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Analysis of impacts of cardinality and diversity on collective performance

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  • Preface



  • Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION





  • Chapter 6. CONCLUSIONS



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WROCŁAW UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT Ph.D Dissertation ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS OF CARDINALITY AND DIVERSITY ON COLLECTIVE PERFORMANCE Van Du Nguyen Supervisor: Prof Dr Sc Ph.D Ngoc Thanh Nguyen Co-supervisor: Assoc Prof., Ph.D Mercedes G Merayo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Wrocław 2018 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis is the end of the 8-year journey of studying abroad at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland (including master study) Indeed, it was an interesting journey for an international student like me Beyond new knowledge that I have been learning, I have also found opportunities to explore new cultures, European cultures In this 8-year journey, first, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Professor Ngoc Thanh Nguyen for the continuous support of my study and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge It could be said that I have had a great opportunity to work with him Second, I would also like to thank Associate Professor Mercedes G Merayo, my cosupervisor from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain for the support of my thesis I also sincerely thank Professor Manuel Núñez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain for giving me an opportunity to participate the project S2013/ICE-3006 SICOMORo-CM Third, I also sincerely thank the colleagues in the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science and Management for all their helpful comments on my thesis Next, I would also like to thank Professor Dosam Hwang and the colleagues in Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, Department of Computer Engineering Yeungnam University, the Republic of Korea for their invitation and support during 2-month working in the BK21+ project Besides, I also sincerely thank my friends, who have encouraged and supported me during the time of Ph.D study Finally, I cordially thank my family, especially my Mom and my Dad, for encouraging and believing me during the years of studying abroad i “It may be, in the end, that a good society is defined more by how people treat strangers than by how they treat those they know.” ― James Surowiecki (2005), The Wisdom of Crowds “Being different is as important as being good.” ― Scott E Page (2007), The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies "Great things in business are never done by one person They are done by a team of people." ― Steve Jobs, Ex-Apple CEO “If you want to have good ideas you must have many ideas.” ― Linus Pauling, An American Quantum Chemist and Biochemist “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” ― Michael Jordan, An American retired professional basketball player, businessman, and principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association(NBA) This thesis is dedicated to my parents, Thi Thien Le & Van Lo Nguyen For their endless love, support, and encouragement From their son, Van Du Nguyen ii INDEX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i INDEX iii LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES x CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Collective Intelligence 1.2 Criteria of intelligent collectives 1.2.1 Diversity 1.2.2 Independence 1.2.3 Decentralization 1.2.4 Aggregation 1.3 Applications of Collective Intelligence 1.3.1 Prediction Markets 1.3.2 Delphi Method 10 1.4 Motivation of thesis 12 1.5 Research problem 13 1.5.1 Aim of the thesis 13 1.5.2 Hypotheses 14 1.5.3 Objectives of the thesis 14 1.6 Contributions of thesis 14 1.7 Thesis organization 17 CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 19 2.1 Basic notions 19 2.1.1 Collective 19 2.1.2 Collective prediction determination 21 iii 2.1.3 The measures of collective performance 25 Based on the accuracy of collective prediction 25 Based on win ratio 26 Based on the quotient of collective error and individual errors 26 2.1.4 The measures of diversity 29 2.2 Relationship between collective prediction and individual predictions 33 2.3 The impact of cardinality on collective performance 34 2.4 The impact of diversity on collective performance 35 2.4.1 Diversity in the composition of collective members 35 2.4.2 Diversity of individual predictions 38 CHAPTER THE IMPACT OF CARDINALITY ON COLLECTIVE PERFORMANCE 40 3.1 Introduction 40 3.2 Research model and hypothesis 41 3.3 Simulation experiments and their evaluation 43 3.3.1 Simulation design 43 3.3.2 Experimental results 44 3.4 Analysis of collective performance 53 3.5 Determining collective predictions of big collectives 60 3.5.1 Introduction 61 3.5.2 Two-stage integration approach to collective prediction determination 63 3.5.3 Experiments and their evaluation 68 Datasets 68 Experimental results and their evaluation 69 CHAPTER THE IMPACT OF DIVERSITY ON COLLECTIVE PERFORMANCE 75 4.1 Introduction 75 4.2 General research model 76 4.3 Collectives with the same cardinality 78 iv 4.3.1 Simulation design 79 4.3.2 Simulation results 81 Collectives with the same cardinality but with different diversity levels 85 Collectives with the same diversity level but with different cardinalities 87 4.4 Collectives with different cardinalities 90 4.4.1 Research model and hypotheses 90 4.4.2 Simulation design 96 4.4.3 Simulation experiments and their evaluation 96 4.5 Analysis of collective performance 101 4.6 Modifying individual predictions and collective performance 113 4.6.1 Research model 113 4.6.2 Simulation design 117 4.6.3 Simulation results and their evaluation 117 Updating individual predictions 118 Removing individual predictions 124 CHAPTER EVALUATING THE INTELLIGENCE DEGREE OF A COLLECTIVE 131 5.1 Introduction 131 5.2 The measure 134 5.3 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective 137 5.3.1 Research model 137 5.3.2 Simulation design 138 5.3.3 Simulation results 140 5.3.4 Statistical analysis 144 Scenario 1: collectives varying in diversity 144 Scenario 2: collectives varying in cardinality 148 5.4 Collective performance and the intelligence degree of a collective 150 5.4.1 Datasets 151 v 5.4.2 Experimental results and their evaluation 152 5.5 Analysis of the intelligence degree of a collective 155 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS 164 6.1 Conclusions 164 6.2 Limitations 166 CHAPTER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 168 REFERENCES 172 vi LIST OF FIGURES Fig 1.1 General research model of Collective Intelligence Fig 2.1 Diff measure 26 Fig 2.2 The measures of diversity 30 Fig 2.3 Example of diversity measure 32 Fig 3.1 General model 43 Fig 3.2 Diff with cardinality ranging from to 250 [one-dimensional vector] 44 Fig 3.3 WR with cardinality ranging from to 250 [one-dimensional vector] 45 Fig 3.4 QIC with cardinality ranging from to 250 [one-dimensional vector] 45 Fig 3.5 Diff with some selected cardinalities [one-dimensional vector] 46 Fig 3.6 WR with some selected cardinalities [one-dimensional vector] 47 Fig 3.7 QIC with some selected cardinalities [one-dimensional vector] 47 Fig 3.8 Diff with cardinality ranging from to 250 [two-dimensional vector] 48 Fig 3.9 WR with cardinality ranging from to 250 [two-dimensional vector] 48 Fig 3.10 QIC with cardinality ranging from to 250 [two-dimensional vector] 49 Fig 3.11 Diff with some selected cardinality values [two-dimensional vector] 50 Fig 3.12 WR with some selected cardinality values [two-dimensional vector] 50 Fig 3.13 QIC with some selected cardinality values [two-dimensional vector] 51 Fig 3.14 Two-stage integration of collective prediction 63 Fig 3.15 The results in the second stage [O1-based collective prediction] 73 Fig 3.16 The results in the second stage [O2-based collective prediction] 74 Fig 4.1 General research model 77 Fig 4.2 Collective performance with cardinality of [c 3-based diversity] 81 Fig 4.3 Collective performance with cardinality of [c5-based diversity] 82 Fig 4.4 Collective performance with cardinality of 109 [c 3-based diversity] 82 Fig 4.5 Collective performance with cardinality of 109 [c 5-based diversity] 83 Fig 4.6 Collective performance with cardinality of 209 [c 3-based diversity] 83 Fig 4.7 Collective performance with cardinality of 209 [c 5-based diversity] 84 Fig 4.8 Diff with cardinalities of 9, 109, 209 [c3-based diversity] 87 Fig 4.9 QIC with cardinalities of 9, 109, 209 [c3-based diversity] 88 Fig 4.10 Diff with cardinalities of 9, 109, 209 [c5-based diversity] 89 Fig 4.11 QIC with cardinalities of 9, 109, 209 [c5-based diversity] 90 vii Fig.4.12 Research model of expanding cardinality 91 Fig 4.13 Collective performances with cardinalities ranging from to 209 [c 3-based diversity, diversity up] 97 Fig 4.14 Collective performances with cardinalities ranging from to 209 [c 3-based diversity, diversity down] 97 Fig 4.15 Collective performances with cardinalities ranging from to 209 [c 5-based diversity, diversity up] 98 Fig 4.16 Collective performances with cardinalities ranging from to 209 [c 5-based diversity, diversity down] 98 Fig 4.17 An example of the relationship between diversity and collective performance 102 Fig 4.18 Example of adding/removing a prediction to/in a collective 110 Fig 4.19 General research model 114 Fig 4.20 Results of updating predictions and cardinality of 59 [c3-based diversity] 118 Fig 4.21 Results of updating predictions and cardinality of 109 [c 3-based diversity] 119 Fig 4.22 Results of updating predictions and cardinality of 209 [c 3-based diversity] 119 Fig 4.23 Results of updating predictions and cardinality of 59 [c 5-based diversity] 121 Fig 4.24 Results of updating predictions and cardinality of 109 [c 5-based diversity] 122 Fig 4.25 Results of updating predictions and cardinality of 209 [c 5-based diversity] 122 Fig 4.26 Results of removing predictions and cardinality of 59 [c 3-based diversity] 125 Fig 4.27 Results of removing predictions and cardinality of 109 [c 3-based diversity] 125 Fig 4.28 Results of removing predictions and cardinality of 209 [c 3-based diversity] 125 Fig 4.29 Results of removing predictions and cardinality of 59 [c 5-based diversity] 127 Fig 4.30 Results of removing predictions and cardinality of 109 [c 5-based diversity] 128 Fig 4.31 Results of removing predictions and cardinality of 209 [c 5-based diversity] 128 Fig 5.1 An example of intelligence measures 132 Fig 5.2 General research model 137 Fig 5.3 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective [β=0.5, c3-based diversity] 140 Fig 5.4 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective [β=0.7, c3-based diversity] 141 Fig 5.5 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective [β=0.9, c3-based diversity] 142 Fig 5.6 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective [β=0.5, c5-based diversity] 142 viii Fig 5.7 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective [β=0.7, c5-based diversity] 143 Fig 5.8 Impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective [β=0.9, c5-based diversity] 143 Fig 5.9 Computational results on Cereal Vase 153 Fig 5.10 Computational results on Cow Weight 154 Fig 5.11 Computational results on Coin Jar 154 Fig 5.12 Computational results on Temp 155 ix Conclusions Then, we have investigated another aspect of the impact of diversity on collective performance by taking into consideration some modifications within a collective [84] as follows:  Updating predictions within collectives to reach higher levels of consistency (less diversity levels);  Removing predictions that causing the consistency levels of collectives to be higher (less diversity levels) By means of computational experiments, the modifications (such as by updating or removing predictions) causing the diversity level of a collective to be decreased will not lead to a better collective prediction In such situations, the collective performance decreases as the predictions of the collective become more consistent (less diverse) 4) To evaluate the intelligence degree of a collective: We have proposed a function that can be used for measuring the so-called the intelligence degree of a collective [82] The measure is not only based on the accuracy fo collective prediction but also based on the accuracies of individual predictions A comparison between collective performance and the proposed measure is also reported with some selected real datasets on guessing the total pieces of cereal in a weirdlooking glass vase, the weight of a cow, the value of coins in a huge jar, and the current temperature in a classroom Also, we have investigated the impact of diversity on the intelligence degree of a collective by taking into account cardinality By means of computational experiments, the diversity is positively associated with the intelligence degree of a collective Some theorems concerning the influence of adding or removing predictions on the intelligence degree of a collective have also formally proved 6.2 Limitations 166 Conclusions In general, we have found the significant impacts of cardinality and diversity on collective performance However, there are many aspects, which have not been taken into consideration as follows: 1) We have only assumed two representations of individual predictions including one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional vector However, in some situations, interval values can be used as predictions on a given problem 2) Most results are based simulation experiments There exists a need to conduct more comprehensive experiments in which collective members can be groups of people or members of crowdsourcing systems like Amazon Mechanical Turk 3) Diversity in the composition of collective members was not taken into account Although, it has been argued that the diversity of individual predictions can be enhanced by the existence of the diversity in the composition of collective members 4) We did not propose a threshold of Int value in which a collective is called intelligent For example, a collective can be considered intelligent if its Int value is equal to 0.5 This research problem will be extensively investigated to find out that a threshold 167 CHAPTER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH First, this chapter briefly presents recent research on applying Collective Intelligence with other research fields such as Machine Learning and Social Networks Then we will discuss possible further research According to the definition by Pierre Levy [62], it can be noted that Collective Intelligence is mainly based on the notion of knowledge collectively becoming more than the sum of individual knowledge With this assumption, by using Crowdsourcing for solving some problems in the real world, one can tap into the Collective Intelligence of crowds According to [20], Crowdsourcing, which is an online, distributed problem-solving and production model [17], can be considered as a special case of Collective Intelligence The term Crowdsourcing was introduced by Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson (editors at Wired) in 2005 Firstly, it aims at describing how businesses use the Internet to "outsource work to the crowd." To date, there exist many definitions of Crowdsourcing in the scientific and popular literature However, the most cited one is as follows [48]: "The act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call." Besides, it has been proved that Crowdsourcing is helpful in leveraging the distributed knowledge found in crowds and changing the way groups of people produce knowledge, generate ideas, and make them actionable [18] In recent years, advances in information technologies such as virtual communities, social web, and information sharing have given an additional source of information referred as the wisdom of crowds to Information Retrieval and Machine Learning systems Indeed, intelligent systems have significantly benefited by exploiting big data to incorporate massive volumes of data to improve their solutions to given problems in 168 Recommendations for future research the real world Having combined with Machine Learning, Collective Intelligence can be considered as an element in conducting research In particular, Crowdsourcing systems like Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) can be used for creating corpora in computational linguistics or for evaluating results in information retrieval By this way, Crowdsourcing is considered as a crowd-mediated for harnessing such collective intelligence Referring to [100], the authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of using AMT for a variety of natural language annotation tasks The findings have revealed that non-expert labelers can provide reliable natural language annotations In particular, on average the label quality by using four non-expert labels per item is equal to an expert annotator does Even in [60], the authors have found that by using Crowdsourcing market-oriented predictions yielded can be equal to (or even better) than those generated by the incumbent approaches In Computer Vision, the authors in [19] have investigated the use of crowds in supervised learning approaches to the problem of object classification to reduce label uncertainty Similarly, crowds can be utilized to highlight portions of an image corresponding to a given annotation [109] Furthermore, recommender systems can be improved their product recommendations by applying existing approached in Machine Learning to mining consumer behaviors and product review sentiments The concept of Collective Intelligence has been shed light by the emergence of social web [35] Beyond aggregating individual potentials, in the case of Social Networks, Collective Intelligence often aims at maximizing the potential of a group [10] For such an assumption, the criteria worked out by Surowiecki are often taken into account to form groups of problem solvers According to [122], in order to be not influenced by others in making individual solutions to a given problem, the social influence of each other must be minimal However, in [14], the authors have worked out general network conditions such that social influence is positively associated with the accuracies of collective predictions, even as individuals have similar beliefs In particular, the information exchange in decentralized communication networks will lead to more accurate collective predictions Taking advantage of the Collective Intelligence 169 Recommendations for future research of crowds on the Internet to find relevant information, Question and Answer (Q&A) websites such as Quora and Yahoo!Answers provide platforms in which users can post questions and receive answers Li and colleagues have studied Collective Intelligence in the Yahoo!Answers of online social network (OSN) by taking into account the structure of OSN, behavior, and knowledge of users, and the knowledge base in a user’s social network [63] The obtained results can be considered as a foundation for the evolution of further research on applying Collective Intelligence to Q&A systems From these recent findings, we intend to conduct the empirical experiments by using Crowdsourcing environment or using social networks as a crowd-meditated Furthermore, it can be seen that anonymous members who are often diverse in their backgrounds or knowledge bases Thus, in some sense, their solutions to a given problem can be unreliable or biased This phenomenon leads to the need of how to properly aggregate the solutions of the diverse members, and how to reduce the bias (to increase the accuracy of collective prediction) such as by providing a small amount of expert knowledge For this aim, belief propagation - a message-passing algorithm [121] for performing inference probabilistic graphical models, which provide a powerful framework for aggregating multiple sources of information and reasoning over large numbers of variables, will be used [121] Moreover, choosing members for solving a given problem also plays an important role in Collective Intelligence applications Beyond criteria proposed by Surowiecki, Simons and colleagues have argued that for collectives to be intelligent they should satisfy knowledge, motivation, diversity, and independence [98] The knowledge is essential because members whose are knowledge of the given problem will reduce unreliable or biased solutions provided by anonymous members For such tasks, Machine Learning methods such as Learning-to-Rank, InfluenceRank can be used for forming a collective with predefined requirements These research problems will be the subject of future works Beyond these research problems, we also intend to take into account interval value as a representation of individual predictions It is due to most research results on the use 170 Recommendations for future research of the wisdom of crowds are based on the so-called point estimates - single values (in the form of one-dimensional vector) provided as estimates of unknown quantities or the outcomes of future events However, in some situations such as predicting how much sales will grow in the next year, it is easy to provide a prediction in the form of an interval value For example, one can report that the sale will grow from 3% to 5% For simplicity, we called this case as interval estimates Recent research on interval estimates has mainly focused on proposing efficient methods for aggregating individual predictions [67, 89] The main idea of these proposed methods is based on the un-weighted (or weighted) midpoints of intervals Others are concentrated on issues related to the so-called overconfidence - a factor that may lead to suboptimal solutions [37] According to [102, 104], the phenomenon of overconfidence can be reduced by asking for the lower and upper bounds of the intervals separately or asking individuals for assigning their confidence levels to the intervals However, whether the wisdom of crowds effect exists in the case of interval estimates? If yes, how some characteristics of crowds such as diversity, independence, decentralization, and cardinality affect crowd performance? 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performance 34 2.4 The impact of diversity on collective performance

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