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Lesson 1:Tenses and word forms A- Aim and objective: - By the end of the leson sts will be able to finish some exercises of tenses and word forms B- Content: - Vocabulary Unit 9 - 14 - P[r]

(1)Lesson 1:Tenses and word forms A- Aim and objective: - By the end of the leson sts will be able to finish some exercises of tenses and word forms B- Content: - Vocabulary Unit - 14 - Present Simple tense - Past Simple Tense - Present perfect tense - Present progressive Tense - Past progressive - Future simple Tense - Compound nouns , word-building C- Procedure: * Warm up: Greeting + chatting Game : play with words * Exercises: I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a bandage b damage c teenager d message a canoe b water c sugar d island a cane b cave c garden d vacation a save b same c campus d dangerous a estival b man c fat d grand II Choose the correct words or phrases to fill in the blanks: She hasn’t finished the letter _(already / yet / never ) Ba _ a shower at o’clock last night ( is talking / was talking ) It is a _ contest.(cooking - rice / riced - cooking / rice – cooking ) Which of the following is not a wonder of the world ? ( Angkor Wat / Big Ben / Hanging Gardens of Babylon ) Last week, our school held _ ( a contest arranging – flower / an arranging – flower contest / a flower – arranging contest ) We are watching a _ on TV ( fighting – bull festival / bull – fighting festival / festival bull fighting ) A: Could you call an ambulance, please ? B: ( All right / Yes, please / I’m glad ) It is to travel around Vietnam ( interesting / interested / interestedly ) The Pyramid of cheops is one of the seven _ of the world ( pyramids / temples / wonders 10 What is a _ contest ? ( fire – making / fires – making / fire – make ) 11 He he was a plumber ( says / said / to say ) 12 You can only see the nowadays ( Hanging Gardens of Babylon / Statue of Zues / Pyramid of Cheops ) III Write complete sentences: You / finish / homework / yet, Ba ? The Le family / sleep / when / the mailman / come While / I / dinner / phone / ring They / play / tennis 10.30 yesterday morning I / like / learn English Last week / she / buy / English – Vietnamese dictionary IV Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verb in brackets Last night, I _ ( walk ) along a country road when suddenly I _ ( hear ) footsteps behind me They ( hold ) the rice – cooking festival every two years My mother ( wait ) for me when I _ ( come ) home The light ( go ) out while we ( have ) dinner (2) “What _ you ( ) this time yesterday ?” It suddenly _( begin ) to rain while Laura _( sit ) in the garden It started _ ( rain ) when they left home I ( have ) to go to the dentist last Sunday Ann ( ) her homework at o’clock this morning 10.The students already (visit) _ this museum 11 Mary (study) _ English since she (be) five years V Choose the underlined part that needs correction It’s a secret between us and I promise I don’t tell anybody A B C D The room got quietly when the professor came A B C D I don’t know who wrote the song, but I’ll try and find about A B C D You shouldn’t keep medicines where children can get them A B C D She showed me where did I left my luggage A B C D VI Write the correct form of the words in brackets Stop, Nam! It's to be near the stove (danger) The glass pieces are dried (complete) My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the exam to the university (enter) Please confirm your date and time if you want to come with us (arrive) Are you a ……… or you are living here ( tour ) There are a lot of ……………….festivals in Viet Nam ( tradition) We should recycle used things in order to save ………………….resources ( nature) This is a rice ………………………… festival ( cook) Lesson 2: Passive voice and verb forms A- Aim and objective: - By the end of the lesson sts will be able to recollect and some exercises of passive voice and forms of verbs B- Content: The passive voice Requests with - Would / Do you + mind + +… ? - Would / Do you mind if +S + Ved / V-Vs ? Adjectives followed by an infinitive or a clause In order to / so as to + V (base form) -ed and -ing participle C- Procedure: * Revision: - Sts tell the form of passive voice and forms of verbs *.Exercises: I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a great b stream c seaside d beach a magnificent b exciting c price d oceanic a enjoyed b performed c finished d urged (3) a included b called c carved d arrived II Choose the correct words or phrases to fill in the blanks: Lan’s studying hard pass the final exam ( as to / in order to/ so as not to) Do you mind the window ? ( close / closing / to close ) I am happy all the exams ( to pass / passing / pass ) Finally, we decided _ to the concert ( going / go / to go ) The boy next to Hoa is a new comer ( sits / sitting / to sit ) 7.Would you mind if I _ you a question ( asking / to ask / asked ) Would you mind if I _ off the light ( turning / turn / turned ) Empty milk bottels are by the milkmen in Britan (collect / collecting / collected ) Nam told Ba how _make these cakes ( making / to make / made ) 10.19 The school gate at 5.30 PM every day ( lock / locks / is locked ) 11 This is a picture of Mount Rushnore where a heads of a four American presidents are into the rock ( put / carved / cut ) 12 I can see a boy a water buffalo ( ride / riding / to ride ) 13 Cool the burns immediately so as to tissu damage ( ease / relieve / minimize ) 14 Milk bottels can be _ after being cleaned (recycled / thrown away / broken / reused) 15 We are looking for ward to _ you in May ( seeing / see / to see / be seen ) 16 Angkor Wat _ around 1100 to honor a Hindu God ( is built / was built / has been built ) 17 Do you mind if I here ? ( sitting / to sit / sit ) 18 The boy a book is Ba ( reading / read / to read ) III Combine each pair of sentences, using in oder ( not ) to or so as ( not ) to : He always drives carefully He doesn’t want to cause accidents The boy stood on the benches They want to get a better view Nam is studying very hard He wants to keep pace with his classmates We turned out the lights We didn’t want to waste electricity He moved to the front row He could hear the speaker better I wish to have enough money I want to buy a new house IV Combine the sentences, using present participle (V-ing) or past participle (V-ed): The baby is crying for her mother She is sitting in an armchair The boy was taken to the hospital He was injured in the accident Do you know the man ? The man is talking to Tom The window has been repaired It was broken last night The taxi broke down It was talking us to the airport IV Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verb in brackets A new supermarket ( build ) next year The rice – cooking festival _ ( hold ) every two years The letter _ ( post ) a week ago and it _ ( arrive ) yesterday It is late, so we decided _ ( take ) a taxi home Don’t forget _ ( turn off ) the lights before _( go ) out Would you mind if I _ ( open ) the door Minh (not do) his homework yet Nga advised Nhi how ( go ) from My Son to Hoi An Nga told Nhi what ( ) there during the visit V Write complete sentences: Sydney Opera House / complete / 1973 When / the poem / write ? The celabration / will / hold / tomorrow Eiffel Tower / design / Alexandre Gustave Eiffel / 1889 We / delighted / you / instrested / protect / environment VI Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first: The cats has broken many bowls and dishes (4) -> Many bowls and Could you send the letter for me ? -> Would you mind The last time I played tennis was 2003 ->I haven’t Ba invited Liz to the rice – cooking festival -> Liz Lesson 3: Reported speech A- Aim and objective: - By the end of the lesson sts will be able to recollect and some exercises of Reported speech and reading comprehension and phonetics B- Content: Phonetics and reading Reported speech : - Reported speech for the imperative - Reported speech for the statement - Reported speech for the Yes/ No questions C- Procedure: * Revision: game to revise the vocabulary and structures *.Exercises: I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a first b victim c facility d notice a resort b hotel c except d rescue a site b city c limestone d find a airportb offshore c corn d front II Write complete sentences: Nhi asked Nga / she know / My Son I / have / wonderful time / Sydney She / often / use / it / for reading She / always / want / improve her English III Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first: Do you want to visit Ho Chi Minh City ->She asked me Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem in 1823 ->The poem “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children ->The children said She said : “ Can you speak Spanish, Minh ?” -> She I asked Nam : “Are you free tonight ?” -> I He said to me : “ I don’t know what Lan is doing” ->He IV Choose the underlined part that needs correction He is going to get to work earlier in order impress the boss A B C D They are planting trees by the roadside so that reduce the traffic noise A B C D James should be tell the news as soon as possible A B C D (5) The assistant asked Helen whether those was too small for her A B C D It was late, so we decided taking a taxi home A B C D V Rewrite these sentences, using reperted speech: He said to us : “You are my best friends” Nam said : “Lan wants to come here but she isn’t very well” He said to friends : “I must go home now” Lan said : “I don’t know how to these exercises” Nien asked Hoa : “Do you have many friends ?” Thanh said to her teacher: “I will finish my execises at home” Tom said : “ I am student.” Nga to her brother : “I can’t answer this question” Charles said : “I’m living in London now.” 10.Johnny said to me “I don’t know what Fred is doing.” 11 She said : “I will answer the phone.” 12.July said : “John wants to come here but he isn’t very well.” VI Read and answer the questions Let's visit Tokyo Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is one of the three largest cities in the world In the twelfth century, Japan's capital was an inland city named Kyoto Six hundred years later, many people from Kyoto had moved to a city called Eyed They had renamed it Tokyo and had made this city the capital of all Japan Today, Tokyo is a busy place It is a center for business and education It is also a center for religion In addition, Tokyo University, the beautiful grounds of the Imperial Place, the famous Imperial Hotel, built in 1920 by an American, Frank Lloyd Wright, and many fine shops, stores, theaters and eating places can be found in this capital In downtown Tokyo, many large, new buildings made of concrete and steel may be seen Some of these were built after the earthquake of 1923 Others were built after World War II * Answer the questions Which city used to be the capital of Japan in the 12th century  _ What did Tokyo use to be called  Who designed the Imperial Hotel   What were large, modern buildings in Tokyo made of   (6)

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2021, 16:30


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