prevent the war from invading Vietnam In the letter, Thích Nhất Hạnh expressed his views most sincerely Thích Nhất Hạnh's hometown is suffering unjustly, people of all classes are suffering from oppression and exploitation For the Buddhist community alone, it was so persecuted that Thích Nhất Hạnh had to leave his hometown and find a bright path Thích Nhất Hạnh describes him as a bee forced out of the hive, becoming lost and lonely To be able to speak, even the monks had to set themselves on fire Thích Nhất Hạnh has also made it clear that those actions are not suicides that not stem from ignorance, but out of compassion, love, and courage, "That is an act of love and not of despair." (Thích Nhất Hạnh) And it seems that the letter touched his heart, Martin Luther King and Thích Nhất Hạnh met on May 31, 1966, they became friends They first met for a breakfast; Martin kept the food warm for him Then they continued to discuss and understand each other more about each other's wills and thoughts And they share a common ideology of peace, love, freedom, and community A strong community is a community that exists justice and love and will go very far As a resu lt of this meeting, Dr King beg an to speak out ag ainst the Vietnam Wa r, even though his closest friends and advisers urged him not to The y feared for his s afety and were concerned that opposing the war would dilute their ef forts to adva nce the Civil Rights Movement Dr King realiz ed that it was part of the Civ il Rights Movement to A global spiritual leader, zen master, poet, and peace activist from Vietnam 10 speak out against the war and to su pport the p eace movement in the US Thích Nhất Hạnh told Martin that in Vietnam they call him Bodhisattva For all that he does for the benefit of the country and people regardless of race or religion with compassion and nonviolently, that is the work of a true living Bodhisattva This prove that Dr King is a leader who has an incredible Referent power Because of his kind nature, respecting talented people and respecting the equality of people regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity Then he was able to establish his allies anywhere, mainly in the political and religious spheres 2.5 A Family that nurtures a King A great leader of the world today would not exist if he did not have such a wonderful family A child who always has low self-esteem about his skin color has forever changed His mother - Alberta King explained to him as honestly and slowly as possible the first time he witnessed the cruelty of society at that time Alberta said he could be sad but he couldn’t hold grudges because all we had been through is a remnant of an outdated society before that And most of all, she always told him never to feel less than anybody else, must always feel that he was somebody, and must feel that he was as good as anybody else All those teachings had always been the basis for his ideal of non-violent fighting, the foundation of charity for the common good of everyone living in America and on this Earth Moreover, he inherited the strong will of his father and the whole family became a single leader in the history of doing extraordinary things That will be still alive, passed on to his wife and four children that continued to grow even after his death and still lives in any of us who know the wonderful story he left for mankind (King, An Eye-Opening Interview with Martin Luther King Jr., 1961) Figure In A face-to-face interview with BBC 1961, Martin talked about his mother Acknowledged leadership lessons 3.1 Charismatic leadership Charismatic leadership is characterized by a leader's com munication abilities, charm, and persuasiveness to im pact others Charismatic leadership, giv en their capacity to associate An enlightened pers on trying to awaken other living beings and help them go in the direction of compassion and understanding 11 with individuals on a prof ound level With inherent communication skills, strong will, and an optimistic spirit King succeeded in creating a very strong co-op effect among the masses By being able to clearly define what he wants, and at the same time realizing the general desire of society, combined with the ability to communicate his gifts positively Every word of the day is like an encouragement to lead millions of people towards good common values Martin Luther King has only worked non-stop, making his belief in him more and more solid Moreover, with his strong will and brave heart, he was able to move millions of hearts (Lee, 2020) I have learned a valuable lesson for myself that a great leader needs to know what he wants At the same time, I need to believe in the good values that I could bring And finally, hard work, because if you are lazy all your will become meaningless and you will not be able to convey to anyone In addition, King also overcomes the weakness of the charismatic leader process, which is reaching too high of himself above the common good of the organization That way, the words of a leader have more weight and have a truly inspirational meaning Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his vigorous leadership of the Civil Rights Movement and steadfast commitment to attaining justice through non-violent accomplishment Figure Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in 1964 3.2 Get Comfortable with Discomfort For all the discomfort that King had to endure from childhood until adulthood From a boy with low self-esteem, from seeing his family suffer a lot of scorn, from witnessing countless injustices of society Martin Luther King did not give up He did not give up on himself, his family, and above all, society He contemplates all those occupational hazards under a prism of ambition Through the process of working with himself, and receiving many other motivations from his family, King gained the confidence to use all he had to continue fighting It can be seen that from a young age, he is an intelligent and talented boy with a rare academic record That is a very commendable thing, but if he put himself in a position of contentment with the injustices that continue Then can we have a fair and civilized United States of America like today? All he did was brave to be comfortable with the discomfort, tension, violence, and anger that comes with change Based on Fiedler's Contingency Model, King's inspirational leadership style was perfectly suited for the situation at the time The American people are like a torch finally lit by the noble spirit, courage and modern ideals of Martin Luther King (Bridges) 12 What is required of a leader is not only talent, intelligence, communication skills But also, the ability to see all discomforts under an optimistic eye It's not that we're cowardly, trying to compromise within our comfort zones It's when we are in the most courageous state to be able to face them with all we have Because to be able to lead, the amount of pressure we can take on every day is enormous, if we can't keep our spirits up, we will waste people's trust 3.3 Pursue the Impossible You can't work on your gen eral public or assoc iation on the off chan ce that you don't beli eve in a better future It w asn't so much that q uite a while in the past that millions were enslaved in America and were waged to keep up with this wrong discrimination In 1972, the possibility of a black or female president appeared to be a dream Also, it was just 49 years prior that Dr King was killed because he battled for uniformity in America “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” (Dr Martin Luther King Jr.) Extraordinary leaders set off to accom plish what oth ers consider unimaginable Dr King, Shirley Chisholm, and President Lincoln each ran af ter a supe rior, all the freer, and the equivalent world, partially because they could envision it The battle for the race, sex, and different types of uniformity isn't fini shed, however, to procee d down th is way, we must always believe in transformation for a better day If not, nothing will ever change Action Plans of Myself From the day that I decided to develop my career at Hoa Sen University, I was determined that I must succeed One of the reasons why I chose to study Business Administration is because I understood myself I have had failures in the past, but after thinking about it, I realized that I can empathize with the feelings of many people, and at the same time, I can listen to them most sincerely I am often commented on as having a comfortable, confident presentation style that catches everyone's attention Confident in that ability, I decided to choose a major in Management And to further develop that ability, from the beginning I am extremely active in teamwork because I know that to forge a leader, he needs to know how to compromise with his team first In most study groups, I usually take the role of team leader Partly because I get people's trust in my ability to coordinate people and listen to input In addition, perhaps everyone feels a sense of responsibility when working with me I am very grateful to always have the trust of my team members and I will not use it to be arrogant and neglect my responsibilities I thought it was an opportunity for me to start getting into real leadership experiences Moreover, a leader in addition to voice and trust must constantly hone his professional knowledge Because in the decision-making or problem-solving process, you need knowledge That's why it's my priority to study hard and set an intention to get grades from B+ to A+ in all majors And now I'm still doing very well with my goal And I find that I am more confident with my knowledge than ever before Having the same ideals like me, I had the opportunity to meet people whom I consider to be good teammates, close friends who will accompany me on this path Those are also 13 my teammates who have trusted in my leadership during the past study period With the common purpose that our group will graduate in the top 10 high-achieving students of the department That goal is the common motivation that helps us strive to guide each other, helping each of us become more and more perfect Our team has a slogan: "Daisies grow together", the desire to show the spirit of solidarity and strong vitality of the collective, together we will conquer better values Finally, dare to dream and dare to make dreams come true, just like Mr Martin Luther King dares to stand up against an unjust society, dare to be sure that he will succeed Because belief is more valuable than anything else It helps us think and act more wisely and positively Inspire the desire and courage from the bottom of the heart of a leader Now I have plans for the future, with a dream of opening my business chain, and now I am taking small but important steps The first step that I am taking is to use the accumulated capital from my part-time job to start a business project of feng shui gems (crystals) My strategy in the beginning when I am still a student would start with an online business After gaining confidence in the field with a certain number of customers I plan to open a larger business Based on my existing goals and relationships, I will find teammates with similar ideas and continue to inspire them It is my ambition and also a desire to bring many benefits to those who share the same destination with me When I graduate and have more time and knowledge, I will invest a lot of effort and enthusiasm in the project And right now what I can is constantly improve myself in all areas, especially leadership Thank you, Dr Martin Luther King Jr., for his valuable lessons and for all that he created Here is my detailed Action plan table to demonstrate the process of making my dreams come true My dream is to have a chain of designer jewelry stores The following table is primarily written about my leadership development Key events (What) + Partner/ Mentor (Who Details (How) Workplace (Where) 14 Start (When) End (When) Skill Development (What) Work Experienc e Internship Mentor: Dr Nguyễn Duy Trường Dr Nguyen Duy Truong is straightforward in his work and resolute in decisions Those are the qualities that I lack and need to learn more from him Immerse me in the company's culture and people Also, acquire background knowledge of the field Start reaching higher goals by taking small steps PNJ Joint Stock Company Salesman 15 Dec2021 _ Acquire basic knowledge in the field of jewelry and gems _ Relationship Feb-2021 building _ Active listening _ Risk-taking _ Meticulous, reliable in work _ Self-confidence Graduatio n Internship Dr Nguyễn Duy Trường After working at PNJ before I will apply back to the company for a higher and permanent position This Sales Manager position requires professional experience in the jewelry industry And with the reason that I did a short-term internship at PNJ, I will have more chances to get the job With this position, I will have more and more opportunities to learn more about management skills Perfect your leadership qualities for a higher goal PNJ Joint Stock Company Sales manager 16 Jun2022 _ Teaching and mentoring_ Management skills_ Advance jewelry knowledge: jewelry consulting, valuation, auditing, 2024 data entry, supply (or more) management internship…_ Perseverance_ Willingness to take risks_ Strengthen Legitimate power_ Strengthen Referent Power in the field Getting started with running my Family Business Mentor: My mother, who had more than 30 years in the business The purpose of working for PNJ for a while is to learn more advanced experience in the field as well as leadership skills Because my family has a jewelry store that has been in business for nearly 30 years by my parents But I want Family to develop the Business store in a more timely fashion with a larger scale During this time, I will start building a store development plan, applying management knowledge from the outside, building a new culture for the store Upgrade my expertise to one new area Knowing how to make jewelry helps me designing my Mentor: products As well Hồng Phúc as increase the group, a ability to manage training my jewelry jeweler designs in a better school way 2025 _ Make a plan to build a business _ Apply modern management knowledge from the outside _ Recruiting reputable and likeminded employees (number increases 2026 depending on size) _ Hire jewelry makers _ Take advantage of relationships from PNJ (Referent Power) _ Experience in taking risks _ Financial autonomy 2026 _ Learn another skill_ Upgrade my Legitimate power_ Improve the ability to manage the 2027 business_ Recruiting some new employees_ Managing corporate capital for higher purposes Learn more about jewelry making Family Business 17 After being confident with leadership ability, management skills, more firmly with professional knowledge; The goal is to develop more stores in Ho Chi Minh City Together with my Scaling up younger brothers, the they will help me business manage many other stores, with Mentor: me acting as the My mother overall leader The Partner: goal is to have My stores with a size brothers of 15 employees each in Ho Chi Minh City Our business will specialize in designing gemstone jewelry according to requirements, modern and sophisticated designs Family Business 18 2027 _ stores, with a scale of 15 employees per store in Ho Chi Minh City Unknow _ Improve n leadership skills _ Challenge yourself with a larger scale of management REFERENCES 50th Anniversary of March on Washington & “I Have a Dream” Speech (n.d.) Retrieved from U.S Embassy in The Czech Republic: https://cz.usembassy.gov/ourrelationship/50th-anniversary-of-march-on-washington-i-have-a-dream-speech/ Bridges, F (n.d.) Five Leadership Lessons From Dr Martin Luther King Jr Retrieved from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/deloitte/2021/07/12/a-pandemicsilver-lining-building-better-health-care-infrastructure-and-advancing-healthequity/?sh=130fc7c25fee King, M L (1961) An Eye-Opening Interview with Martin Luther King Jr (J Freeman, Interviewer) King, M L (n.d.) Beyond Vietnam Lee, S (2020, July 30) What is charismatic leadership? Retrieved from Torch: https://torch.io/blog/what-is-charismatic-leadership/ Major King Events Chronology: 1929-1968 (n.d.) Retrieved from Stanford University: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-resources/major-king-events-chronology1929-1968 Martin Luther King Jr Personality Profile (n.d.) Retrieved from Celebrities Galore: https://www.celebrities-galore.com/celebrities/martin-luther-king/home/ The Traits of a Leader: Dr Martin Luther King Jr (2016, October 23) Retrieved from Penn State: https://sites.psu.edu/leadership/2016/10/23/the-traits-of-a-leader-drmartin-luther-king-jr/ 19

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2021, 14:02

