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Linguistic features in english reviews of the latest high end cameras

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    • 1.1. RATIONALE








    • 2.1. PARTS OF SPEECH


    • 2.2.1. Semantic field

    • 2.2.2. Language functions



    • 2.5. SUMMARY





    • 3.4. DATA ANALYSIS

    • 3.4.1. Analytical frameworks.

    • 3.4.2. Analytical methods




      • Nouns denoting physical features

      • Nouns denoting non-physical features

      • Nouns denoting judgments

    • 4.1.2. Lexical Verbs

      • Lexical verbs denoting actions

      • Lexical verbs denoting emotions

      • Stative verbs

    • 4.1.3. Modal Verbs

      • Modals denoting possibility and ability

      • Modals denoting necessity

      • Modals denoting prediction and volition

    • 4.1.4. Adjectives

      • Adjectives describing physical quality

      • Adjectives describing performance quality

      • Adjectives describing characteristic and judgment

    • 4.1.5. Adverbs

      • Adverbs of manner

      • Adverbs of degree

      • Adverbs of frequency


    • 4.2.1. Informing

    • 4.2.3. Denoting disappointment

    • 4.2.4. Suggesting

      • Hearer oriented suggesting

      • Company oriented suggesting

    • 4.2.5. Other functions

      • Predicting

      • Warning

      • Attracting

      • Questioning

      • Mixed functions

    • 4.3. SUMMARY


    • 5.1. CONCLUSIONS

    • 5.1.1. Lexical features in English reviews of the latest high- end camera

    • 5.2.2. Semantic functions in English reviews of the latest high-end camera












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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY HÀ BẢO TOÀN LINGUISTIC FEATURES IN ENGLISH REVIEWS OF THE LATEST HIGH-END CAMERAS FIELD: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CODE: Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr NGUYỄN QUANG NGOẠN BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN HÀ BẢO TỒN ĐẶC TRƯNG NGƠN NGỮ TRONG CÁC BÀI ĐÁNH GIÁ BẰNG TIẾNG ANH VỀ MÁY ẢNH CAO CẤP MỚI NHẤT NGÀNH: NGÔN NGỮ ANH MÃ SỐ: Người hướng dẫn: PGS.TS NGUYỄN QUANG NGOẠN STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP This thesis does not contain any material which has been previously submitted as a requirement of a degree or diploma at any institution This thesis also does not contain any material which has been written or published by other another person except the reference is made in the text This work is completely implemented by myself Quy Nhon, 2020 Ha Bao Toan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been completed without the support of many people I would like to express the deepest respect and appreciation to those who provide me advice and assistance when I participated in this course, especially the time when I carried out this research First and foremost, I am deeply gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Quang Ngoan, who has kindly given me advice, useful references and constant encouragement in this study Without his guidance and help, this thesis would not have been complete I would like to express my thanks to Mr Dang Trinh Truong Giang, an MA student of English Language from the previous course, for his advice and reference during the time I participated in this course I also would love to express my gratefulness to all the lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Quy Nhon Univesity who have provided me with precious knowledge in the field of English language Last but not least, my love is sent to my parents and my big thanks to my friends who have back me up through many difficulties during this period so that I can focus on the thesis and finish it in line ABSTRACT With the explosion of online product reviews in the last two decades, online reviews are quickly becoming a research trend for linguists to understand their characteristics This study aims at investigating 2731 samples of lexical features and 399 samples of semantic functions in English reviews for the latest high-end cameras, under five videos of professional reviewers on Youtube Both quantitative and qualitative approaches with descriptive, analytic, and synthetic methods are employed to achieve the targets Based on the theory of lexicology of Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) as well as sematic functions of Lyons (1977) and Leech (1981), the theoretical framework suggests the criteria for collecting and analyzing the samples The analysis reveals interesting results concerning the five word classes (nouns, lexical verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and modal auxiliaries) contributing the lexicology of English reviews, as well as the five semantic functions (informing, praising, denoting disappointment, suggesting, and others) in English camera reviews To be more specific, nouns, lexical verbs, and adjectives take a large contribution in review lexicology while informing, praising, and denoting disappointment are the superior distributions in semantic functions of English camera reviews The findings drawn out from the study make some significant contribution to the teaching and learning of descriptive language, as well as the people in the field of reviewing product TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES N 3.1 Tables Data overview of English reviews for the latest high-end Page 20 cameras on Youtube 3.2 The Linguistic Category Model proposed by Semin and 22 Fiedler (1991) in the study of Krishnamoorthy (2015) 3.3 Framework for analysis of lexical features in English camera 23 reviews 3.4 Framework for analysis of semantic functions in English 24 camera reviews 4.1 Distribution of lexicology in camera reviews 4.2 Semantic function in English camera review 26 46 LIST OF GRAPHS N0 4.1 Graphs Percentages of lexicology in English camera reviews Page 27 Percentages of sub-nouns in lexicology of English camera 4.2 reviews 28 Percentages of sub-lexical verbs in lexicology of English 4.3 camera reviews 33 Percentages of sub-adjective in lexicology of English camera 4.4 reviews 39 Percentages of sub-adverbs in lexicology of English camera 4.5 4.6 reviews Distribution of semantic functions in English camera reviews 43 47 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS (1): The first example [CR1.15]: Source in appendix: camera review 1, data no.15th DSLR: MR: Digital Single-lens reflex cameras Mirrorless cameras PL102 so you don't have (VS) to carry (VA) around a charger (NoP) 24 It also has (VS) no headphone jack (NoP) which for a camera (NoP) that's supposed (VS) to be used (VA) for video (NoN) DISAP 25 It is (VS) a huge (AdjP), huge (AdjP) oversight (NJ) and it has (VS) a 15 minute recording limit (NoN), for 4K video (NoN) for people, DISAP who are (VS) hybrid shooters (NoN) 26 Like, what is going (VA) on Fuji? DISAP 27 All those things can (mV) be fixed (VA), if you add (VA) a vertical (AdjP) grip (NoP), you could (mV) put (VA) more batteries (NoP) INFOR in it 28 But with extra (AdjCJ) batteries (NoP) that vertical (AdjP) grip (NoP) is gonna (VS) end up causing (VS) you $460 DISAP 29 So now we've gone (VS) from a $1.900 camera (NoP) to and $2.350 cameras (NoP) which kind of puts (VA) it in a whole (AdvD) DISAP different (AdjCJ) price range (NoP), right? 30 Especially, when competitors offer (VA) those same (AdjCJ) things (NoN) built-in (AdjCJ) and you don't have (VS) to make (VA) your DISAP camera (NoP) all (AdvD) big (AdjP) and bulky (AdjP) 31 Some more drawbacks (NJ), the glass (NoP) is (VS) more (AdvD) limited (AdjCJ) and you might (mV) be used (VA) to with Canon DISAP and Nikon 32 There's (VS) no equivalent (AdjCJ) to 70-200 F2.8 for portraiture (NoN), nor is there anything like an 85 millimeter F1.4 (NoP), that DISAP will (mV) give (VA) you that level of background blur (NoN) 33 There's (VS) also no big (AdjP) glass (NoP) for wildlife (NoN), you cannot (mV) get (VS) a 600 millimeter F4 (NoP) for it DISAP 34 That cool, shutter speed dial (NoP) that I showed (VA) you, only works (VA) in full stops (NoN) DISAP 35 So if you want (VS) to get (VS) to a half or a third of a stop (NoN), you have (VS) to work (VA) two dials (NoP) in conjunction and look (VA) at the screen (NoP), instead of looking (VA) at the nice (AdjQ) DISAP PL103 analog controls (NoP); and that kind of defeats (VS) the whole purpose 36 The touch screen (NoP), sucks (AdjQ)! DISAP 37 It just (AdvD) sucks (AdjQ) DISAP 38 If you try (VS) to flip (VA) through pictures (NoN), it just doesn't work (VA) well (AdvM) at all, and you end (VS) up just going (VA) back DISAP to the buttons (NoP) for it 39 And for sports (NoN), well it's (VS) workable (AdjQ) INFOR 40 But I would (mV) much (AdvD) rather have (VS) a D500 (NoP) which is (VS) faster (AdjQ), has (VS) a much (AdvD) bigger (AdjP) buffer (NoN), and has (VS) much (AdvD) better (AdjQ) subject OTHER tracking (NoN) to 41 And let's talk (VA) about the X-trans sensor (NoP), instead of using (VA) a standard-bearer (AdjCJ) filter (NoN), like almost (AdvD) every (AdvD) other sensor (NoP) in the world, they arranged (VA) INFOR the red green and blue filter (NoN) slightly (AdvD) different (AdjCJ), so all (AdvD) the green (NoN) is clumped (VA) together 42 And Fuji says (VA) it's (VS) way (AdvD) better (AdjQ) but I don't think (VS) it's (VS) way (AdvD) better (AdjQ); and every (AdvD) test that I've seen (VA) doesn't show (VA) a way (AdvD) better DISAP (AdjQ) 43 And the noise (NoN) doesn't seem (VS) way (AdvD) better (AdjQ), it seems (VS) exactly (AdvD) the same, except it does require (VA) DISAP very (AdvD) different (AdjCJ) processing (NoP) 44 And me, I continue (VS) to use (VA) Lightroom with it INFOR 45 I have tested (VA) the other apps and every (AdvD) Fuji enthusiast (NoP) tells you have (VS) to use (VA) Iridium or some other type of app, but a camera (NoP) should (mV) fit (VS) into my workflow as INFOR a pro photographer (NoN) 46 I shouldn't (mV) have (VS) to change (VA) the app that I use (VA), just to suit (VS) some novel (AdjCJ) type of sensor (NoP) that it has DISAP PL104 (VS), especially if I'm not seeing (VA) any real (AdjQ) results (NoN) out of it 47 So for me, the X-trans sensor (NoP) is (VS)n't an advantage (NJ), it’s (VS) actually (AdvD) a disadvantage (NJ) DISAP 48 It's (VS) interesting (AdjCJ) that Fuji decided (VA) not to put (VA) it on their medium (AdjP) format (NoN) camera (NoP), maybe it's INFOR (VS) not better (AdjQ) after all 49 Check (VA) out that RAW dynamic range (NoN) INFOR 50 I just love (VE) having (VS) the aperture ring (NoP) on the lens (NoP) because it gives (VA) my left hand something to (VA) PRAIS 51 So you already love (VE) Fuji, how does the XH-1 (NoP) compared (VA) to the XT-2 (NoP)? OTHER 52 Well, they're (VA) mostly (AdvD) the same (AdjCJ) camera (NoP), the software (NoN) is (VS) pretty much (AdvD) the same (AdjCJ), the pictures (NoN) they take (VA) are (VS) exactly (AdvD) the same INFOR (AdjCJ), they have (VS) the same (AdjCJ) insufficient (AdjQ) batteries (NoP) 53 The big (AdjP) difference is (VS) that the XH-1 (NoP) has (VS) sensor stabilization (NoP), and if you use (VA) lenses (NoP), like this amazing (AdjQ) 16-55, that don't have (VS) image stabilization INFOR (NoP) built (AdjCJ) into the lens (NoP), that's (VS) really (AdvD) important (NJ) 54 The reason I stopped (VA) using (VA) the XT-2 (NoP) was (VS) because the Fuji lenses (NoP) are (VS) so (AdvD) sharp (AdjP), INFOR that the reciprocal rule (NoN) does (VS)n't matter (NJ) 55 You can (mV) use (VA) the reciprocal rule (NoN) and still show (VA) tons of handshake (NoN); because they're showing (VA) so much PRAIS (AdvD) detail (NoN) 56 I needed (VE) a stabilized (AdjCJ) sensor (NoP) and now I have (VS) it, so yeah, I like (VE) the XH-1 (NoP) better (AdjQ) than the XT-2 (NoP) for that PRAIS PL105 57 But, all of us on our team when we picked (VA) up the XH-1 (NoP), the first thing we said (VA) is (VS), it feels (VS) cheap (AdjP) and DISAP plasticky (AdjP) 58 And compared (VA) to the XT-2 (NoP), they’re (VS) right (AdjQ) INFOR 59 The XT-2 (NoP) just (AdvD) feels (VS) better (AdjQ) in the hand, it's (VS) more (AdvD) solidly (AdjQ) built (NoP) DISAP 60 Even though I like (VE) the big (AdjP) grip (NoP) on the XH-1 (NoP), the XT-2 (NoP) just (AdvD) has (VS) that special (AdjCJ) INFOR something (NoP) 61 The XT-2 (NoP) is missing (VS) that top dial (NoP), but I prefer (VE) this, because I can (mV) still see (VA) all (AdvD) my settings (NoN) by looking (VA) at the analog dials (NoP) and it leaves (VA) me PRAIS room for this exposure compensation dial (NoP) that I love (VE) having (VS) analog (NoP) 62 This is (VS) what I love (VE) about Fuji, it’s (VS) the analog experience (NoN); I don't want (VS) an extra (AdjCJ) LCD screen PRAIS (NoP) 63 So, I'm (VS) kind of torn (VA) myself, I love (VE) the XT-2 (NoP) more (AdvD); but the XH-1 (NoP) is (VS) just a more (AdvD) INFOR practical (AdjCJ) camera (NoP) 64 I just ran (VA) out of batteries (NoP); this is (VS) the Fuji way of life, the best (AdjQ) shot finally appears (VS) and by then my battery DISAP (NoP) dies (VS) 65 Just give (VA) us a bigger (AdjP) battery (NoP) Fuji! OTHER 66 So, it's (VS) time to talk (VA) about the elephant in the room, the Sony A7 mark (NoP) which is (VS) $2,000 camera (NoP), it's (VS) about the same price, it's (VS) mirrorless (NoP), it has (VS) most (AdvD) of the great (AdjQ) features (NoN) that I just INFOR discussed (VA) but it's (VS)a full-frame (AdjP) camera (NoP); and it has (VS) a bunch of other benefits (NJ) too 67 But the full-frame (AdjP) sensor (NoP) is (VS) the big (AdjP) one OTHER PL106 right? 68 It's (VS) 2.3 times bigger (AdjP) than this sensor (NoP), and in our tests and other people's tests, it means (VS) it has (VS) less (AdvD) than half the visible (AdjCJ) noise (NoN) at the same (AdjCJ) ISO INFOR (NoN) 69 It also means (VS) that you get (VS) access (VA) to full-frame (AdjP) lenses (NoP) so if you're (VS) a pro shooting (NoN) with a 70-200 on a full-frame (AdjP) body (NoP), you can (mV) get (VS) that for the Sony A7III (NoP); but you cannot (mV) get (VS) that effect DISAP (NoN), not the background (NoN) blur (AdjCJ), not the low- light gathering capability (NoN), with the XH-1 (NoP) 70 You're missing (VA) something, they said (VA) Mark also has (VS) a big (AdvD) huge (AdjP) battery (NoP) that literally lasts (VS) all DISAP day, so you don't have (VS) to worry (VE) about carrying it around 71 But the A7 mark (NoP) doesn't have (VS) like this awesome (AdjQ) aperture dial (NoP), that I love (VE) PRAIS 72 I would (mV) rather feel (VS) the XH-1 (NoP) in my hands but I like (VA) the results (NoN) of the Sony A7 mark (NoP) better (AdjQ) INFOR 73 The list of benefits (NJ) for the A7 mark (NoP) is (VS) actually pretty (AdvD) huge (AdjP) 74 For sports (NoN), it is (VS) better (AdjQ)! INFOR OTHER 75 It has (VS) a way (AdvD) bigger (AdjP) buffer (NoN); the focusing points (NoN) go to the edges of the frame (NoP) DISAP 76 It can (mV) (VA) eye detect autofocus (NoN) and continuous focus (NoN) which this (XH-1) camera can't (mV) DISAP 77 It tracks (VA) a subject as it moves (VA) side to side, far, far (AdvD) better (AdjQ); and it does (VA) a full (AdjCJ) 10 frames a second DISAP (NoN) without having to add (VA) a grip (NoP) 78 It can (mV) allow (VS) you to dual back-button autofocus (NoP), where one does (VA) a single autofocus point (NoN), and another button (NoP) does (VA) eye-detect autofocus (NoN) INFOR PL107 79 It can (mV) record (VA) video (NoN) to SD cards (NoP) for redundancy; and we found (VS) the video auto focusing (NoN) was (VS) just way more (AdvD) consistent (AdjCJ) and reliable DISAP (AdjCJ) 80 And Sony has (VS) real (AdjQ) pro-support (NoN) for the A7 mark (NoP); we've used (VA) it and it's (VS) been really (AdvD) good DISAP (AdjQ) 81 Fuji only has (VS) pro-support (NoN) for their medium format camera (NoP) DISAP 82 And finally, the system (NoN) INFOR 83 If you're shooting (VA) with a Sony A7 mark (NoP) and you decide (VS) you want (VS) to upgrade (VA) to a high (AdjP) resolution (NoN) camera (NoP), you get (VS) the A7R mark (NoP) SUGGE 84 Or if you want (VS) a dedicated (AdjCJ) fast (AdjQ), highperformance (AdjQ) sports body (NoP), you can (mV) get (VS) SUGGE the Sony A9 (NoP) 85 With the XH-1 (NoP), this is (VS) it DISAP 86 You're (VS) at the top rung, you can't (mV) go (VA) above 24 megapixels (NoN) with the X mounts (NoP), so it kind of limits DISAP (VA) your growth 87 So should (mV) you get (VA) the XH-1 (NoP)? OTHER 88 If you're (VS) a Fuji user (NoN), it is (VS) the best (AdjQ) camera (NoP) SUGG E 89 If you're (VS) an existing (AdjCJ) DSLR user (NoN) and you're thinking (VS) about going (VA) mirrorless (NoP), the Fuji cameras SUGGE (NoP) give (VS) you the best (AdjQ) experience (NoN) 90 But if you don't need (VS) the sensor stabilization (NoP), the experience (NoN) on the XT-2 (NoP) is (VS) actually a little (AdvD) SUGGE better (AdjQ) 91 But if you are gonna (VS) get (VA) the high-end (AdjCJ) lenses SUGG E PL108 (NoP), you probably (AdvD) want the sensor stabilization (NoP) and this experience's (NoN) stills (VS) better (AdjQ) than any other camera 92 If you're (VS) a practical (AdjCJ) person and you care (VA) about the final images (NoN) more (AdvD), if you have (VS) upward (AdjCJ) mobility (NoN) and you think (VS) you might (mV) want (VS) to get (VA) big (AdjP) glass (NoP) or something, the Sony A7 SUGGE mark (NoP) is (VS) probably (AdvD) a better (AdjQ) value (NJ) for you CAMERA REVIEW - PANASONIC SIR CAMERA REVIEW - PANASONIC S1R Semantic Lexical Features Functions If you were to design (VA) a brand-new (AdjP) mirrorless (AdjP) camera (NoP), full-frame (AdjP) camera (NoP) for 2019; what OTHER sort of features (NoN) would (mV) you include (VA)? Some would (mV) argue (VA) that you would (mV) just try (VS) to fit (VA) in as many features (NoN) as possible INFOR Well, that's (VS) what Panasonic did (VA) with the S1R (NoP) INFOR But is it enough just to have (VS) all (AdvD) these features (NoN)? OTHER How does this camera perform (VA) in a professional environmen (NoN)t? Well, we're gonna (VS) find (VA) out, this is (VS) the Henry's review The S1R delivers (VA) a 47 megapixel (NoN) full-frame (AdjP) sensor (NoP), nearly twice the resolution (NoN) as the Panasonic OTHER INFOR INFOR S1 (NoP) And if that wasn't (VS) enough, there is (VS) even a 187 megapixel INFOR PL109 high resolution mode (NoN) for still-life photography (NoN) Long story short, there's (VS) resolution (NoN) to spare (VA) on this camera INFOR 10 And it rewards (VA) those that get (VS) the autofocus (NoN) right (AdjQ) OTHER 11 Panasonic has adopted (VA) a new (AdjP) L2 mount (NoP) system (NoP), this is (VS) in partnership with Sigma and Leica INFOR 12 As a result, the lens selection (NoN) is (VS) quite (AdvD) limited (AdjCJ), only about three lenses are (VS) available at the time of DISAP this recording 13 But I'm excited (VE) to see (VA) what is (VS) possible when you have (VS) three premier (AdjQ) manufacturers developing lenses INFOR (NoP) for a single (AdjP) mount (NoP) system (NoN) 14 Shooting with this camera is (VS) an exercise in technique (NJ) and maybe even an exercise itself OTHER 15 The body (NoP) alone (AdjCJ) weighs (VS) over pounds; and adds (VA) the 24-105 f/4 lens (NoP) and you're looking (VA) at nearly (AdvD) pounds of camera technology (NoN) to support (VA) in INFOR your hands 16 This weight (NoN) isn't (VS) wasted (AdjCJ) though INFOR 17 Users can (mV) expect (VA) some high-end (AdjCJ) dust and water resistance (NoN) in the S1R (NoP) INFOR 18 Just keep (VS) in mind though, if you're gonna (VS) be using (VA) this camera for a long period of time, well, you may (mV) want (VS) to INFOR take (VA) some breaks 19 So now that we're reintroduce (VA) to this camera the Panasonic S1R (NoP), let's see (VA) how it performs (VA) in a professional INFOR shoot setting (NoN) 20 We have our model getting ready and we have a pretty extravagant look going on 21 So this is gonna (VS) be a great (AdjQ) test (NoN) to see (VA) how INFOR INFOR PL110 much detail (NoN) we can (mV) pull (VA) from this camera 22 Panasonic has heiped (VA) their DFD and artificial intelligence integration (NoN) as differentiators in the market INFOR 23 But does the continuous autofocus (NoN) live (VA) up to the hype? OTHER 24 In short, yes INFOR 25 Whether its eyes, faces, people or pets, the continuous autofocus (NoN) felt (VS) very (AdvD) snappy (AdjCJ) and locked (VA) in PRAIS very (AdvD) quickly (AdvM) 26 When you look (VA) through the viewfinder (NoP) or the back LCD (NoP), you get (VS) a clear (AdjP) visual indication (NoN) PRAIS that the autofocus (NoN) is keeping (VA) up 27 I will (mV) say (VA) though, in some instances, not all but some of them, the autofocus (NoN) was (VS) a little too (AdvD) jumpy INFOR (AdjQ) and shifted (VA) between shots 28 Sometimes (AdvF) I'd (mV) ask (VA) my model to pose (VA) in certain ways and, as the head tilted (VA) or the neck move (VA), I would (mV) see that the autofocus (NoN) is shifting (VA) a little INFOR bit (AdvD), more (AdvD) than I intended (VS) to 29 And while you can (mV) tweak (VA) this a little bit (AdvD), you may (mV) just want (VS) to keep (VS) in mind that single point (NoN) or manual focus (NoN) will (mV) come (VS) in handy (AdjCJ), in INFOR certain environments 30 And I feel (VS) like it should (mV) be said (VA), no I am NOT complaining (VA) that the autofocus (NoN) is (VS) too (AdvD) fast (AdjQ), you just have (VS) to be (VS) mindful (AdjCJ), INFOR depending (VA) on what your subject is 31 So, the cool thing about this camera is (VS) that, you know, despite its size and its heft (NoP), when you're (VS) in a shoot environment (NoN) that's (VS) actually things that you will (mV) value (VA): being (VS) able (AdjP) to navigate (VA) the buttons (NoP) easily (AdvM), having (VS) that space (NoN) for your entire PRAIS PL111 (AdvD) hand to wrap (VA) around, these are (VS) small (AdjP) things that make (VS) a big (AdjP) difference 32 Or in this case, bigger (AdjP) things that make (VS) a big (AdjP) enough difference PRAIS 33 You get (VA) a lot of resolution (NoN), but on top of that you get (VS) to shoot (VA) up to frames per second (NoN) and you can INFOR (mV) have (VS) your ISO (NoN) go (VA) as high as 25600 34 While the S1 has (VS) an extra (AdjCJ) stop (NoN), that may (mV) be (VS) beneficial (AdjQ) for video shooters (NoN) or low-light shooters (NoN), this camera still offers (VA) a lot (AdvD) in terms INFOR of resolving power (NoN) 35 For most of its ISO range (AdvD), the noise (AdvD) was (VS) either negligible (AdjCJ) or manageable (AdjCJ) PRAIS 36 In short, you'll (mV) have (VS) plenty (AdvD) of latitude (NoN) to capture (VA) the image (NoN) you want (VS) PRAIS 37 What's (VS) nice (AdjQ) about this camera (NoP) is (VS) the white balance (NoP), ISO (NoP) and exposure button (NoP) at the top PRAIS 38 They have (VS) a different (AdjCJ) feel (NoN) to a different (AdjCJ) texture (NoP) in some cases, and they're (VS) different (AdjCJ) levels (NoN); so even when I'm looking (VA) through the PRAIS viewfinder (NoP), I know (VS) which button (NoP) I'm going (VA) after 39 And that's (VS) really (AdvD) crucial (AdjCJ) in a shoot setting (NoN) like this, where we have (VS) a limited (AdjCJ) amount of PRAIS time to get (VS) the shots (NoN) that we're looking (VA) for 40 Being (VS) able (AdjP) to work (VA) faster (AdjQ), it adds (VA) u p PRAIS 41 So not having (VS) to take (VA) my eye off the viewfinder (NoP) because I know (VS) what button (NoP) I'm hitting (VA) here, that's (VS) something, that's (VS) really (AdvD) valuable (AdjCJ), and it’s (VS) things that more companies should (mV) start (VS) PRAIS PL112 doing (VA) 42 Panasonic hasn't slouched (VA) on the video features (NoN) either PRAIS 43 Being (VS) able (AdjP) to shoot (VA) 4k 60p (NoN) is (VS) great (AdjQ) to have (VS) and the built-in (AdjCJ) image stabilization (NoP) means (VS) that you'll (mV) be (VS) able (AdjP) to capture PRAIS (VA) some (AdvD) great (AdjQ) clips (NoN), even when you’re (VS) handheld (AdjCJ) 44 I will (mV) say (VA) though, you'll (mV) want (VS) to stabilize (VA) this camera with a gimbal (NoP) or tripod (NoP) for the best INFOR (AdjQ) results (NoN) 45 The footage (NoN) looks (VS) really (AdvD) clean (AdjP) at most of its ISO range (NoN), but the continuous autofocus (NoN), definitely (AdvD) proved (VA) to be a challenge (NJ) in some DISAP environments again (AdvF) 46 There're (VS) some menu options (NoN) to mitigate (VA) this, but the experience (NoN) is (VS) not perfect (AdjQ), and often (AdvF) resulted (VS) in me having (VS) to (VA) multiple (AdjP) takes DISAP (NoP) 47 Again, especially if you're shooting (VA) video (NoN) single point (NoN) or manual focus (NoN) will (mV) lead (VA) to the best INFOR (AdjQ) results (NoN) 48 While on video (NoN), being (VS) able (AdjP) to shoot (VA) up to 180 frames per second (NoN) in full (AdjP) HD (NoN) is (VA) also something that is (VS) a bit of a differentiator (NJ) for a INFOR camera like this 49 As expected (VS), the footage (NoN) was (VS) very (AdvD) clean (AdjP) very (AdvD) usable (AdjQ) and something that I was PRAIS impressed (VE) by when using this camera 50 There's (VS) a lot to love (VE) about the Panasonic S1R; the menu system (NoN) is (VS) probably (AdvD) not one of them, it's (VS) really (AdvD) confusing (AdjCJ) DISAP PL113 51 Not only are (VS) their menus (NoN), they're (VS) sub-menus (NoN) DISAP 52 And when I was using (VA) this thing, it just felt (VA) like certain options (NoP), where in sub menus (NoN) that didn't belong (VS) DISAP there, should (mV) be (VS) in another place 53 And I know (VS) what you're thinking (VS); there's (VS) a manual right; why not just read (VA) the manual 54 Well, who reads (VA) the manual? 55 In fact, there're (VS) two manuals with this camera OTHER OTHER INFOR 56 And even though I did peruse (VA) through them to get (VA) better (AdjQ) acclimated (VA) with this camera, it still didn't feel (VS) DISAP like a great (AdjQ) onboarding experiences (NoN) 57 This camera has (VS) all the ports (NoP) you're going (VS) to need (VS), whether it's (VS) a full (AdjP) HDMI (NoP), microphone-in (NoP) or a headphone jack (NoP) or even USB-C (NoP), you have PRAIS (VS) all (AdvD) the i/o ports (NoP) needed (VS) to get (VA) the job done (VA), for most of your shooting needs (NoN) 58 The body (NoP) is also covered (VA) with this rubber texture (NoP) PRAIS 59 Covering the ports (NoP) and around the grip (NoP) that really (AdvD) feels (VS) solid (AdjP) in your hand PRAIS 60 When you look (VA) through the viewfinder (NoP), you're welcomed (VE) with an over 5.7 million dot OLED viewfinder (NoN), and it absolutely (AdvD) gorgeous (AdjQ) to look (VA) through PRAIS 61 Something that you know (VS) Panasonic is (VS) known (AdjCJ) for, they were (VS) known (AdjCJ) for display technology (NoN) and you see (VA) that, when you look (VA) through the viewfinder PRAIS (NoP) 62 Professionals (NoN) can (mV) expect (VS) an XQD (NoP) and SD card slot (NoP) to manage (VA) all the data (NoN) that they're INFOR PL114 capturing (VA); 63 And the battery (NoP) is (VS) well (AdjQ) over 3,000 milliamps, it's (VS) about the size of a battery (NoP) that you'd (mV) find (VA) in INFOR high-end (AdjCJ) smartphones (NoP) 64 Quite simply the battery (NoP) lasts (VA) really (AdvD), really (AdvD) long (AdjP); PRAIS 65 And lasted (VA) the full (AdjP) duration of our shoot whether we were shooting (VA) pictures (NoN) or video (NoN) and lasted PRAIS (VA) until we were done (VA) with the camera (NoP) 66 When I got (VA) back to my office, there was (VS) still about 20% or less, left (VA) on the battery (NoP) itself PRAIS 67 But the cool thing is (VS) because I was offloading (VA) the footage (NoN) I could (mV) just plug (VA) this camera into a USB-C port (NoP) and have (VS) it charge (VA) while that was happening PRAIS (VA) as well 68 There's (VS) one thing that a camera has (VS) or doesn't have (VS), and that's (VS) a good (AdjQ) shutter sound (NoN) INFOR 69 And I'm happy (VE) to report (VA), the shutter sound (NoN) on the S1R (NoP) is (VS) fantastic (AdjCJ), so for you ASMR aficionado PRAIS is (VS) out there, you can (mV) rest (VA) easy (AdjCJ) 70 When I download (VA) the images (NoN) into capture one and looked (VA) at them, I was delighted (VA) PRAIS 71 Yes, that's (VS) the feeling (NJ) I felt (VS) when I was going (VA) through the pictures (NoN) INFOR 72 As I was zooming (VA) in and making (VA) adjustment, being (VS) able (AdjP) to see (VA) how much detail (NoP) was resolved (VA) PRAIS in this camera, made (VA) me smile (VE) 73 Something that was (VS) very (AdvD) rewarding (AdjCJ) PRAIS 74 But at the price point that this camera comes (VS) in at, you should (mV) expect (VS) no less 75 I guess (VS) you could (mV) say (VA) I'm glad (VE) that the files INFOR PRAIS PL115 (NoP) came (VA) out as great (AdjQ) as they did (VA) 76 I'm gonna (VS) go (VA) out on a limb here and say (VA) because of the size weight (NoP) and industrial design (NoP), Panasonic S1R is (VS) on a camera that makes (VA) you want (VS) to take (VA) it PRAIS everywhere with you 77 However, when you have (VS) a project to deliver (VA) whether it's (VS) for a client or for yourself, when things are (VS) on the line you can (mV) look (VA) at the S1R with confidence (NJ); knowing OTHER that it's gonna (VS) deliver (VA) on your creative needs (NoN) or get (VS) very, very (AdvD) close (AdvD) to it 78 After spending much time with the S1R, I can (mV) say (VA) the experience (NoN) was (VS) rewarding (AdjCJ) PRAIS 79 The design (NoP) of the cameras definitely (AdvD) have (VS) deeper (AdjQ) features (NoN) such as an XQD and a SD card slot (NoP), full (AdjP) HDMI out (NoP), a top LCD (NoP), they all (AdvD) PRAIS provide (VA) important (AdjCJ) and real-world (AdjCJ) benefits (NJ) that professionals (NoN) will (mV) appreciate (VE) 80 There's (VS) still some room for improvement though; namely, the menu system (NoN) SUGGE 81 It's (VS) something that could (mV) be refined (VA) and better (AdjQ) can (mV) okay (VA) SUGGE 82 Also, I'd (mV) love (VE) to see more information communicator (NoN) on the top LCD (NoP) when the camera is off SUGGE 83 I feel (VS) like this is (VS) something that could (mV) be addressed (VA), in a firmware update (NoN) SUGGE 84 This is (VS) also one of those cameras that tethered shooters (NoN) will (mV) really (AdvD) have (VS) fun (AdjCJ) with SUGGE 85 To be (VS) able (AdjP) to capture (VA) these rich (AdjCJ) files (NoN) into a program like capture one and have (VS) someone preview (VA) the details (NoN), while you're (VS) on location, you really (AdvD) get (VS) to see (VA) the power of a product (NoP) PRAIS PL116 like this 86 And if it wasn't (VS) clear (AdjP) already, this is (VS) not a beginner (NoN) or even a pro-sumer camera (NoN); I had argue (VA) that this is for those that are making (VA) money from photography, or SUGGE absolutely (AdvD) looking (VA) to burn (VA) their money in photography 87 It rewards (VA) those that take (VA) the time to capture (VA) the intended (AdjCJ) shot (NoN) they're going (VA) after, not SUGGE necessarily those that are spraying (VA) and praying (VA) 88 What intrigues (VE) me the most is (VS) what the post-launch experience (NoN) is going (VS) to be (VS), for the Panasonic S1R INFOR 89 This camera and even the Panasonic S1, to some degree, are not priced or marketed (VS) to be big (AdjP) sellers out of the gate; INFOR 90 This L-mount movement (NoN) appears (VS) to be (VS) a slowburn (AdjCJ) that will (mV) build (VA) and build (VA), over the seasons, to create (VA) a rich (AdjCJ) environment for PREDI professionals (NoN) 91 What I'll (mV) be (VS) curious (AdjCJ) to see (VA) is (VS) a Panasonic will (mV) be (VS) able (AdjP) to create (VA) enough PREDI differentiation (NoP) in an already competitive market 92 Thank you so much for watching the Panasonic S1R review; more importantly I'd (mV) love (VE) to hear (VA) what you think (VA), is (VS) the L mount movement (NoN) enough for you to be enticed (VA); or are you already bought (VA) in OTHER ... participate into the English reviews of the camera In the sematic field, the researcher attempts to recognize the functions of the lexical features that are used in the reviews of the latest highend cameras. .. this study 12 focuses on the linguistic features, including the lexical features and semantic functions, of English in reviews for the latest high -end cameras The conducting of this work, hopefully... answering the two main questions that can clarify the objectives: What are the lexical features in English reviews of the latest high- end cameras? What are the semantic functions in English reviews of

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2021, 10:38


