Course Number: 1608A Developed with KiZAN Corporation 1099 Part No. X04-99416 ActivityManualDesigningBusinessSolutions Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If, however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, MS, Windows, Windows NT, SQL Server, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Project Lead: Michas Sadzak Instructional Designers: Shawn Lock, Michas Sadzak Program Managers: Mark Bader, Rama Biswas, Teresa Canady Subject Matter Experts: Mark Bader, Rod Fergusson, Michas Sadzak, Scott F. Wilson (KiZAN Corporation) Graphic Artist: Elizabeth Johanson (ArtSource, Inc.) Editors: Todd Duft (Write Stuff), Joe Feese (Write Stuff) Production Support: Marlene Lambert (Online Training Solutions, Inc.) Manufacturing Support: Julie Challenger, John Williams Product Manager: Ron Wodaski Business Manager: Roger Gerdes Authors: Rod Fergusson, John Ross (KiZAN Corporation), Michas Sadzak, Scott F. Wilson (KiZAN Corporation) Course Number: 1608A 1099 Part No. X04-99416 Contents iii Contents Activity 1.1: Identifying Design Steps Objectives 1 Before You Begin 1 Scenario . 1 Exercise 1: Identifying the Steps Involved in Designing a House . 2 Activity 2.1: Identifying Design Principles Objectives 5 Before You Begin 5 Exercise 1: Identifying Characteristics of Good and Bad Designs 6 Activity 2.2: Identifying Design Phases Objectives 9 Before You Begin 9 Exercise 1: Identifying Design Phases . 10 Activity 3.1: Identifying Services Objectives 13 Before You Begin 13 Exercise 1: Identifying Service Layers 14 Activity 4.1: Risks of Skipping Conceptual Design Objectives 17 Before You Begin 17 Exercise 1: Identifying Potential Risks of Not Doing Conceptual Design 18 Activity 4.2: Inputs to Conceptual Design Objectives 19 Before You Begin 19 Exercise 1: Identifying Conceptual Design Inputs . 20 Activity 4.3: Value of Information Models Objectives 21 Before You Begin 21 Exercise 1: Identifying the Value of Information Models . 22 Activity 4.4: Creating a Future-State Usage Scenario Objectives 23 Before You Begin 23 Exercise 1: Creating a Future-State Use Case (30 minutes) 24 Exercise 2: Creating a Future-State Usage Scenario (30 minutes) 25 Activity 5.1: Risks of Skipping Logical Design Objectives 27 Before You Begin 27 Exercise 1: Identifying Potential Risks of Not Doing Logical Design 28 Activity 5.2: Identifying Business Objects and Services Objectives 29 Before You Begin 29 Exercise 1: Identifying Business Objects (15 min) 30 Exercise 2: Identifying Services (15 min) 31 Exercise 3: Extending the Analysis and Design (15 min) 32 Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships Objectives 33 iv Contents Before You Begin 33 Exercise 1: Identifying Business Object Attributes . 34 Exercise 2: Identifying Business Object Relationships (20 min) . 35 Activity 5.4: Logical Design Verification Objectives 37 Before You Begin 37 Exercise 1: Refining and Verifying the Business Object Model . 38 Activity 6.1: Risks of Skipping Physical Design Objectives 39 Before You Begin 39 Exercise 1: Identifying Potential Risks of Not Doing Physical Design . 40 Activity 6.2: Risks in Requirements and Constraints Objectives 41 Before You Begin 41 Exercise 1: Discussing the Risks in Conflicts Between Constraints and Requirements . 42 Activity 6.3: Determining a Preliminary Distribution of Services Across a Network Topology Objectives 43 Before You Begin 43 Exercise 1: Determining the Deployment of Service Types 44 Activity 7.1: Determining Technology Requirements Objectives 45 Before You Begin 45 Exercise 1: Determining the Technology Requirements 46 Activity 7.2: Determining the Impact of Technology on a Windows DNA Design Objectives 49 Before You Begin 49 Exercise 1: Determining Technology Implications 50 Activity 8.1: Simulating Component Communication Objectives 53 Before You Begin 53 Exercise 1: Component Communication Before COM 54 Exercise 2: Component Communication Using COM (5 minutes) 55 Activity 8.2: Identifying the Impact of Distributing COM Components Objectives 57 Before You Begin 57 Exercise 1: Problems in a Distributed Component Topology 58 Topology 58 Activity 9.1: Identify Operating System Requirements Objectives 61 Before You Begin 61 Exercise 1: Identifying an Operating System for a Scenario (10 minutes) 62 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection (5 minutes) . 63 Activity 9.2: Identifying System Services Objectives 65 Before You Begin 65 Contents v Exercise 1: Identifying a Set of System Services for a Scenario (10 minutes) 66 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection (5 minutes) . 67 Activity 9.3: Identifying Development Tool Requirements Objectives 69 Before You Begin 69 Exercise 1: Identifying a Development Tool for a Scenario (10 minutes) . 70 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection (5 minutes) . 71 Activity 9.4: Identifying Data Access Requirements Objectives 73 Before You Begin 73 Exercise 1: Identifying a Data Access Method for a Scenario (10 minutes) . 74 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection (5 minutes) . 75 Activity 9.5: Identifying Data Storage Requirements Objectives 77 Before You Begin 77 Exercise 1: Identifying a Data Storage Method for a Scenario (10 minutes) . 78 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection (5 minutes) . 79 Activity 9.6: Identifying Security Models Objectives 81 Before You Begin 81 Exercise 1: Identifying a Security Method for a Scenario (10 minutes) 82 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection (5 minutes) . 83 Activity 10.1: Creating and Distributing Preliminary Components Objectives 85 Before You Begin 85 Exercise 1: Creating Preliminary Service Type Based Components (10 minutes) . 86 Exercise 2: Distributing the Preliminary Components (10 minutes) . 87 Activity 10.2: Distributing Components for Performance Objectives 89 Before You Begin 89 Exercise 1: Refining the Component Topology . 90 Activity 10.3: Factors Impacting the Programming Model Objectives 91 Before You Begin 91 Exercise 1: Determining a Programming Model . 92 Activity 11.1: Experience with User Interfaces Objectives 93 Before You Begin 93 Exercise 1: Identify characteristics of user interfaces 94 Activity 11.2: Creating an Initial User Interface Design Objectives 95 Before You Begin 95 Exercise 1: Designing a User Interface (15 minutes) . 96 Exercise 2: Design Feedback and User Assistance (10 minutes) . 97 Activity 11.3: User Interface Technology Selection Objectives 99 Before You Begin 99 vi Contents Exercise 1: Identify user interfaces technology selection issues 100 Activity 11.4: User Services Design Objectives 101 Before You Begin 101 Exercise 1: Identify user services design considerations . 102 Activity 12.1: Risks of No Functional Specification Objectives 103 Before You Begin 103 Exercise 1: Creating an Origami Boat . 104 Case Study: Ferguson and Bardell, Inc. The Company 107 Corporate Vision 107 Corporate Profile 107 Current Status 108 Future Business Directions and Plans 108 Corporate Challenge 109 Technology 109 Recent Staffing Changes 109 Current Technologies . 110 Future Technology Directions . 111 Time and Billing . 111 Resource Scheduling 111 Time sheet System . 112 Time sheet Data Entry . 113 Business Issues Related to Time and Billing . 115 Additional Interviews 117 Chief Information Officer 117 Consultant 117 Manager . 118 Administrative Assistant 118 Support . 118 . KiZAN Corporation 1099 Part No. X0 4-9 9416 Activity Manual Designing Business Solutions Information in this document is subject to change. Future-State Use Case (30 minutes) 24 Exercise 2: Creating a Future-State Usage Scenario (30 minutes) 25 Activity