Unit 18 Test Name: A Circle the correct words /5 I can catch / bake a ball It’s good to eat healthy / junk My kitten often runs away food / chases cats I often go to bed early / late at night Stop / Play outside at the traffic light B Look and complete the words /4 o u d m a o C Look and complete the sentences My sisters fancy cakes and cookies /2 Oxford Discover Unit 18 Test When it’s hot, I a window © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use D Listen and circle the correct answers 3·52 /6 They should / shouldn’t cross the street She should / shouldn’t open the window It should / shouldn’t chase the ball I should / shouldn’t bake some cookies He should / shouldn’t We should / shouldn’t E Look and complete the sentences Use should or shouldn’t /4 They play outside You cross the street She on the bench sit We to the beach go F Look and write the answers /4 Should she close the umbrella? Should he play the drums? Should they stop at the road? Should we cross the river? / 25