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Nội dung

VERBS NOUNS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS Unit - My friends annoy annoyance annoying/annoyed character characteristic characteristic friend friendliness friendship friendless friendly generosity generous generously luck lucky ≠ unlucky luckily ≠ unluckily neighbor neighborhood neighboring neighborly pacify pacification peace peaceful peacefully please pleasure pleasant ≠ unpleasant pleased pleasantly reserve reserve, reservation reserved ≠ unreserved Unit - Making arrangements agree agreement agreeable agreably arrange arranger arrangerment commercialize commerce commercial commercially conduct conduct conductor count count counter countable ≠ uncoutable demonstrate demonstration demonstrator demonstrative emigrate emigrant emigration exhibit exhibition exhibitor experiment experiment experimental mobilize mobilization mobile transmit transmission transmitter transmissive transmittable Unit - At home cook cook cooker chemist chemistry chemical danger dangerous dangerously destroy destruction destructive destructively electrician electricity electric elctrical injure injury injured lock lock locked precaution precautionary safety safe ≠ unsafe safely ≠ unsafely suit suit suitable ≠ unsuitable suitably ≠ unsuitably Unit - Our past appear ≠ disappear appearance ≠ disappearance cruelty cruel cruelly equip equipment equipped escape escape excite excitement excited exciting excitedly graze graze grazing magician magic magical magically mark mark marked markedly own owner own sound sound sound soundly tie tie tied tradition traditionalist traditional traditionally upset upset upset Unit - Study habits behave behavior comment comment commentary co-operate co-operation co-operator co-operative fair fairly habit habitual habitually highlight highlighting mean meaning memorize memory memorial participate participation participant pride proud (of) proudly sastify with) sastisfaction sastisfactory sastified sastisfying sastifyingly spell speller spelling underline line Unit - The young pioneer club academy academic academically apply (for) application applied citizen citizenship draw drawing educate education educated educational enroll enrollment interest interest interested interesting interestedly interestingly recycle recycling recycled tutor tutor tutorial unite unity united unitedly Unit - My neighborhood concern concern comfort comfort comfortable comfortably convenience convenient ≠ inconvenient conveniently discount discount discounter discuss discussion effect effect effective effectively expense expensive expensively humidify humidity humid notice notice noticeable noticeably photo photographer photography photographic produce producer product production productivity productive reside residence, residency resident resident residential select selection selector selective selectively serve servant server service serviceable shop shop shopper shopping specialize specialist speciality (specialty) special specially swim swimming taste taste tastelessness tateless tasty tatelessly tastily wet wet wetness wet wetly weigh weight weight Unit - Country life and city life adequacy ≠ inadequacy adequate ≠ inadequate adequately ≠ inadequately access access accessesibility accessible ≠ inaccessible accessibly flood flood immigrate immigrant immigration migrate migrant migration nature natural ≠ unnatural naturally ≠ unnaturally permanence permanent permanently prefer preference preferable preferably struggle struggle tragedy tragic tragically Unit - A first-aid course alcohol alcoholic alcoholic ambulance ambulant anxiety anxious anxiously bandage bandage blanket blanket blanket bleed bleeding burn burn burner burning consciousness conscious ≠ unconscious consciously ≠ unconsciously chill chill chill chilly elevate elevation elevator elevated faint faint faintness faint inject injection promise promise promised promising shock shock shocked sterilize sterility sterilization sterilize treat treatement Unit 10 - Recycling delight delight delightful delighted delightfully delightedly fertilize fretility fertilizer fertile liquefy liquid liquid melt melting meltingly package package packaging package (tour) pipe pipe piping piping reduce reduction reduced represent representation representative representative soak soak soaked soaking wrap wrapper wrapping Unit 11 - Traveling around Vietnam accommodate accommodation canoe canoe canoeist import import importable magnificence magnificent magnificently recognize recognition recognized recognizable recognizably sunbathe sunbathing tribe tribal Unit 12 - A vacation abroad arrive arrival cloud cloudy ≠ cloudless depart departure fame famous famously fish fish fisherman, ~woman fly flight flying imprison prison prisoner vacation vacation vacationer win windy Unit 13 - Festivals award award compete competition competitor competitive competitively separate separation separable separate separated separately urge urgency urgent urgently Unit 14 - Wonders of the world attract attraction attractive ≠ unattractive attractively ≠ unattractively compile compiler compilation clue clue clueless excite excitement exciting, ~ted excitedly guess guess guessing honor honor honorable honorably relax relaxation relaxed relaxing south southerly southern southerly religion religous religously wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully Unit 15 - Computers challenge challenge challenger challenged challenging connect connection connector connective inform information informant informative nomalize normal normality normal normally print printer printing recent recently require requirement restrict restricttion restricted restrictive skeptic (sceptic) skepticism skeptical Unit 16 - Inventions invent inventtion inventor inventive inventively develop development developing developed liquefy liquid liquid convey conveyance conveyor manufacture manufacture manufactuer manufacturing behave behavior well-behaved ≠ badly-behaved toast toast toaster grind grind grinder grinding process process processor processing remove removal remover ... challenge challenger challenged challenging connect connection connector connective inform information informant informative nomalize normal normality normal normally print printer printing recent

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2021, 22:51
