Tài liệu về mã kênh hay còn gọi là mã kiểm soát lỗi. Tài liệu trình bày chi tiết, cụ thể các lý thuyết từ cơ bản đến nâng cao các loại mã kênh: Lý thuyết cơ bản, phương pháp mã hóa, giải mã các loại mã kênh: Hamming, LDPC, BCH,....
www.dbebooks.com - Free Books & magazines Error Correction Coding Mathematical Methods and Algorithms Todd K Moon Utah State University @E!CIENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION This Page Intentionally Left Blank Error Correction Coding This Page Intentionally Left Blank Error Correction Coding Mathematical Methods and Algorithms Todd K Moon Utah State University @E!CIENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Copyright 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States CopyrightAct, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright 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including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages For general information on our other products and services please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S at 877762-2974, outside the U.S at 17-572-3993or fax 317-572-4002 Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print, however, may not be available in electronic format Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData: Moon, Todd K Error correction coding : mathematical methods and algorithms /Todd K Moon p cm Includes bibliographicalreferences and index ISBN 0-471-64800-0 (cloth) Engineering mathematics Error-correcting codes (Information theory) I Title TA331.M66 2005 62 1.382'0285'572-dc22 Printed in the United States ofAmerica 2004031019 Error Correction Coding This Page Intentionally Left Blank Preface The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive introduction to error correction coding, including both classical block- and trellis-based codes and the recent developments in iteratively decoded codes such as turbo codes and low-density parity-check codes The presentation is intended to provide a background useful both to engineers, who need to understand algorithmic aspects for the deployment and implementation of error correction coding, and to researchers, who need sufficient background to prepare them to read, understand, and ultimately contribute to the research literature The practical algorithmic aspects are built upon a firm foundation of mathematics, which are carefully motivated and developed Pedagogical Features Since its inception,coding theory has drawn from a rich and interactingvariety of mathematical areas, including detection theory, information theory, linear algebra, finite geometries, combinatorics,optimization, system theory, probability, algebraic geometry, graph theory, statistical designs, Boolean functions, number theory, and modern algebra The level of sophisticationhas increased over time: algebra has progressed from vector spaces to modules; practice has moved from polynomial interpolation to rational interpolation; Viterbi makes way for BCJR This richness can be bewilderingto students, particularly engineering students who are unaccustomed to posing problems and thinking abstractly It is important, therefore, to motivate the mathematics carefully Some of the major pedagogical features of the book are as follows While most engineering-orientederror-correction-codingtextbooks clump the major mathematical concepts into a single chapter, in this book the concepts are developed over several chapters so they can be put to more immediate use I have attempted to present the mathematics “just in time,” when they are needed and well-motivated Groups and linear algebra suffice to describe linear block codes Cyclic codes motivate polynomial rings The design of cyclic codes motivates finite fields and associated number-theoreticaltools By interspersing the mathematical concepts with applications, a deeper and broader understanding is possible For most engineering students, finite fields, the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, the Viterbi algorithm, BCJR, and other aspects of coding theory are initially abstract and subtle Software implementations of the algorithms brings these abstractions closer to a meaningful reality, bringing deeper understanding than is possible by simply working homework problems and taking tests Even when students grasp the concepts well enough to homework on paper, these programs provide a further emphasis, as well as tools to help with the homework The understanding becomes experiential, more than merely conceptual Understanding of any subject typically improves when the student him- or herself has the chance to teach the material to someone (or something) else A student must develop an especially clear understanding of a concept in order to “teach” it to something as dim-witted and literal-minded as a computer In this process the 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automorphism, 81 AWGNC (additive white Gaussian noise channel), 44 properties, 185 yt (transitionprobability), 591 Barker code, 170 base field, 196 basic transfer function matrix, 463 basis of vector space, 77 BAWGNC (binary AWGNC), 44 Bayes' rule, 17 BCH bound, 237,238 BCH code, 235 decoder programming, 283 design, 235 design distance, 237 narrow sense, 235 primitive, 235 weight distribution,239 =, 184 A,15 p Moebius function, 222 @(directsum), 392 Q (Kronecker product), 370 I,79 a5 function (Euler a5,, , _ 185.229 , (summary notation), 682 -B, I 737 B,737 x (Cartesianproduct), 64,682 o notation, 408 x" - factorization, 215 ( a ,b) (greatest common divisor), 176 (n,k ) , 83 58 [n,kl, 83 [ulu+ vl construction, 112,404 Reed-Mullercode, 391 k', 175 1, 69,175 IGI, 63 802wireless standard, 634,721 (2) A A1-2 txt,675 A1-4 txt,675 Abelian, 63 add-compare-select,481 add-compare-select(ACS), 481 adjacent, 457 AEP, 46 Agall m, 637 Agall.txt,637 Alamouti code, 719 a @CJR algorithm), 59 aq, 407 altemant code, 277 B backward pass BCJR algorithm, 593 BCHdec.cc,283 BCHdec.h,283 bchdesigner,241 bchweight m,240 BCJR algorithm, 469,588 matrix formulation,597 BCJR.cc,629 BCJR.h,629 belief propagation, 682 Bellman, 474 Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, 253 programming, 281 Bernoulli random process, 24 best known code, 107 j3 (BCJR algorithm), 591 Bhattacharyabound, 502 bijective, 70 binary detection, 18 binary erasnre channel, 532 binary operation, 62 binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), 10 binary symmetric channel (BSC), 23 BinConv.h,526 BinConvdecOl h,528 BinConvdecBPSK.cc,528 BinConvdecBPSK.h,528 BinConvFIR.cc,526 BinConvFIR.h,526 BinConvIIR.cc,526 BinConvIIR.h,526 BinLFSR.cc,162 BinLFSR.h,162 binomial theorem, 201 BinPolyDiv.cc,162 BinPolyDiv.h,162 bipartite graph, 456,457,638,686 bit error rate, 98,491 block code, 83 definition, 83 trellis representation, 38, 523 block tnrbo coding, 623 Bluestein chirp algorithm, 290 Boolean functions, 375 bound comparison of, 407 Elias, 420 Gilbea-Varshamov, 409 Griesmer, 411 Hamming, 89,406 linear programming, 414 McEliece-RodemichRumsey-Welch, 418 Plotkin, 111,410 Singleton, 88,406 Varshamov-Gilbea,11 bounded distance decoding, 30,93, 101,322,450 BPSK (binary phase-shift keying), 10 bpskprob.m,21 bpskprobplot m,21 branch metric, 473 BSC (binary symmetric channel), 23 bsc c,285 bucket, 515 burst error, 425 detection,cycliccodes, 149 C canonical homomolphism,73 capacity, BSC, 59 Cartesian product, 64,682 catastrophic code, 461,462,530 Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, 411 causal codeword, 354 cawgnc m, 51 cawgnc2.m,45 Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 169 cbawgnc m,51 cbawgnc2.m,45 CD, 41 central limit theorem, 712 Index channel capacity, 42 BSC, 43 of MIMO channel, 732 channel coding theorem, 9,45 LDPC codes and, 634 turbo codes and, 582 channel reliability, 19,605 character (of a group), 415 characteristicpolynomial, 169 Chase decoding algorithms, 445 Chauhan, Ojas, 533 checksum, 56 Chernoff bound, 502,532 chernoffl.m,502 x p ( x ) 372 chi-squared random variable, 734 Chien search, 248 C h i e n s e a r c h cc, 283 C h i e n s e a r c h h, 283 Chinese remainder theorem, 188 chirp algorithm, 290 x distribution, 718,734 Christoffel-Darboux formula, 419 circuits, see realizations clusteringin factor graphs, 700 code Alamouti, 719 altemant, 277 BCH, 235 best known, 107 convolutional, 452 CRC, 147 dual, 86 Fire, 433 generalized RS, 277 Golay, 398 Goppa, 278 Hadamard, 374 Hamming, 34,53 Justeson, 290 LDPC, 635 maximal-length, 97 MDS, 245 parity check, 107 quadraticresidue, 396 Reed-Muller, 376 Reed-Solomon, 242 repeat accumulate (RA) 671,672 repetition,28 self-dual, 109,399 simplex, 97,374 space-timeblock, 719 space-timetrellis, 728 TCM, 535 turbo, 584 coding gain, 36 asymptotic, 103 column distance function, 521 column space, 77 commutative, 63 compact disc, 427 companion matrix, 169 compare-select-add, 481 complete decoder, 93 comptut p d f , x computekm.m, 333 computeLbar m,357 cornputelm cc.337 computeLrn.m,337,357 751 computetm.m, 357 concatenated codes, 432 concentrationprinciple, 637 c o n c o d e q u a n t m,486 conditional entropy, 41 congruence, 184 conjugacyclass, 210 conjugate elements, 209 conjugate of field element, 210 connection polynomial, 130 consistent random variables, 620, 656 constellationexpansion factor, 541 constituent encoder, 584 constraint length, 465 continued fraction, 228 Convdec cc, 528 Convdec h, 528 convolutionalcode, 452 equivalent,46 feedforwardfeedback encoder, 454 Markov property, 590 tables of codes, 506 Cook-Toom algorithm, 699 correction distance of GS decoder, 333 correlation, 162 correlation discrepancy, 450 coset, 67 of standard may, 92 coset leader weight distribution, 101 CRC (cyclic redundancy check) code, 147 byte oriented algorithm, 150 cross entropy, 41 stopping criteria, 606 crtgamma.m, 189 crtgammapoly m,189 cryptography, McEliece public key, 280 RSA public key, 186 cyclic code, 38 burst detection, 149 definition, 113 encoding, 133 cyclic group, 66 cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 147 cyclic shift, 113 cyclomin, 217 cyclotomic coset, 217 D D-transform, 127,452 dB scale, 21 DBV-RS2,634 decibel, 21 decoder failure, 30,93,249 LDPC decoder, 648 decoding depth, 482 d e n s e v l m,658 d e n s e v t e s t m,658 density evolution, 655 irregular codes, 664 derivative formal, 263,289 Hasse, 329,330 derivative, formal, 219 design distance, 237 design rate, 636 detected bit error rate, 99 detection binary, 18 dfree, 495 differencesets, 669 differentialencoder, 558 differentialViterbi algorithm,481 digraph, 457 Dijkstra’s algorithm, 472 dimension of linear code, 83 of vector space, 17 direct product, 64 direct sum, 392 matrix, 393 directed graph, 457 discrete Fourier transform (DlT), 192,269,271,683 factor graph, 687,703 displacement, 368 distance distribution, 414 distance spectrum,547,614 distributive law, 74,76, 115 generalized,680 diversity, 710,712 delay, 728 frequency, 12 spatial, 712 time, 712 diversity order, 718 space-time code, 723 divides, 69, 175 divisible, 175 division algorithm, 175 polynomial, 114 d o e x i t c h a r t m, 660 d o t r a j e c t r y m 660 double error pattern, 168 double-adjacent-errorpattern, 167 D(PIlQ),42 dual code, 86 cyclic generator, 167 dual space, 79 Eb 10 E Ec, 26 edge, 457 eigenmessage,679 eight-to-fourteen code, 428 Eisenstein integer, 566 elementary symmetric functions, 250 Elias bound, 420 encryption RSA, 187 entropy, 4,40 differential,43 function, q-ary, 407 function, binary, 4,420 equivalencerelation, 68 equivalent block codes, 85 convolutionalcode, 461 erase.mag.268 erasure decoding, 104 binary, 105 Reed-Solomoncodes, 267 752 Index Welch-Berlekamp decoding, 321 error detection, 90 error floor, 584, 653,654, 671 error locator polynomial, 247,248 error rate, 98 error trapping decoder, 435 Euclidean algorithm, 177,368 continuedfractions and, 228 extended, 181 LFSR and, 182 matrix formulation, 226, 227 Pad6 approximations and, 228 properties, 227 Reed-Solomon decoding, 266 to find error locator, 266 Euclidean distance, 12 Euclidean domain, 180 Euclideanfunction, 180 Euler q5 function, 185,229 Euler integration formula, 367 Euler’s theorem, 186 evaluation homomotphism, 190, 191 exact sequence, 312 EXIT chart, 619 LDPC code, 660 exit1 m, 660 exit2 m,660 exit3 m,660 expurgated block code, 106 extended code, 106 Reed-Solomon, 276 extension field, 196 extrinsic information, 603 extrinsic probability, 582,600 LDPC decoder, 643 F factor graph definition, 686 Fomey, 708 normal, 708 factor group, 71 factorizationstep, GS decoder, 324, 330 factorizationtheorem, 332 fadepbplot m,714 fadeplot m,712 fading channel, 710 flat, 712 quasistatic, 713 Rayleigh, 712, 713 family (set), 457 Fano algorithm, 511,517 Fanometric,511,513 fanoalg.m,517 fanomet m,515 fast Hadamard transform, 382 feedback encoder, 454 feedforward encoder, 454 Feng-Tzeng algorithm, 338 fengt zeng m,341 Fermat’s little theorem, 186 fht cc,383 fht m,383 field, 73, 193 finite, 193 filter bank, 699 finddfree,506 finite field, 193 linite geometry, 668 finite impulse response, 129 Fire code, 433 flow graph simplification, 494 formal derivative, 232,263,289 formal series, 494 Fomey factor graph, 708 Fomey’s algorithm, 262 forward pass BCJR algorithm,593 forward-backward algorithm, 593 factor graph representation, 696 free distance, 495 free Euclidean distance, 541 free module, 303 frequency domain decoding, 275 frequency domain vector, 272 freshman exponentiation,201 fromcrt m, 189 fromcrtpolym., 189 fundamentalparallelotope, 564 fundamental theorem of algebra, 196 fundamentalvolume, 564 fyxO.m.695 G galdec cc,675 galdec h,675 galdecode.m, 648,675 Gallager codes, 634 Galois biography, 197 Galois Field example, 196 Galois field Fourier transform, 269 galtest cc,675 galtest2.cc,675 y (BCJR algorithm), 593 gap,x Gaussian integers, 232 gauss j , gauss j2 m,635 GCD (greatest common divisor), 176 gcd c,181 gcdpoly cc,224 gdl m,695 generalized minimum distance, 368,441 generalized Reed-Solomon code, 277 generating function, 218 generator matrix, 84 matrix, lattice, 563 of cyclic group, 66 of principal ideal, 119 polynomial, 121 genrm.cc,376 genstdarray.c,91 getinf m,660 get inf s m,660 GF(16) table, 198 G Q ) , 197 GF2 h, 224 GFFT, 269 GFNUM2m cc,224 GFNUM2m h,224 Gilbert-Varshamov bound, 111, 409 girth of a graph, 457,678 GMD (generalized minimum distance) decoding, 368 Golay code, 398 algebraic decoder, 400 arithmetic decoder, 401 go1ayrith.q 402 golaysimp m,401 good codes, 637 Goppa code, 278 Grobner basis, 368 Gram matrix, 564 graph algorithms, 680 bipartite, 456,457, 638 definitions, 456 simple, 457 Tanner, 638 tree, 457 trellis, 456 Gray code, 23 order, 13 greatest common divisor, 176 Green machine, 383 Griesmer bound, 41 ground field, 201 group cyclic, 66 definition, 62 Guruswami-Sudan algorithm,322 H H ( X ) (entropy), 5,40 Hz(x),4 h2.m,45 Hadamard code, 374 matrix, 369 transform, 95,369,683 transform, decoding, 379 transform, fast, 382 Hadamard code, 374 hadex.m,382 hamcode74pe m,36 Hamming bound, 89,406 asymptotic, 422 Hamming code, 34,53,97 decoder, 141 dual, 97 encoder circuit, 135 extended, 377 message passing decoder, 654,694 Tanner graph, 39,694 Hamming distance, 24 Hamming sphere, 29,89,406 Hamming weight, 83 Hammsphere,89 hard-decision decoding convolution code, 484 Hartman-Tzeng bound, 239,368 Hasse derivative, 329,330 theorem, 328 753 Index hill climbing, 667 historical milestones, 40 homomorphism, 72 horizontal step, 644 Homer’s rule, 283 Huffman code, I I(X,Y ) , 42 i.i.d., 24,46 ideal of ring definition, 118 principal, 119 identity, 62 IEEE wireless standard, 721 impomnce sampling, 60 increased distance factor, 541 induced operation, 69 inequality arithmetic-geometric,334 Cauchy-Schwartz, 411 information, 59 information inequality, 59 information theory, 40 information theory inequality, 42 injective, 70 inner product, 11,78 input redundancy weight enumerating function (IRWEF), 615 interference suppression,734 interleaver, 425 block, 426 convolutional, 427 cross, 427 turbo code, 584,614 interpolating polynomial, 191 interpolation,190 step, GS decoder, 324,330 interpolation theorem, 331 intersection of kernels, 342 invariant factor decomposition, 464 inverse, 62 invmodp.m,341 irreducible, 159 irreducible polynomial, 196,207 number of, 218 IRWEF, 615 ISBN, isomorphism,70 ring, 118 J Jacobian logarithm, 609 Jacobsthalmatrix, 373 Jakes method, 712 jakes.rn, 712 Justeson codes, 290 K Kalman filter, 610 kernel, 304,310,312 function, local, 682 of homomorphism, 73 kernel function global, 682 key equation, 263,266,268 Welch Berlekamp, 297 Kirkman triple, 669 Klein 4-group, 64,80 Kotter algorithm, 342 kotter cc,346 kotterl cc,350 Krawtchoukpolynomial,415,416 properties, 423 krawtchouk.m.415 Kronecker construction of ReedMuller, 391 product, 370 properties, 370 Kronecker product theorem, 370 Kullhack-Leibler distance, 41,606, 621 L Lagrange interpolation, 192,303 Lagrange’s theorem, 68 latency, 426 latin rectangle, 669 latta2.m,568 lattice, 72,563 code, 567 lattstuff.m,563 lattz2m,568 Lament series, 452 Lbarex m,357 LCM (least common multiple), 235 LDGM codes, 671 LDPC code, 634 arbitrary alphabet, 647 comhinatoric constructions, 669 concentrationprinciple, 637 decode threshold, 658 definition, 635 density evolution, 655 difference set, 669 eigenmessage,679 EXIT chart, 660 fast encoding, 669 finite geometry, 668 irregular, 660 iterative hard decoder, 677 Kirkman triple, 669 latin rectangle, 669 Steiner designs, 669 sum product decoding, 648, 678 use of BCJR with, 646 ldpc m,648,675 1dpclogdec.m.652 ldpcsim.mat,660 leading coefficient, 327 leading monomial, 327 leading term, 119 least common multiple, 226,229 least-squares,90 left inverse, 165 Legendre symbol, 372,403 Lempel-Zivcoding, lengthened block code, 106 lexicographicorder, 326 LFSR, 154,170,234,290 for extension field, 199 likelihood function, 16 ratio, 19 limsup, 407 linear code definition, 83 dimension, 83 generator matrix, 84 rate, 83 linear combination,76 linear feedback shift register, see LFSR linear function, 232 linear programming, 413 hound, 414 linearly dependent, 77 list decoder, 31,293,322 local kernel function, 682 log likelihood algebra, 735 arithmetic, 611 ratio, 19 loghist m,660 low density generatormatrix codes, 671 low density parity check, see LDPC lpboundex.m,418 M M algorithm, 521 MacWilliams identity, 95,109 magma,x majority logic decoding, 384 rnakeB m,-549 MakeLFSR,162 makgenfrornA.m,635 MAP algorithm, 588 decoding, factor graph representation, 685 detection, 17 marginalize product of functions (MPF), 682 marginalizing,680 Markov property convolutional codes, 590 Markov source, 588 Mason’s rule, 494,498 masseymodM.m,258 matched filter, 15 matrix, 716 Mattson-Solomon polynomial, 289 max-log-MAP algorithm, 608 maximal ratio combiner,717 maximal-length sequence, 155,159 shift register, 234 maximal-lengthcode, 97,167 maximum a posteriori detection, 17 maximum distance separable (MDS), 88 maximum likelihood decoder, 30,322 decoder, factor graph representation 684 detection, 18 sequence estimator, 469 maximum-likelihood sequenceestimator vector, 716 McEliece public key, 280 MDS code, 88,245,246,287 extended RS, 276 generalized Reed-Solomon, 277 weight distribution,246 Meggitt decoder, 139 Index 754 memoryless channel, 25 Mersenne prime, 234 message passing, 649,689 message passing rule, 690 message-passing,682 metric quantization,484 milestones, historical, 40 MIMO channel, 714 narrowband, 716 m i n d i s t m,34 minimal basic convolutional encoder, 465 minimal basic encoder, 465 minimal polynomial, 209, 212 minimum distance, 29 ML detection, see maximum likelihood detection MLFSR code, 97 ModAr c c , 223 ModAr h, 223 ModArnew c c , 223 module definition, 302 free, 303 Moebius function, 222 moment generating function, 532 monic, 119 monoid, 681,736 monomial ordering, 325 multiplicative order, 21 multiplicity matrix, 359 multiplicity of zero, 328 mutual information, 42,619 N narrow sense BCH, 235 narrowband MIMO channel, 716 natural homomorphism, 73 n c h o o s e k t e s t m,36 Newton identities, 250,285 nilpotent, 165 node error, 491 normal factor graph, 708 normalization alpha and beta, 595 probability, 592 nullspace, 79,87 Nyquist sampling theorem, 50 one-to-one,70 onto, 70 ord, 328 order multiplicative,211 of a field element, 201 of a finite group, 63 of a group element, 67 of zero, 328 ordered statistic decoding, 447 orthogonal, 11,79 on a bit, 385 orthogonal complement,79 orthogonal design complex, 727 generalized complex, 721 generalizedreal, 726 real, 723 orthogonal matrix, 563 orthogonal polynomial, 419 orthonormal, 11 output transition matrix, 549 P P ( E ) ,98 Pad6 approximation,228,234 Paley construction, 371 parallel concatenated code, 582, 584 parity, 85 overall, 106 parity check code, 107 equations, 87 matrix, 34,86 polynomial, 123 probability, 678 symbols, 85 partial syndrome, 523 partition, 68 partition chain, 567 Path algorithm, shortest, 472 enumerator, 493 in graph, 457 merging, 474 metric, 473 survivor, 474 pb, 98 Pb(E),98 Pd(E),99 pdb 99 peak-to-averagepower ratio, 562 perfect code, 89,93 permutation, 64 permuter, 584 perp, 79 Peterson's algorithm, 25 q5 function, 185,229 p h i f u n m, 51 philog.m,51 pi2ml.362 p i v o t t a b l e a u m , 413 p l o t b d s m,407 p l o t capcmp m, 45 p l o t c b a w n m,51 p l o t c o n p r o b m, 504 Plotkin bound, 111,410 asymptotic,421 polyadd.m, 116 polyaddm.m, 116 p o l y d i v m , 116 p o l y m u l t m,116 polymu1tm.m 116 polynomial irreducible, 196 Krawtchouk, 415 minimal, 212 orthogonal, 423 primitive, 208 polynomial division circuits, 129 polynomial encoder, 463 polynomial multiplication circuits, 128 polynomial ring, 115 p o l y n o m i a l T c c , 223 p o l y n o m i a l T h, 223 p o l y s u b m , 116 polysubm.m, 116 power sum symmetric functions, 250 p r i m f i n d , 209 p r i m f i n d , 209 primitive BCH code, 235 primitive element, 202, 396 primitivepolynomial,155,160,208 table of, 209 p r i m i t i v e t x t , 155 principal character, 415 principal ideal, 119 probability of hit error, 98 probability of decoder error, 98 probability of decoder failure, 99 probability of undetected codeword error, 98 product code, 430 p r o g d e t m,100 progdetH15.m, 100 pseudonoise, 154 pseudorandom sequence, P s i m,658 psifunc.m.656 Psiinv.m,658 Pu(E), 98 Pub 99 puncture block code, 106 convolutional code, 507 matrix, 508 Reed-Solomon, 276 Q Q function, 20 bounds, 57,503,504 QAM (quadrature-amplitudemodulation), 535 QAM constellation energy requirements, 536 qf c, 20 qf m,20 quadratic residue, 371 code, 396 quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM), 535 quantizationof metric, 484 quotient ring, 116 R R-linear combination, 302 random code, 637 random error correcting capability,30,93 codes, 425 rank criterion, 723 rank of polynomial, 327 rate, 28 asymptotic, 407 of convolutional code, 452 of linear code, 83 rate compatible punctured codes, 510,533 rate-distortiontheory, 7.51 rational encoder, 463 rational interpolation,302 Rayleigh density, 713, 733 Rayleigh fading, 712 channel, 713 real orthogonal design, 723 realizations controller form, 132.453 Index division, 130 firstelement first, 132 multiplication first-element first, 129 last-element first, 128 multiplicationand division first-element first, 132 observability form, 132,454 polynomial multiplication, 128 reciprocalpolynomial, 166,231 recursive systematic convolutional (RSC), 582,584 reducefree m,413 reducible solution, 304 redundancy, 89 Reed-Muller code, 376 Reed-Solomon code, 242 burst correction, 431 decoder workload, 293 generalized,277 Guruswami-Sudan Decoder, 322 pipelined decoder algorithm, 310 programming, 284 soft output decoder, 358 soft-input soft-output decoder, 699 weight distribution, 246 reedsolwt m,246 reflexive property, 68 register exchange, 482 relative distance, 406 relative enrropy, 41,606 relatively prime, 176 reliability, 440,735 matrix, 359 reliability class, 442 remainder decoding, 293 repcodeprob.m,32 repcodes.m,33 repeat-accumulate (RA)code, 586, 671 repetition code, 28,676 residue class, 71 restorefree.m,413 restriction to G F ( q ) ,277 reversible code, 166,289 right inverse in a ring, 165 of a matrix, 462 ring characteristic, 115 delinition, 114 polynomial, 115 quotient, 116 rmdecex m,381 rmdecex2.m,387 Roos hound, 239,368 root of unity, 215 rotational invariance, 556,562 TCM codes, 556 Roth-Ruckenstein algorithm, 350 rothruck.cc,354 rothruck.h,354 row space, 77 RSAencryption, 186,187 RSdec.cc,284 RSdec.h,284 755 rsdecode.cc.285 RSenc.cc,284 RSenc.h,284 rsencode.cc,285 runlength-limited codes, s scaling, 592 self-dual code, 86,399,403,404 semiring, 681 separation theorem, 7,51 sequential decoding, 11 serially concatenated code, 586, 671 set partitioning, 545 Shannon sampling theorem, 50 shape gain, 568 shortened block code, 106 signal constellation, 10,535 signal energy, 13 signal shape, 562 signal space, 10 signal-to-noiseratio (SNR),21 simplex code, 97,109,374,423 simplex1 m,413 Singleton hound, 88,406 SISO decoding Reed Solomon, 699 turbo code, 587 Snr 65 S N R (signal to noise ratio), 21 soft-decisiondecoding, 439 BCJR algorithm, 588 convolution code, 484 LDPC, 640 performance, 103 soft input, 32 soft output Viterbi algorithm, 610 turbo code, 582,587 soft-input, hard-output (SMO), 439 soft-input, soft-output (SISO), 439 sort for soft detection,441 source code, source coding theorem, sourcelchannelcoding, SOVA, 469,610 space-time code block, 719 trellis, 728 spanning set, 77 spanning tree, 702 sparse matrix, 635 sparseHno4.m,668 spectral efficiency, 536 TCM advantage, 562 spectral thinning, 614 spectrum, 272 sphere packing, 562 splitting field, 204 spread-spec-, squaring construction,392 stackalgorithm, 511,515 stack bucket, 515 stackalg m, 515 standard 802.11.721 ISBN, V.32,V.33,557 V.34,561,571 standard array, 91 Steiner designs, 669 Stirling formula, 408,570 derivation, 421 stretching, 701 subcode, 143 subfield, 206 subcode, 277,288 subgroup, 65 proper, 65 sublattice, 566 subspace of vector space, 78 Sugiyama algorithm, 182,266 sum-product algorithm, 690 LDPC codes, 648 summary notation, 682 support set, 242 surjective,70 survivorpath, 474 Sylvester consbuction, 371 symmetric p u p , 65 symmetricproperty, 68 synchronization of convolutional decoders, 486 syndrome, 90 BCH, RS, 247 decoding, 94 polynomial, 123 systematic convolutional code, 453, 469 definition, 85 encoding,cyclic codes, 124 T T algorithm, 522 tail biting, 734 tail biting code, 522 t a n h d e , 676,696,707,735,736 0-1 valued variables, 737, 738 Tanner graph, 38,638 TCM multidimensional, 561 Ungerboeck framework, 544 tcmrot2.cc,557 tcmtl.cc.549 TCP/IP protocol, 426 testBCH.cc,283 testbcjr cc,629 testBinLFSR.cc,162 testBinPolyDiv.cc,162 testBM.cc,282 testChien.cc,283 testconvdec.~~, 529 testconvent,526 testcrp.m,189 testcrt m,189 testfht.cc,383 testft.m,341 testgcdpoly cc,224 testgd12.m,695 testgfnum.cc,224 testGolay.cc,401 testGSl cc,346 testGS2.cc,354 testGS3.cc,347 Index 756 testGS5.cc,350 testmodarl cc,223 testmodarnew.cc,223 testpolyl cc,223 testpxy.cc,325 testQR.cc,397 testrepcode.cc,33 testRS.cc,284 teststack m,515 testturbodec2 cc,629 threshtab m,658 tier of parity checks, 640 time domain vector, 272 tocrt m, 189 tocrtpoly.m,189 Toeplitz matrix, 122,251 total order, 325 totient function, 185 trace (of a field element), 232 traceback,483 uansfer function bound, 552 matrix, 453 of graph, 493 transitive property, 68 trellis, 456 for block code, 38,523 time-varvinz 696 trellis coded modulation, 535,see TCM triangle inequality Hamming distance and, 57 truncation error, 482 turbo code, 582 block coding, 623 decoding, 601 error floor, 612 EXIT chart, 619 extrinsic information, 603 _ hard decision aided termination, 608 interleaver, 584 likelihood ratio decoding, 602 parallel concatenated code, 582 primitive polynomials and, 632 sign change ratio, 607 stopping criteria, 605,606 terminal state, 602 turbo equalization, 626 typical set, 46 U UDP protocol, 104,105,426 undetected bit error rate, 99 unequal error protection, 489,522 Ungerboeck coding framework, 544 unimodnlar matrix, 464,563 union hound, 22 block code performance and, 103 convolutional code performance, 499 TCMperformance,546,547 unit of a ring, 115 up to isomorphism,80 UPC, utiltkm.cc,440 ut iItkm h,440 V V.32standard, 557 V.33standard, 557 V.34 standard, 561,571 valuation, 180 Vandermonde matrix, 237 variable-rate error control, 509 vector space definition, 15 vertex, 457 vertical step, 641 Viterbi algorithm, 469,471 hard decisions, 588 soft metric, 485 soft ontpnt, 610 voln m,563 Vq (n t ) 57,89 W waterfall region, 584 weight, 635 weight distribution,95 BCH code, 239 RS code, 245 weight enumerator, 95 weight profile, 446 weighted code, 3,56 weighted degree, 325,327 order, 326 Welch-Berlekamp algorithm, 293, 303 well defined, 70 Wilson’s theorem, 225 Wolf trellis, 38,523 writesparse.m,637 Y y-root, 350 z Zech logarithm, 204 zero multiplicity of, 329 zero divisor, 165,193 zero state forcing sequence, 588 ZJ algorithm, 511,515 ... data Error detection coding is the means whereby errors can be detected based upon received information Collectively, error correction and error detection coding are error control coding Error. . .Error Correction Coding Mathematical Methods and Algorithms Todd K Moon Utah State University @E!CIENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION This Page Intentionally Left Blank Error Correction. .. Blank Error Correction Coding This Page Intentionally Left Blank Error Correction Coding Mathematical Methods and Algorithms Todd K Moon Utah State University @E!CIENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.,