Thông tin cơ bản
Tiêu đề | Bể SBR Trong Xử Lý Nước Thải |
Tác giả | Đặng Nguyễn Kim Phụng, Đỗ Phan Cát Phương, Nguyễn Ngọc Quân |
Người hướng dẫn | Phạm Anh Đức |
Trường học | Trường Đại Học Tôn Đức Thắng |
Chuyên ngành | Khoa Môi Trường Và Bảo Hộ Lao Động |
Thể loại | chuyên đề |
Năm xuất bản | 2014 |
Thành phố | Tp. Hồ Chí Minh |
Định dạng | |
Số trang | 41 |
Dung lượng | 875,52 KB |
Nội dung
Ngày đăng: 15/07/2021, 18:08
Nguồn tham khảo
Tài liệu tham khảo | Loại | Chi tiết |
1. A Regulatory Guide to Sequencing Batch Reactors. Kirschenman, Terry L. and Hameed, Shahid. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 2000 | Khác | |
2. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association 32nd Annual Operators Seminar - 16th March 2006, Banff, Alberta | Khác | |
3. Department of Environment Protection Engineering, Warmia and Mazury University, Prawochenskiego 1, 10-957 Olsztyn, Poland | Khác | |
4. Herzbrun, PA, Irvine, RL, and Malinowski, KC, Biological treatment of hazardous waste in sequencing batch reactors, J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 57, 1163, 1985 | Khác | |
5. Irvine,Robert L. TechnologyAssessment of Sequencing Batch Reactors.Prepared for U.S. EPA. U.S. EPA Contract No. 68-03-3055 | Khác | |
6. Manning, JF, Jr. and Irvine, RL, The biological removal of phosphorus in a sequencing batch reactor, J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 57, 87, 1985 | Khác | |
7. Ninth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC9 2005, Sharm El- Sheikh, Egypt | Khác | |
8. Norcross,K.L., SequencingBatch Reactors-An Overview. TechnicalPaper publishedin the IAWPRC 1992 (0273-1221/92).Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 26, No. 9-11, pp.2523 - 2526 | Khác | |
9. Palis, JC and Irvine, RL, Nitrogen removal in a low loaded single tank sequencing batch reactor, J. Water Pollut. Control Fed., 57, 82, 1985 | Khác | |
10. Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities. Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers. 2004 | Khác | |
11. Ros, M. and J. Vrtovsek, 2004. The study of nutrient balance in Sequencing Batch Reactor wastewater treatment. Acta Chim. Slov., 51: 779-785 | Khác | |
12. SBR Design Criteria (Draft). Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. 2003 | Khác | |
13. Sequencing Batch Reactor Operations and Troubleshooting. University of Florida, TREEO Center. 2000 | Khác | |
14. Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nitrification and Nutrient Removal. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C., September 1992 | Khác | |
15. Steinmetz, H., J. Wiese and T.G. Schmitt, 2002.Efficiency of SBR technology in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Wat. Sci Tec., 46:293-299 | Khác | |
16. Small Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance, Volume 1, First Edition. California State University, Sacramento, Office of Water Programs. 1997 | Khác | |
17. Thirteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC 13 2009, Hurghada, Egypt | Khác | |
18. TR-16 Guides for the Design of Wastewater Treatment Works. New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. 1998 | Khác | |
19. U.S. EPA. EPADesign Manual, Summary Report Sequencing Batch Reactors. EPA/625/8-86/011, August 1986 | Khác | |
20. WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES - Sequencing Batch Reactors: Principles, Design/Operation and Case Studies - S. Vigneswaran, M. Sundaravadivel, D. S. Chaudhary | Khác |