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Tài liệu TOEFL Outlines ( 1 – 50 ) PART 8 pdf

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TOEFL Outlines ( 1 50 ) TOEFL question #36: Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. I. Many people like to spend their money when they earn it and other like to save their money for the future. In my opinion, it is good to enjoy a small amount of money when you earn it and save a larger amount for the future. II. People need to enjoy their money a. Spend money for entertainment, new clothes or material goods .within reason (don’t spend too much) b. If you don’t enjoy some of your money when you earn it, you will live a dull life c. It is good to budget money for necessities (rent and clothing) and for fun things (vacations) III. People need to save their money a. If people don’t save some money for the future, they could have problems b. For example: no money for a medical emergency c. For example: no money for children’s college d. For example: no money for retirement IV. To conclude, people need to budget their money and spend it wisely. The majority of one’s earnings should be kept for the future, but one should also enjoy some of their money when they earn it. TOEFL question #37: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. I. I believe that face-to-face communication is better than other forms of communication. It is more personal, more effective and more honest. II. More personal a. When you talk to a person face-to-face, it is more personal. You see them, their actions, and their feelings. When you write a letter or email, you do not get this same kind of experience. III. More effective a. Face-to-face communication is usually more effective because you can easily see the other persons expression and feelings about a topic. That means you can change your conversation to fit the situation. b. For example: you want to ask your boss for a raise, but you can see that he is in a bad mood or he is distracted .then you would wait for another time. IV. More honest a. Body language is more effective than spoken language b. Seventy percent of communication is through gestures (you can’t get this with email, letters and telephone conversations). V. In short, face-to-face communication is better than other forms of communication. Most people have more personal, effective and honest conversations when they meet face-to-face. TOEFL question #38: Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. I. There are many kinds of movies. Some are serious and thought- provoking while others are pure entertainment. Both kinds of movies are interesting, but I prefer those which amuse and entertain for a number of reasons. II. Stressful job a. I have a stressful job, so I go to the movies to relax b. Serious movies require some thought and analysis. I don’t want to do that because I spend all day on the job doing that. c. I think laughter relieves stress, so I usually enjoy comedies. III. Movie analysis a. When people go to a serious movie they usually like to talk about it afterwards and discuss the plot, but I only go to the movies to be entertained. b. Some people spend too much time analyzing movies and not enough time enjoying them IV. When I go to the movies, I want to be entertained. I do not want to have to think too deeply about the plot or the characters. I like being able to laugh and relax when I see a movie and that is why I prefer “light” movies to “heavy” movies. TOEFL question #39: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? Use specific examples to support your answer. I. People dress differently in different situations and I believe that the way they dress affects their behavior. There are several reasons why I feel this is true. II. Work environment a. People often dress formally in a work environment and their behavior is also somewhat formal with their boss and colleagues. b. For example: you respect the opinions of others, treat them equally. III. Play environment a. People dress casually when they play sports, for example, and their way of speaking is also usually casual (eg: you don’t use the same language when you play sports as you do when you are talking with your boss) IV. Formal gathering a. People wear very formal clothes at a wedding, the opera or a fancy party and their behavior is also very formal. People use formal speech and behave very properly. V. Very informal gatherings a. University parties, beer party, etc. People tend to dress very informally and their language and behavior is, likewise, very informal. (eg: people tend to use slang, idioms, curse words) VI. There is an expression, “Clothes make the man.” This means that how one dresses affects how one behaves. I definitely think there is a connection between what one wears and how one acts. TOEFL question #40: Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. I. There are those people who enjoy doing work by hand and others who enjoy using machines. I prefer to do work using machines because they tend to be faster, more accurate and make the job easier. II. Machines are faster a. Example: calculator versus your mind b. Example: washing machine versus doing laundry by hand (25 minutes / 60 minutes) c. Example: computer to find information versus searching through books III. Machines are more accurate a. Example: calculators are usually more accurate than my brain b. Example: computer with spell check versus my spelling skills c. Example: a temperature gauge versus standing outside to determine the temperature IV. Machines make the job easier a. Example: cutting the grass with a lawn mower versus cutting it with a hand tool b. Example: typing on a computer versus writing by hand c. Example: using an electronic dictionary versus a paper dictionary V. In short, I prefer to use machines than to work by hand because machines are faster, more accurate and make the job easier. The time that I save can be spent doing things I really enjoy. . TOEFL Outlines ( 1 – 50 ) TOEFL question #36: Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn. life c. It is good to budget money for necessities (rent and clothing) and for fun things (vacations) III. People need to save their money a. If people

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2013, 12:15