Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology A DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY A DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH www.pdflobby.com www.pdflobby.com ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY A DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH David MacDonald, BDS, BSc(Hons.), LLB(Hons.), MSc, DDS(Edin.), DDRRCR, FDSRCPS, FRCD(C) �WILEY-BLACKWELL A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication www.pdflobby.com Disclaimer This edition first published 2011 © The contents of this work are intended to further general 2011 David MacDonald Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John W iley & Sons in February 2007 Blackwell's publishing program has been merged with W iley's global Scientific, Technical and Medical business to form W iley-Blackwell Registered office: John not intended and should not be relied upon as recommending or promoting a specific method, diagnosis, or treatment by practitioners for any particular patient The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the W iley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, P019 8SQ, UK Editorial offices: scientific research, understanding, and discussion only and are 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, P019 8SQ, UK 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose In view of ongoing research, equipment modifications, changes in governmental regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to the use of medicines, equipment, and devices, the reader is urged to review and evaluate the information provided in the package insert or instructions for each medicine, For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services equipment, or device for, among other things, any changes in and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the instructions or indication of usage and for added warnings the copyright material in this book please see our website at and precautions Readers should consult with a specialist where www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell appropriate The fact that an organization or Website is referred Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 For those organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by CCC, a separate system of payments has been arranged The fee codes for users of the 1fansactional Reporting Service are ISBN - 13: endorses the information the organization or Website may provide or recommendations it may make Further, readers should be aware that Internet Websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read No warranty may be created or extended by any promotional statements for this work Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any damages 978-0-8138- 1414-8/2011 arising herefrom Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher Front cover photo credits: Top image: Courtesy of Dr Montgomery Martin Second image from top: Courtesy of Dr Babak Chehroudi Bottom image: Courtesy of Dr Montgomery Martin Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data MacDonald, David, 1955- Oral and maxillofacial radiology : a diagnostic approach / David MacDonald p ; cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-8138-1414-8 (hardcover : alk paper) Radiography Maxilla-Radiography Mouth Face-Radiography I Title [DNLM: pathology Diagnostic Imaging Stomatognathic System Diagnosis, Oral WN 230] RK309.M33 2011 61 7.5'22075-dc22 2010041339 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library This book is published in the following electronic formats: ePDF 9780470958797; ePub 9780470958803 Set in 10.5 on 12 pt ITC Slimbach by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited 2011 www.pdflobby.com To my mother, my daughter, Amy, and to my wife www.pdflobby.com www.pdflobby.com Contents Author and contributors ix Preface xi Part Introduction Chapter Basics of radiological diagnosis D MacDonald Chapter 37 Viewing conditions D MacDonald Chapter Physiological phenomena and radiological interpretation 44 D MacDonald Part 47 Advanced imaging modalities Chapter Helical computed tomography 49 D MacDonald Chapter Cone-beam computed tomography 59 D MacDonald Chapter Magnetic resonance imaging 67 D MacDonald Chapter Positron emission tomography 84 D MacDonald Chapter Basics of ultrasound 88 D MacDonald Part 91 Radiological pathology of the jaws Chapter 93 Radiolucencies D MacDonald Chapter 10 51 Radiopacities D MacDonald Chapter 11 195 Maxillary antrum D MacDonald Chapter 225 Temporomandibular joint D MacDonald Chapter 233 Imaging of the salivary glands D MacDonald vii www.pdflobby.com viii Contents Chapter 14 Fractures of the face and j aws Chapter IS Part Radiological pathology of the extragnathic head and neck regions Chapter 16 244 D MacDonald 249 Osseointegrated implants T Li and D MacDonald 267 269 Introduction D MacDonald and M Martin Chapter 278 Benign lesions M Martin and D MacDonald Chapter Malignant lesions 304 M Martin and D MacDonald 41 Index www.pdflobby.com Author and Contributors Author Dr David MacDonald, BDS, BSc(Hons.), LLB(Hons.), MSc, DDS(Edin.), DDRRCR, FDSRCPS, FRCD(C) Associate Professor and Chairman, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Faculty of Dentistry The University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada With eontributions by Dr Montgomery Martin, MD, FRCP(C) Clinical Director, Department of Diagno stic Imaging British Columbia Cancer Agency Faculty of Radiology The University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada Dr Thomas Li, BDS, MSc, DDRRCR, DGDP(UK), FCDSHK, FHKAM Former Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Faculty of Dentistry The University of Hong Kong Currently in full-time Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology specialist practice ix www.pdflobby.com 339 Chapter : Malignant lesions C atalano PJ, S en C, Biller HF Cranial neuropathy sec Bray F, H augen M , Moger TA, Tretli S , Aalen 00, ondary to perineural spread of cutaneous malignancies Grotmol T Age-incidence curves o f nasopharyngeal Am J Otol 9 ; : 772 - 7 carcinoma worldwide: bimo dality in low-risk popula 31 Vrielinck U , O styn F , v a n D amme B , van d e n Bogaert W, Fossion E The significance of p erineural spread in adenoid cystic c arcinoma o f the maj o r and minor salivary glands 88 ; : Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 90-1 93 tions and aetiologic implications Biomarkers Prev Cancer Epidemiol 0 ; : 6-23 Chong VF, Fan YF, Khoo JB Nasopharyngeal c arcinoma with intracranial spread: CT and MR characteristic s Comput Assist Tomogr J 9 ;2 : 63 -5 AI-Kayyalic B S Ilhan 0, S ener EC, Ozyar E Outcome of abducens Acinic cell c arcinoma of the salivary glands: aliterature nerve p aralysis in patients with nasopharyngeal c arci AI-Zaher N, review Obeid A, AI- S alam S, Hematol Oncol Stem Cel Ther 2009;2 : 3 Hoffman HT, Karnell L H , Robinson RA, Pinkston JA, noma 02 ; : 5 - Eur J Ophthalmol Lavertu P, Roberts J K , Kraus D H , Levine H L , Wo o d B G , Menck HR National C ancer D ata B ase report on c ancer Medendorp SV, e t a l S quamous cell c arcinoma o f the o f the head and neck: acinic cell c arcinoma p aranasal Head Neck 9 ;21 : 7-3 sinuses: 77-1986 Kim SA, Mathog RH Acinic cell c arcinoma o f the the Cleveland Laryngoscope Clinic St-Pierre S , B aker SR S quamous cell carcinoma o f the p arotid gland: a -year review limited to a single sur maxillary sinus: analysis o f 66 cases geon at a single institution 83 ; 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S Wilson , B ernard F Current Adult Clinical Indications Laryngoscope For PET /CT S canning (as o f S eptember , 20 07) Avail 74 van den Brekel MW, Stel HV, Castelij ns JA, Nauta JJ, C D B - -4 B - E F O - C C 6BA61 / 5 / mous cell c arcinoma o f the head and neck able 9 ; 10 : 669-674 van der Waal I, Valk J, et al C ervical lymph node metastasis: assessment of radiologic criteria at: http : //www b c c ancer b c ca/NR/rdonlyres/ CurrentAdultindic ationsSept 90 p df Radiology 9 ; 77 : 79-3 84 www.pdflobby.com Index Note 1: Although lesions will be indexed according to their full names, followed only by formally rec ognized abbreviations, tho se technical terms that app ear mo st frequently as abbreviations will also b e indexed Their abbreviations will b e followed by their full names Note 2: The pages of entries in Tables and Figures are Accessory mental foramen ITALICS Differential diagno sis 60-261 Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 69 Recurrence , Achondroplasia AIDS-related cyst Acinic cell c arcinoma Ambient lighting 309 Radiological presentation on computed tomography Ameloblastoma 63 D efinition Acne scar 52 11 - 21 , 99-120, 2 -226 11 'lYpes Aco ustic meatus D esmoplastic External 70 Peripheral Internal 70 11 113 S olid (multilocular) , Aco ustic neuroma (See Vestibular schwannoma) Aco ustic noise 187 235 7, , 41 Ambiguous Figures (See Reversible figures) (CT) 31 Acne 187 Treatment 113 , 11 , 11 7-11 presentation 11 -114 Unicystic Clinical 73 Acromegaly Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Actinomyces 3, 8, 9, 7, 28, 7, Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 11 6, 52, Computed tomography (CT) 11 7- 20, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 307 Adenocarcinoma n o t otherwise specified ( N O S ) Adenoid cystic c arcinoma 99 modalities 79 Differential diagnosis 79 Adenocarcinoma 114-11 , Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Differential diagno sis 96, 97, 07 Treatment 309 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 11 7, 118-11 , 207 119-120, 208 25 11 , 99-120 Recurrence , 208 104 Systematic review 29, 11 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Ameloblastic c arcinoma modalities - 21 4- presentation Ameloblastic fibroma Computed tomography (CT) , 31 5-31 Clinical Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography 309, 31 5-31 135, Differential diagnosis 70 (CT) Recurrence Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) D efinition Treatment , , 86-1 87 Recurrence 2, 86 Clinical presentation 36 Radiological presentation on computed tomography Treatment 135 135 Malignant transformation 86 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 135 Ameloblastic fibro - odontoma D efinition 86 187 Clinical presentation 87 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 87 Radiological presentation on computed tomography Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: A Diagnostic Approach, D avid MacDonald © 2011 D avid MacDonald (CT) 222 34 www.pdflobby.com 342 Index Ameloblastic fibro-o dontoma (continue) B otryoid o dontgenic cyst Treatment D efinition Recurrence , Clinical presentation 87 Amelogenesis imperfecta Aneurysms 84, 70 108 85 Differential diagnosis Recurrence 278 Aneurysmal bone cyst (AB C) D efinition Bruits 12, 9-140 Clinical presentation 109 139 9-140 Treatment 140 Recurrence 12, 140 Calcifications o f stylohyoid complex 12 151-153 p atterns of c alcification of the styloid complex 55 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography S econdary to fibrous dysplasia 56- 140, 73 Ankylosis Radiological presentation o n computed tomography (CT) 58 Antral polyps Calcified c arotid artery atheroma (CCAA) 196 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 202 , 6-1 , 58 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 206 Antrolith 108 108 Buccal bifurcation cyst (BBC) (See Paradental cyst) 139 Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography Anodontia 108 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Anatomy scan (T l -weighted MRI) Annihilation radiation 108 108 96, 204 Arachnoid cyst (CT) 58 Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT) 283 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging D efinition 87 Clinical presentation 293 M agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) 187 Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography 293 80, 108 187 Differential diagnosis 108 Clinical presentation 12, 187 modalities Computed tomography (CT) D efinition 156-157 Radiological presentation o n computed tomography 87 Treatment 108 Athero sclerosis ( S e e c alcified c arotid artery athroma (CCAA) ) Recurrence , 87 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) AUC (Area under the curve) 11 12, Avascular necrosis 226 84- 86 D efinition 84 B andwidth (BW) Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography Clinical presentation 70 B asioccipital invertion - 86 70 Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 02 B-cell lymphoma Differential diagnosis Treatment imaging (MRI) 31 2, 31 9, 3 86 Calcifying odontogenic cyst (see Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT) ) C alculus (S alivary) 235 Bisphosphonate-associated o steonecrosis (BON) 64 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 88, 8, 240 C arcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma C arnoy ' s solution 285, 31 , 11 8, C arotid b o dy tumor (See c arotid paraganglioma) 64 , 65 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging C arotid p araganglioma 279 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging modalities Computed tomography (CT) 86 86 Recurrence , 305 Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance B enign lymphepithelial lesions 185 64, 65 M agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) B OLD (Blo o d oxygen level dependent) 64 77 mo dalitie s Comp uted tomography (CT) 284 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 284 www.pdflobby.com Index Cementoblastoma , , 81 - 83 343 Claustrophobia 73 D efinition 81 Cleft p alate Clinical presentation 81 Cleidocranial dysotosis 9, Radiological presentation on conventional radiography CNR (Contrast-to-noise ratio) , 70 - 83 , 82 - 84 Co chleovestibular apparatus 70 Differential diagnosis 54 Coincidence 84, 85 Treatment Color-coded D reformatting 55, Recurrence , 82 Complex motion tomography , 254 Cemento-osseous dysplasia (See Osseous dysplasia) 76 - 80 Compre s sion of images Lossy 42 Cemento-ossifying fibroma (See O s sifying fibroma) 11 Lossless 42 Computer-aided planning C entral giant cell lesion 3 - (CAD/CAM) Computer-assisted design/computed-assisted D efinition manufacturing Clinical presentation 3 Computed tomography (CT) Radiological presentation o n c onventional radiography 133 -134, 36 H elical computed tomography (HCT) Cone-beam computed tomography (CB CT) 11 Treatment Condensing o steitis , , Recurrence Condylar hyperplasia 226 C entral necrosis Congenital syphilis Cephalometric measurement Contrast index C erebral spinal fluid (CSF) 294 Contrast medium C ereb ellopontine angle (CPA) 22 7, 7, 290 Computed tomography (CT) Chamb erlain ' s line 02 M agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 74-76 Cherubism - Conventional radiography D efinition Coronoid hyperplasia 22 Clinical presentation Cranial fo s s a Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography 7- , Anterior 70 Middle 70 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging modalities Po sterior 70 Craniopharyngioma Computed tomography (CT) Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging (MRI) 81 Treatment , Differential diagno sis 70 Recurrence CRT (Cathode ray tube) 41 Childhood illness Cyst typ e (Lingual bone defect) 41 Chondroma Cystercicosis Radiological presentation on advanced imaging D egenerative arthritis 226, 22 modalities Computed tomography (CT) 306 D entinogenesis imperfect Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) D e n s e bone island ( O B I ) , , 7, 87 - 88 D efinition - 88 306-307 Clinical presentation 88 Differential diagnosis 70 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Chondrocalcinosis 2 , 22 4, 84, 88 Chondros arcoma 62 , 22 , 04 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging modalities Computed tomography (CT) 308, 309 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 308 Differential diagnosis 70 Treatment Recurrence Differential diagno sis 53 , 54, 88 Treatment , 88 Recurrence Systemic review 5, 88 D ental computed tomography (O CT: See Cone-beam computed tomography) Dens in dente www.pdflobby.com 344 Index D entigerous cyst , , 110 - 1 Fat suppression 73 -74 D efinition 110 FS or FatSat (Fat s aturation) 74 Clinical presentation 110 - 1 Fat scan (T l -weighted MRI) 70 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Flat panel detector (FPD) , 5 1 - 11 , 110 111 , 11 3, 211 , 21 Fibrous dysplasia , , , 7, - 73 , -210, Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 11 3, 211 , 21 D efinition 65 Clinical presentation 65 Differential diagno sis 96, 7, 11 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Treatment 11 , 11 3 , 21 , 69, 70 Recurrence , 11 , 11 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Systemic review 31 , 111 mo dalitie s D ermoid cyst 88 Comp uted tomography (CT) 8, 69, 71 , 71 , 73 , M agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 75 21 5-21 9, 2 , 230, 300-301 Ultrasound 89 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 76, 01 D etectors Differential diagnosis 7, 53 , 54, 75 , 226, 70 C onventional radiography - Treatment , 72 Computed tomography (CT) Reactivation , 72 Po sitron emission tomography (PET) S arcomatous change 73 Diamagnetic 75 , 7 Systematic review 3 , 74 D I C O M 41 , Fibro-osseous lesion (FOL) 64-1 65 , 66, 79 , 80 Diffusion-weighted MRI Fibro sarcoma Digital s ub straction angiography (D SA) Field o f view (FOV) Dilaceration Cone-b eam computed tomography 61 , 64-65 D i s c displac ement (Temp oromandibular j o int disease/ dysfunction) Flattening the condyle 2 , Floor of the mouth Incomplete S quamous cell c arcinoma Complete Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia (See Floird osseous D oppler ultrasound 88-89 dysplasia) Down ' s syndrome 10 Florid o s seous dysplasia (FOD) 5, 76 - , 210 D efinition 76 Echo time (TE) 70 Clinical presentation 76- 7 Ectodermal dysplasia 10 Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography Ehler-Danlos syndrome 22 4, 45, 7 - 78, 221 Ependymomas 283 Radiological presentation on computed tomography Epidermolysis bullo s a (CT) 7 - 78, 78 Exo stosis , 61 , 6, 204 Differential diagnosis 53 Extracorpreal shock wave lithoprip sr (ESWL) 88 Treatment Recurrence FASE (Fast asymmetry spin echo) 77, 82 Systematic review , 7 FISP (Fast imaging with steady state precession) 71 8-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FOG) 84, , , 2 FLASH (Fast low angle shot) 71 Fluoro sis FSE (Fast (or turbo) spin echo) 71 Fo c al Cemento-osseous dysplasia ( S e e Focal o s seous dysplasia) Familial adenomatous polyp o sis (FAP) 61 Fo c al o s seous dysplasia (FocOD) 76 - , 210 Familial gigantiform c ementoma , 80 D efinition 78 D efinition Clinical presentation 80 Clinical presentation 79 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 80 23, 106, 79 - , 79 Differential diagno sis Differential diagnosis 54 , 79 Treatment , 80 Treatment , 79 Recurrence , 80 Recurrence Association with neurofibromatosis type , 80 Systematic review , 78 www.pdflobby.com Index Foramina for the base of the skull 345 H emangioma 108-109 Jugular F 70 D efinition 108 F Lacerum 70 Clinical presentation F of Monroe 281 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography F Ovale 70 108-109 , 109 F Rotundum 70 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging F Spino sum 70 modalities Stylomastoid F 70 Computed tomography (CT) 56, 109 Fo s s a of Rosenmuller Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 81 , 10 , 293 Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 320 Differential diagno sis 9, H emarthosis 2 Fractures of the face : current causes 244 H emifacial hyperplasia Fractures of the mandible H emifacial hypoplasia Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 244, Hereditary gingival hyp erplasia HIV-associated hyperplasia 3 , 234, Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 246, H o unsfield unit (HU) H o dgkin ' s lymphoma Fractures of t h e maxilla H uman-contrast sensitivity (HCS) , 41 Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 244, 246, Hydroc ephalus Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance Fractures of t h e base-of-the-skull 244 imaging (MRI) 81 Fractures of the cervical spine -246 Hyoid bone Fractures and vision 244, 245 Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography Fractures and hemorrhage 244 158 Free induction density (FlO) 69 Hypertelorism 63 G adolinium 74-76 Hypopharyngeal c ancer G ardner ' s syndrome 61 - 62 , 8 Hypoparathroidism Hyperthyroidism 0, 100 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 61 , 298 Hypopituitism Hypothyroidism Radiological presentation on computed tomography Hyoid bone (CT) 298 Differential diagnosis , 53 Idiop athic osteosclerosis , , Giant cell lesion (See c entral giant cell lesion) Illuminance (See Ambient lighting) Gigantiform cementoma (See florid o s seous dysplasia and familial gigantiform cementoma) Image enhancement 41 International classification of diseases for oncology Gigantism (ICD-O) 11 Glandular odontogenic cyst - 3 Interarticular disc D efinition Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance Clinical presentation imaging (MRI) 2 8, 229 Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography -1 3 , 35 Intracranial aneuryms 78-2 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Differential diagnosis modalities Treatment Computed tomography (CT) 279, 282 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 279, 282 Recurrence , 3 Inverted p apilloma , 8 Systematic review , 34 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Global gro ups , modalities Glomus tumors (See Paragangliomas) Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome (See Nevoid basal cell c arcinoma Computed tomography (CT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) syndrome) Granuloma Iodide mump s 4, Grayscale standard display function (GSDF) , 41 Isotropic voxel , 62 www.pdflobby.com 346 Index Joint effusion 2 , Lateral p eriodontal cyst 107-108 Joint mice 2 , 22 D efinition 107 JPEG (Joint photographic experts group) 42 Clinical presentation 107 Jugular glomus (See Jugular p araganglioma) Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Jugular p araganglioma 108 Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Differential diagnosis 96, 107-108 Treatment Differential diagno sis 70 Lateral radicular cyst 96 Juvenile idiop athic arthritis Law D efinition C anadian Clinical presentation Common Differential diagno sis , 2 Lax temporomandibular c ap sule 70 Treatment LCD (Liquid crystal display) 41 Assco ciation with uveitis a n d blindness Leontiasis o s sea 0 , 60 Association with lymphoproliferative malignancy Linear tomography , 253 Juvenile (aggressive) o ssifying fibroma (See O s sifying fibroma) 66, 74 D efinition Juvenile p s ammomatoid o ssifying fibroma (See O ssifying fibroma) 74 Clinical presentation Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Juvenile recurrent p arotitis 43 - 44 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (See Juvenile idiopathic arthritis) Radiological presentation on advanced imaging mo dalitie s Juvenile trab ecular o ssifying fibroma (See o ssifying fibroma) Lingual bone defect - 74 Computed tomography (CT) 44- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Differential diagnosis 95 Kaposi's sarcoma Treatment Keratocystic odontognic tumor (KCOT) - , 9 , 01 , 2 Recurrence Lingual foramen 61 -2 62 D efinition - Radiological presentation on computed tomography Clinical presentation - (CT) 263 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 7- , 8- 3� 206 Lithotripsy 234, 8-2 LAN (Local area network) 42 Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) , 209, 210 Lymphangioma 80 Lymphocytic leukemia 3 Differential diagno sis 23, 96 7, 25, Luminance (See Brightness) Treatment , - Recurrence , - Mach b and effect 44, 45 Systematic review 31 , Magnet 68 A s p art o f nevoid basal cell c arcinoma syndrome , Magnetic field strength (T) , 201 Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) Keratocyst (See odontogenic kerato cyst AND kerato cystic odontogenic tumor) 11 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Malignant ameloblastoma (See Metastasizing ameloblastoma) Langerhan' s cell histiocytosis 98 Mandibular incisive canal 261 Clinical presentation Mastoiditis 22 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) , , 68 , 72 , , 100 290 Radiological presentation on computed tomography Differential diagnosis 94 (CT) 69, 02 Laryngeal c ancer Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 331 Lateral cephalograms 62 Mcgregor's line 02 Medical-grade diagnostic gray-scale monitors (MGDG) , 40, 41 www.pdflobby.com Index Meningioma 83 , 290-292 347 Myo sitis o s sificans , 22 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Myxofibroma (See O dontogenic myxoma) mo dalities Computed tomography (CT) 290-292 Nasal lymphoma 05 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 91 -292 Radiological presentation on Magnetic resonance Differential diagnosis 70 imaging (MRI) 31 Metal artefact reduction (MAR) 5 Nasopalatine Canal -264 Metastasizing ameloblastoma Radiological presentation on computed tomography Definition (CT) -264 Clinical pres entation Nasopalatine duct cyst Differential diagnosis Definition 140 MISME syndrome Clinical presentation M R I accidents 73 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography MR compatible 73 , 41 MRI safety 73 Radiological presentation on computed tomography MRI suite (CT) 41 - 42 Mucosal antral (pseudo) cyst Differential diagnosis 25 Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography , 205 Recurrence Radiological pres entation on computed tomography (CT) , 205 mo dalities Muco epidermoid carcinoma , Computed tomography (CT) 323-324 Radiological pres entation o n conventional radiography 04 mo dalities Neurofibromatosis typ e II (NF2) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , Treatment Differential diagnosis 70 Mump s Neurolemmoma 95 Clinical pres entation 3 Neuroma Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging mo dalities Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Computed tomography (CT) Nevoid basal c e l l carcinoma syndrome ( N B C C S ) , Ultrasound (US) 129, 199 Differential diagnosis Definition Treatment 3 Clinical presentation Mump s and rubella (MMR) vaccine 3 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Multidetector Computed tomography (MDCT) 50, , 129, 130 Radiological presentation o n computed tomography 4- 5 (CT) , 210 Multiplanar reformatting (MPR) - 5 Differential diagnosis 94 Multiple myeloma 7- , 04 Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography Recurrence Associated with brain malignancy 305 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Po sitron emission tomography (PET) 97 Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Recurrence Differential diagno sis 94, 70 Nephrogenic systemic fibro sis (NSF) 76 Neurofibroma Computed tomography (CT) 104 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 99 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 320-324 Differential diagnosis 70 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Computed tomography (CT) 305 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma , Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Mucocele modalities Treatment Node o f Rouviere Radiological presentation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 320 Non-Hodgkin' s lymphoma 9 , Radiological presentation on conventional radiography 99 www.pdflobby.com 348 Index Non-Hodgkin ' s lymphoma (continue) Differential diagnosis , Radiological pres entation on computed tomography (CT) 98 Treatment Recurrence , 3 Treatment 9 Systematic review , Orthokeratotic variant ( o f the former odontogenic Odontogenic kerato cyst (See Kerato cystic odontogenic tumor) kerato cyst) Osteitis 63 Mixed orthokeratotic-parakeratotic variant Osseointegrated implants O rthokeratotic variant ( S e e orthokeratinized O s s eous dysplasia (OD) 76 - 81 odontogenic cyst) O s sifying fibroma (OF) 73 - 76 Parakeratotic variant (See kerato cystic odontogenic tumor) Definition 73 Clinical presentation 74 Odontogenic myxoma 21 - , 9 , 2 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Definition 1 75 , 75 Clinical presentation 2 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography 20, 2 - 24 , 24 mo dalities Comp uted tomography (CT) 76 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 74 modalities Differential diagnosis 7, 54, 75 Computed tomography (CT) 7, 20, 23 , 24, Treatment 74 4- , 21 , 21 Recurrence Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Systematic review 3 , 74 Differential diagno sis 7, Pos sible association with hyperparathyroidism 74 Treatment , O steoblast om a , 81 Recurrence , Osteo chondroma 226 Systematic review , 21 Osteoid o steoma 81 Odontoma - 84 Osteoma 80 - 81 , 8 Definition Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Complex 83 298 Compound 83 Radiological presentation computed tomography (CT) Clinical presentation 83 - 84 81 , 230, 298 Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography 6, , 84 , 84, 21 9, 220 Osteomyelitis, 62 - 63 Differential diagno sis 54 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Treatment 63 , 64 Recurrence , 84 Radiological presentation on computed tomography Systematic review 85 (CT) 99 Olefactory neuroblastoma Differential diagnosis 7, 63 , 64, 22 O steonecrosis Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Osteopenia 0 modalities Osteophyte 2 , 2 Computed tomography (CT) 05, 306 O steoporosis 7, , 100 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 05, 306 Osteos clero sis , 0 Differential diagno sis 70 Osteosarcoma , 54 , 62 Ophthalmic referral 246 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Orbital hemangioma Radiological pres entation on magnetic resonance 62 Radiological presentation on computed tomography imaging (MRI) 293 (CT) 63 , 230 Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst 0- 31 Paget ' s disease of bone 61 Definition Osteoid o steoma Clinical presentation Radiological pres entation o n conventional radiography , 2, 3 , 21 Differential diagnosis 226 Osteofibroma (See o s sifying fibroma) Otitis media 22 www.pdflobby.com Index Paget ' s disease of bone (PDB) 349 Differential diagnosis Definition 60 - 61 , Treatment Clinical pres entation 61 Recurrence Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography 61 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma , 31 Port-wine stain 109 Differential diagnosis 9, 7, 53, 70 Po sitron emission tomography (PET) 84 ,-87, 85-86, , Treatment 61 3 , 3 , 3 6, 3 Asso ciation with sarcomatous change 61 Primary intraosseous s quamous cell carcinoma (PIOSCC) Paradental cyst 106-107 101 , 103 Definition 106 Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography Clinical pres entation 106-107 101 , 105 Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography , 107 Radiological pres entation on computed tomography (CT) 101 - 02, 105 Differential diagnosis 106 Proton density , 69 Paraganglioma 79 P s eudogout (See Chondro calcino sis) Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging mo dalities Pulse sequence 69 Pustulosis 63 Computed tomography (CT) 284 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 4, 285 Differential diagnosis 70 Radicular cyst Radiological pres entation on conventional radiography Parakeratotic variant (of the former o dontogenic kerato cyst) Paramagnetic 75 , 77 203 Radi o frequency (RF) coils 68, 68, , 70 Pathology s can (T2 -weighted MRI) 70 Radiotherapy 10 Periapical cyst (See Radicular cyst) Rarefying osteitis Periapical cemental dysplasia (PCD) 79 Rathke ' s p o uch cyst 78 Periapical radiolucency (of inflammatory origin) 2, 96 Treatment 12 Receiver operating characteristics (RO C) II Recurrent dislo cation 70 Relative period prevalence (RPP) II Recurrence Peri coronal radiolucencies - 110 Relaxation 70 Perimes encephalic cistern 6, Renal osteodystrophy (ROD) 0 Petro clival fissure 70 Renal insufficiency , 0 Petrous temporal bone 70 Repetition time (TR) Phlebolith 109 Reversible figures 4 Piezoelectric crystal 88 Rheumatoid arthritis 226, 22 Pierre-Robin syndrome 226 Root resorption 24, Pindborg's tumor (See Calcifying epithelial o dontogenic Routine radiographic screening tumor (CEOT) ) Pineal gland 70 SAPHO syndrome 63 Pitch Sarcoidosis 52 Pituitary adenoma 78 Schwannomas 83 Radiological pres entation on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 79, 280 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging mo dalities Pixel-to-pixel Computed tomography (CT) Pleomorphic (salivary) adenoma (P SA) 242, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 286-288 Differential diagnosis 70 Definition 242 Clinical pres entation Scleroderma 24, 52 Radiological pres entation on c onventional radiography S entinal Node Sequential computed tomography S O , 50 242 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Shimming 74 Shimming coils 74 mo dalities Computed tomography (CT) 242, 295 Sialadenitis , 23 9-241 , 241 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 69, 71 , 78, 242 Sialoliths (See calculus, salivary) www.pdflobby.com 350 Index Sialolithiasis Radiological presentation o n conventional radiography Sialectasis , 7-2 , 23 133 Sialography Treatment 3 C onvectional 3 , , 23 7, 23 9-241 Recurrence 3 Interventional 3 , 8-241 S quamous cell carcinoma (SCC) - ,3 , , Sialosis 234, Epidemiology Sickle cell disease Clinical presentation Differential diagno sis 70 Radiological presentation on conventional radiography Signal Node (See S entinel N ode) , 25, 100, 101 , 103, Sinus -lift grafts 210-2 , 223 Radiological presentation on advanced imaging Sinusitis - mo dalities Simple bone cyst (SBC) 8- Comp uted tomography (CT) 101 , 25-329, 331 - 3 4, Definition 3 6- 3 Clinical presentation Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 74, 7, , 325, Radiological pres entation o n conventional radiography 8, 21 , , 43 - 44 9, 3 0, 3 -3 Differential diagnosis , 70 Radiological pres entation on computed tomography (CT) 44-1 45 Treatment Recurrence Differential diagno sis 13 Stafne's cyst (See lingual bone defect) Treatment , Stafne's typ e (lingual bone defect) Recurrence , STIR (Short T l inversion recovery) 74, 78 Sj ogren ' s syndrome Storage o f images 41 -42 Clinical presentation Stricture (s alivary) 234, 241 Radiological pres entation o n conventional radiography , 23 S ubmandibular fo ssa 262-263 S up ernumerary teeth 10, 111 , 11 , 61 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging S up erp aramagnetic 75 modalities Synovial chondromatosis 2 , 22 Ultrasound (US) Synovitis 63 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Systematic review (SR) 8-3 Differential diagno sis SNR (Signal-to-noise ratio) , Taurodontism 10 S N U C (Sino-nasal undifferentiated carcinoma) 05 TE (Echo time) 70 Temporomandibular j oint disorder (TMD) 2 6-231 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Radiological presentation on advanced imaging modalities mo dalities Computed tomography (CT) 31 Comp uted tomography (CT) 228 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 31 Differential diagno sis 70 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 228-229 SPECT ( Single photon emission computed tomography) 231 Solitary o s seous plasmacytoma ( S O P ) Spondylo arthopathies SPAMM (spatial mo dulation o f magnetization) 72 SPIO (sup ermagnetic iron oxide) 74 76 SUV (standard uptake value) 84-85 SE ( Spin echo) 71 Systematic review 2 -2 Thalass emia , 89 - Radiological presentation on conventional radiography , 98 Radiological presentation on computed tomography (CT) 200, 299 Differential diagnosis 94, -2 Treatment - Spin-lattice (See T l -weighted MRI) 70 TIFF (Tagged image file format) Spin-spin (See T2 -weighted MRI) 70 Timing value Spontaneous gigantiform cementoma 80 Tonsillolith S quamous odontogenic tumor 3 Definition 3 Clinical presentation 3 Radiological presentation o n computed tomography (CT) 59 Differential diagnosis 52 www.pdflobby.com Index Tornwaldt ' s cyst 8 35 Verrucous c arcinoma Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging mo dalities Vestibular schwannoma Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging Computed tomography (CT) 298 mo dalities Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 298 Computed tomography (CT) Differential diagnosis 70 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 86-288 Torus palatinus , 61 Differential diagnosis 70 TMN (Tumor, node, metastasis system) , 3 4-3 Virchow ' s Node (See S entinal Node) Transducer 88 Volume acquisition computed tomography (See Helical Traumatic bone cyst (See Simple bone cyst) computed tomography) Traumatic optic neuropathy 246 Volume rendering Treacher-Collins syndrome Volumetric computed tomography (VCT: S e e Cone-b eam Trigeminal neuralgia 7 computed tomography) Triticae cartilage ( S e e Triticeous cartilage) Triticeous cartilage - Water scan (TZ -weighted MRI) 70 Tub erculosis (TB) 52 Warthin ' s tumour 241 , 85 -2 Turner' s tooth 10 Definition T l -weighting MRI 70 , 71 Clinical presentation T2 -weighting MRI 70 , 71 Radiological pres entation on advanced imaging mo dalities UIA (Unruptured intracranial aneurysms) 78-2 Computed tomography (CT) 286, 296 Ultrasonography ( U S ) 88, 3 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , 296 D oppler 88, Ultrasound (US) 241 , 296 Grayscale 88, 89, Differential diagnosis Ultrasound 88, 241 , 296 Treatment Unknown primary cancer of the head and neck , 2 Recurrence www.pdflobby.com Kee p u w·th critical fiel Wo u l d you like t o receive u p-to-date i nfo r m ation o n our books, j o u r n a l s a n d databases in the a reas t h at i nterest you, di rect t o your m ail box? 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