Tài liệu tham khảo |
Loại |
Chi tiết |
[4]M. Zaki, "Scalable algorithms for association mining," IEEETransactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 372- 390, 2000 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Scalable algorithms for association mining |
[5]J.Pei, J.Han, H.Lu, S.Nishio, S.Tang and D.Yang, "H-mine: Hyper-structure mining of frequent patterns in large databases," IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 441-448, 2001 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
H-mine: Hyper-structure mining of frequent patterns in large databases |
[6]T. Uno, M. Kiyomi, and H. Arimura, "Efficient mining algorithms forfrequent/closed/maximal itemsets," in IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop on Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Efficient mining algorithms forfrequent/closed/maximal itemsets |
[7]Vũ Đức Thi, Nguyễn Huy Đức, "Thuật toán hiệu quả khai phá tập mục lợi ích cao trên cấu trúc dữ liệu cây," Computer science and cybernetics |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Thuật toán hiệu quả khai phá tập mụclợi ích cao trên cấu trúc dữ liệu cây |
[8]J. M. Pokou, P. Fournier-Viger, and C. Moghrabi, "Authorship attribution using small sets of frequent part-of-speech skip-grams," in International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference2016 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Authorshipattribution using small sets of frequent part-of-speech skip-grams |
[9]Pramono, Y. W. T., "Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection andPrevention System on Website Usage using Rule-Growth Sequential Pattern Analysis," in The International Conference on Advanced Informatics,Concept Theory and Applications, 2014 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection andPrevention System on Website Usage using Rule-Growth Sequential PatternAnalysis |
[10] R. Agrawal, R.Srikant, "Mining sequential patterns: Generallizations and performance improvements," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1057, pp. 3-17, 1996 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Mining sequential patterns: Generallizations andperformance improvements |
[11] Zaki.M, "SPADE: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sequences," Machine Learning, vol. 40, pp. 31-60, 2000 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
SPADE: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining FrequentSequences |
[12] S. Aseervatham, A. Osmani, and E. Viennet, "bitSPADE: A lattice-based sequential pattern mining," in The International Conference on Data Mining, 2006 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
bitSPADE: A lattice-basedsequential pattern mining |
[13] J. Han, J. Pei, B. Mortazavi-Asl, Q. Chen, U. Dayal, and M. C. Hsu,"FreeSpan: frequent pattern projected sequential pattern mining," in ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2000 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
FreeSpan: frequent pattern projected sequential pattern mining |
[14] J.Pei,J.Han, and Wang.W, "Mining Sequential Pattern with Constraints in Large Databases," in Proc. of CIKM’02, 2002 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Mining Sequential Pattern with Constraints in Large Databases |
[15] J. Ayres, J. Flannick, J. Gehrke, and T. Yiu, "Sequential pattern mining using a bitmap representation," ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 429-435, 2002 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Sequential pattern mining usinga bitmap representation |
[16] K. Gouda, M. Hassaan, and M. J. Zaki, "Prism: An effective approach for frequent sequence mining via prime-block encoding," Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 76, no. 1, p. 88–102, 2010 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Prism: An effective approach forfrequent sequence mining via prime-block encoding |
[17] P. Fournier-Viger, A. Gomariz, M. Campos, and R. Thomas, "Fast Vertical Mining of Sequential Patterns Using Co-occurrence Information," in The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2014 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Fast VerticalMining of Sequential Patterns Using Co-occurrence Information |
[18] Z. Yang, and M. Kitsuregawa, "LAPIN-SPAM: An improved algorithm for mining sequential pattern," in The International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 2005 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
LAPIN-SPAM: An improved algorithm formining sequential pattern |
[19] P. Fournier-Viger, C.-W. Wu, A. Gomariz, and V. S. Tseng, "VMSP: Efficient vertical mining of maximal sequential patterns," in The Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
VMSP: Efficientvertical mining of maximal sequential patterns |
[20] P. Fournier-Viger, A. Gomariz, M. Sebek, M. Hlosta, "VGEN: fast vertical mining of sequential generator patterns," in The International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 2014 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
VGEN: fast verticalmining of sequential generator patterns |
[21] Fournier-Viger.P, Gomariz.A, Gueniche.T, Mwamikazi.E, Thomas.R, "TKS:Efficient Mining of Top-K Sequential Patterns," Springer Advanced Data Mining and Application, vol. 8346, pp. 109-120, 2013 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
TKS:Efficient Mining of Top-K Sequential Patterns |
[22] E. Salvemini, F. Fumarola, D. Malerba, and J. Han, "Fast sequence mining based on sparse id-lists," The International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, pp. 316-325, 2011 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Fast sequence miningbased on sparse id-lists |
[23] Mabroukeh, N. R. and Ezeife, C. I, "A taxonomy of sequential pattern mining algorithms," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 1-41, 2010 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
A taxonomy of sequential patternmining algorithms |