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Physicochemical properties of sweetpotato starches and their application innoodle products

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Cấu trúc

  • Proefschrift

  • Contents


  • General Introduction

    • Starch

      • General introduction

            • Amylose

              • Table 2-Some important physicochemical characteristics of amylose and amylopectin

        • Amylopectin

      • Starch granule

              • Table 3-Characteristics of some starch granules

          • Gelatinization and pasting behavior of starches

    • Starches and derivatives in food application

      • Noodle products

    • Aim and outline of this thesis

  • Physicochemical Properties of Starches Obtained from Three Different Varieties of Chinese Sweet Potatoes

                  • ABSTRACT

              • Materials and Methods

      • Materials

                • Characteristics of sweet potato starch granules

              • Swelling behavior of sweet potato starches

              • Syneresis of sweet potato starches


  • Evaluation of Starch Noodles Made from Three Typical Chinese Sweet Potato Starches

  • Materials and Methods

  • Starches

    • Color of starches

  • Starch noodle preparation

  • Figure 1-Schematic description of texture measurements of starch noodles

                • Results and Discussion

          • Cohesiveness of starch noodles

          • Cutting behavior of starch noodles

  • Cooking loss and swelling index of the starch noodles

                  • Figure 2- Cooking loss of the starch noodles made from 3 Chinese sweet potato varieties and mung bean

        • Conclusions

        • Acknowledgment

                • References

    • Chen Z, Schols HA, Voragen AGJ. 2003. Physicochemical properties of starches obtained from three different varieties of Chinese sweet potatoes. J Food Sci 68:431-437.


    • Materials and Methods

    • Starch granule fraction separation

    • Analytical methods

  • Starch noodle preparation

    • Results and Discussion

        • Table 2- Physical properties of different granule size fractions of potato and sweet potato starches

  • Table 3-Stress sweep of different granule size fractions of potato and sweet potato starches

        • Sample G’(Pa) tan ( Max strain

  • XuShu18 413 ( 12b 0.024 ( 0.004a 0.68 ( 0.04a



        • Introduction

        • Materials and Methods

        • Materials

          • Methods

          • White salted noodle (WSN) preparation

        • Dough and WSN quality analysis

        • Statistical analysis

      • Results and Discussion

          • Evaluation of the quality of WSN made from wheat flours fortified with native or modified potato or sweet potato starches

        • Characteristics of fresh WSN made from the composite flours

        • Physical properties of native and modified starches and of their composite flours

        • Correlation between properties of the starches and composite flours, and noodle quality attributes

    • Conclusions

                • Acetylated potato and acetylated sweet potato starches can be used efficiently to fortify commonly used wheat flour for the manufacture of high quality WSN. The cooking properties and eating quality of WSN were improved significantly by the replacement w

                • Acknowledgement

              • Table 5-Correlation coefficients between properties of starches and composite flours and WSN quality attributes

          • References

          • A A C C. 1995a. Approved methods, Method 16-50. American Association of Cereal Chemists. 9th ed. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

          • A A C C. 1995b. Approved methods, Method 54-40A. American Association of Cereal Chemists. 9th ed. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

          • Baik BK, Czuchajowska Z, Pomeranz Y. 1994. Role and contribution of starch and protein contents and quality to texture profile analysis of Oriental noodles. Cereal Chem 71:315-320.

          • Batey IL, Curtin BM, Moore SA. 1997. Optimization of Rapid-Visco analyser test conditions for predicting Asian noodle quality. Cereal Chem 74:497-501.

          • Chen Z, Sagis L, Legger A, Linssen JPH, Schols HA, Voragen AGJ. 2002. Evaluation of starch noodles made from three typical Chinese sweet potato starches. J Food Sci 67:3342-3347.

          • Chen Z, Schols HA, Voragen AGJ. 2003. Physicochemical properties of starches obtained from three different varieties of Chinese sweet potatoes. J Food Sci 68:431-437.

          • Collado LS, Corke H. 1996. Use of wheat-sweet potato composite flours in yellow-alkaline and white-salted noodles. Cereal Chem 73:439-444.

          • Crosbie GB, Lambe WJ, Tsutsui H, Gilmour RF. 1992. Futher evaluation of the flour swelling volume test for identifying wheats potentially suitable for Japanese noodles. J Cereal Sci 15:271-280.

          • Konik CM, Miskelly DM, Gras PW. 1993. Starch swelling, grain hardness and protein: relationship to sensory properties of Japanese noodles. Starch/Stärke 45:139-144.

          • Konik CM, Mikkelsen LM, Moss R, Gore PJ. 1994. Relationships between physical starch properties and yellow alkaline noodle quality. Starch/Stärke 46:292-299.

          • Lee L, Baik BK, Czuchajowska Z. 1998. Garbanzo bean flour usage in Cantonese noodles. J Food Sci 63: 552-558.

    • Van der Burgt YEM. 1999. Structural studies on methylated starch granules. PhD thesis. Utrecht University, The Netherlands.


  • Differently sized granules from acetylated potato and sweet potato starches differ in the acetyl substitution pattern of their amylose population

          • Acetylated starch

          • Acetylated amylose Acetylated amylopectin

  • Materials and Methods

  • Materials

        • HPSEC

        • HPAEC

        • MALDI-TOF-MS

                  • Results and Discussion

  • Table 1-The yields and chemical compositions of the separated fractions (Chen and others 2003b)

  • Table 2-Purity and molar substitution of amylose and amylopectin isolated from different size granule fractions of acetylated potato and sweet potato starches

                • Acknowledgement

  • C


        • Samenvatting

        • Acknowledgements

    • Zhenghong Chen

        • Curriculum vitae

Nội dung

Physicochemical properties of sweet potato starches and their application in noodle products Promotor: Prof dr ir A G J Voragen Hoogleraar in de levensmiddelenchemie Co-promotor: Dr H A Schols Universitair docent departement Agrotechnologie en Voedingswetenschappen Promotiecommissie: Prof dr W Bergthaller (Federal Centre for Cereal, Potato and Lipid Research in Detmold and Münster, Germany) Prof dr R G F Visser (Wageningen Universiteit) Prof dr E van der Linden (Wageningen Universiteit) Dr P Buwalda (AVEBE, Foxhol, Nederland) Physicochemical properties of sweet potato starches and their application in noodle products Zhenghong Chen Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor op gezag van de rector magnificus van Wageningen Universiteit, prof dr ir L Speelman, in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag oktober 2003 des namiddags te vier uur in de Aula The research described in this thesis was carried out at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands Zhenghong Chen Physicochemical properties of sweet potato starches and their application in noodle products Ph.D thesis Wageningen University, The Netherlands-2003 ISBN: 90-5808-887-1 Abstract ABSTRACT Starches isolated from Chinese sweet potato varieties (XuShu18, SuShu2, and SuShu8) differed in granule size and particle size distribution as well as in protein, lipid and phosphorus contents but the amylose contents were similar for these starches (19.3-20.0%) The pasting behavior, swelling pattern, and syneresis properties were investigated and found to vary On comparison, the physicochemical properties of the sweet potato starches rather differ from those of potato and mung bean starches The quality of the starch noodle made from SuShu8 starch was well comparable to that made from mung bean starch, and better than that made from SuShu2 and XuShu18 starches as evaluated by both instrumental and sensory analysis Correlation between starch noodle quality and gel properties of the original starches was established in order to be able to predict the suitability of a starch for starch noodle manufacture It was found that differently sized granule fractions showed a difference in ash, amylose and phosphorus content, as well as in gel firmness and freeze-thaw stability The small size (

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2021, 17:55